Study. © University of Stuttgart | Source: YouTube, New university network aims to improve animal welfare in research and teaching, [Photo: Florian Sterl/Sterltech Optics, University of Stuttgart/IBBS]. Research focus is on the electronic assembly, interconnection and packaging technology of microsystems. Es grüßt herzlich ... Ihr IMWF-Lehre-Team. The support begins with planning the stay and immigration formalities and extends to the stay in Stuttgart until the day of departure, after which it evolves directly into an intensive alumni contact. Master of Business Engineering. Have a look at our course catalog where you can choose from a wide spectrum of study options on the Bachelor’s and Master’s level. In addition, the University of Stuttgart offers short-term programs like the Summer University or Winter University for its international partners. Mit 4 Professuren, über 50 Wissenschaftlern und 200 Studierenden in den Studiengängen B.Sc. View X 805-for-IMF_09_13.pdf from CST 431 at University of Science, Malaysia. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Please excuse possible cross postings. Closed Now. These services comprise introductory programs, everyday life support, German language courses, tandem learning and various options for studying at our university. Please excuse possible cross postings. Therefore, it offers a wide range of exchange programs and international cooperation, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, 3 good reasons for studying at Stuttgart University, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Contact form Admissions Office for Germans, Contact form Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals, Contact form Admissions Office: Semester/Tuition Fees, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Group for Education and Social Inequality, For international students and applicants, internationally recognized research university that cultivates global culture, information on stays abroad and exchange programs, contact the International Office via e-mail, a network of committed employees will stand ready to support and advise you, incoming students and researchers from abroad, outgoing students: University of Stuttgart students interested in studying abroad, refugees who want to study at the University of Stuttgart, everyone at the university, to support and enrich interculturality, Insights into other ways of life and cultures, Questioning own life circumstances and habits, Expanding perspectives on subject knowledge and methods. For detailed information contact the Welcome Campus coordination office. The Welcome Center in the International Office functions as a first point of contact and includes personal contact, as well as a virtual platform with all relevant information, plus seminars and field trips. Since it shows a willingness to get out of a personal comfort zone, studying abroad can also boost career chances while also conferring many new experiences, realizations, and discoveries. Bibliographic content of IT-Incidents Management & IT-Forensics 2006 The International Office helps PhD students from abroad with all questions about formalities and everyday life in Germany. You will find all important information on our research websites. Early submissions are encouraged. The International Office supports incoming students and researchers. CALL FOR PAPERS IMF 2009 5th International Conference on IT Security Incident Management & IT Forensics September 15th - 17th, 2009 Stuttgart, Germany PAPER SUBMISSION OPEN! Master of Science. Not Now. Meetings around a pub table every six weeks provide a congenial venue for sharing experiences. More information on Double Master's programs. *** Location update: University of Stuttgart, 70569 Stuttgart-Vaihingen . Some of our incoming students on an excursion during the Winter University. The transfer of knowledge, skills and technologies is of invaluable importance. Dear all, FYI: This is the second call for papers for the IMF Conference 2006. The program is a win-win for mentors and mentees. International students can contact the International Office via e-mail. The IFS is conveniently located on the outskirts of Stuttgart, directly on the university campus. From: Oliver Goebel Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 13:38:31 +0100. Kontakt für studentische Angelegenheiten: Liebe Studierende, auch in der derzeitigen Corona-Ausnahmesituation sind wir für Sie da - per E-Mail oder telefonisch. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. Sixth International Conference on IT Security Incident Management and IT Forensics, IMF 2011, Stuttgart, Germany, May 10-12, 2011. Master of Science. Berufsakademie Mannheim - University of Cooperative Education - is proud to host IMF 2008. 4 check-ins. Dear all, for your information. Our study programs range from engineering, natural sciences and mathematics to philology, cultural studies, economics and social sciences. The International Office at the IZ on the Vaihingen campus coordinates all programs, counseling, and events for: "The University of Stuttgart produces outstanding university graduates with highly developed intercultural skills who know how to meet their responsibilities as global citizens in exemplary fashion in a globalizing world.”