Waiting in line became a fact of life in Fairbanks, and the Fairbanks McDonald's became No. [42] In addition to the local telephone system, Fairbanks was connected to the outside world via the Washington-Alaska Military Cable and Telegraph System, which was expanded from Eagle to Nome in 1903 and passed through Fairbanks. It is on roughly the same parallel as the northern Swedish city of Skellefteå and Finnish city of Oulu. Alaska Communications (ACS) had promised that Fairbanks was to be the corporate headquarters with a new building at the corner of Cushman St. and 1st Avenue. ", Paige, Sidney. "I Hauled 'Fairbanks' on a Sternwheeler. The celebration was capped when residents used weather balloons to lift a 30-foot (9.1 m) wide wooden star painted gold and emblazoned with "49" into the air. The Yukon–Koyukuk School District has its administrative headquarters in College CDP,[67] but its schools are in the Yukon-Koyukuk area, not Fairbanks. ", Koenig, Duane. The railroad continued expanding until 1910, when the first gold boom began to falter and the introduction of automobiles into Fairbanks took business away from the railroad. In the 1982 elections, Randolph ran unsuccessfully as the LP's nominee for Governor of Alaska, while Fanning lost re-election to the House to Democrat Niilo Koponen, following redistricting. Residents set off fireworks, an impromptu parade took place down Cushman Street, the city's main road, and an attempt to dye the Chena River gold in celebration instead turned it green. [213] The U.S. Army's 6th Infantry Division was stationed at Fort Wainwright in late 1987, but it was reduced to a single brigade and renamed in 1993. This price increase encouraged mining and insulated Fairbanks from the Great Depression. Its professors also contributed to the war effort with specially created Russian language classes. [60], Poor investments caused the bank founded by Barnette to fail in January 1911, at a time when it held more than $1 million in deposits from Fairbanks residents. Under the Homestead Act, many miners applied for grants of land from the federal government and established farms around the city. [146] The city's first dedicated high school, Lathrop High (originally Fairbanks High), also began operating in 1955. Fairbanks is the largest city in the Interior region of Alaska. I think it is the most important strategic place in the world. [65] Fights were common, but gunplay was not. A drop in oil prices during the 1980s caused a recession in the Fairbanks area, but the city gradually recovered as oil prices climbed during the 1990s. [191] The high salaries caused a corresponding demand for higher wages among non-pipeline workers in Alaska. Fairbanks International Airport's runway was lengthened to 11,500 feet to accommodate jet aircraft. It is a flagship campus of the University of Alaska system. [36], Despite the food shortage, more buildings were constructed. [29] But even as the walls of Wickersham's courthouse were going up, dissatisfied miners were leaving the area. [59] GCI purchased ACS's mobile phone service from ACS in 2014, when ACS needed cash. Fairbanks residents responded to the problems with aplomb. [69] In that year, Fairbanks boasted a population of more than 3,500 people, making it the largest city in Alaska. When the decision was publicly announced, it was met with almost unanimous opposition by Fairbanks residents and businesses in the area. Dwers troch de stêd rint de rivier de Chena dy't súdlik fan de stêd útmûnet yn de Tanana. [197] In the frigid temperatures of the winter months throughout the 1970s it was common to see street-walking prostitutes in downtown Fairbanks, clad fully from head-to-toe in luxuriant fur coats (and leaving everything to the imagination). [8] He hired the steamer Lavelle Young to transport him and his supplies, and they began their trip upriver in August 1901. Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. At the winter solstice, the center of the sun's disk is less than two degrees over the horizon (1.7 degrees) at the local noon (not the time zone noon). He therefore unloaded Barnette's cargo on August 26, 1901, with an irate Barnette assisting. Aholi zichligi – har kvadrat kilometrga 379,7 nafar kishi. Dave Talerico, a Republican member of the House who lives in the Denali Borough community of Healy, represents Richardson Highway communities beyond the North Pole area but within the Fairbanks North Star Borough boundaries. [166], In 1967, Alaska celebrated 100 years since its purchase by the United States from Russia. In 1986, Saudi Arabia boosted oil production and oil prices plummeted. [88] By 1931, the University of Alaska had grown to the point that the experimental farm was annexed by the school. In July 1967, Fairbanks received 3.34 inches (8.5 cm) of rain, almost double the July average of 1.84 inches (4.7 cm). Summer tourist traffic primarily consists of cruise ship passengers who purchase package tours which include travel to Fairbanks. / 64.833; -147.717. [72] Economic effects also were felt. In 1953, it bought the FE Co. power plant that served Fairbanks and provided electricity to customers as varied as Fairbanks' second radio station, KFRB, and the town's largest farm, Creamer's Dairy. [136], The University of Alaska also grew during this period. Cable TV is available from GCI. The resulting shutdown cost hundreds