Sebastian Hartmann (Global Head of Technology Strategy, KPMG) 17:30 – 17:50 Visualizing Social Justice: How Legal Design Can Build Community Power … Sebastian Hartmann Global Head of Technology Strategy at KPMG. – Which patterns across the firm’s service or product portfolio are emerging? Technology Strategy, KPMG. “You can’t manage, what you can’t measure” – and the #solution view is here to stay as a key business object for #ProfessionalServiceFirms, which needs at least the same kind of management attention as the two core traditional “business objects”, clients and human resources. However, Design Thinking has been mostly known for its playful, innovation and creativity fostering and immersive on-site workshop settings… until now. Some B2B sales questions which your firm should be able to answer right now: Views. A classic career in the field of operations consulting (working for DAX and Fortune 500 as well as midcaps in Germany, Europe, Asia and the US) has led Sebastian Hartmann to KPMG. Sebastian Hartmann Leading Technology Strategy and Portfolio & Investment Steering for KPMG International Wiesbaden. Many established players seem to have a hard time recognizing the underlying shifts in the market, which can be observed upon closer inspection of demand and spend patterns of professional services‘ clients. Unlocking effective B2B sales analytics is still a challenge for many knowledge-based firms, like lawfirms, consulting, marketing or even technology service providers. Download our thinking right here: A few months ago, I was interviewed by Ari for his podcast on „Reinventing Professionals“, which I can highly recommend. Sebastian Hartmann, global head of technology strategy at KPMG, has written extensively about the scope for increasing the profitability of a professional services firm through more systematic data management. Designing the next generation management approach for professional service firms (like audit, consulting, tax, law, technical, marketing and creative services): #NextGenPSF is all about thought leadership, ideas, approaches, frameworks and best practices for managing professional services in a more digital, client-centric and solution-led future. Sebastian Hartmann, Actor: Der Fall Ö.. Sebastian Hartmann was born on May 18, 1968 in Leipzig, German Democratic Republic. – Which client or service segments show untapped potential? Im Profil von Sebastian Hartmann ist 1 Job angegeben. Sebastian Hartmann is the Global Head of Tech Strategy at KPMG. Sebastian Hartmann. management and technical consulting, design, marketing, real estate, telco etc. Unitarian Universalist Association. – How to adapt our solution portfolio and firm for the new normal? Patrick J. McKenna. Public Speaker coach & trainer / Owner. A key concept to achieve this: Ambidexterity. But what are leaders, partners and managers focusing on when the game is not about „utilization“ and „billable hours“ anymore? View the profiles of people named Sebastien Hartmann. c/o Spielfeld Digital Hub GmbH Skalitzer Straße 85-86, 10997 Berlin Germany. Ronan McGuire. Archie D. Archie D. Senior Associate- Pharma, IPR & Legal Conferences at the Conference Gorilla. But is this even possible? Why? With the shorter and darker days of winter approaching, many indicators across industries, geographies and economies reflect growing uncertainty – and the threat of an economic downturn or even recession. My work is focussed on the management challenges of various professional and B2B service firms (e.g. Sebastian Hartmann Leading Technology Strategy and Portfolio & Investment Steering for KPMG International Wiesbaden. Certified Financial Risk Manager| Treasury Specialist| Balance Sheet Manager. Competence Team: Risk & Advanced Methodology: Using macroeconomic data to develop predictive tools for parameter estimation in the risk management context (credit default rates etc.) Stop Chasing Clients – Start Chasing Data​: Rethinking B2B Sales Analytics in Professional Services, Can Old Dogs still learn New Tricks? And like everything else, these workshops need to take place virtually now. Kamila Kurkowska ️ Women in Law ️B2B marketing ️Innovation ️LegalTech Poland. (1991), Die Wache (1994) and Gegen den Wind (1995). Or in other words: They are invisible – unless firms truly listen to clients, tune into the technological change and embrace the emerging digital future and opportunities across the professions and beyond. Complete player biography and stats. An article by Sebastian Hartmann & Stephan Kaufmann. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. – Clients, who buy “service (or product) A”​, also typically buy what? If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. KPMG, +1 more MIT Sloan Executive Education, +3 more Sebastian Richter 👉 Passivität und Hoffen reichen nicht | Gehe den aktiven Weg für … AS WE SPEAK. The inherited recipes for growth and profitability are eroding as the input-oriented models of traditionally fuzzy knowledge-based services are being replaced by throughput- or output-based compensation for much more client focused and increasingly digital solutions. Wiesbaden. Firm leaders and executives, analysts and industry observers agree that around 2025, … Sebastian Hartmann Leading Technology Strategy and Portfolio & Investment Steering for KPMG International Wiesbaden. Sebastian Hartmann. After all, there is no lack of talent, analytical and strategic capabilities or money in this highly profitable industry. While the term „product management” may still sound foreign and incompatible with the fuzzy and often ill-defined (lovingly called “bespoke”) professional service business, its essence is already emerging in many forms, roles and organizational setups. Embracing the role of solution managers consciously and adjusting the organization surrounding them must be a key workstream within the digital transformation journey of any professional service firm today. The signs for a major economic downturn are clearly starting to show across several industries – and in professional services. But where to begin? copyright and all contents by Sebastian Hartmann | Wordpress, Managing for Outcome: Rethinking Value Chains in Professional Services, Designing for Client-Centricity: A Lens for Legal, Consulting, Accounting and Technology Services Firms, The Invisible Threat to “Traditional”​ Law Firms, Consultants and other Professional Services Firms, Best Practices for Virtual Design Thinking Workshops in Professional Services, The Benefits of Virtual Design Thinking Workshops, The COVID-19 aftermath for Professional Services: Three Hypotheses, Innovation Evidence: How to Keep the Innovation Engine Running in a Professional Services Firm, Recession Resilience Triangle for Professional Service Firms, Delivering Client-Issue Focused Solutions, Procurement’s Awakening in Professional Services, Playing the Recession: Three Key Survival Moves for Professional Services. In order to unlock scalable growth, professional services firms must shift management attention from dividend payouts to firm value – a fundamental and necessary shift in the financial management mindset of Professional Service Firms (PSFs). We discussed my role at KPMG, how law firm and corporate leaders can scale and grow their businesses in the current environment, ways that technology is challenging the business model of traditional professional services firms, and how professional services firms are evolving…. Towards the Next Gen Playbook for Managing Professional Services, Can you bend that way? Structural short-falls that have so far been covered by a thriving economy are now being revealed. Economic Downturn: The Catalyst for Disruptive Change in Professional Services? See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. September 20, 2019. Well, read my article on this emerging topic. So, here are three first hypotheses regarding the #Corona aftermath: For 2020 we expect the pace of Digital Transformation and client-centric innovation to increase a lot across ProfessionalServices, especially legal, consulting, accounting and marketing services. Leaders and managers in charge of professional service firms need to adjust their management playbook in order to remain relevant in the next generation of professional services. View Sebastian Hartmann’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. hockey player profile of Sebastian Hartmann, 1994-05-31 Uppsala, SWE Sweden. I design and build multilingual, responsive sites that range from artist sites to bio-tech and e-commerce. Sebastian’s education is listed on their profile. This has created a renewed and even greater appetite for data than ever before – and not just their clients‘ data, but their very own data: But herein lies the challenge for them…. But how well Professional Services Firms will be able to continue to “score”, will depend on the degree of resilience within their revenue structures and their ability to grow and occupy new market space amidst an unfolding economic downturn. Professional Services Firms are currently facing questions such as: Sebastian Hartmann. Sebastian Hartmann Leading Technology Strategy and Portfolio & Investment Steering for KPMG International Wiesbaden. Tackling these challenging topics in virtual design thinking workshops is not just necessary and one of the only few options available at the moment – it may turn out to be surprisingly effective and efficient. We see professional services clearly pushing into „everything-as-a-service“ and generally much more „digital“ approaches to delivering their expertise and value. Sebastian Hartmann, Advisor to Service Firms at KPMG. Is your firm prepared for an economic downturn? 