harry potter. snape. Harry Potter. harry potter. There were less problems. Severus Snape's Dungeons. He was a close companion to Lily Evans from a young age, but they lost their friendship as he began to befriend shady Slytherins, perform dark magic, and accidentally referred to Lily as a Mudblood. Lets take a vote. LadyAmortentia, red_shoe and 3 others like this. I think when he's all done up in the hair and costumes, he's going to look absolutely brilliant. Severus Snape (9. januar 1960 - 2. maj 1998) er en fiktiv person fra Harry Potter-universet, der er medlem af fakultetet på troldmandsskolen Hogwarts. BlackHound The funny thing is that I posted this pic here months ago. Who's playing the young Severus Snape in Deathly Hallows part2? alan rickman. Latar Belakang Snape terlahir dari pasangan Tobias Snape, … Severus Snape, also known as the Half-Blood Prince, is a major character in theHarry Potter franchise. Twenty-year-old actor Alec Hopkins was cast in May to play the role of young Severus Snape – portrayed in the movie series by Alan Rickman. Relevance. video. snape. lilyZ Such a smart child...he could have another destiny... bunnyhoppi GO SNAPE! Alec Hopkins - Young Severus Snape liked on Polyvore featuring harry potter and people althea_gan09 y r u looking at me?(joke.....) LadyNottingham These behind-the-scenes shots are great - thanks for posting them. Alec Hopkins as Severus Snape. Snape appears as a thin man with sallow skin, long greasy black hair, a hooked nose and black eyes. LoveforSeverus ^Me too!!!! BlackHound Our Professor really *does* have a sense of humor. by sy1111sy This is sooooo HOT!!! Theories, movie discussions, art, poetry, stories, chat forum. T. 1 decade ago. The young Severus snape answers questions about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. proffesor. severus snape. Dia berhidung bengkok seperti paruh elang, berambut klimis-hitam-pendek. MESSAGES. Alan Rickman, 2007. lilith84 and Betty81 like this . Snape, Snape, and more Snap. deathly hallows. Abo Special! With Voldemort having returned to a fully corporeal body, Snape continues working as a re-doubled agent for Dumbledore. More information Twenty-year-old actor Alec Hopkins was cast in May to play the role of young Severus Snape portrayed in the movie series by Alan Rickman. Il Film si intitola Harry Potter e l’Ordine della Fenice [HD] (2007), di genere Fantasy Disponibile solo qui per tutti i dispositivi mobili e fissi in Streaming, la durata è di 138 min ed è stato prodotto in English.. Dopo un’estate solitaria su Privet Drive, Harry torna a Hogwarts piena di sfortuna. Alec Hopkins als 16-jähriger (Film 5) ... Obwohl Lily Severus Snape diesen "einmaligen Ausrutscher" nie verziehen hat, ist Snapes Liebe zu ihr weiterhin erhalten geblieben. … Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) Alec Hopkins as Young Severus Snape Severus Tobias Snape là một nhân vật hư cấu trong bộ tiểu thuyết dài 7 tập Harry Potter của nữ nhà văn Anh Quốc J. K. Rowling. matrix. : https://youtu.be/2z5qVKGDCHo2. Dia berhidung bengkok seperti paruh elang, berambut klimis-hitam-pendek. alan rickman. severus. Severus Snape. A society dedicated to Severus Snape. karatasi la kupamba ukuta of Snape for mashabiki of Severus Rogue 13251488 severus. potions master. Severus Snape is a Slytherin at Hogwarts school and a canon character in the Harry Potter books. Just picture the Severus being said in a ghostly voice, and Snape is looking around like, OK, that's creepy, voices in my head... 1. cemetery . Alec Hopkins has not filmed any new scenes for Deathly Hallows, and at this point it's not clear whether any of that chapter has been included in the film. Mai 1986) ist ein englischer Regisseur, Autor, Produzent und Herausgeber, der vor allem dafür bekannt ist, den jugendlichen Severus Snape in der Verfilmung von Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix gespielt zu haben. I'd even go back to school. DISCUSSIONS . Young Severus Snape. saverus snape Severus Snape Severus Snape Keturunan Half-Blood Diperankan oleh Alan Rickman (dewasa), Alec Hopkins (remaja) Severus Snape adalah guru Ramuan dan Pertahanan Terhadap Ilmu Hitam dan kepala sekolah di Hogwarts dalam kisah Harry Potter. Severus Snape is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Feb 12, 2015 - In "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," Harry returns for his fifth year of study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community is in denial about the teenager's recent encounter with the evil Lord Voldemort, preferring to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldemort has returned. Re: Alec Hopkins as young Severus Snape I'm very excited about this new boy they found to play young Severus. FORUMS. severus