of jobs in Fairbanks. [58] By 1911, production was half what it had been in 1909. Between 7,000 and 8,000 showed up as the water rose through August 14 and 15 and crammed into facilities designed to house just over 1,000 students. The record cold daily maximum is −58 °F (−50 °C) on January 18, 1906, and the record warm daily minimum is 76 °F (24 °C) on June 26, 1915; the only other occurrence of a 70 °F (21 °C) daily minimum was June 25, 2013 in the midst of a particularly warm summer. [14] Wickersham was impressed with Barnette and his plan to establish a trading post at Tanacross. The Northwest Staging Route, a chain of airfields, ended at Fairbanks. [47] Two new banks opened in 1905,[48] as did the city's first greenhouse,[49] and a new $10,000 bridge across the Chena River. Fairbanks (Alaska) Eus Wikipedia. "[68] The slogan remains the city's motto today. [8] From evidence gathered at the site, archaeologists surmise that Native activities in the area were limited to seasonal hunting and fishing as frigid temperatures precluded berry gathering. [81], In 1914, the US Congress appropriated $35 million for construction of the Alaska Railroad system, but work was delayed by the outbreak of World War I. Interior Alaska is not connected to the electrical grid of the contiguous United States and Canada, but a 138kv transmission line constructed in 1985 connects Fairbanks with electric companies serving the Southcentral Alaska area: Matanuska Electric Association, Chugach Electric Association and Homer Electric Association. [216], As oil prices rose during the 1990s, Fairbanks' economy improved. October through January are the snowiest months, and snow is limited from February to May. [32] After sunset, twilight is bright enough to allow daytime activities without any electric lights, since the center of the sun's disk is just 1.7 degrees below horizon. [104] In Fairbanks, airplanes flew from a field that doubled as a baseball diamond until 1931, when the city bought the field, installed infrastructure, and named it Weeks Field. [54], The University of Alaska Fairbanks operates its own coal-fired generating station on campus, providing electricity and steam heat to university buildings. A few other periodicals also serve Fairbanks and the Fairbanks North Star Borough: The Ester Republic and the University of Alaska Fairbanks student newspaper, the Sun Star. When the wind blows from any direction but the south, average weather ensues. [57] In 1909, Fairbanks' gold production peaked at more than $9.5 million. The Fort Knox Gold Mine north of Fairbanks opened in 1997 after several years of development,[217] and another gold prospect is likely to be developed in the next decade. Felix Pedro had discovered gold. The percentage of high school graduates or higher is 88%. Despite early efforts by the Alaska Loyal League, the Tanana Valley Agriculture Association and William Fentress Thompson, the editor-publisher of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, to encourage food production, agriculture in the area was never able to fully support the population, although it came close in the 1920s.[16]. As one miner recalled, not more than one man in 500 carried a gun, and while fisticuffs were common, gunfights were not. [128] Despite a brief lull as the U.S. Army demobilized after World War II, activity in Fairbanks remained high as the Cold War began. Though there was never a permanent Alaska Native settlement at the site of Fairbanks, Athabascan Indians have used the area for thousands of years. 1906. En 2014 esis en la urbo ipsa 32.469 habitanti, ed en 2016 esis en Distrikto Fairbanks North Star 100.605 habitanti, ol esas do la duesma maxim populoza metropolala areo en Alaska (dop Anchorage). Wickersham was the judge for the federal Third Judicial District, which stretched from the North Slope to the Aleutian Islands. [29] The highest recorded temperature in Fairbanks was 99 °F (37 °C) on July 28, 1919, compared to the Alaska-wide record high temperature of 100 °F (38 °C), recorded in Fort Yukon. Although he was found guilty of only one of 11 charges against him, Barnette had a poor reputation in Fairbanks. It sold seven copies at $5 per copy. Several regional and charter airlines use or have used the location as their main base of operations due to its central location in the state. Representatives for the Fairbanks area are Democrats Adam Wool and David Guttenberg, along with Republicans Bart LeBon, Steve Thompson, and Mike Prax, appointed to fill the seat after Tammie Wilson resigned in early 2020 (both Republicans). He staked claims in their names, thus giving him authority over a large portion of what was believed to be the gold-bearing terrain. [221] In 2009, the hospital opened a new heart care center during its latest expansion. The median income for a household between 2007 and 2011 was $55,409. [159], In 1960, the U.S. Air Force made plans to close Ladd Airfield and transfer its functions to nearby Eielson Air Force Base and Elmendorf Air Force Base near Anchorage. [198] However, the biggest police issues were drunken brawls and fighting, resulting in a situation akin to the lawlessness associated with the "Wild West" of the American frontier of popular lore. Stores that sold to miners closed, as did those that supported the mines directly. [50] In June 1905, the bridge caused the biggest flood in the young city's history when a bridge upstream of it collapsed and the resulting wreckage caught in the bridge and blocked the river's flow. Fairbanks and other areas were reluctant to impose an additional layer of government on themselves, and balked. [12], After some urging by James Wickersham, who later moved the seat of the Third Division court from Eagle to Fairbanks, the settlement was named after Charles W. Fairbanks, a Republican senator from Indiana and later the twenty-sixth Vice President of the United States, serving under Theodore Roosevelt during his second term. [21] Noyes Slough, which heads and foots off the Chena River, creates Garden Island, a district connected to the rest of Fairbanks by bridges and culverted roads.