The web-based High School Course Catalog is now available. Health education is required in LAUSD for grades K-12. Therefore, sound planning and thoughtful course selection are critical in order that students make the most of their middle and high school years. Arizona College Prep Middle School; Auxier Elementary (CTA & Classic) Basha Elementary; Basha High; Bogle Junior High; . Grade 9: full semester health course is required. Educational Services (925) 552-5071 FAX (925) 743-3902 . The status of this course may have changed since the last update. OD-115702. The Master of Science in Mathematics Education (M.S.M.E.) Information about agenda, resources and Zoom link. Students interested in taking community college courses should contact their counselor prior to enrolling. Marysville Middle 4923 67th ST NE Marysville, WA 98270 Phone: 360-965-0900 Fax: 360-965-0904 Attendance Line: . Bus Routes Registration Meals Jobs . %PDF-1.6 % endstream endobj 4 0 obj <> endobj 22 0 obj <>stream Counselors are available at each school site . Summer School 2023. Adobe PDF library 17.00 contact: The History/Social Science team in the Division of Instruction works to provide LAUSD school sites, service center staff, and families with resources and information to support high-quality instruction, assessment, and intervention. Full List of Courses. Los Angeles Unified School District . uuid:c4b4d5d9-0292-d34f-9f54-de4868b33eeb Enrollment. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Course Catalog. Students and their parents have several important decisions to make in planning a school program. 9th Grade Parent Meeting 3.18.21. . Students are placed in these courses through consultation with counselors, parents, and teachers. Home The New School . Please know that this course catalog is going to be reviewed minimallyon an annual basis in an effort to make it the mostuseful tool possible for families. 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville, California 94526 . UCCI courses integrate core academic courses with Career Technical Education content. 9:30 am to 12:30 pm . *The Division of Instruction will revise all science course descriptions to align to NGSS by Fall 2019. 0 Dr. Randall E. Groth, Secondary and Physical Education Department Liaison. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. ]"g"n)-p % Pq:Bug4>qCPPkJc'7LTOx=n\kOxZCg|=iG*D7egoggh[V'[`- d 6~)}tF e;c:;Z\F[{XmzG7!`0p . SAN RAMON VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT . 2023-02-28T17:39:37-08:00 Fax 307-459-3497. . Quick Reference Guide - Los Angeles Unified School District Student Equity Needs Index Plus (SENI+) for Middle School ESSER-II Allocations, 2020-2021. Advisement for the program is available from the Secondary and Physical Education Department or the Mathematical Sciences Department. Grade 7: full semester health course is required, separate from science. Academic Planning & Course Catalog Academic Planning & Course Catalog Career Exploration. The Lake Washington School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, gender, marital status, creed, religion, honorably discharged veteran, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person . Counselors are available at each school site to advise students and parents in the course selection process. Click here: High School Course Catalog A-G Courses "A-G" courses are academically challenging courses in seven subject areas identified by the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems. Open seats may have restrictions that will prevent some students from registering. Adult and Career Education Human Resources, Learning Continuity Plan and COVID Community Report, Beyond the Bell (Before and Afterschool Programs), Before and Afterschool Programs (Beyond the Bell), Early Education (Transitional Kindergarten), Chief of Employee Support & Labor Relations, Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Local District Northeast - Operational Center, Local District Northeast - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Northwest - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Central - Central Instructional Center, Local District Northwest Operation Center, Division of Risk Management and Insurance Services, Linked Learning Vendor and Community Partners, Curriculum Instruction and School Support, Division of Access, Equity and Acceleration, BOOST (Building Our Own Staff as Teachers), Career Assistance for RNs in Education (CARE), Los Angeles Administrative Services Credential, Certificated Assignments and Support Services, Certificated Performance Evaluation Support, Credentials, Contracts and Compliance Services, District Intern Program: Professional Development Plan, ESSA Title II, Part A Private Schools Support, Non-Classroom Teacher and Support Services Vacancies, Special Education Certificated Employment, Verification Process for Special Settings, HR Certificated Assignments & Support Services - Wireframe, HR Certificated Recruitment and Selection - Wireframe, HR Personnel Research & Analysis - Wireframe, HR Aspiring Administrator Programs (APP) - Wireframe, HR Teacher Growth & Induction - Wireframe, Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE), Business Applications Supporting Education, IT Project Management and Enterprise Systems, L.A. Unified School District Mobile Application, Accounting Controls (To Be Decommissioned), School Listings: Quick List Location Code, Data Privacy, Analysis, & Reporting Branch, California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, California English Language Development Test, National Assessment of Educational Progress, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Family, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Staff, Procurement and Contract Administration Branch, Credit Cards, Travel and Vendor Services Unit, Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan, Office of District Operations and Digital Innovation, Preparing for Storms: Rain and Flood Safety, DOTS District Office of Transition Services, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support_RP, Student Support-Positive Climate Resources, Professional Learning and Leadership Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Administrator Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Educator Development and Support **MyPGS Files storage**, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Policy and Partnerships, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Professional Learning and Leadership Development, ESC North Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District South Parent & Community Engagement Center, Parent & Community Engagement Unit - LD Central, Local District West Parent & Community Engagement Center, ISIC Parent & Community Engagement Center, Downtown | MacArthur Park Community Of Schools, Eagle Rock | Highland Park Community Of Schools, Glassell Pk | Los Feliz Community Of Schools, Jefferson | South Central Community Of Schools, Manual Arts | Vermont Square Community Of Schools, Koreatown | Mid City Community Of Schools, Student Medical Services & Medi-Cal Program, Master Plan for English and Standard English Learners, High School Science Instructional Resources, Science Material Check Out - Single Sign-On, Biology of Living Earth Honors 360738H/H39, Chemistry in the Earth System AB 361413/14, Chemistry in the Earth System Honors 361413H/14H, Forensic Science Investigation 360139-360140, Physics of The Universe Honors 361531H/32H, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 57 0 obj <>stream Facebook Page; Middle School Elective Descriptions. To ensure consistency and equity for all students, each high school shall establish a procedure for students to obtain permission to enroll in community college courses. Courses are customizable and feature a full suite of learning tools and scaffolds. Academic Planning & Course Catalog. This Virtual Course Catalog is a "living document" which will be continuously updated as we offer new and exciting learning opportunities. Middle School educators - please complete this by 8 AM PST on Saturday, December 10th. In the meantime, schools should teach the NGSS by matching their course standards with comparable Disciplinary Core Ideas and/or Performance Expectations. In a continuing effort to support parents and students, NUSD has developed a districtwide course catalog. It is very important that students indicate their first seven choices in the order desired. hn0_7P%(VUhU J~n)G!'o; \%:vRji%>#'$,{#.`uRn\&uXsY^u.5upz!$B=|'';kd~ s'&wcM08VkQbA&!"AtE4^@zD F$R;;dsvVkUk./&hv9>FO_0 endstream endobj 58 0 obj <>stream Pay Online ; Skyward Family Access ; Visit Us | 1525 West Frye Road Chandler, AZ 85224. uuid:e9b1a124-a8af-eb4e-acf8-e588abd2c43c Site guidance counselors are available to advise both students and parents regarding course selection and college/career preparation. Students are encouraged to enroll in an academically rigorous program in order to develop their full potential. Phone: (213) 241-1000. (toSU. Courses that have been "a-g" approved for LAUSD may be found here, along with their District course numbers and UC honors designation. Physical Exam and Immunization Requirements. We will cancel any which do not have sufficient enrollment. Browse All More Show submenu for Schools . [h@Jw7kk;kei9#bH9BPRQBbz!UIIWj]\\?/V_foWWzqX|bn+`?fiD4{iba} ~/ XmQ@lkSQ~ /D"))DrD*eE R9xx%Xqz This training will be a hybrid training, including self-paced e-Learning modules and live training via Zoom. We value your input as we further develop this new resource to NUSD. Navigate to the 'Zoom Log In Information' page. The information contained in this publication should be reviewed and discussed as plans are formed for the student . 