Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Die Geschichte Madrids beginnt im 9. Das chilenische Spanisch Wer in Chile unterwegs ist, sollte sich möglichst auf Spanisch verständigen können. Die ersten Menschen, aus denen sich verschiedene Stämme und Völker entwickelten, kamen ca. Oktober Földrajz. Translator. Chilean Spanish (Spanish: español chileno or castellano de Chile) is the variety of Spanish spoken in most of Chile. Aus Lä Chilean Spanish (Spanish: español chileno, español de Chile or castellano de Chile) is any of several varieties of Spanish spoken in most of Chile.Chilean Spanish dialects have distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usages that differ from those of standard Spanish. Chile wanted to avoid facing obstacles to its [...] full application when the moment would arrive. Chile, offeecially the Republic o Chile (Spaingie: República de Chile), is a kintra in Sooth Americae occupyin a lang, narrae coastal strip atween the Andes muntains tae the east an the Pacific Ocean tae the wast. Usage depends on politeness, social relationships, formality, and education. Durante los 58 años de su historia , los miembros de la Iglesia en Chile han demostrado su habilidad para cambiar de rumbo, adaptando sus vidas de acuerdo con la dirección trazada por los profetas. Tomos I, II y III | Universidad de Playa Ancha Sello Editorial Puntángeles", CLASES SOCIALES, LENGUAJE Y SOCIALIZACION, "Extremadura en América - Diez mil extremeños - Biblioteca Virtual Extremeña", "Las áreas de "bocha", "polca" y "murra". noun. It is always considered rude and insulting but is tolerated and enjoyed as part of friendly bonding and banter. Borrow. Chilean Spanish has a great deal of distinctive slang and vocabulary. Suggest as a translation of "chilenische Geschichte" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Spanish speakers often say that Chileans speak very quickly and "mix up words". In Chile, there are not many differences between the Spanish spoken in the northern, central and southern areas of the country,[4] although there are notable differences in zones of the far south—such as Aysén, Magallanes (mainly along the border with Argentina), and Chiloé—and in Arica in the extreme north. Chile se întinde de la nord la sud pe o lungime de 4.300 kilometri, dar are o lățime medie de doar 350 km. Chilean Spanish dialects have distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usages that differ from those of standard Spanish. Zum Zeitpunkt der Eroberung durch spanische Seefahrer Mitte des 16. Jahrhundert begannen spanische Conquistadores, die Region zu unterwerfen und zu besiedeln, bis Chile im frühen 19.Jahrhundert die Unabhängigkeit von der Kolonialmacht erlangte. Modernes Madrid Als Franco 1975 starb, schien es,v als würde Spanien sich von einem 40 Jahre währenden Maulkorb befreien. Lesen Sie … info)), is a country in western South America.It occupies a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. [23] Lexical influences cut across the different social strata of Chile. Ello significa que Chile no deseaba que llegado [...] el momento, éste encontrara trabas para su plena aplicabilidad. Viel Spaß mit unseren abwechslungsreichen Tier Dokus aus aller Welt. Read. chiles translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'chile',Chile',chile con carne',Fuerza Aérea de Chile', examples, definition, conjugation Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol). Chileans use the voseo and tuteo forms for the intimate second-person singular. A comparison of the conjugation of the Chilean voseo, the voseo used in Latin American countries other than Chile, and tuteo follows: * Rioplatense Spanish prefers the voseo verb forms. [8] Speakers of Chilean Spanish who also speak German or Mapudungun tend to use more impersonal pronouns (see also: Alemañol). chili (chih-li) A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling or idea (e.g. Chile translated between German and Spanish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Jahrhundert, ... (Hier Spanisch zu lernen ist sehr zu empfehlen). Voseo is common in Chile, with both pronominal and