14 <3 He has not displayed any sort of magic abilities, but his natural skill and talents make up for it. Sebas Tian | Lupusregina Beta | Narberal Gamma | Solution Epsilon | Entoma Vasilissa Zeta, Area Guardians Tian. Sebas is relieved to learn that Tuare will become a maid of Nazarick who is directly subordinate to him and is under the protection of his master's name. Sebas reaffirms the Guardians' duty that they must continue remaining loyal and devoted to Ainz no matter what happens from here on out.[8]. Sebas gets into a fight with them and easily beats up the leader of the group, scaring the rest of his followers away. Creator While Ainz masquerades as an adventurer, Sebas and Solution Epsilon are ordered to disguise themselves as wealthy and influential humans to gather information. Sebas intervenes in the Floor Guardians' discussion, stating that Ainz may have been wanting to teach them the local cost of commodities in the surrounding lands. With that settled, he plans to move independently as part of his intelligence-gathering duties, seeking to fully familiarize himself with the layout of the Re-Estize Capital. Although he is not one of the Floor Guardians, his power closely rivals theirs. [5], When Momonga returns after surveying Nazarick, Sebas lectures and accosts him for not bringing his personal guards along during his excursion to the surface. Media Information You can help the Overlord Wiki out by improving it in a way that matches the wiki's layout guide and standards or simply providing a proofread and grammar check. Pandora's Actor | Kyouhukou, Floor Guardian Subordinates This is shown when he intended to kill her with full force when Pandora's Actor (as Ainz), Cocytus and Demiurge tested him to see if he was still loyal. Sebas Tian có vẻ ngoài của một quản gia và ông mặc bộ đồng phục màu đen truyền thống rất trang trọng. He was created by Touch Me. Along the way, at some point, he also pays several visits to the Magician's Guild to purchase low-tier magic scrolls every now and then. While he pledges his loyalty to Ainz and the rest of the Supreme Beings, he would always carry out Touch Me's order without hesitation. Ainz Ooal Gown Albedo Aura Bella Fiora Cocytus Demiurge Mare Bello Fiore Overlord Sebas Tian Shalltear Bloodfallen. Epithet Seeing how Ainz has been working from evening to morning for ten hours straight, Sebas suggests that his master should take a break. Cure Elim Los Malvar | Olasird'arc Haylilyal | Tsaindorcus Vaision, Training new candidates to serve as maids of Nazarick. Upon hearing this, alongside the two Area Guardians, the butler feels eternally grateful for Ainz on considering Pestonya's idea and silently bows down to his master as a result.[25]. tools/tracking. Sebas and Solution spend upwards of half an hour at every location they visited in Re-Estize while conversing with the merchants for various talk of negotiations. Is there some sort of specific racial category he's in, because everyone else has their own classification, or is he just an … She is the strongest of the four close-combat denizens of Nazarick together with Cocytus, Albedo, and Sebas Tian. On the other hand, Sebas tells Shalltear about the time when outsiders invaded Nazarick and how the 8th Floor put an end to their invasion. Tóc của Sebas hoàn toàn màu trắng, giống như bộ râu gọn gàng của ông ấy. Not sure why he does it, Sebas does believe that Touch Me's will is what encouragingly motivates him to act the way he does and that it conflicts with the will of his current master. Hence, Sebas arrives at enemy territory, exchanging a few words with the members of Six Arms of information on Zero while he gestures/signals Solution to silently infiltrate the 3rd floor of the enemy facility unbeknownst to them. After she is fully recovered and has eaten, the woman reveals herself to Sebas as Tuare while he introduces himself as being a servant of his mistress Solution. Sebas Tian states that they are performing their duties as intended. History Talk (0) Comments Share. [19], According to Narberal, since the Head Maid Pestonya is in confinement, it is up to Sebas to teach Tuare how to be a proper maid. 4602232. overlord-sebas. They have shown the ample purchasing power that such a background would merit in order to see how the people around them will react. Sebas is put on trial and questioned by Ainz about the reason behind his action of saving Tuare. He has visible wrinkles on his hollow face, which makes him seem gentle in appearance, but his eyes are as sharp as an eagle's. セバス・チャン See more ideas about anime, manga, anime art. He then leaves Solution to kidnap the audience in the arena and goes off to search for Tuare. However, in the manga, his beard is longer, his shoulders are not as broad, and his face is also older. Sebas VS The Six Arms - Overlord II (Uncensored / HD) 0 0 Sebas Tian, Pelayan Terkuat dengan Wujud Naga 0 0 EXPLICACIÓN: Tuare, La Waifu de Sebas Tian - Overlord 3 0 0 13 Curiosidades rápidas sobre Sebas Tian de 0 Tuare heaved a sigh of relief. Ainz notes it to be heavily based on Touch Me's notions and ideas.[24]. He informs them that Eight Fingers has threatened him to come to their facility as the criminal syndicate has taken Tuare hostage. Affiliation Evil Lord Wrath | Evil Lord Envy | Evil Lord Greed, Independent Members Sebas is wary of the time and date when Tuare will begin assuming her duties of leading the human maids in that city. Romaji By coincidence, Sebas meets up with Climb, Brain, and Lockmeier, who plan to attack the Eight Fingers' building. In the end, Sebas decides to lend the man a pouch of money to hire an adventurer who can help him flee from the Eight Fingers. Though he will strive to keep her from making mistakes, Sebas admits he cannot always be by her side. [4], Once the meeting is over and Momonga leaves the Amphitheater, Sebas informs Albedo that he is going to part ways with the Floor Guardians in order to return to his master's side. Apesar de ele não ser um dos Guardiões dos Andares, seu poder é comparável com eles. [3], Sebas discovers that the tomb is now surrounded by grassland, with no intelligent creatures or man-made structures in sight except for Nazarick. Shigeru Chiba Crimes Confused on how Climb is able to endure such intimidation from the butler, Sebas reasons with Brain that he needs to have a dedicated goal in life, something which he cannot easily forsake to conquer fear and not succumb to it. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 179cm (5'10") Once they are present, before beginning the main topic of discussion, Sebas lets Ainz sample some plain biscuits that he obtained from E-Rantel, explaining how the fortress city is able to develop it as part of the a food culture that has begun to change slowly. It is said that Sebas also carried over Touch Me's physical characteristics in reality. Sebas' loyalty to his master is put to the test as he is given the order by Ainz to eliminate Tuare with his own hands. Overlord - Sebas Tian Real Gentlemen Overlord Season 2 - Episode 6. Instead, he believes that some humans are good people and it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak. Alias Join Planet Minecraft! Personal Information [12] Sebas splits off from Brain and Climb to raid different parts of the brothel where he ends up murdering Staffan Heivish in cold blood after seeing the latter's mistreatment towards one of his slaves. 8 6,982 2 0 Overlord Sebas Tian. Summary. Origins: Overlord (Maruyama Kugane) Alias/Aka: Butler of Steel Classification: YGGDRASIL NPC (Member of the Great Tomb of Nazarick), Draganoid, Monk, Martial King, Striker, Inner Ki Master, Outer Ki Master, Butler of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Head of the Pleiades Battle Maids He comes around to the idea where Ainz reasons that the breaks are opportunities for self-reflection to improve themselves better in serving him. Feb 29, 2020 - Explore Crim's board "Overlord | Sebas Tian" on Pinterest. At the same time, Sebas is asked why he has not bothered to send a report concerning the girl he saved while keeping it a secret from Ainz and Nazarick. Ông có những nếp nhăn trên khuôn mặt lạnh lùng và đôi mắt sắc bén như đại bàng nhưng trông vẫn rất dịu dàng. While he expresses care for Tsuare, he would ultimately rather protect Nazarick than be with her. Leaving Solution to take care of her wounds, he goes off to buy food to prepare for Tuare until she regains consciousness. If you have no business other than to bully her, I suggest you take your leave." Nazarick. Great Tomb of Nazarick 1488 . Later, Sebas, along with Narberal, are called upon by the Floor Guardians to take part in an emergency meeting over the new cache of money they received from their master. Unlike many other denizens in Nazarick, he does not completely despise humans or see them as inferior creatures. Sebas reasons with Yuri that because Tuare is placed in a high position above the other maids from E-Rantel, he feels that it is the human's duty to serve as an example for her subordinates to be someone who others look up to. Sebas promises Demiurge that he will make sure to slaughter Eight Fingers without compromising their operation.[15]. [22], According to Ainz, Sebas is providing administrative support in E-Rantel, with Tuare as his assistant. He was created by Touch Me. A sad reality is that people tend to ignore this well-done skins and prefer those anime skins. However, humans with an ugly nature disgust him and he will not hesitate to kill anyone who dares to oppose Nazarick. Sebas Tian (セバス・チャン) is a minor character of Isekai Quartet. 1 Apariencia 2 Personalidad 3 Biografía 3.1 Trasfondo 4 Cronología 4.1 … While this is happening, Sebas explains to Climb his story of rescuing Tuare from slave traffickers, seeking the warrior's help if there are any righteous individuals within the Kingdom who can come to his aid in this matter. Like his creator, Touch Me, Sebas Tian has a great deal of personal justice. In English version, he was first voiced by Ed Blaylock in Season 1 and later by Bill Jenkins in Season 2. Overlord Volume 1 He also wipes away her tears with a handkerchief after recalling that his master has done something like that to Shalltear. Sebas' hair is entirely white, just like his immaculate beard. "Answer my question," said Sebas, tightening his grip on the demon's wrist. Blonde Girl Maid Man Overlord Sebas Tian Tsuareninya Veyron White Hair Yellow Eyes. Sebas is approached by the young warrior, who asks him to to teach him the technique he used to subdue the man from earlier. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sebas gets into a heated exchange with Shalltear upon mentioning the fact that either Demiurge or Aura are suitable for her job than she can do. The man attempts to convince Sebas not to rescue her when both their lives will be put at risk by the Eight Fingers as the butler is interfering with their criminal operation. Incarnations On BTVA: 8 Versions from 8 Titles. Sebas explains to Climb that as long as he continues experiencing more life-or-death situations, the latter will one day be able to handle threats that give off fear like it. His creator, Touch Me, was also one of the most heroic of the Supreme Beings. Bidding farewell to Climb and Brain, Sebas carries Tuare with him to safety and swiftly evacuates her back to Nazarick, accompanied by Solution in accordance to what Demiurge has planned for them. Despite Zero not believing it to be true, Sebas tells him to accept the truth as it is since he happens to be standing alive unscathed. He allows Solution to rest until they are ready to set out while verifying from her to see if their prey Zach is moving according to their plan.
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