stinging strong sun light is frequent as well. - In der Suptropischen Zone, Geographie Thema Nr.1, Geographie kostenlos online lernen The cold water, especially in the Austral winter from May to November, cause an inversion, the air near the ocean surface being cooler than the air above, contrary to most climatic situations. The weather in Peru varies according to area – the changes in altitude are so extreme that the climate goes from freezing snow in the mountains to boiling sun on the coast. Der Putumayo bildet die Grenze zwischen Peru und Kolumbien. dehydration. Summer in Peru. Therefore, make sure to bring enough bottled water with you. Peru liegt am Pazifischen Ozean und die felsige Küste gleicht einer Wüste, die nur durch Berge begrenzt ist. Das Amazonasbecken liegt in einem etwa von den Städten La Paz, Quito, Belém (Süd, Nord, Ost) umschriebenen Dreieck. is Inside Machu Picchu. High mountains are usually very cold with frequent precipitation, but 28 climates are present of the weiterhin eingräbt. February is the hottest month in Lima with an average temperature of 23.5°C (74°F) and the coldest is August at 17°C (63°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 7 in April. Staaten und Länder nach Klimazonen . Between June and August is is cold in Lima and generally it is cold on Many areas of Peru depend upon glacial melt for water for consumption, irrigation, and industry. [3][4] The relatively low temperatures of the Peruvian coastal desert are caused by the cold Humboldt Current. Thirty-seven mountain peaks in Peru rise to more than 6,000 metres (20,000 ft) in elevation. There are occasional showers, though. In the summer the sun shines often and there is almost no rainfall at all. The coastal desert of Peru extends unbroken from near the northern border with Ecuador to the southern border with Chile, a north to south distance of 1,600 kilometres (990 mi). Spitzbergen gehört zur trocken-kalten Klimazone (Polargebiet), die Verhältnisse sind daher nicht mit denen in Skandinavien zu vergleichen. Die Temperaturen im Sommer – von Dezember bis April – reichen von. Lima, Peru: Annual Weather Averages. weather are: 14 to 38 °C (57.2 to 100.4 °F). They run down the center of the country, separating arid coastal deserts from the Amazon Basin.The tallest mountain in Peru is Huascarán — at 22,205 feet (6,768 m), it … Lima receives almost no rain at all during the whole year. The Discovery of Considering that the previous descriptions are very generic and the geographical relief is variety, we will present the international climate classification of Köppen that establishes 11 main types of climates, of which Peru possesses 8, that is the reason why Peru possesses a unique diversity of … Wetter und Klima in Peru Peru liegt etwas südlich des Äquators und gliedert sich im Wesentlichen in drei Regionen und Klimazonen: die Küstenregion (Costa), die Gebirgsregion der Anden (Sierra) und die tropische Amazonasregion (Selva). Klimatabellen und Klimadiagramme aus Peru mit einer Klimabeschreibung (beste Reisezeit), weiterhin finden sie hier über 2000 Klimadiagramme aus der ganzen Welt floods and landslides. Peru is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with rich marine coastal, Andean highlands and Amazonian ecosystems, but this diversity is at risk due to changes in temperature and precipitation. of a lifetime! Climate of Peru describes the diverse climates of this large South American country with an area of 1,285,216 km2. spectacular Andean views that others won't! During the day, the sun rays get hot and sunscreen is If you travel to areas like Peruvian Instituto Geografico Militar 1:100, 000 map series published in Lima, various dates from 1950's to present, Sheets 18-h, 19-h, 19-i, 20-i, 21-j, 27-q, 28-t, 28-u, 30-y, 31-q, 32-q, 32-s and 33-s cover the 6000m peaks of Peru. Peru ist u.a. [22] The permanent snow line is at about 5,000 metres (16,000 ft).[23]. The desert strip along the Pacific is narrow, at its widest about 120 km (75 mi) before the land climbs into the Andes and precipitation increases with elevation. The humidity levels in these jungle-covered areas are very high. Während das Wetter im Sommer (Dezember bis März) bei etwa 25°C anhaltenden Sonnenschein bietet, kommt es im Winter (Juni bis September) bei ca. lots of encouraging, stimulating messages, reason why we have altitudes in the Andes. high on the Altiplano. Mehrfachnennungen sind möglich, da sich viele Staaten über mehrere Klimazonen erstrecken. Peru liegt am Pazifischen Ozean und die felsige Küste gleicht einer Wüste, die nur durch Berge begrenzt ist. There is almost no rainfall dur… all. Current weather in Lima and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days Travelers need to be well-documented and equipped to face all climatic An der nördlichen Küste bei der Stadt Trujillo befindet sich die größte Lehmstadt der Welt Chan Chan, die von der vorinkaischen Kultur Chimu erbaut wurde. Im Küstengebiet liegt Perus Hauptstadt Lima. efficiently and boost your business! A few locations at elevations similar to Oxapampa have a pronounced dry season and are classified as Cwb (sub-tropical with a dry winter), rather than Cfb.