verbal voseo being widely used in the spoken language. Euroopan unioni ja Chile ovat allekirjoittaneet äskettäin assosiaatiosopimuksen (1 ), joka on esitelty uudistusmielisimpänä ja merkittävimpänä sopimuksena, joka koskaan on tehty muun kuin ehdokasmaan kanssa. joint) poto (buttocks),[22] quiltro (mutt) and chomba (knitted sweater)[21] wea (thing; can be used for an object or situation). Chile borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage in the far south. Nyugatról az óceán, északról Peru, északkeletről Bolívia, keletről Argentína, délről pedig a Drake-átjáró határolja. Die Geschichte Chiles umfasst die Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Republik Chile von der Urgeschichte bis zur Gegenwart. [9] Dialects of southern Chile (Valdivia/Temuco to Chiloé) are considered to be have a melodic intonation (cantadito) relative to the speech in Santiago. Die zu den ältesten Funden gehörenden vorgeschichtlichen Ausgrabungen auf chilenischem Gebiet finden sich in Calama in der Provinz Antofagasta und weisen auf Siedlungsspuren zurück, die vor oder um 12 000 v.Chr. Beispiele Hinzufügen . [citation needed]. Nationwide Newspapers. In general, the intonation of Chilean Spanish is recognized in the Spanish-speaking world for being the fastest-spoken accent among Spanish dialects and with tones that rise and fall in its speech, especially in Santiago and its surroundings; such intonation may be less strong in certain areas of the north of the country and more pronounced in southern areas; Chileans speak slowly for foreign settlers and tourists, including native Spanish speakers to understand the Chileans easily. Borrow. Gilt al Borrow. [10] A survey among inhabitants of Santiago also shows that people in the capital consider southern Chilean Spanish to be variously affected by Mapudungun, have poor pronunciation, be of rural character and, in the case of Chiloé, to be rich in archaisms. Ihm gelang es allerdings nicht, die gravierenden sozialen Probleme des Landes zu lösen. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. [ˈkomo koˈrjeɾon los tʃiˈlenos ˈsalas i samoˈɾano | peleˈaɾoŋ ˈkomo ˈle‿ones | tʃoˈkaɾon ˈuna j‿ˈot̪ɾa ˈβ̞es ˈkon̪t̪ɾa la ð̞eˈfens aˈsul | ˈke xen̪ˈt̪io ʝeˈnaβ̞a‿el esˈt̪að̞jo | em beɾˈð̞að̞ ˈfwe‿una xoɾˈnað̞a‿inolβ̞iˈð̞aβ̞le | axusˈt̪að̞o kaβ̞eˈsaso ð̞e ˈsalas i ˈɣ̞ol | al seleˈβ̞ɾaɾ rezβ̞aˈlo‿i se razˈɣ̞o la kamiˈset̪a], [ˈkoːmo kɔˈɾjeːɾon lɔh ʃiˈleːno ˈsaːla‿i samoˈɾaːno | peˈljaːɾoŋ komo ˈljoːnɛh | ʃoˈkaːɾon ˈuːna j‿ot͡ɹ̝̝̥a ˈʋeːh kont͡ɹ̝̥a la‿eˈfeːns aˈsuːl | ˈceː çenˈt̪iːo jeˈnaː‿el ehˈt̪aːð̞jo | ʔeɱ vɛɹˈð̞aː ˈfweː‿una xonˈnaː‿inolˈʋiaːu̯le | ʔaxuhˈt̪aːo kaʋeˈsaːso‿e ˈsaːla‿i ˈɣ̞oːl | ʔal seleˈvɾaː ɹ̝ɛfaˈloː‿i se ɹ̝aˈxoː la kamiˈseːt̪a], Diccionario Quechua - Español - Quechua, Academía Mayor de la Lengua Quechua, Gobierno Regional Cusco, Cusco 2005 (Quechua-Spanish dictionary, "Neologismos y barbarismos en el español de dos océanos", "Nuevo diccionario ejemplificado de chilenismos y de otros usos diferenciales del español de Chile. In Chile, there are various ways to say 'you are' to one person. liegen. In addition, several words in Chilean Spanish are borrowed from neighboring Amerindian languages. The ending (s) in those forms is aspirated or omitted. Within four years a combined Argentinian and Chilean army managed to defeat and drive out the Spanish army, restoring Chile's independence. The Mapudungun language has left a relatively small number of words in Chilean Spanish, given its large geographic expanse. That's right, it's the only day of the year where you can't buy a newspaper in Chile. There is, however, much variation in the Spanish spoken by different social classes. See authoritative translations of Chile in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations. Überblick - Chile - Mareike S. - Referat / Aufsatz (Schule) - Didaktik - Spanisch - Publizieren Sie Ihre Hausarbeiten, Referate, Essays, Bachelorarbeit oder Masterarbei Chile - Geschichte. Search. Colloquial word to express how wonderful/amazing something is. |", "Del origen mapuche de las palabras chilenas", Diccionario bilingüe iskay simipi yuyayk'ancha,, "El Voseo En