. [Photos: University of Stuttgart, University of Stuttgart]. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. Contact and Directions. These range from guidance on formalities to organizing social and cultural events. 70569 Stuttgart. Please excuse possible cross-postings. What drew them here was an infrastructure at a top international level, the exceptional networking opportunities with institutions outside the University as well as an intensive, inspiring climate for discussion. Open map. Bleiben Sie gesund! Sponsor Chair Dirk Schadt SPOT Consulting Security - Intrusion Detection and Response Preamble Information technology has become crucial to almost every part of society. 801 people like this. Our services at the IZWe are happy to support you! The project will go on for 3 years with Prof. Prahl from TU Freiberg and Prof. Schmauder from University of Stuttgart as project leaders. Program Committee Combination (only B.A.) Feedback. Bibliographic content of IT-Incidents Management & IT-Forensics 2009. Forgot account? The IMF only reviews applications submitted through this website. It sees itself as a center of university-based, non-university, and industrial research. Holger Morgenstern IT Expert Witness, A study stay abroad does not only produce benefits that last a lifetime. LNI P-97, GI 2006 , ISBN 978-3-88579-191-1 view The University of Stuttgart maintains partnerships with universities and colleges all around the world. Fragen zu Prüfungen, Fristverlängerungen etc. For the duration of your doctoral studies at the University of Stuttgart, a network of committed employees will stand ready to support and advise you. Whether it is networked geodesy research, production engineering and automation in Joint Research Labs in Shanghai, civil engineering at the foot of the Himalayas, mind-machine interactions in Lombardy, a European-wide study of porous media or the most precise observation of droplets: researchers at the University of Stuttgart are networked around the world. More information on stays abroad and exchange programs. 5 out of 5 stars. IEK Uni Stuttgart. The university promotes the transfer of knowledge and technologies to society in all their profile- and competence areas as well as their emerging fields. Designed to help reduce the number of international student dropouts, it offers intensive counseling and support, helps improve subject knowledge and language proficiency and fosters social integrations and cultural exchanges. PROMOS scholarship. That also means expanding our vision beyond our own borders. The IZ remains closed until further notice! Profile page +49 711 685-61605; Write e-mail; Frau Prof. Bernadette Hahn Elisabeth Schaettgen Administration/Adm. Their border-spanning collaborations on diverse projects adds up to high quality research. Students looking for help in planning a stay abroad are invited to contact the International Office via e-mail. Therefore, it offers a wide range of exchange programs and international cooperation. The IMF has partnered with edX, the nonprofit online learning initiative founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to offer online training. The University of Stuttgart is an internationally recognized research university that cultivates global culture. The University of Stuttgart helps scientists from other countries establish themselves in Germany and concentrate on their research without bureaucratic obstacles. These include: The University of Stuttgart is deeply interested in an optimal study experience for its students. See more of IEK Uni Stuttgart on Facebook. The University of Stuttgart is a well-established university in one of the most cutting-edge regions of Germany. Profile page +49 711 685-65646; Write e-mail; Prof. Dr.-Ing. ITU-T X.805 Workshop IMF 2007 Stuttgart, Germany September 13, 2007 Suhasini Sabnis Bell Labs – Security Technology The buddy program refers volunteer Buddies (contact and support persons) to students from abroad. IT-Incidents Management & IT-Forensics - IMF 2006, Conference Proceedings, October, 18th-19th, 2006, Stuttgart. At the same time, it supports talented individuals from abroad who want to study at the University of Stuttgart or pursue their research here. From: Oliver Goebel ... Dear all, FYI: paper submission for IMF 2009 is open now. Community See All. view. Baden-Würrtemberg scholarship. Our vision is “Intelligent systems for a sustainable society”. This includes giving its students the opportunity to continue their education at universities in other countries. (study while working) German. The scope of IMF 2008 is broad and includes, but is not limited to the following areas: It is also a step in a scientific career. One-on-one counseling is part of the Intercultural Mentoring Program. The University of Stuttgart consists of ten different faculties. Egyptian architect Hanaa Dahy does research on recycable fiberboards at the University of Stuttgart. Solidarity campaign in the winter semester, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, 3 good reasons for doing research at Stuttgart University, Graduate schools, graduate colleges & doctoral programs, International collaborations/research partnerships, Background information on internal