[22]. [82] Three years later, the Alaska Railroad purchased the Tanana Valley Railroad, which had suffered from the wartime economic problems. [137], A new airport opened on Oct. 15, 1951, to replace Weeks Field, which had been encroached upon by the town's growth, including Denali Elementary School, the town's first new school since the 1930s. The population density was 995 people per square mile (366.3/km2). [56], In 1908, the U.S. Army Signal Corps built a radiotelegraph tower in town, replacing the cable telegraph system to Valdez and Seattle. The battery was installed to help bridge the gaps that occur during power outages from the transmission line to Southcentral Alaska. Because no hydrological equipment had been installed upstream of Fairbanks, residents were unaware of the flood's scale. El censu de población de los Estaos Xuníos de 2005 diz que Fairbanks tenía 31.324 habitantes.. Enllaces esternos (n'inglés) Páxina oficial Wikimedia Commons tien conteníu multimedia tocante a Fairbanks, Alaska [24] Snow occasionally arrives early and in large amounts. The city is extremely far north, being close to 16 degrees north of the Pacific border between the U.S. and Canada. [51], Electricity is provided by the Golden Valley Electric Association,[52] an electric cooperative formed in 1946 to serve areas that the City of Fairbanks' Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) didn't serve. The average household size was 2.56 and the average family size was 3.15. [105] From Fairbanks, Wien became the first person to fly to Anchorage and cross the Arctic Circle in an airplane. Fairbanks se nachází na 64.837780° s.š. [102] In 1937, the mayor of Fairbanks, E. B. Collins, proposed using a federal grant and city bonds to pave the roads, but he was turned down by voters. In 1975, the Fairbanks Police Department estimated between 40 and 175 prostitutes were working in the city of 15,000 people. [76] The railroad line was extended westward, until it reached the town of Nenana and a construction party working north from Ship Creek, later renamed Anchorage. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Fairbanks North Star Borough School District, Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge, Open North American Championship Sled Dog Race, Robert G. White Large Animal Research Station, Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, "Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places in Alaska: April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2019", "Alaska Population Estimates by Borough, Census Area, and Economic Region", "Vice Presidents of the United States: Charles W. Fairbanks", "Fixing the Fatal Flaw of Fairbanks, Alaska Science Forum", "Alaska Range Overlook Fairbanks, the Yukon, and the Interior Review", “World map of Köppen-Geiger climate classification”, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "Record high temperature recorded in Fairbanks", ‘Chinook brings record temperatures to Interior Alaska’, "Wildfires send worst air of the summer across Fairbanks", "Dense smoke cancels flights at Fairbanks airport", "Dispelling some foggy notions about ice fog, inversions and Fairbanks weather", "WMO Climate Normals for FAIRBANKS/INTL, AK 1961–1990", "Fairbanks (city) QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau", "Welcome to the 2014 Arctic Winter Games - Fairbanks", "USA Distance Nationals – The usa distance nationals guru", "World's biggest battery switched on in Alaska", "UAF Facilities Services :: Division of Utilities", "GCI to acquire majority control of fiber optic system", "Fairbanks sales tax proposal differs from previous attempts", "Crime Reports - Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough, AK", "The Most Dangerous U.S. Cities For Women", "Data Visualizations – Asia – Sister Partnerships – Asia – Asia Matters for America", "Fairbanks mayor salvages sister-city relationship by agreeing to visit Italy | Juneau Empire – Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper", "Governor Frank Murkowski – Alaska Trade and Development – 2005 Export Report", "Fairbanks Yakutsk Sister Cities of the North", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fairbanks,_Alaska&oldid=1009921442, Cities in Fairbanks North Star Borough, Alaska, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Lower Tanana-language text, Pages using infobox settlement with unknown parameters, Articles slanted towards recent events from November 2011, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2014, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from November 2012, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles needing additional references from October 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz area identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Special: 5% alcohol tax (city only); 16% tobacco tax (8% city/8% borough); 8% accommodations tax, This page was last edited on 2 March 2021, at 23:47. The gold caused a stampede of miners to the area, and buildings sprang up around Barnette's trading post. [18], Word of Pedro's discovery spread during the months that followed Barnette's arrival in September 1902. [9] After turning into the Tanana from the Yukon, the steamboat ran into low water. [107], Military flights also used Fairbanks as a base. Lance Mackey, four-time winner of the Yukon Quest and Iditarod sled dog races, lives in the Fairbanks area. L'Alaska, ancien territoire russe acheté par les États-Unis à la Russie en 1867 pour la somme de 7 200 000 dollars, est devenu le 49eÉtat des États-Unis en 1959. [27], These widely varying temperature extremes are due to three main factors: temperature inversions, daylight, and wind direction. The state senators for the Fairbanks area are Democrat Scott Kawasaki and Republicans John Coghill Jr. and Click Bishop. According to Kansas-based Morgan Quitno Press, Alaska's Golden Heart City is more dangerous than Las Vegas, Miami and New Orleans metropolitan areas. By June 1903, cabins on city lots were selling for as little as $10. Fairbanks er borg í mið-Alaska fylki Bandaríkjanna.Fairbanks er hluti af sveitarfélaginu Fairbanks North Star Borough en þar búa tæp 100 þúsund manns. Fairbanks (Lower Tanana: Tanan) is a home rule city and the borough seat of the Fairbanks North Star Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska. A farmers' bank established in 1917 to provide loans for equipment purchases went out of business two years later,[87] and although the Alaska Railroad allowed for cheaper shipment of tractors and other agricultural equipment, it also permitted a steady supply of food shipments to Fairbanks. [80] By 1916, one year after the founding of the University of Alaska, the experimental farm employed 20 people. In Fairbanks, the Chena River flows southwest until it empties into the Tanana. [85][86] Despite these moves, the agriculture movement in Fairbanks had only limited success. U.S. Geological Survey. He responded that he had riflemen inside the building, and both groups reached a compromise. [71] After the bill was approved, he traveled to Fairbanks and selected a site on a hill four miles west of Fairbanks, in what is today College, Alaska now often referred to as part of Fairbanks, and not as a separate entity. Some of these travelers sailed around the western tip of Alaska and up the Yukon River to Dawson City (site of the goldfields) rather than take an arduous overland trip across the Boundary Ranges. Fairbanks hosted the 2014 Arctic Winter Games from March 15–22, 2014.[49]. Alaska Journal of Commerce Dec. 12, 2014, accessed Dec. 19, 2020. [1] From evidence gathered at the site, archaeologists surmise that Native activities in the area were limited to seasonal hunting and fishing. [214] In 1984, President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II briefly met in Fairbanks after it was realized that their two separate visits to Asia would cross over Alaska at the same time. Fairbanks also has extremely low seasonal lag; the year's warmest month is July, which averages only 2.1 °F (1.2 °C) warmer than June. [167] All day and night on August 14, the water rose. [142] Fairbanks' first television station, KTVF Channel 11, began broadcasting on February 17, 1955. [96] After the outbreak of World War II in the United States, the federal government closed most gold-mining operations, deeming them unessential to the war effort. [82], From 1923 to 2004, the Alaska Railroad's Fairbanks terminal was in downtown Fairbanks, just north of the Chena River. [71] In 1942, the Alaska Highway connected the Richardson Highway to the Canadian road system, allowing road travel from the rest of the United States to Fairbanks, which is considered the unofficial end of the highway. "Early History of Tanana Valley. [224] About $74 million from the sale was deposited into a savings account called the Fairbanks Permanent Fund, which was invested and managed in a fashion similar to the Alaska Permanent Fund,[225] though residents do not receive any income from the Fairbanks Permanent Fund. Utilisation sur zh-min-nan.wikipedia.org Fairbanks (Alaska) Utilisation sur zh-yue.wikipedia.org 費爾班克斯 ; Voir davantage sur l’utilisation globale de ce fichier. [86], Fairbanks similarly has a higher than average rate of rape and sexual assault, and in 2010 was ranked the third most dangerous U.S. city for women with 70 forcible rapes per 100,000 inhabitants.[88]. [9] In addition, archaeological sites on the grounds of nearby Fort Wainwright date back well over 10,000 years. "Bulletin – United States Geological Survey, Issue 284", U.S. Geological Survey. "Ghost Railway in Alaska: The Story of the Tanana Valley Railroad. [84] Prominent Fairbanks businessmen formed the Alaska Loyal League, a group that encouraged farming. A further boom came during the 1940s and 1950s as the city became a staging area for the construction of military depots during World War II and the first decade of the Cold War.
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