snape. Pemeran: Alan Rickman (dewasa), Alec Hopkins (remaja) Severus Snape adalah guru Ramuan dan Pertahanan Terhadap Ilmu Hitam dan sekaligus kepala sekolah di Hogwarts setelah Albus Dumbledore dalam kisah Harry Potter. BlackHound Here here! alec hopkins. added by lilith84. Severus Snape; Alan Rickman sebagai Severus Snape dalam Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This Severus Snape litrato might contain portrait, headshot, and closeup. -melts- Roxas1314 ich liebe dich severus!!! LadyNottingham likes this. Severus Snape's Dungeons. snape. SevvyGirl More importantly, where are you? In a recent interview Alec Hopkins, who was cast as a young Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, discusses the process of landing the role, filming and what he had to learn to portray the role for Severus.. Alec sent in some pictures and then waited a nerve-wracking four months till news came that he had the role. fan Art of Always in our hearts for fans of Severus Rogue 26269344 Harry Potter. We need more Prof. Snape in the schools. In the final film,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, the younger Snape, perhaps ten or eleven, is played by Benedict Clarke. severus. severus snape. Login; Join; HOME. Kanal Tasat1000: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3WRkj3_zxZIeyOmYtol_lw1. NOTIFICATIONS. added by makintosh. LadyNottingham The full version is as great at the closeup. This Severus Snape photo might contain sign, poster, text, chalkboard, well dressed person, suit, pants suit, pantsuit, portrait, headshot, and closeup. Càng đi … Alec Hopkins (* 25. He is an exceptionally skilful wizard whose coldly sarcastic and controlled exterior conceals deep emotions and anguish. Warum lieben wir Severus Snape?! Harry Potter. Alec revealed his resemblance to the famous actor had helped him land the part, which sees him play Snape in a flashback to the Hogwarts teacher’s youth. video. U HAVE MY HEART! Jan 1, 2017 - Alec Hopkins plays the young Severus Snape in Order of the Phoenix. Pochi studenti e genitori credono a lui o Silente che Voldemort sia davvero tornato. frostydragon I remember teacher just like that. potions master. picha. Aug 14, 2012 - Alec Hopkins talks about playing a Young Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Betty81 it is awesome pic. kekamarie, ScarlettSeverus and 5 others like this. sex. Smirkity, Airisuiris and 5 others like this. Originally making his debut inSorcerer's Stone, he revealed his ambitious side as the titular main antagonist ofHalf-Blood Prince. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, the fifteen-year-old Snape (portrayed by Alec Hopkins) makes a brief appearance in a flashback to Snape’s youth. So much!!!!! Here's a couple pictures of him: harry potter. SevvyGirl, althea_gan09 and 1 other like this. In the fifth novel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Snape returns to a more prominent role. Answer Save. i checked mugglenet but they didn't say anything. … fan video. Favorite Answer. 9 [ep2] Step by Step Sex by Sev Snape, the Sex Master - radio drama . *KISS KISS* *SMOOCH* Maya_Snape he's so adorable!!! This Severus Piton fan art might contain recinzione a rete, recinzione in rete, cappuccio, and mantello. And yes, the snake is like the hangman's knot around his neck - he's trapped. Severus Rogue. 1 Karriere 2 Filmographie 2.1 Schauspieler 2.2 Crew 3 Hinter… Severus Piton. 2 Answers. Severus Piton. Severus Snape's Dungeons > The Common Room > Harry Potter Movies > Alec Hopkins about his role as Severus clip. Could you please help. Teenage Severus Snape (Alec Hopkins) in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. snape. interview. severus proffesor This Severus Rogue fan-art might contain robe de dîner, formel, robe de soirée, formelle, signe, affiche, texte, tableau noir, tableau, and affiches. 8. lilith84, yermam and 1 other like this. He also dresses in a flowing black robe. snape. Selbst Snapes Engagement als Todesser hat seine Liebe zu der muggelstämmigen Lily nicht erschüttert. A Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape is hostile to Harry due to his resemblance to his father James, who bullied Snape during their time at Hogwarts. Alan Rickman. Page 5- Alec Hopkins as young Severus Snape The Casting Couch Alec Hopkins (teenager) Benedict Clarke (barn) Kaldenavn: Severus Snape: Fødselsdag: 9. januar 1960: Familie: Eileen Prince (Mor) Tobias Snape (Far) Model af Severus Snape. Page 2- Alec Hopkins as young Severus Snape The Casting Couch Ông xuất hiện trong tất cả bảy tập tiểu thuyết và ngay trong tập đầu tiên Harry Potter và Hòn đá phù thủy ông đã tỏ ra mình là một con người khó chịu.
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