and external network types, Collaborative research centers & research training groups, Diverse research on future-related topics, 3 good reasons for studying at Stuttgart University, Orientation programs for choosing a course of study, International applicants: earning your degree in Stuttgart (degree-seeking), International applicants: exchange and program students (non-degree), Registering, applying and enrolling for a doctoral degree, Contact form Admissions Office for Germans, Contact form Admissions Office for Foreign Nationals, Contact form Admissions Office: Semester/Tuition Fees, Restricted admission (NC) and entrance exams, Combination with arts/music (teacher training program), Admission prerequisites Bachelor, Master, Teaching program, General information on Master's admission, Exchange and program students (non-degree), International students: Financing your studies, Research centers, joint research projects and cooperations, Personnel development & further education, International strategies & collaborations, Offices of the Assistants to Rector, Chancellor and Rectorate, Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity, Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Research Group for Education and Social Inequality. The Welcome Center in the International Office functions as a first point of contact and includes personal contact, as well as a virtual platform with all relevant information, plus seminars and field trips. The University of Stuttgart’s academic offerings for international students are truly wide-ranging. Beginning. Institute for Micro Integration. The International Office is a place for meetings and getting help. Materials Science. Move path to the leftMove path to the right. Hans-Christian Reuss Holder of the Chair of Automotive Mechatronics . The University of Stuttgart maintains partnerships with universities and colleges all around the world. IEEE Computer Society 2011, ISBN 978-0-7695-4403-8. Furthermore new sensors and actuators are being developed. Program Chair. Student discussion during an event hosted by the International Office. Vaihingen. Online consultation hours at the International Office!As of now the International Office offers online consultation hours to international students (Mo + Wed 1.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. & Tue + Thurs 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.) and for students interested in studying abroad (Mon + Wed 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.). Students. From: Oliver Goebel Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:27:50 +0200. Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie hier. The University of Stuttgart offers around 160 different Bachelor's and Master's study programs. Mentoring also makes friends. The Annual Meetings, which generally take place in September-October, have customarily been held in Washington for two consecutive years and in another member country in the third year. The University of Stuttgart helps scientists from other countries establish themselves in Germany and concentrate on their research without bureaucratic obstacles. Orientation, study programs, applications: information for anyone who is interested in our … Log In. The mentoring program also includes introductory seminars, intercultural training, weekly classes and practice groups as well as a multi-faceted framework program. 817 people follow this. Study. 5th IMF 2009: Stuttgart, Germany. Support and counseling for students from other countries are offered by the International Office. From: Oliver Goebel Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 12:28:26 +0200. The Board of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) normally meet once a year to discuss the work of their respective institutions. This time IMF starts to travel. Stuttgart University Program Committee Susan Brenner University of Dayton, USA Klaus Brunnstein University of Hamburg, Germany Jack Cole US Army Research Laboratory, USA Andrew Cormack JANET, UK Ralf Doerrie Germany Sandra Frings Fraunhofer IAO, Germany Oliver Göbel RUS-CERT, Germany Detlef Günther ISSO, Volkswagen AG, Germany Vijay K. Gurbani Bell Lab., … IMWF-Info-Broschüro für Studienangebote. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung und M.Sc. The University of ... For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. The „Stuttgarter Weg” (Stuttgart Way) means an interdisciplinary integration of engineering, natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences based on the fundamentals of cutting-edge research at a disciplinary level. close navigation. Information for prospective students. University A-Z … ===== 2. Students from abroad who want to do all or part of their studies in Stuttgart are free to choose from regular studies as degree students, single semesters as freemovers, or as exchange students. Research focus is on the electronic assembly, interconnection and packaging technology of microsystems. At the beginning of every semester the International Office offers an orientation program for all international students. At the same time, it offers advice and assistance for researchers and students planning to study abroad. Information on residence permits, financing