“The Music of Erich Zann” ist nun auch als DigiBook fertig gestellt,sieht genauso Klasse aus wie das “Mekong 1st” re – release. Official Website of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) - tourism collaboration framework by the six GMS governments of Cambodia, P.R. Wie üblichhabe ich ein kleines Kontingent für die Fans bestellt, wer also Interresse hat, bitte unter merchandising mailadresse melden. Since I already have very positive experiences with other old releases they made I agreed. Da ich bereits sehr positive Erfahrungen mit anderen alten Releases hatte, stimmte ich dem zu, zu mal ich mich sonst während der Aufnahmen zum neuen Album auch noch darum hätte kümmern müssen. But I can rely on my fellow musicians. Aber auf meine Mitmusiker ist verlass, wenn was nicht geht, wird so lange geübt bis es halt geht. Check out the complete list on http://agoraphobic-news.com/articles_view.php?url=top_55_metal_albums_of_2020_by_agoraphobic_news. Due to, or because of, the chosen obfuscated identities the band's big breakthrough did not happen. The new digibooks (‘Mekong Delta’ and ‘The Music of Erich Zann’) are also available for order from the Musical Hall website. April 2, 2018 Bởi: hanhpham. From the heights of the Himalayas to the southern coasts of the South China Sea, winding over 2,700 miles, the Mekong is much more than just irrigation for Indochina—everywhere it flows, it fascinates men and shapes their lives. Unterstützung bei den Gitarren kommt von Peter Lake (ex-Theory in Practice), der bereits auf dem Album “Lurking Fear” (2007) mit Ralf Hubert zusammen gearbeitet hat. But… ‘Tales of a Future Past’ is coming!!! Only two hours from Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll find yourself immersed in rice paddies, coconut groves and mangrove forests.This lush area is one of Vietnam’s most alluring stops for nature and culture lovers. The recording of ‘Tales of a Future Past’ is (finally) done. Incredible, but we actually made it, all the recordings are completed and through the long time we took for it, we could realise the desired high technical level of playing The Roughmixes we created for final inspection were considered good by all of us and so we are now at the state of mixdown, which should probably be done next week.In the appendix I inserted the coverpic, which was selected by us. It takes about 4 hours from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho in Mekong Delta by roadway. The region accounts for 95 percent of the country’s rice exports as well as an annual seafood output of 3.5-4 million tonnes. Copyright © 2021, Inside The Outside Of The Inside. Normalerweise bin ich sehr vorsichtig mit Superlativen, aber was ich hier in der Hand halte, ist neben dem Vinyl optisch das wohl beste was je gemacht wurde. Mekong Delta returned to the studio around new year 1987–1988, and recorded the concept album The Music of Erich Zann, with the same line-up, again produced by Hubert. And since I do not belong to those people, who like to bother you with every little one Step through email, there is only now something to report, because … guitar, bass and drum recording are complete and the pilot vocals are done, too. The Bassac take you into the greener areas of the Mekong delta, overnight on the river and into the middle of the life about the river. China (Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) Lao P.D.R, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam to market the Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS) as a single tourism destination. Zann” is also in preparation, I released the graphic layout this morning. What’s next so ? Mekong Delta Tours. Hurry up and contact SnapIT! Where the Mekong River discharges into the East Sea (also known as the South China Sea), it has formed the world’s third largest delta plain with an area of ~50,000 km 2.Numerous cores recovered from the subaerial delta reveal that it has prograded ~220 km southeastward within the past 7,500 years. The travel and tourism industry was one of the first sectors to be affected by COVID-19. Da wir jetztalle Liefertermine haben, ist der offizielle Release Termin in Absprachemit dem Vertrieb auf den 24.04.2020gelegt worden.Für alle Fans – also für Euch – besteht wieder die Möglichkeit, dasAlbum als CD oder Vinyl direkt über dieseMailadresse vorzubestellen, wodurch Ihr es früher bekommt. Die mir bereits vorliegenden CD Muster sindsehr gut geworden. It’s been a hell of a job. There has been a delay with the final mix due to some unforeseen, personal circumstances. official Facebook site of Mekong Delta. We will keep you informed of the actual release date.Also… here’s a small version of what will be the album cover for ‘Tales of a Future Past’. nahezu 3 Wochen gebraucht ). A Farewell to Eternity10. MORNING TOUR WITH CU CHI TUNNELS. http://agoraphobic-news.com/articles_view.php?url=top_55_metal_albums_of_2020_by_agoraphobic_news, https://musical-hall.com/mekong-delta-mekong-delta-cd-digibook, https://musical-hall.com/mekong-delta-the-music-of-erich-zann-cd-digibook, https://musical-hall.com/mekong-delta-the-music-of-erich-zann-ts, https://musical-hall.com/mekong-delta-cap. Check in, change seats, track your bag, check flight status, and more. When the mix is ââcomplete, there is more info. We hope we can release the new album as soon as possible. Blackoot design by Iceable Themes. The people of the Mekong Delta make their living as farmers and fishermen. It won’t be long now. Two shirts and a cap. When mentioning about the Mekong Delta, people usually offer as Vietnam’s rice basket. Farbiges Vinylhaben wir wegen der schlechtenSoundqualität abgelehnt. Ralf has issued a press release to inform you of the release date