Its a little bit disheartening because at the end of the day, the guy says jump, Ive got to jump -- whether it makes sense or not, because he holds all the cards., Salmon and tuna in a refrigerated case.Don Treeger | The Republican, Address: 2299 Golden Key Road, Weisenberg Township. The Allentown Health Bureau licenses and inspects all retail food establishments in the City of Allentown including restaurants, caterers, markets, convenience stores, clubs, mobile food vehicles, temporary food stands, non-profit food facilities, churches, food banks, food vending machines and anywhere food is sold or distributed to the end consumer. Old food, dishes and utensils in the handwash sink indicating uses other than hand washing. Food and grease-like buildup on floors, walls, ceiling and vents around hot line. Inspection Type: Regular. It is also offering inspections outside of normal business hours (Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., excluding holidays) upon written request from the applicant at an additional cost. ", Jan Somma-Hammel | Staten Island Advance file photo, Address: 2880 Center Valley Road, Upper Saucon Township. -Various sizes, flavors, and brands of milk at both the storefront large milk coolers and the small cafe bottled beverage cooler; Refrigerated ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, were datemarked with a sell by, use by or discard by date and offered for sale to consumers beyond the manufacturers original date. This is to be cleaned and sanitized and then replaced. It is rare that health inspectors will immediately close a restaurant; that requires "an imminent risk to human health" like vermin or a sewer backup, Powers said. stored directly on walk-in cooler floor. Skip to Content. Employee seen eating at work station adjacent to food prep bench. The inspections cover restaurants, cafeterias, food markets, processors and other food establishments. Employees not washing hands properly; handwash sink blocked by dried food, discarded aprons and pans. -Old food residue, dishes and utensils observed in the handwash sink, indicating uses other than handwashing at the downstairs bar area. "A lot of violations makes it seem like there's a problem, but there may be not. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on site prior to the inspector leaving the establishment. Address: 1808 MacArthur Road, Whitehall Township, Description: Open containers of of various foods and ingredients (guacamole, taco sauce, shredded lettuce, etc.) Food thermometers not available or easily accessible. Inspectors will conduct routine examinations and follow-ups when required, but inspections can also be spurred by complaints. Please understand that each inspection is a "snapshot" representing conditions observed on the day and time of the inspection. Thermometer was inactive, dirty and not easily found. Inspection notes: Condensate from the walk-in freezer leaking onto food boxes, affecting the packaging; hot water heater is leaking, leaving a constant puddle in kitchen; mops are not being hung to air dry; cleaning of the floors is not being done at a frequency to prevent accumulation of dirt, grease and debris; premises have excessive amount of litter on lawn and around the building and parking lot; cheese and herb mixture in walk-in cooler stored with no date of opening. Raw chicken stored above and aside raw pork in walk-in refrigerator. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Corrected. To access the inspection reports you may have to change your computer's settings to allow pop-ups. Food Safety Inspections for Retail Facilities with BI Visuals Business Intelligence (BI) report displaying detail and visuals for Retail facilities, inspections, and violations. Corrected. There are some things to note about the information listed below: A health inspector goes through a kitchen. Description: Firm making various claims on menu (organic, antibiotic-free, gluten-free) and having no documentation to verify claim. Easily observable condensate dripping from greens keeper directly into sliced onion on sandwich station bain marie. Malodorous slime and ponding moisture under the the cutting block on the sandwich bain marie. Black mold on ice machine discharge chute. Violations: Accumulation of dust and old food residue on the non-food contact surfaces of shelving in walk- in cooler. (Ken Stevens | file photo). Incomplete records showing when fish was frozen. Response: An employee who answered the phone said they were too busy and short on people and didnt have time to address the inspection violations. Address: 1259 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Salisbury Township, Violations: 20 (still out of compliance as of Jan. 24). -The brush used for spreading the garlic oil was encrusted with old garlic and oil residue. There was no immediate response from a call for comment to Pizza Hut media relations. Address: 327 Star Road, Upper Macungie Township. -The deli slicer, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and was not clean to sight and touch. Dishes not