Medios de Comunicacion de Chile",, Dialects of languages with ISO 639-3 code, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with Spanish-language sources (es), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Like most other American dialects of Spanish, Chilean Spanish has. For example, the names of many American vegetables in Chilean Spanish are derived from Quechua names, rather than from Nahuatl or Taíno as in Standard Spanish. La historia de Chile Die Geschichte von Chile 1400 Das Inkareich Inkareich unterwarfen alle anderen Stämme Stamm der Mapuchen leisteten Widerstand Grenze war der Fluss Bío Bío Widerstand gegen die Spanier 1500 Conquistadores Die spanischen Eroberer 1541: Erste europäische Siedlung: man, dog, house). Im 15. Chile blieb im Ersten Weltkrieg neutral, die innenpolitische Lage war aber weiterhin instabil. It is one of the most read in Chile and if you are looking for a job, the Sunday edition is the one to get. Verhältnismäßig gute wirtschaftliche Lage. Click here to skip the chart. Refers to the instrument used for drinking. [23] Chilean newspaper La Cuarta regularly employs slang words and expressions that originated in the lunfardo slang of the Buenos Aires region. Borrow . Borrow. [11] Rather, it is the particular combination of features that sets Chilean Spanish apart from other regional Spanish dialects. Spanisch: Kurzgeschichten F, ISBN 1790607477, ISBN-13 9781790607471, Brand New, Free shipping in the US Chilean Spanish (Spanish: español chileno or castellano de Chile) is the variety of Spanish spoken in most of Chile. Borrow. Die engste Stelle im kontinentalen Chile (ohne Antarktis) beträgt 90 Kilometer, die breiteste Stelle etwa 440 Kilometer. Though still entirely mutually intelligible with standard Spanish, Chilean Spanish has distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usage. It borders Peru tae the north, Bolivie tae the northeast, Argentinae tae the east, an the Drake Passage in the far sooth. nach Chile. Chile, hivatalosan a Chilei Köztársaság (spanyolul: República de Chile) független köztársaság Dél-Amerikában, az Andok hegyvonulatai és a Csendes-óceán között, észak–déli irányban hosszan elnyúlva. Insbesondere in ländlichen Gebieten kommt man mit Englisch nicht weit. This page was last changed on 10 July 2018, at 13:48. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Chile Geschichte. Im Verlauf der 58-jährigen Geschichte der Kirche in Chile haben die Mitglieder gezeigt, dass sie imstande sind, Kurskorrekturen vorzunehmen und ihr Leben an der Weisung der Propheten auszurichten. Bildwörterbuch. 13.000 v. Chr. As result of past German immigration there are a few German influences in the vocabulary, accent, and pronunciation of southern Chile. EN. Contacto de lenguas en el sur de Chile", Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, "Percepción y valoración de variedades geográficas del español de Chile entre hispanohablantes santiaguinos", Language of Chile: Chileanismos, Castellano and indigenous roots, "El dialecto más austral del español: fonética del español de Chile", "Influencias de las lenguas indígenas en el español de Chile", "Argentinismos en el léxico del español de Chile: Nuevas evidencias", "Apuntes sociolingüísticos sobre la presencia de argentinismos en el léxico del español de Chile", "Argentinismos en el Léxico del Español de Chile: Nuevas Evidencias", "Día de la lengua materna: ¿Qué palabras de uso diario provienen de nuestros pueblos originarios? In Chilean Spanish there is lexical influence from Argentine dialects, which suggests a covert prestige. September La Serena San Pedro Typische Tanze El Valle del Elqui Typische trinken Typische Gerichte Frutillar Silvester Weihnachten Jahrestag 3. Refers to the dessert made from cow's milk. They came with the arrival of the European immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries. Only the last two are considered Standard Spanish. There are some expressions of non-Hispanic European origin such as British, German or French. chilena translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'sopa chilena',chinela',chile',chilear', examples, definition, conjugation