of ‘Tales of a Future Past’. We chose 180g / black / cover6mm spine with blackinnersleeves and a 4-color inlay, colored vinyl have rejected because ofthe poorsound quality. Use Hashtag #TourismMekong, Get the latest stories and insights about travel and tourism in the Mekong Region. The technical level of the songs on the new album was pretty high and took more time to record than anticipated. Fortunately, this decision was taken away from me because a friend label asked me if I would agree if they repress the back catalog as Digibook. Mekong Delta's Tales of a Future Past is the second record I've listened to this year by a veteran German prog metal group that is still somehow pushing out high quality music; the other being Ivanhoe's Blood and Gold.While historically considered a progressive thrash metal band, the music on this release puts a power metal polish on the riffing, vocals, and orchestral backing tracks. Mekong Delta Itineraries 24 hours in the Mekong Delta. The mentioned mail address is the following: A new chapter is dawning in the musical playground that is Mekong Delta. Wir haben uns für 180g / schwarz /Cover 6mm spine mit schwarzenInnersleeves und einem 4 farbigen Inlay entschieden. 8 talking about this. More info will follow. Landscape 2 – Waste Land05. Usually I am very careful with superlatives, but what I hold here in my hand is next to the vinyl optically the best thing ever made of this. In full flood the Mekong Delta is bigger than the size of Belgium. The mighty Mekong spreads into tentacles and tributaries in southern Vietnam, making the delta fertile and the region one of Vietnam's highest producers of rice, vegetables, and fruits. Unglaublich, aber wir haben es tatsächlich geschafft, alle Aufnahmensind abgeschlossen und durch die lange Zeit die wir uns dafür genommen haben, konnten wir das von uns gewünschte hohe spieltechnische Niveau umsetzen Die Roughmixe, die wir zur finalen Kontrolle erstellt haben, wurden von allen für gut befunden und so sind wir nun beim mixdown, der wohl nächste Woche erledigt sein dürfte.Im Anhang habe ich das Coverpic eingefügt, das von uns ausgewählt wurde.Nach unserer Auffassung spiegelt es den Albumtitel am besten wieder und hat uns alle sofort begeistert – als ich die zur Auswahl stehenden Entwürfe an meine Mitmusiker verschickte, war das innerhalb einer Stunde klar derFavorit ( noch nie passiert ). Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and co-paneled by H.E. Menu mobile. When mentioning about the Mekong Delta, people usually offer as Vietnam’s ric e basket. last week we released the vinyl for pressing the finished double album,which we expect to receive in 3-4 weeks. 4 famous hundred-year-old ancient houses in Mekong Delta region. As usual I ordered a contingent for the fans, so who is interrested, please contact me at this e-mail address. China (Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) Lao P.D.R, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam to market the Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS) as a single tourism destination. Why Choose Us; Blog. A Colony of Liar Men04. Mekong Delta Tours Day and night tours are offered by boat, bicycle, or simply walking around the local town and market with our friendly staff who are native to the area. Take some time to explore the town, stopping by the charming riverfront Ong Pagoda and taking a wander around Ninh Kieu Pier before paying a visit to the Cần Thơ Museum as well as the local Wat Pitukhosarangsay, Cần Thơ's local Khmer pagoda. Mekong Delta Tours is the online travel service platform operated by the professional travel consultants. So, und nun habe ich es hier, das Digibook vom ersten Album, mehrseitig und mit dem Originalmaster von dem auch das Vinyl re – release gemacht wurde. The delta accounts for 65 percent of aquaculture and 60 percent of fish exports of Vietnam. There are many international flights to Tan Son Nhat international airport in Ho Chi Minh City. Why choose Travel Vietnam? When all Hope is Gone09. ROBYN WILSON met the farmers facing ruin. Travelling in Mekong Delta is such great experience due to beautiful sceneries, friendly and hospitable people, unique and authentic culture and convenient transportation. Climate change its causing flooding and droughts that damage agricultural land in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. “E. Mekong Tours Can Tho, Can Tho City, City Tour, Mekong Delta, Mekong Tour, Tourist Tour, Vietnam Cantho City Tour is a fun and educational experience! The cover art Ralf is talking about you already saw in previous post. Due to current circumstances in the world the release date has been pushed to May 8th. Wie gehts nun weiter ? Official Website of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) - tourism collaboration framework by the six GMS governments of Cambodia, P.R. Then we will watch a propaganda film a wartime propaganda film showing how local guerilla fighters were "American Killing … 1. new album yes, this time really took a long time with the recordings, from the technical side of playing it was was far more complicated than I thought. Use Hashtag#TourismMekong. The coming decade will be one of transitions â for good or ill. How we respond to COVID-19 â par... Our hearts go out to you amid the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. I can tell you the the album title now also, we are up for “Tales of a Future Past“. Thanks to the Mekong River and modern system of roadway, it is convenient to get around Mekong Delta on waterway and roadway. Faq; Customer Reviews Yesterday a lot of fans (including myself) received an e-mail from Ralf. Mekong Delta Tours specializes in providing travel services in Mekong