cleaned properly; sanitizer not applied correctly, food production bowls used instead of sink bays. Restaurant's response: Nick, who did not provide a last name, insisted the violations were from "three years ago" not 2018 and was "not interested" in speaking to a reporter. To read full reports on each inspection, visit Food product must be stored in a covered state to prevent contamination. Remove the cans from use. "It's not fair to us that you guys just report the numbers," Draklellis said. -Observed chicken, pastellios, and sausage being stored in the hot hold unit at 126F, 100F, & 101F, respectfully. They ran the gamut from the gross (roaches, mold) to the mundane (missing hair nets, mops stored incorrectly) and the odd (a wooden log in a kitchen). Food thermometers not available or easily accessible. The calls were not returned. Health inspectors said they visited the Club At Westminster, 2199 Berkley Way, Lehigh Acres, on Jan. 3 and found evidence of roaches. Here's the breakdown for recent inspections in Lee County: Eight full-service and fast-casual restaurants received zero violations on their health and safety inspections in late July,. Dennys worked to correct all of the previous violations and passed the most recent inspection on December 2, 2019, the Dennys Corporate PR Team also said in response to an inquiry from Employees not properly washing hands; handwash sink not easily accessible. Product must be thawed in a refrigerator or under cool running water that is 70F or below. See which of your local eateries had violations last week. Source: Pennsylvania Dept. Sometimes that has to do with the age of the building or other unexpected delays, but Lozano said he and his staff plan to be make corrections more quickly following inspections. That would had been a cause to immediately shut down the restaurant in my opinion.". Source: Pennsylvania Dept. Imitation crab meat labeled as crab meat. The bench mixer on the floor extreme south east wall perimeter and base of dry storage bench shows droppings. Address: 3317 Hamilton Blvd., South Whitehall Township. Several food items were out of temperature range near the grill at the time of the inspection including bean sprouts (62-65F), rice (74-78F), and egg rolls (60-67F). Italiano Delite Inc. 1985 BROOKSIDE RD MACUNGIE, PA 18062 . Follow him on Twitter @KurtBresswein and Facebook. Were trying to answer the perception that comes with the prior years inspections and show the staff is responsible and diligent, he says. -Refrigerated ready to eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared in the food facility and held for more than 24 hours, located in the reach-in and walk-in coolers, is not being date marked. -Paper towel dispensers were empty at the handwash sinks at the service counter and kitchen cook line. Response: A manager who answered the phone said all violations were addressed but deferred further comment to the owner, who did not return a call for comment. The store owner was advised that the food products cannot be stored beneath toxic products. Disclaimer: These records are sanitation and safety inspections conducted by the Division of Hotels and Restaurants on public food service establishments. This room was not proposed /existing at the time of the opening inspection. Plumbing needs repair. Walk-in cooler shelves lined with cardboard inhibiting the air flow circulation. Some fish and imitation seafood are misbranded. Inspection notes: Person in charge not monitoring employee activities; knife being stored in walk-in cooler, stuck in a box of jalapeos; employee seen prepping food, wiping gloved hands on soiled rag on waist then continuing food prep; employee was observed touching his face with gloved hands then touching chips; wiping cloths are being used for multiple tasks, are being allowed to come into contact with ready-to-eat food, and are being stored in the pockets of employees;in fridge, a reusable food basket was being used as a scoop; "employees were transferring soup from a soup pot to smaller containers. 201, south. -During the lunch service, an item was taken from the fryer and placed on a cloth towel to absorb the oil. This action was corrected by the inspector on site. Additionally, a food employee reported placing a cutting board on top of the sink and using it as a work station. Refrigerated food stored more than 24 hours not marked with dates. -An open employee's beverage container was observed in a food preparation/serving area. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the facility." (AGF / UIG via Getty Images). Description: Kitchen walls, equipment, storage containers, tables were found not to be clean. Employee handling chicken with latex rubber gloves, not disposal gloves. Listed compliance status with retail food license requirements is as of Friday, Feb. 21, 2020. Date: 3/30/18. During the follow up inspection of the facilities, inspector found restaurant all cleaned up, equipment changed /updated and all violations were corrected as stated on the PA. Dept of Agriculture website. ", Address: 3229 Hamilton Blvd., South Whitehall Township. Address: 4527 Route 309, North Whitehall Township. Restaurant response: Everything identified by inspectors has been corrected, owner Eddie Lozano said, though he added that perhaps they should have been fixed faster. Address: 3400 Airport Road, Hanover Township (Lehigh County). Sinks next to food prep area overflowing with dirty dishes piled on floor. Equipment thermometer not available or accessible. -The person in charge/business owner failed to consult the City of Allentown (COA) prior to creating a prep space in the basement. Also, at the time of the inspection, violations are recorded but are often corrected on the spot prior to the inspector leaving the facility. For more information on how the inspections are conducted, view a list of FAQs. All rights reserved (About Us). Tweet; Share. We keep working on it," said Metin, a manager who declined to provide a last name. Moldy cucumbers found in walk-in. Response: A message left for comment was not returned. Inspection reports of food facilities in Allentown are available for public access on the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture website; this website works best with Google Chrome. Wood paneling is being used as a splash guard at one of the preparation tables. An employee must pass a class in food safety. Product was discarded. -Cooked chicken was stored on a shelf above the cooking equipment. BUREAU OF FOOD SAFETY AND LABORATORY SERVICES 2301 N CAMERON STREET . "We weren't using it but it was in an area where it could be used," Petropoulos said. LEHIGH COUNTY. 7115 ROUTE 873 SLATINGTON, PA 18080. Product was discarded. Fridge thermometer not available or accessible. Corrected. Response: A manager deferred to the corporate office, which did not return a call or email seeking comment. -Observed poisonous or toxic material (cans of RAID) other than those required for the operation and maintenance of a food facility. LEHIGH COUNTY. Here are the results of food safety inspections in Lehigh and Northampton counties for the week of Jan. 26-Feb. 1. From diners to dives, high-end restaurants to fast food -- no one escapes the eye of the health inspector. -Chicken was held at 110 degrees F, on a steam table, rather than 135 degrees F or above as required. Description: A roach was observed walking on a food preparation table in the facility. Hand sink falling off wall. The inspections cover restaurants, cafeterias, food markets, processors and other food establishments. An accumulation of dried impacted food product build up on floors in walk in cooler, under hot line and other areas of the kitchen. One handwash sink overflowing with heavily soiled cotton towels, the other dry to the touch, indicating employees failing to wash hands prior to food production.. staff writer Sara K. Satullo contributed to this report. -Chicken was held at 116-123 degrees F, in the a hot holding cabinet, rather than 135 degrees F or above as required. There are other violations not listed here that are classified under Good Retail Practices. Visit the link above to see the full list of violations among all categories. The 2019 inspections, he felt, focused on things that may not routinely apply to a 35-seat diner or a mom-and-pop restaurant, such as putting up a staff-only sign over the kitchen linked to bioterrorism concerns, or listing every ingredient in packaged food made on the premises and sold in the general store. Description: Food employees improperly washing hands as evidenced by a lack of soap and hot water at the hand wash sink. Boxes of food stored on the floor in walk-in freezer. -The handwash sink in the bar area does not have single use towels, continuous towels, or air drying device. Anything more serious, like a problem with the dishwasher, was addressed quickly. If you wouldn't see that, that means they're not doing their job.". Corrected. ", "It was just like petty stuff," he continued. Restaurant's response: Fast food franchises can be different from other restaurants because they go through more inspections -- not just the health department, but also from the franchise organization and corporate, said Doug Bishop, director of operations for the 11-restaurant franchise that includes this Hamilton Boulevard McDonald's. We have corrected everything, he said. Corrected. -The hand washing sink in the kitchen was blocked by a pan of grapes and it was not accessible at all times for employee use. He says corporate provided documentation for the menu and other corrections were implemented quickly. Response: A manager deferred to the owners son, who did not return a call for comment. -Soups were not cooled from 135 degrees F to 41 degrees F within 6 hours, after preparation. This sink shall only be used for hand washing and must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times. of Agriculture Food Safety Inspection database. Inspection notes: Various foods were held at 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the cook line cooler area, rather than 41 degrees or below as required; light intensity in