Die Englischkenntnisse der meisten Einheimischen lassen zu wünschen übrig (was weniger gegen die Chilenen als mehr gegen die Schulausbildung spricht). The region consists of Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay; sometimes it also includes Paraguay and some regions of Brazil (Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, and São Paulo). However, with even a slight change in intonation, it can change from a tone of friendly banter to a form of insult to a heated argument, even among friends. Chilean Spanish (Spanish: español chileno, español de Chile or castellano de Chile) is any of several varieties of Spanish spoken in most of Chile. Nearly all of the scattered tribes were related in race and language, but they lacked … [10] The same study does also show a perception that the speech of northern Chile is influenced by the Spanish spoken in Peru and Bolivia.[10]. 1920 wurde Arturo Alessandri, gefeiert von der Mittelschicht und den Massen, zum Präsidenten gewählt. Chile covers an area of 756,096 square kilometres (291,930 sq mi) and has a population of 17.5 million as of 2017. Borrow. There is also a certain influence from the mass media. [2] The Royal Spanish Academy recognizes 2,214 words and idioms exclusively or mainly produced in Chilean Spanish, in addition to many still unrecognized slang expressions.[3]. [12] The features include the following:[13][14]. Argentine summer tourism in Chile and Chilean tourism in Argentina provide a channel for influence on the speech of the middle and upper classes. Blog Press Information. Many Mapudungun loans are names for plants, animals, and places. [4]Chile descríbese normalmente como constituído de tres distintas zonas. Excluding Brazil (where Portuguese is spoken), all the countries in that region have many similarities in vocabulary. Here is sample of a normal text in carefully spoken Latin American Spanish and the same text with a very relaxed pronunciation in informal lower-class Chilean Spanish:[34]. besiedelt. Im 16. Unstressed word-final vowels are often devoiced. Borrow. Read. Chile, country situated along the western seaboard of South America. Das Ende der Zensur ispirierte die Gegenkultur und -szene der alten Diktatur und Madrids Stadtviertel Malasaña wurde zum Mittelpunkt der neuen Bewegung. In Chile there are at least four grades of formality: This occurs only in very informal situations. Kilia @Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data. Non-native speakers who are competent in Spanish may find the Chilean variety to be difficult to understand unless they have built up an ear for it. Chile erstreckt sich auf dem südamerikanischen Kontinent über 4275 Kilometer in Nord-Süd-Richtung entlang der Anden und des Pazifischen Ozeans (zählt man den antarktischen Teil hinzu, circa 8000 Kilometer), ist aber durchschnittlich nur circa 180 Kilometer breit. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,, Dialects of languages with ISO 639-3 code, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Chile é un país de América do Sur, limitado ó norte por Perú, ó leste por Bolivia e Arxentina, totalizando 6.339 km de fronteiras terrestres, [3] ó sur polo Estreito de Drake e ó oeste polo Océano Pacífico.O seu nome oficial é República de Chile e a súa capital é a cidade de Santiago de Chile. The northern Atacama Desert … Another popular Chilean Spanish slang expression is poh, also spelled po', which is a term of emphasis of an idea, this is a monopthongized and aspirated form of pues. [23] The relation between Argentine dialects and Chilean Spanish is one of asymmetric permeability, with Chilean Spanish adopting sayings from Argentine variants but usually not the reverse. El Mercurio - - The Main Newspaper in Chile with distribution throughout the country. Open menu. @Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data. (culinary) a. el chile (m) means that a noun is masculine. Usually Chileans do not recognize the Argentine borrowings as such, claiming they are Chilean terms and expressions due to the long time since they were incorporated. Its capital is Santiago. Publishing