Hiking is a great way to experience the wilds of America and there is plenty of it to be found. Trotzdem bleibt die USA ein teures Pflaster sowohl für Essen, als auch Ausflüge (z.B. There is a multitude of regions in this country with a multitude of tourist destinations that are inhabited by an even greater multitude of people. If it wasn’t for New England, the US probably wouldn’t exist. Backpacking in Südamerika – Tipps & Reiseführer. Always be sure that you have the right gear with you – hiking shoes, backpack, etc – and always have a plan. Work and Travel in Südamerika: Reisebudget und Erfahrungen. If you want to explore caves, unlit temples, or simply find your way to the bathroom during a blackout, a headtorch is a must. The Rockies is one of the greatest mountains chains in North America and has become a defining feature of the Western United States. Make Money Online whilst Backpacking the USA. We mentioned before that you can reach out to vehicle relocation services, like immova and Cruise America, as a way of saving heaps of cash on rentals. If there’s one region that you must, it’s the iconic desert of the Southwest. A lot of foreigners couldn’t name more than five cities in America and the ones they do name are always Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York, and Miami. The USA ain’t exactly cheap folks – this is already one of the most expensive countries in the world and isn’t getting any more affordable anytime soon. Not many people make the Midwest a part of their USA backpacking trip and it’s kind of a shame actually. https://www.facebook.com/Roaming-Ralph-1777819155804007/about, Ralph is a former manager in the hospitality industry turned wild child. You will have to empty and refill the various waste compartments and water tanks though, which will require a visit to the proper facilities. Throw in a huge array of unique lodgings, like treehouses, yurts, houseboats, and farm stays, plus campgrounds and you won’t be a lack of options. The Broke Backpacker team has tried out over thirty backpacks this year! Also, the food is fucking fantastic. Once sleepy Seattle, home to loggers and mariners, is now a modern metropolis. For example, a 2-week itinerary combining the American Southwest and Rockies is totally doable, as is a US backpacking itinerary involving the Midwest and New England. Backpacking in den USA: Typische Route [Washington D.C. & Philadelphia oder Boston & Cape Cod] – New York – Ithaca & Finger Lakes – Buffalo (Niagara Fälle) – Cleveland – Chicago, Milwaukee … Each region that we have covered so far in the USA travel guide has some distinct qualities. Madison (WI) is lowkey one of the great hidden gems of the Midwest and maybe one of the best cities in America. Also, know that buses stop often thus extending drive times. That is precisely why I decided to write this in-depth guide to backpacking the USA. Of course, it’s weird, and, yes, the BBQ will probably lead to an early grave; but if you visit The South with an open mind, you may just enjoy it. Make sure you also purchase a RentalCover.com policy to cover your vehicle against any common damages such as tires, windscreens, theft, and more at a fraction of the price you would pay at the rental desk. It’s a dreamscape full of natural bridges, rocky portals, and passageways leading to God knows where. Wie schon oben beschrieben, gab es in den USA einiges an Ausflügen, denen ich nachgegangen bin. Ah, the Midwest – home of cheeseheads, subarctic winters, and charming accents. Ihr solltet aber wissen, dass Selberkochen nicht immer die günstigste Alternative in den USA … It’s no wonder theft and other crimes are still an endemic issue in poorer areas. But the United States is a big country, not to mention really expensive. Hawaii has everything: lush jungles, dramatic peaks, and more than a few pristine beaches. You will definitely have enough time to see multiple regions in the USA and, not only that, enjoy them as well. Hier im ersten Teil lernt ihr geeignete Reiseländer für Anfänger kennen, im zweiten Teil wiederum stelle ich Länder für Fortgeschrittene oder Profis vor. Not picked the perfect travel backpack yet? Lonely Planet USA Westen. If you so choose, you may even get to see multiple parts of the country. It goes without saying as well that some of the best hikes in America are found in the Rockies. America is often considered one of the most attractive countries in the world and many are drawn here just to see its natural attractions. A great time to visit the United States! Over the course of this article, we’ll be covering lots of subjects – we’ll talk about how to get around the USA, where to lay your tired head for the night, and, crucially, how to save money along the way. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Alles in allem hätte ich an der ein oder anderen Stelle noch Potential zum Sparen gesehen, aber ich mit dem Ergebnis allemal zufrieden, und glücklich über die Budget-Entwicklung in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerka. Yes, it is possible to hitchhike in America but just remember to so smartly and safely. They are, in fact, gorgeous and could easily rival some of America’s best beaches. 3 weeks also means that you could conceivably visit the entire East Coast or West Coast as well. You can follow his adventures at, Airbnb's Most Unique Properties Worldwide, I consent to my personal information being processed in accordance with The Broke Backpackers. Foreigners can enter the United States either via the Visa Waiver Program or by acquiring an official US tourists visa at an embassy. The landscape here is rugged, primal, and mostly untouched by civilization. California is the largest, most famous, and arguably most desirable state on the West Coast. Encircling Mount Rainier, the Wonderland Trail is about 149.7km long and is considered a strenuous … Both Oregon and Washington are green in many senses of the word. Ähnlich wie mit den Aktivitäten, gibt es keine Obergrenze beim Budget für die Verpflegung. Single-use plastic bottles are a huge threat to Marine Life – Be a part of the solution and travel with a filter water bottle. You will sometimes have to fill out a permit at one of these and often campsites are first-come-first-serve, which means that popular ones will fill up quickly. Nachdem die Grundvoraussetzungen geklärt werden gilt es ein paar Ziele zu finden. Lesser visited Idaho, often relegated to a pitstop on road trips across America, is actually a really pretty place, especially around Sandpoint, the Sawtooth Mountains, and Sun Valley. Use rental car search engines to sort through the various car companies and find the right price. So ist es für Neulinge beispielsweise empfehlenswert, erstmal Länder zu berei… Should you choose to, you can see a lot without a car and can stick flying/public transit. There are hundreds of little towns with rich histories and some offer unique attractions, be them crafts or hot springs. The opioid epidemic has swept the nation; meth is a real problem in the Southwest and the heroin abuse in Seattle is shocking sometimes, so be aware of who you’re doing drugs with. The requirements of this US tourist visa are much stricter than the VWP and will often require conditions like in-person interviews and background checks. Below is a classic financial plan for backpacking in USA: You’ve been waiting a long time for this moment – you’re about to go traveling in America for the first time, ever. A lot of states from other regions are actually touched by these mountains – e.g. Unless you’re planning to fly the longer distances, there are only a few options for traveling from America to a different country. Having a 2-week itinerary in the USA will allow you enough time to really get to know a specific region and all of its little hidden spots. Learn how to travel the world for less than $10 per day with the Backpacker Bible! Prime hiking season in the mountainous as the snow has melted from the passes. Texas and the Deep South are often lumped into one “Southern USA” backpacking itinerary are often visited together, too. Well worth having as it helps to have quick access to all your stuff. But first, we’re going to talk about what places to visit in the United States and how to do so. If you’re just visiting a few American destinations that are in a specific region, you may get by on public transport or with your own car. So Americans love to party, but where are the absolute best parties to be found? Depending on your qualifications, you can work remotely from your laptop and make a positive impact on the world! Dies ist ein Gastbeitrag von Sandra … Some parts of America just go together like peanut butter and jelly (you’ll eat plenty of those too I’m sure). Having your own car in the USA will allow you the ultimate freedom and the chance to see many of its remote attractions and natural wonders. Are we going to visit Hawaii or Alaska? YOU. They’re eco-friendly, love to smoke (legal) marijuana, and are covered by some of the lushest woods in the country. Urban camping is also becoming quite popular and is an excellent way to experience a city without having to drop boatloads on a lodge. The PNW and Alaska are enjoying the sun before it disappears for 5 months. Utah, famous for stone arches and the Mormon religion, probably has the densest collection of state and national parks in the country. Some. Im Anschluss gehe ich auf ein paar Kostenpunkte und Highlights von Kanada