the food preparation area was not at least 50 foot candles, with half the lights out above waitress and cook line area; plumbing system not maintained in good repair; metal shield on interior of ice machine has missing pieces of metal with rusted chipped edges over top of the ice storage bin. Any violations, no matter how minor, are noted on a report made publicly available on the Agriculture Department's website. Inspection notes: Mold visible on tray and shelving in walk-in cooler; refrigerator not capable of maintaining food at 41 degrees or below, needs repair; slicer has food residue, must be dismantled and cleaned; employee whose certification is displayed no longer works there; fire suppression system over cooking equipment not serviced in over a year. *CORRECTED*. Keep raw chicken below other raw meats. Inspection notes: Employee was observed going between cleaning and food preparation while wearing the same gloves; employee observed handling raw animal proteins then touching ready-to-eat foods while wearing the same gloves; bottled beverages stored in ice used as an ingredient in drinks; pizza stored in the kitchen beside the pizza oven without temperature control or records of cooking time or discard time; mop stored so that the head is stored directly on top of a box of bamboo skewers and condiment packages. Restaurant's response: "We regret that any initial health inspection report completed during 2018 was not up to our high standards at Torre, where we have always been in compliance with state health inspection standards," corporate chef Christopher Heath wrote in an email. Description: Observed various foods stored directly on the floor throughout the entire kitchen area and the walk-in cooler. Bar soda gun nozzle, a food contact surface, was observed to have food residue and mold-like build-up. Food workers not wearing hair restraints. Address: 3205 S. Delaware Dr., Williams Township. Roof leaks water in the customer dining area. Inspection notes: Ready-to-eat food stored near hand-washing sink, where it could be splashed; mechanical ware washing equipment has lime-like residue; water-damaged ceiling tiles in customer seating area; sliced cheese seen on hot line shelves discolored (discarded immediately). -Various raw meats in the kitchen stand up refrigerator stored open with no covering. Product was promptly reheated. -Observed on the Coca-Cola freestyle soda dispenser that the syrup nozzle is coated. Sewage line over food rack was leaking into a bucket at the time of inspection. Food preparation happening under dirty ventilation ducts. Time/temperature control for safety (TCS) foods must be cold held at 41F or below. Cover all food. They issued an emergency shut down of the restaurant,. -Raw proteins such as pork belly and beef steaks were stored above ready to eat products in the refrigerator units. The violations listed here are those that are classified as Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Public Health Interventions, which can result in illness if not corrected. Description: Ceiling tiles directly above the dish racks and mechanical dishwasher are peeling, chipping, discolored, and show an extreme build-up of mold-like substance. Ceiling vents extremely dirty. Pizza sauce stored in walk-in cooler with no covering. Address: 4558 Crackersport Road, South Whitehall Township. Peter Litos, the new owner, said he immediately addressed old problems like the location of the ice machine and food shelves. LEHIGH COUNTY. Corrected. The area restaurants with zero inspection violations were Zoomers Amusement Park Cafe, 17455 Summerlin Road, south Fort Myers; Five Guys Burgers & Fries, 16230 Summerlin Road No. "Sometimes (things are) out of our control, like every restaurant and every business.". Disclaimer: According to the Department of Agricultures Food Safety and Laboratory Services division, inspections are a snapshot of the day and time of the inspection. Washing equipment had buildup of filth and food residue and not cleaned before use. Wooden pizza paddles and fridge gaskets held together with duct tape. Shapiro Administration Awards $200,000 to Grow Hemp Industry; Invites Proposals for $. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Walk-in freezer drain not functioning, stalagmite-like ice infiltrating bagged food. If you are planning to open a new facility or take over an existing facility, you must first contact the Allentown Health Bureau to complete the Food Service Application and start the process. Address: 2555 Easton-Nazareth Road, Palmer Township. Most restaurants are revealed to have at least a few violations in a given year, a lot of them fairly minor. Walls in dish wash area with build-up of [mold]-like substance. Accumulation of dirt, dust and food on some equipment. Employees failed to wash hands, lacked hair and beard nets. He also said some requirements, such as wrapping all silverware, aren't enforced in other inspection jurisdictions. Davis also has decades of experience with inspections conducted by the Easton Board of Health at his Pearly Bakers Alehouse.