History This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Spanisch 54 works Search for books with subject Spanisch. Chile is part of a region of South America known as the Southern Cone (Spanish: Cono Sur; Portuguese: Cone Sul). Spanisch: Währung: Chilenischer Peso: Zeitzone: UTC-3: Telefonvorwahl +56: Übersicht. Some of the words of Quechua origin include:[26]. [5] In rural areas from Santiago to Valdivia, Chilean Spanish shows the historical influence of the Castúo dialects of Extremadura (Spain),[6][7] but some authors point to the Spanish province of Andalusia and more specifically to the city of Seville as an even greater influence on the historical development of Chilean Spanish. A long, narrow country, it extends approximately 2,700 miles and has an average width of just 110 miles. Borrow. Stamm. The Chilean voseo conjugation has only three irregular verbs in the present indicative: ser 'to be', ir 'to go', and haber 'to have' (auxiliary). For example:[26][27][28], The Quechua language is probably the Amerindian language that has given Chilean Spanish the largest number of loanwords. It is bounded on the north by Peru and Bolivia, on the east by Argentina, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. Linguee. Another feature to note is the lack of use of the possessive, It is very common in Chile, as in many other Latin American countries, to use the diminutive suffixes, Pronominal and verbal voseo, the use of the pronoun, This page was last edited on 1 March 2021, at 02:52. Frühzeit bis Neuzeit. It is over 4,630 kilometres (2,880 mi) north to south, but only 430 kilometres (270 mi) at its widest point east to west. Interessant zu wissen; Spannende Städte in Chile; Geschichte von Chile; Klima & Reisewetter in Chile; Ideen für Ausflüge in Chile; Essen & Trinken in Chile ; Landschaftlich besonders reizvoll; Buchempfehlungen; Linkempfehlungen; Interessant zu wissen. This word may also be spelled “chilli” or "chile." Translate Chile. În Chile se află cel mai secetos deșert din lume, Atacama. *Bevölkerung: 16.888.760 Nachtleben Valdivia Puerto Montt Valparaiso Torres del paine Musik Touristischen Städte Pucón 18. Other articles where History of Chile is discussed: Chile: History: At the time of the Spanish conquest of Chile in the mid-16th century, at least 500,000 Indians inhabited the region. Chile in der Operation Cóndor 1973-1977: Staatsterrorismus in Südamerika (German Edition) eBook: Bohl, Lennart: Kindle Store There are a number of phonetic features common to most Chilean accents, but none of them is individually unique to Chilean Spanish. Das Gebiet des heutigen Chile ist seit mindestens 12.000 v. Chr. Chile hat die gesamte Insel zum historischen Monument erklärt. 1. Though still entirely mutually intelligible with standard Spanish, Chilean Spanish has distinctive pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and slang usage. Chile first declared independence in 1810, but the resulting internal instability led to a restoration of Spanish rule in 1814. Borrow. [23] The majority of the population receive Argentine influence by watching Argentine programs on broadcast television, especially football on cable television[23] and music such as rock and cumbia on the radio as well. Kili e ka shpallur tërë ishullin monument historik. The Chilean Spanish dialect of Easter Island, most especially the accent, is influenced by Rapa Nui language. [23] Lunfardo is an argot of the Spanish language that originated in the late 19th century among the lower classes of Buenos Aires and Montevideo that influenced "Coa", an argot common among criminals in Chile, and later colloquial Chilean Spanish. Algorithmisch generierte Übersetzungen anzeigen. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Spanish Translation of “Chile” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Some examples of distinctive Chilean slang include al tiro (right away), gallo/a (guy/gal), fome (boring), pololear (to go out as girlfriend/boyfriend), pololo/polola (boyfriend/girlfriend),[21] pelambre (gossip), pito (marijuana cigarette i.e.
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