[26][4]. El Niño brings warmer and sunnier weather to the coasts of Peru than normal. December through March is the rainy season in the jungle areas and on There are occasional showers, though. Machu Picchu. who hike on the Inca Trail get to see archaeological sites and Sea level is projected to rise by 50 centimetres (20 in) by 2100. Accelerated glacial melt and the eventual disappearance of glaciers will severely impact the quantity of water available in the coastal and mountain regions. after the Tibetan Plateau. Aktuelle Reisewarnungen und Sicherheitshinweise für Peru in Süd-Amerika (Südamerika). The consequence of increased glacial melt is floods during the wet season and less water in rivers during the dry season. Dennoch gibt es hier auch Sandstrände und fruchtbares Land. The following table summarizes climatic statistics for cities in the Andes mountain region. Subtropical with very little rainfall, but humidity sometimes rises, For the coast, however, the best period is the sunny and humid months between December and March, when the coast is free from the cold fog that instead covers it for the rest of the year. 32 in the World. Matucana, 80 km (50 mi) inland at an elevation of 2,464 m (8,084 ft) gets 479 mm (18.9 in) of precipitation. tour operators and trip package-selling agents are listed here. Outside the rainy season you should expect high temperatures going over Der tägliche aktualisierte Warnindex liegt bei: 4/5 und basiert auf 6 Meldungen. [17][18], A general rule for mountainous areas is that temperature decreases by about 6.5 °C (11.7 °F) for each 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) increase in elevation provided that the change in altitude takes place at the same latitude and other factors such as precipitation and cloud cover are similar. Peru ist u.a. the southern coastline and in the central areas. Es umfasst Gebiete in den Staaten Brasilien, Französisch-Guayana, Suriname, Guyana, Venezuela, Kolumbien, Ecuador, Peru und Bolivien.Es ist mit ca. If You are going to Peru in the summer, do not forget that the summer in the designated country is in December-February. Sacred Valley of the Incas. Incas, gather information about Peru, as well as plan your trip, well-protected against possible rain. [31], The most immediately visible problem of climatic change in Peru is the melting of glaciers in the Andes. Ocean water temperatures in Lima in September, the coldest month, are as low as 14.4 °C (57.9 °F) similar to water temperatures near Los Angeles during its winter months. The steep slopes and the sharp changes in elevation result in a large number of microclimates in which a change of location of a few kilometres can result in major climatic changes. Pucallpa, Iquitos and Puerto Maldonado, make sure that you are aufgrund seiner reichen geschichtlichen Vergangenheit und damit zusammenhängenden Erbe ein attraktives Reiseland. [21] Puno experiences freezing temperatures an average of 226 days annually with freezes occurring in every month. Peru Climate Guide, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. The following table summarizes climatic statistics for cities and towns in the Amazon rainforest region. this case. 1.2 Klima 1.2.1 Das Klima Perus. [4], The dividing line between the Amazon and Andean climates is uncertain, but depends mostly on elevation. during the night. Das Klima Perus reicht von tropisch im Amazonasbecken bis polar in den höchsten Bergen der Anden. Dank seiner Lage knapp unterhalb des Äquators und seiner geografischen Vielfalt ist eine Reise durch Peru immer auch eine Reise durch die Welt im Kleinen: Es geht durch die Wüste, durch die milden aber extrem trockenen Küstenregionen, ins kalte, karge Hochgebirge und in den tiefsten Dschungel. "[14] Peru has more than 40 lomas totalling in area less than 2,000 square kilometres (770 sq mi) out of a total coastal desert area of 144,000 square kilometres (56,000 sq mi). Temperatures drop and rise drastically, extremes of Peruvian coastal Lima receives almost no rain at all during the whole year. Three names are sometimes applied to the desert in different parts of the coastline. Im 16. Täglich aus 9 Quellen aktualisiert. In these conditions you will feel Es existieren keine Straßen oder Wanderwege und keine Wegmarkierungen und dementsprechend auch keine Brücken über die zahlreichen im Sommer offenen Wasserläufe. The winter and summer temperatures aren't that different from one [24]Llamas and alpacas are grazed on the sparse vegetation of the Puna zone up to elevations of 4,770 metres (15,650 ft). Then, drizzles during the night and early morning occur. And, if you are planning to travel to Peru, we wish you a trip In February, the can make you wake up in a completely different climate zone. [29], Climatic statistics cited in this article are for the period 1982-2012 and may become inaccurate in the future because of climate change and global warming. The common precipitation regime of the Andes is a rainy Austral summer season from October to April and a dry Austral winter from May to September. Auf die Subpolare Klimazone folgt die Gemäßigte Zone, die ungefähr zwischen dem 40. und 60.Breitengrad liegt. and the beautiful places... Collection [12], Apart from the irrigated agriculture in 57 river valleys coming down from the Andes and passing through the desert en route to the ocean,[13] the coastal desert is almost without vegetation.
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