09/13/2021. The focus of summer school is to intervene and remediate grade level curriculum and standards, as well as offer credit recovery for current high school students. contact: All rights reserved. Twin Peaks Middle School 14640 Tierra Bonita Road Poway, CA 92064. Thank you. Inspire. Cedar Park Crescent, Redmond, WA 98053. Prepare. Middle School Course Offerings 6-8. Then start the course for information on how to attend the live sessions. %PDF-1.4 % 1 . Times: 6:00pm - 7:40pm. MAMS 5303: Middle School Philosophy and Organization. Middle School Directory. hbbd```b``f qXdK,A$k9= &*A$Wt"HG@q 6 h%]d7~0 B 8 Resources . The Middle School Course Catalog has been prepared to provide students and parents information regarding the required course of study and elective course offerings available in the Tustin Unified School District's middle schools. No catalog can answer all of your questions, so dont hesitate to speak to your teacher or counselor to get more information or assistance. Copyright 2021 Elk Grove Unified School District. The information . Please contact Tim Kordic attimothy.kordic@lausd.netif you have any questions regarding your curriculum. The following certificates are awarded when the course is completed: Certificate of Completion: P3 Virtual Course. Although we hope to offer all of these classes, we may have to cancel some. They can be taken for initial credit as well as concept or . Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. students, school community, and staff at elementary and secondary schools. The education that students receive in EGUSD prepares them for many future roles: worker, parent, student in higher education, and citizen. The History/Social Science team in the Division of Instruction works to provide LAUSD school sites, service center staff, and families with resources and information to support high-quality instruction, assessment, and intervention. "A-G" courses are academically challenging courses in seven subject areas identified by the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) systems. 699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville, California 94526 . The new framework offers an new conceptual model for history instruction. The catalog allows anyone to explore approved district courses. Marysville Middle School News . 1 . This training will be a hybrid training, including self-paced e-Learning modules and live training via Zoom. Headquarters - 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90017. Unified School District Middle School Course Catalog 6 th - 8 th grade 2022 - 2023 . This course catalog provides some basic information about our district, college and career readiness, parent resources, student programs and finally a list of courses offered amongst our high schools. Beveridge Middle Course Catalog. Revised: 2/24/2022 . All rights reserved. endstream endobj startxref This web portal has many pages of links and documents which we hope you will find useful. High School Course Offerings 9-12. Select the red Enroll button, usually at the upper right. The goal of the Elk Grove Unified School District is to guide students toward academic success and to prepare them for college and careers. 67 0 obj <> endobj Two high school theater courses or by audition This course provides advanced theatre students with the opportunity to plan, produce and present . 1771 0 obj <>stream 85 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<38F2DB3C55DC344B9826D380F7E780FF>]/Index[67 31]/Info 66 0 R/Length 98/Prev 1244481/Root 68 0 R/Size 98/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Dana Middle School; De Portola Middle; Farb Middle; Innovation Middle; Knox Middle; Lewis Middle School; Mann Middle; Marston Middle; Millennial Tech Middle; Montgomery Middle; . This course is a study of developmentally appropriate curriculum, instruction and pedagogy for teaching the middle level student that includes an understanding of the historical perspective of middle schools and their program. Adult and Career Education Human Resources, Learning Continuity Plan and COVID Community Report, Beyond the Bell (Before and Afterschool Programs), Before and Afterschool Programs (Beyond the Bell), Early Education (Transitional Kindergarten), Chief of Employee Support & Labor Relations, Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), Local District Northeast - Operational Center, Local District Northeast - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Northwest - Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District Central - Central Instructional Center, Local District Northwest Operation Center, Division of Risk Management and Insurance Services, Linked Learning Vendor and Community Partners, Curriculum Instruction and School Support, Division of Access, Equity and Acceleration, BOOST (Building Our Own Staff as Teachers), Career Assistance for RNs in Education (CARE), Los Angeles Administrative Services Credential, Certificated Assignments and Support Services, Certificated Performance Evaluation Support, Credentials, Contracts and Compliance Services, District Intern Program: Professional Development Plan, ESSA Title II, Part A Private Schools Support, Non-Classroom Teacher and Support Services Vacancies, Special Education Certificated Employment, Verification Process for Special Settings, HR Certificated Assignments & Support Services - Wireframe, HR Certificated Recruitment and Selection - Wireframe, HR Personnel Research & Analysis - Wireframe, HR Aspiring Administrator