ein. There is petty theft in the busier areas, particularly involving car break-ins and pickpocketing, but these can be avoided by traveling in the USA smartly. Oregon wine is more delicate and the pinots here are some of the best in the world. Kosten für Verpflegung beim Backpacking in den USA. Overall, the best time to visit the USA as the weather is good almost everywhere and there are fewer tourists. I don’t know about you but we could use a vacation right about now, preferably in Maui. Wonderland Trail in Mount Rainier National Park is one of America’s 10 Best Backpacking Trips. Es lohnt sich auch ein Auto zu mieten und die Ostküste hoch zu dackeln. Backpacking is a fun activity! https://www.globesurfer.de/weltreise-backpacking-kosten/usa In exchange for a few hours of work each day, your room and board are covered. You can also rent an RV or campervan, which means you don’t have to worry about packing camping gear. All those tired, poor, wretch souls who came over on boats across the Atlantic made their own place in America and helped make it the diverse country that it is. Hochgespannt war ich auf dem Trip zu meiner Traumstadt New York, die auch als teures Pflaster bezeichnet wird. It doesn’t get much more American than this. Note that an ESTA is not an actual visa for the US, per se (it’s a clearance). Texas is totally worth your time, even if you only make it to a few destinations. Vibrant, storied, exciting, and never ashamed, New Orleans is one of the most interesting cities in the USA, not to mention one of the most fun. Das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten! Für jeden Kauf / Bestellung über meinen Link bekomme ich eine kleine Komission, die mir hilft weiter an der Seite zu arbeiten. In fact, marijuana is legal in 10 states! East Coast people have a very particular personality that is all their own and getting to know them is half the fun. Macht nur die Ostküste oder konzentriert euch auf die Westküste. Location: Switzerland | Distance: 68 miles. If you really want to go cheap, then take advantage of the many primitive sites in America. Ich habe von der Insel O’ahu wirklich viel gesehen und trotzdem so viel verpasst. Das Geld was man sich hier spart, kann man unverblümt in anderen tollen Ländern ausgeben. Für mich ging es noch eimal gut aus und ich lag prima im Budget. The Great Plains separate the East Coast and West Coast of America like an ocean. To put that into perspective, that’s equivalent to walking the entire coastline of the Lower 48. Visiting Alaska could be an unforgettable experience as there few places this pure left in the world. Not many people – even Americans – make it all the way to Hawaii or Alaska. For example, whiskey is quite good in Appalachia as this where bourbon was created. That’s right: you guys are key to keeping this big, beautiful blog free of ads! It hosts many of the best museums and national monuments in the country, most of which are, crucially, free! A road trip across America is costly and you could end up spending more than you originally planned to…. In 3 Wochen kannst Du sehr viel … Weitere Informationen Akzeptieren. Most people will fly at least once or twice within the United States. Use an American road trip planner app to plot routes. There are parts of The South that we already know about. There are USA rail passes available for purchase with Amtrak. If you want to go backpacking in the USA on a budget, consider investing in a special annual pass. It’s all about helping out our tribe of awesome backpacker readers [that’s you!]. Everything from hotels to b&bs to hostels to beach bungalows can be booked while visiting. After all, this is where most of the nation’s history has taken place and where most of its aspirations have sprung from. If you don’t mind flying in America, then you can certainly knock out many of the best cities in the USA, like San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New York. There is no denying that the local Latin-American communities have had a huge influence on American culture. It’s one of the best things to do in the USA, both because it’s fun and it’s cheap too! Wenn Sie diese Website ohne Änderung Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen zu verwenden fortzufahren, oder klicken Sie auf "Akzeptieren" unten, dann erklären Sie sich mit diesen. That being said, New England still has its fair share of cool cities. New Mexico is the least trafficked part of the Southwest and is probably more well-known for Breaking Bad than its actual attractions. Backpacking in Hawaii is not necessarily affordable but with a little help, you can still visit on a reasonable budget. These are some of the greatest American novels of all time. The East Coast may just be