2 years ago Show More No Downloads. Kelly Fairbrother. Find some guidance in this article written together with my colleague, Simone Göltl. Time Series Analysis, Feature Engineering, Data Processing, Variable & Model selection Other projects: Working closely with clients in the role as IT-Customizer/Data Engineer of ZEB analytics software. Sebastian Hartmann (l) is in charge of KPMG’s global technology strategy and also leading the portfolio and investment steering team for KPMG International. – How to best solve our clients‘ issue in the COVID19 crisis? An unlikely new key player within ProfessionalServiceFirms is slowly crawling into the spotlight: Procurement. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Let’s take a look at it …. Delhi, India. Tel. Neng Giin Yap. Sumeet Bahl Student at St. George's University School of Medicine Brooklyn, NY. Professional Services, like everyone else, are forced to move quickly towards delivering their expertise virtually or even digitally in the face of the COVID19 crisis. ), especially around strategic portfolio management, service innovation, design and management, sales intelligence and operations excellence as well as turnaround. – How to design or adapt solutions for the emerging recession? Finance&Accounting: Managing finance functions (Financial & Strategic Planning, P&L Management, Management reporting, Budgeting, Forecasting, Controlling, Capital Expenditure and Tax planning/control) Cash flow management: Review of weekly cash flow reports, preparing cash flow forecasts and communications with banks for any cash flow needs, order to cash process Involved in … Infusing old ways of working and outdated services with technology will not do the trick. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Alicia Forde. Sumeet Bahl. Sebastian Hartmann. ... Julia Hartmann tel. While it is clearly necessary to deal with the serious short-term implications of this terrifying situation, it may also be strategically important to think through the mid- to long-term implications for professional services in general and individual firms in particular. European Legal Technology Association e.V. Darragh Saunders. Sebastian Hartmann Leading Technology Strategy and Portfolio & Investment Steering for KPMG International Wiesbaden. Drive Time-Critical Insights”, with industry leaders Sebastian Hartmann (Global Technology Strategy, KPMG), Arsh Maini (CEO, Candela Labs), and Marc Vollenweider (Co-Founder and Chief Strategist, Evalueserve). Revisiting the Ambidextrous Organization for Managing Innovative Professional Services today, Managing for Firm Value will set the Tone for the Future of Professional Service Firms, Next Generation Rainmakers in Professional Service Firms: Solution Managers (aka Product Managers), The Silent Killers of Future Readiness in Professional Service Firms, The Data Race towards Next Gen Professional Services is on …, Navigating your Firm’s Future: Strategic Management for Next Generation Professional Service Firms. Why is that? He joins Ari Kaplan this week to discuss the law firm approach to technology. Veja o perfil de Sebastian HartmannSebastian Hartmann no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Kelly Fairbrother Secretary at Whiteaway Laidlaw Bank. Manchester. Auf LinkedIn können Sie sich das vollständige Profil ansehen und mehr über die Kontakte von Sebastian Hartmann und … – How can we deliver in virtual or fully digital setups? View the profiles of people named Sebastian Hartmann. Sebastian tem 6 vagas no perfil. Rev. Collaboration tools may provide a pioneering bridge, but will fail to deliver sustainable value – unless engagement models are re-designed. Global Head. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. For legal, consulting and other expert services, design thinking takes on a whole new meaning, in order to adapt services and solutions for clients – and to develop and design answers to unprecedented challenges. Total views. International Officer Director. The pandemic may have put the final nails in the coffin of the „time & material“ model in legal, consulting, tax and accounting firms. Partner and Head of Real Estate and Asset Management at KPMG Germany, as adjunct professor, beginning in the 2020/21 winter semester. +49 511 5604-1529 Visualize o perfil completo no LinkedIn e descubra as conexões de Sebastian e as vagas em empresas similares. ABOUT ELTA. Adebayo Oyeniyi, FRM, MBA. Join Facebook to connect with Sebastien Hartmann and others you may know.
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