Programs (APP) - Wireframe, HR Teacher Growth & Induction - Wireframe, Employee Assistance Service for Education (EASE), Business Applications Supporting Education, IT Project Management and Enterprise Systems, L.A. Unified School District Mobile Application, Accounting Controls (To Be Decommissioned), School Listings: Quick List Location Code, Data Privacy, Analysis, & Reporting Branch, California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, California English Language Development Test, National Assessment of Educational Progress, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Family, Reopening of LAUSD Schools Survey - Staff, Procurement and Contract Administration Branch, Credit Cards, Travel and Vendor Services Unit, Unified Digital Instructional Procurement Plan, Office of District Operations and Digital Innovation, Preparing for Storms: Rain and Flood Safety, DOTS District Office of Transition Services, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support_RP, Student Support-Positive Climate Resources, Professional Learning and Leadership Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Administrator Development, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Educator Development and Support **MyPGS Files storage**, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Policy and Partnerships, Archived Site **DO NOT DELETE** - Professional Learning and Leadership Development, ESC North Parent & Community Engagement Center, Local District South Parent & Community Engagement Center, Parent & Community Engagement Unit - LD Central, Local District West Parent & Community Engagement Center, ISIC Parent & Community Engagement Center, Downtown | MacArthur Park Community Of Schools, Eagle Rock | Highland Park Community Of Schools, Glassell Pk | Los Feliz Community Of Schools, Jefferson | South Central Community Of Schools, Manual Arts | Vermont Square Community Of Schools, Koreatown | Mid City Community Of Schools, Student Medical Services & Medi-Cal Program, Master Plan for English and Standard English Learners, Access Local District Reports (login required), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Please click on the course title to view the description. Room: TBD. 2023 Natomas Unified School District | Contact, Vision, Goals, Core Values, and Commitments, COVID-19 Testing, Vaccinations & General Information, Student Services and Support (Special Education), Board Policies and Administrative Regulations, Information for Students and Families on How to Access Language Supports, 2023 Calendar of Recognitions and Cultural Awareness. With over 400 standards-aligned, online courses for students in grades 6-12, Edgenuity Courseware is a flexible, standards-aligned digital curriculum that personalizes learning for your students. FUSD High School Course Catalog. Enrichment and advancement classes . yNO#WuS,0s7l]N |Igp0qvz01^a#M?rxhb2$_byg)IK,~0 4I |Tj{v@!bcH cK\%YlkG{2_?xPWpR{ERcT#CEJy|8Sp6vJM" eRR#3*\VFF6 %PDF-1.6 % JLS offers a variety of support programs designed to assist students to reach their full academic potential and ensure academic success in high school and beyond. Instructional Calendar. This web portal has many pages of links and documents which we hope you will find useful. Students who attend International Baccalaureate (IB) schools have access to a wide range of IB courses. The catalog allows anyone to explore approved district courses. Among "a-g" courses available to students are: Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Career Technical Education (CTE) courses, Regional Occupational Program (ROP) courses, and University of California Curriculum Integration (UCCI) courses. hPMHTQ}O_,FxL t E^/Hir5*1 *i')$T! Vista Middle School 15040 Roscoe Blvd. Students and parents should review this catalog together, making informed decisions about an educational program that will interest and challenge students. participants will have a better understanding of LAUSD Policies and Procedures regarding . Location. Get Directions. San Ramon Valley Unified School District Translate . LAUSD Hybrid Positive Prevention Plus MS & HS 2018/2021 Virtual Training. High School educators - please complete this by 8 AM PST on Saturday, December 10th. This is the LAUSD Center for Middle School and High School educators. Days: Tuesday, Thursday. TABLE OF CONTENTS LAUSD High School Graduation Requirements 2 UC / CSU Approved A-G Course List 3 Departments 1. . The Division of Instruction will be releasing a series of professional development modules to support implementation of the instructional shifts included in the framework. SAN RAMON VALLEY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT . endstream endobj startxref Welcome to Units 1-5 of the Core Skills Primer. In addition to a review of the Positive Prevention Plus curriculum, we will also be covering the core skills needed for effective Sex Education. Our high school graduation requirements ensure that students in grades nine through twelve take courses that meet "a-g" requirements, as set forth by the California State University (CSU) system.