the most “American” part of America. Great if you’re a skier, but bad if you’re everyone else. But Appalachia offers plenty to the curious tourist, more than other regions of the US. The most popular time to vacation in the United States, which means prices will be peaking. Many people are seen as unintelligent, which are more symptoms of unjust social dynamics (following the Civil War, the South became very poor). Browse our site for hostels, trip ideas, backpacker tours, campervan rentals and travel tips or view the digital version of our popular print guide to backpacking the USA … Let me tell you though; 2 weeks is the perfect amount of time to do some of the best American road trip routes! Microfibre towels dry quickly, are compact, lightweight, and can be used as a blanket or yoga mat if need be. Applicants from 38 different countries can enter the United States visa-free for a period of 90 days. In short, it’s difficult to stay on top of the situation, so be sure to check regularly the current COVID status in each state. While its location is great for the outdoors and breeding free-spiritedness, it sucks to drive to. Combining the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain states affords probably my favorite scenery in the entire country. Visit them and surrounding Midwest cities like Chicago, Minneapolis, Madison, and Detroit. For help finding the best places to stay in US cities, refer to some of these in-depth articles here: Camping is one of the great American pastimes and something that nearly every resident has done once in their life. Teaching English online is a great way to earn a consistent income on the road. Some cities actually struggle with drug problems. Remote is the best word to describe Alaska. Visiting here will allow you endless opportunities to camp, hike, and explore. Most of the worst crime in America happens in remote neighborhoods where tourists have no reason to go to in the first place. Die besten Länder für Backpacker müssen günstig sein. The nearest cities – Salt Lake City (UT) and Albuquerque (NM) – are both more than 6 hours away. Zugegeben, ich bin kein großer USA … They may also let you buy or extend a policy once you’ve started your trip and are already abroad which is super handy. Aside from being an all-out blast, it will be a great immersion experience. Be prepared for what life throws at you on the road. The Southwest and Deep South return to lovely temperatures. If you have any hopes of doing a coast to coast American journey (without killing yourself at the same time), this is the kind of time you’ll need. Business on the west coast IS about relationships though; whereas, business on the East Coast is often about grinding it out. If you have the time though, the aforementioned states are totally worth visiting. Objectively speaking, many of the most iconic places in America are found in the Southwest. It’s easy to use and saves you time and money. If you don’t really care about civilization though, there’s always the Great Lakes to explore. Regardless of how you choose to get around the USA, you should depart the country feeling very pleased with yourself. Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen", um Ihnen das beste Surferlebnis möglich zu geben. They are very open-minded and laid back though and can get along with just about anyone. BOOM! Each arrival is assessed on a case by case basis – this means that you will be at the mercy of the customs agent every time you travel to the US. Let’s take a closer look at some of your American expenses: If you’re wondering how much would it cost to travel across America, then here is a breakdown of various costs: If you’re trying to go backpacking in the USA with no money or very little of it, you’d better use some of these travel hacks: Whilst there’s a lot that we can do when it comes to traveling responsibly, reducing your plastic consumption is one of the easiest and most impactful things you can do. As you go backpacking, USA’s east coast has the perfect city to get you started – New York. Sandwiched between the Puget Sound and Mt Rainier, it’s arguably the most beautiful city in America as well (on a clear day). Geographically, Appalachia is defined by the Appalachian Mountains, which form the largest chain in the Eastern United States. I have been using World Nomads for some time now and made a few claims over the years. Americans also love drugs, probably a little too much. Reportedly, there are over 50,000 miles of trail systems in the US. Some of the larger cities, like Knoxville (TN), Pittsburgh (PA), and Asheville (NC), in particular, are actually really cool towns. Americans party a lot and in many different ways. There are more cities besides Chicago