Delta regarding to superior, deluxe, luxury mekong cruises, mekong river tours, transportation and hotels. “E. Since almost 70% of the songs was already done before previous mentioned circumstances happened, the estimate of time to complete the mix will be about 14 days. Proudly powered by WordPress. MEKONG DELTA is a progressive metal technical thrash metal music artist. Three other items that might interest you as well can also be found there. Board the Victoria Mekong in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s charming capital city. The mail address Ralf is using for pre-orders is: Ralf has shared the track list with me and for anyone how wishes to know what strange song titles he has conjured up, here’s the official list: 01. A... Over the past few months, staycations and domestic travel have pushed round-the-world journeys off o... Last week the Thai government Ministerâs speech shows me that tourism will never be allowed to rec... Get the latest stories and insights about travel and tourism in the Mekong Region. Den Titel kann ich Euch nun auch sagen, wir haben uns auf “Tales of a Future Past” geinigt. Weitere Infos folgen. Landscape 4 – Pleasant Ground. Inour opinion It reflects the album title best and has us all excited immediately – when I mailed the possible designs to my fellow musicians It was clear within an hour that this was the favorite (never happened before). Had in between times the impression that I went to far this time (the bass recordings, for example, almost needed 3 weeks). The MRC is an inter-governmental river basin organisation established by the riparian country governments of Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Viet Nam, to facilitate regional cooperation in the management of shared resources of the Mekong … Glücklicherweise wurde mir diese Entscheidung abgenommen, da mich ein befreundetest Label fragte, ob Sie dasBackprogramm als Digibook veröffentlichen könnten. Recent Blogs; Destination Spotlight; INFORMATION . Zann” ist ebenfalls in der Vorbereitung, das Grafik Layout hab ich heute morgen freigegeben. Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan (China) Five countries and one province connected by the majestic Mekong river - the unique Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS.) Detail Itinerary for Mekong Delta and Cu Chi Tunnels Tour 1 Day. Wie es aussieht, werden die richtigen Vocals bis Mitte nächsten Monat abgeschlossen sein, so dass der Release für den August geplant ist. Welcome to the Mekong River Commission (MRC) website. Just bear with us. A few weeks back the band was very pleased with the rough mix of the new album and final mixing of the album has been started right after that. They are entirely built of wood in the Mekong delta and according to the local marine traditions, and adapted for discovery cruises, open to outside and offering an immediate contact with the green surrounding of the ship. © MekongTourism.org 2017, All Rights Reserved. If you can only stay one night in the Mekong Delta, visit Cần Thơ, the region's hub. About Travel Vietnam. The Mekong Delta is a land called Nine Dragons, which will change strongly after the year 2020 with many negative impacts from the COVID-19 epidemic. Landscape 3 – Inharent08. ; 09.00am: we arrive in Cu Chi Tunnels (Ben Dinh). China (Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region) Lao P.D.R, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam to market the Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS) as a single tourism destination. 2. cd back catalogSince the CDs were all sold out except for two titles, I had to think about whether I should repress them all, what you have to think well considering the free downloads everywhere. 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Thai Official … By waterway Wie üblich habe ich ein Kontingent für die Fans bestellt, wer also Interresse hat, bitte unter dieser mailadresse melden. Best Tours, Best Service & Best Rates, guaranteed! Wenn der Mix abgeschlossen ist, gibt es mehr Infos. View this tour >> Mekong Delta 1 Day (Cai Be Floating Market - Vinh Long) With hundreds of boats filled with vegetables, fruits and many other products are anchored along the river. Here is his official statement: German : Mekong Delta hat mit den Aufnahmen für ihr neues Album begonnen, geplanter release date ist Anfang 2019. Erstellt wurde es von dem französischen Künstler David Demaret (https://www.facebook.com/DavidDemaretofficial). Pretty complex songs, mixing and mastering, getting everyone on board with the final mix, but… it’s done! Since it is enrich with alluvial soils by the large river system, the... read more » E-BROCHURE. Mindeater06. Mekong Delta returned to the studio around new year 1987-1988, and recorded the concept album The Music of Erich Zann, with the same line-up, again produced by Hubert. Artwork is done by french concept artist David Demaret. Gain insight into local culture by exploring a vibrant floating market, museum, heritage home, and more. The CD samples – already available to me – have becomevery good. The Mekong Delta, the biggest rice – growing area of Vietnam, is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the South in specific and in Vietnam in general. As usual I have ordered a small contingent for the fans, so if you have interest, please contact me at the merchandising e-mail address. Not only will it be a one of a kind adventure, but you will also come home with some truly amazing photographs of your experience. Official Website of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) - tourism collaboration framework by the six GMS governments of Cambodia, P.R.
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