and German language courses can be found in the International Office and its websites. Sponsor Chair. Staff members of the International Office offer organizational counseling as well as individual advise in case of social or psychological problems. export record. From: Oliver Goebel Date : Tue, 19 Aug 2008 21:19:40 +0200 Dear all, please find enclosed the call for participation for IMF 2008. [Photo: Uni Stuttgart] Prof. Dr. Bernadette Hahn-Rigaud Chairholder OIP. As part of the program, we organize orientation events at each semester start, provide guidance on formalities, organize events and arrange excursions. IT-Incidents Management & IT-Forensics - IMF 2007, Conference Proceedings, September 11-13, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany. Unser Institut schlägt die Brücke zwischen der Grundlagenforschung zu Sprache und der Entwicklung von Technologien für die Gesellschaft. German English. News | 10/20/20. Over the past 15 years, almost 200 Humboldt scholars chose a research stay at the University of Stuttgart. In addition, IMF has become an important community event. Furthermore new sensors and actuators are being developed. LNI P-114, GI 2007 , ISBN 978-3-88579-208-6 view Students at the University of Stuttgart can enroll in so-called Double Master's programs. The International Office is located right in the heart of the campus in Vaihingen. Here are the, 3-D printing and simulations instead of test animals, University of Stuttgart awards prizes for excellent publication, The University of Stuttgart welcomes international students, Duration: 1:26 | 5. werden hier im Newsticker der Uni Stuttgart beantwortet. About See All. The Institute for Micro Integration (IFM) works in the field of microsystems technology. Furthermore, it takes a role as a guarantor of research-based teaching, focused on quality and holism. The concept matured from a pure academic event to an academic track section complemented by practical workshops. Create New Account. Keplerstraße 11 (5,132.04 mi) Stuttgart, Germany, 70174 . Alle Meldungen Alle Veranstaltungen. IMF at TU BAF and IMWF at University of Stuttgart jointly start working on a DFG funded project to model the correlation of phase morphology and flow behavior of spheroidization annealed low-alloyed carbons steels. Language. Michael Bargende Holder of the Chair of Vehicle Drives. We have several special offers for refugees interested in studying at the University of Stuttgart. All in all, nearly 26,000 students are enrolled in around 150 institutes. These programs offer the chance to obtain Master's degrees from two universities. or. The University maintains numerous relationships with foreign university on six continents for research and teaching exchanges. Contacts. The IMF conference will be held for the fourth time in 2008. Please excuse possible cross posts. Here are the. It supports its researchers in global research teamwork with scientists in all disciplines. Profile page +49 711 685-60024; Write e-mail; Elisabeth Schaettgen; Here you can reach us . Search term. Our institute aims at bridging the gap between foundational research into language and the development of technologies for society. table of contents in dblp; electronic edition @; electronic edition @ ; no references & citations available . Fields of Study. Browse through our diverse selection. March 12th through 14th, 2013: IMF 2013 Conference ; Conference Chair. Logistics Management – Master:Online – study while working. The Institute for Micro Integration (IFM) works in the field of microsystems technology. Interested in studying at the University of Stuttgart. Felix Freiling Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg Organizationally, PhD students at the University of Stuttgart are classified as students. We have an FAQ list of the questions that come up most often. close navigation. All subject areas are popular: You can find portraits of some of the researchers in physics, engineering sciences, mathematics, and literary sciences who have been guests at the University of Stuttgart on our Research with Humboldt web page. Studying for the doctorate leads to a doctoral dissertation and is a first research activity after graduating. Outgoings and incomings meet to exchange their experiences as students from abroad during the “Get Together” social event offered by the International Office. Pfaffenwaldring 9, lecture hall V 9.01 We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the many users who have sent us their remarks and constructive critizisms via our survey during the past weeks. Teaching degree. Make sure you complete the online application form in full. The Mannheim University of Cooperative Education (Berufsakademie Mannheim) will host the fourth IMF. Joint project between scientific and industrial partners aims to develop innovative quantum sensors to market readiness. Contact for Erasmus incoming and outgoing students. As such, they apply for doctoral degree study and enroll at the university. University A-Z. Please mind the submission dead line on 2006-04-17. Important news, links, documents, and tips for students of the University of Stuttgart: This page offers information on your studies.
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