worth seeing too. If you are granted an ESTA, which is valid for 2 years, you are not actually guaranteed entry into the USA. Backpacking Route in Nordamerika und Canada. Camping in the USA can be done in many places, be it at a beach, in the woods, in the mountains, or just in someone’s backyard. die Brooklyn Bridge, die Salzwüste oder der Central Park. STATES: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine. You’ll have to pay more if you have an RV because they take up more space, require waste disposal, and consume more electricity. Or that Atlanta (GA) is no longer the gritty, crime-ridden city that it used to be? Some of the best places in America to go hiking are its national parks, which are set up preserve the natural splendor, ecosystem, and historical significance of a given area. We’ll talk about the best of America, including the finest lodges, the most beautiful parks, and the most rad cities. Few other countries were founded upon such a huge immigrant population and have molded together quite so much. Ganze 15 Nächte habe ich bei Couchsurfern übernachtet. Though it isn’t as dynamic as the East Coast or as warm as the South, the Midwest still has a lot of merits. Americans can’t get enough of their sports; some are diehard fanatics. While the modern form of America may have been nurtured further down on the Atlantic Seaboard, the first version of it was born in New England. Read our full review of the GRAYL GEOPRESS! Better yet, Broke Backpackers also get a $40 discount with Outdoorsy! If you’re in the countryside, chances are you’re more likely be killed by bison in heat or a freak tornado. Let’s not forget California’s moodier northern neighbor either. Noch mehr Backpacker In… Beste Backpacker Länder: 25 Low Budget Reiseziele [+Kosten Vergleich] 4. Here are a couple more instances of some famous American foods, broken down by region: A GREAT misconception about America is that every resident falls under the same category. If you want to visit Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho, it will be a mission. Viele weitere nützliche Tipps und Informationen zu den Backpacker-Kosten in den USA findet hier. That being said, there ARE ways to travel in America on a budget and you CAN have a great time without blowing all of your money. Recently, he spent eight months travelling around Africa, the Middle East, and Europe, spending as much time as possible in the wilderness and doing everything to avoid the crowds. There’s a reason why many people consider it to be the center of the world. Wichtig für alle Backpacker – egal ob Neuling oder Profi – ist aber, dass man absolut offen für Neues sein muss. Doesn’t really matter if you’re backpacking the USA alone or with a group – there’s tons of stuff do here! Ihr werdet dabei überall auf faszinierende Reisezeile treffen. All rights reserved. Backpacking China Travel Guide (Tips + Secrets for 2021) Backpacking China is an attack on the senses. I’m hard on America because I’m from there. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert. To help you further with your outdoor odyssey, refer to one of our many hiking guides listed below: As a follow-up, we’d like to remind our readers to never venture into the wilderness unprepared. Worldpackers opens the doors for work opportunities in hostels, homestays, NGOs, and eco-projects around the world. Dennoch gibt es viele Highlights, die kein Geld kosten. Those on a coast to coast road trip through America often speed through this part because there is supposedly nothing to do, but coastal areas such as Port Aransas are definitely some must-visit coastal destinations. As a United States native, one who has gone on more than a few road trips, I know a thing or two about traveling in this country. Dazu zählen wir: Wäsche; Visa; Postkarten/Pakete nach Deutschland (Überlegt euch das gut, da im Ernstfall noch Kosten … Outside of certain areas, which will be obvious to you by the numerous patrolling policemen, the odds of you being a victim are pretty minimal. That being said, individual states have the power to set regional restrictions and entry requirements. There are also a number of Americanized dishes. I wracked up $15,000 in hospital bills, but these were completely covered by my travel insurance. Refer below for a breakdown of American seasons. Be sure to grab a few them of them while backpacking in America. Die Verpflegung ist ist in den USA teilweise günstiger als in Europa und das liegt nicht zuletzt an der nichtvorhanden Esskultur der Amerikaner. It’s convenient to start here, both because of convenience – the East Coast Corridor is very well connected – and because this is where America started.
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