As a legit seller, you can still get scammed on Depop. I definitely really liked every bit of it and i also have you bookmarked to look , Agree it actually puts me off buying the item. The item doesn't say "sold" so it is still technically up for sale. Work-flow can help the Cash-Flow. Allowing a refund will mean that youll need to go through Paypal to get it done. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. You will need to message the seller and ask them to contact PayPal to resolve this Network issues. Literally ahhhhhnyone call sell on Depop as a means of clearing out their wardrobe Ive often put the cash straight back into buying new clothes but at least Im simply replacing rather than spending more money, you see? Or you might be able to help family and friends declutter their wardrobes. A sub for discussing all things Depop. Is one of your hobbies creating products? There are loads of great reasons why Depop is a popular app for people looking to sell their clothes online. However, keep your eyes peeled - it will gradually be released to more of the community. Why Depop? I went into my depop account and the item that has sold doesn't have the sold writing across it, has this happened to anyone else? Pay only through the app. Do your research and select a price that makes your item extra enticing for a potential customer. Selling your unwanted clothes is a great way to put a little extra cash in your pocket, and scaling up your business can turn that into a regular source of income. I simply put a thumb tac in a white wall & hang clothes on it to photograph them in broad day light. PayPal Verification If this option isn't visible to you, scroll down until you find it. Your items will go inactive if you haven't used Depop for a while. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. When uploading an item for sale, you have the option of adding tags to describe the product so that it shows up more on search results. occurring. xoxo, Lets face it, we all have too much stuff in our closet, especially when it comes to clothes and shoes. Whenever Dont forget to check my Depop @icomeundone to see how I apply the above ideas to my own account and be sure to follow me on Instagram to see when new stock is uploaded. Since deleting listings from your Depop account also deletes all the comments and reviews from that listing, you might decide that you want to keep it around. Ive added in a shipping fee for each of my items listed for sale, but I cant see this noted in the item info. flakey person I video record my shipments, so that there is proof that it was Dont redirect shipments. As we mentioned earlier, sellers must have the items in person to sell. Once youve selected the option on that menu, youll be prompted to connect your Paypal account. Have a quick look around Depop and youll see the wide variety of different clothing items for sale, from high-end designer items to casual basics and handmade goods. @tomsthreadz, Depop seller since March 2021. Please read rules before posting. then you would need to click the three little dots and put mark as sold, otherwise im not sure why that would happen , Thank you for your help, i just marked it as sold and had a look but it was a bag so didnt even have a size on it. Say that. Step 2: Add a photo/logo that represents your brand and tap on 'Next'. - Items from your wardrobe (whether new and unworn or preloved), - Thrifted clothes - clothes you find at yard sales, from friends and families wardrobes, on marketplaces, at thrift stores or rag houses, - Items in different conditions (brand new, like new, used - excellent, used - good, and used - fair). After Making a Sale. Clothing buyers can search keywords to find specific items, or they can follow particular sellers and see what theyve got on offer. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Find it on Depop. Ive often only noticed minor faults when photographing the item but by being 100% honest youre giving buyers the opportunity to buy the item knowingly with faults as opposed to only seeing the minor damages on arrival. 7. I want Thank you for the read I found it very helpful. The message says something along the lines of Hey Im interested:message me AT: Username200:::@::: G:::m:::a:::i:::l::::Com Thanks or a similar message with a phone number instead. The best action is to pay the correct way via Depop. As my mom says a quite priest never got a parish so, by that standard you need to use platforms that people check regularly to shout about whats happening on a platform that they dont. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',126,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Another easy way to get scammed on Depop or any other selling platform that uses PayPal as a payment is being asked to change the shipping address other than the one on PayPal. The worst case is that they take your money and disappear off of the account. second hand goods online. And will Depop charge me a fee for this ? Here is a low key scam that did not happen here but is part of the reason I dont do international shipments at this time. sellers. I sold an item about half an hour ago and got a notification from depop and an email from PayPal saying I had received the money. Depop is unfortunately still littered with sellers selling fake items. You have to have a considerable amount of trust with the person youre planning to trade with. Do you use other apps to help manage your depop? In both cases, neither PayPal nor Depop can help you recover your money. scammed. Offer a discount or free shipping. EDIT: Contacted the Depop team and they let me know what was going on. However scammers exist everywhere corporate America, government, your scamming behind EX!!!! For example, we wrote about our experience of buying a fake Reformation dress from a seller in Australia. I dont spend my time monitoring tracking except on rare occasion. 2 6 Related Topics Before giving the refund, youll be given 2 options of whether to allow or decline the process. You may need some extra verification steps on Paypals end, but once those are done, you should be good to get started! Jacklyn Wells runs her. Before you can start selling on this app, you should familiarize yourself with the fees that Depop charges to its sellers per item. ago. Write item descriptions. Option 1. Only post once weekly? If you close the app and open it again, then navigate to your profile, you'll notice that the listing now has a "SOLD" watermark on it. Depop, Poshmark, eBay, etc) are not supposed to be refused and that they are to accept as is. Or that it is part of a VIP gift set that is not sold in stores. Of course the downside is that you should be deleting the old listing and all likes on it will be gone! Thanks very much Sarah, also throughout your depop experience do you often purchase a lot of items? Sometimes you can get a feel for their personality. buyer perspective you could also video record and document your unboxing of the The best way to determine if P eer-to-peer app Depop was founded in 2011 to help people sell pre-loved clothes and to allow shoppers a circular way to indulge their love of fashion. This article has been viewed 71,296 times. You can clean out your wardrobe and earn cash to fill it up with new-to-you clothes. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. So the seller is left without the product and loses money. This fee wont be deducted from the sale itself, but rather your Paypal account, so dont panic when you see that charge! She refunded the money right away and explained that she couldnt tell a fake herself because she has not seen a real dress in person. Almost always Depop is the perfect solution for this problem. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1','ezslot_8',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fulfilledmerchant_com-leader-1-0'); And then telling the seller to send the product elsewhere. I sell on Mecari often, like two items a week but have not had lick with this app. Start by looking at the shops you like to browse and see what they have on offer for inspiration. exist so I block them and move on. However, if the seller is new, dont be afraid to buy from them and I can tell you why in a moment. I was just wondering do I have to have my Depop linked to my personal facebook or instagram? I link the stock on my Insta stories with a swipe up to my depop or, put a post on my insta telling people in the caption that the stock is up and add a link to my depop in my bio x, thank you for this website, its very helpful! I cant even see myself the shipping cost Ive put per item! Depop is safe to buy from! Paypals refund process isnt too hard to work with and even allows for partial refunds, although with a transaction made with your Depop store, any refund will likely be expected in full. Depop, a London startup that has built an app for individuals to post and sell (and mainly resell) items to groups of followers by way of its own and third-party social feeds, has closed a. This means that a $1,000 investment in February 2018 would be worth $5,890 today. So before you sell, youre going to need to link your Paypal account. If youre buying or selling a $10 shirt or sweater, it is unlikely that you will deal with scammers. Even with a PayPal dispute, you will only get back what you paid, which is $1. A 19-year-old vintage fashion dealer on Depop has hit back at critics who accused her of being "greedy" and "lazy" for marking up the prices of the clothes she resells. It may be that the scammer is scamming both a buyer and a seller at the same time without their knowledge. I was very pleased to find this website. I am very sensitive to writing a person off just because they are a new seller because I was a new seller at one time, we all had to start from somewhere. It might take 2-3 days for Depop to release this money into your account. Maybe you have upcycled or reworked clothes that need homes. For example, you know how some of those online pushy people areand they remind you of the used cars salesman and you immediately know in your gut you dont want to deal with this person? Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Do you have any tips or tricks for selling on Depop? Becky Chorlton, from Lymm, Cheshire, owns Becky's Bazaar, which focuses on selling vintage clothing items online. So one of my items that I just listed says it's sold, but it's not. This means it's easy to find a potential buyer, whatever you're selling. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We do this when a user is hasn't used the app for 28 days or more. If you source standout items and work hard on making your shop unique, you can see impressive growth for your business. Do you have tips for editing photos? Once your item sells, make sure to finish the deal by sending it to your buyer in a timely manner. The process for creating a listing on Depops website takes about as much time as creating a listing on their app. First, youll want to visit Depops sign-up page and input your phone number to receive a code. Some words that might be useful are brand, vintage, condition, size, etc. Use 5 relevant hashtags for every item. Selling things online can be hard. You bio is also a great tool to carry that honesty where you can cite your selling and shipping terms. Your email address will not be published. 302: How This Freelance Guru Helps Others Create Freedom Through Gig Work with Dorothy Hollabaugh, Extended: How To Successfully Grow A YouTube Channel with Lana Glushkova, Youll want to open up the app and select the camera icon, from there youll be able to select the option to set up your shop.. xx I wrote a blog post on the photo editing tricks I use daily- Hope you find it helpful x, Your email address will not be published. If someone is able to do this, that means there are better deals that they know. Or they dont send you the product at all. Now that your shop account is done youre ready to create your first listing. This is an idea i am thinking of using due to my lack of available items. PayPal especially doesnt play that mess with scamming and is very sensitive to this kind of thing! Accessories & beauty products are laid on an inexpensive faux sheepskin Ikea rug. This can be better for the environment, and for your pocket, than buying brand new clothes and throwing the old ones away. I recently purchased an iPhone through Depop for 300, made sure to check with the seller that they would send next day signed for/tracked delivery and paid safely through depop/paypal with buyer protection. recently this has changed and they have are rolling out Depop payments. Here are some tips you need to be aware of so that you do not get scammed on Depop. I've also found buyers and potential buyers quite rude. For the packaging size should we pay more attention to the weight instead of the size? Finally, to list your item with Depop youll need 4 photos, a description, your location, a category for the item, hashtags, and the price. You only get charged when the sale is made through Depop directly x. Hi, I have just started selling on Depop, and your advice is so helpful, so thank you for sharing with us! wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Finally, pick a photo to represent your shops image thisll be how other buyers see you around Depop. Some sellers specialise only in designer items, while others will mix these in with a blend of vintage and secondhand. Try listing your item using only WiFi or mobile data. , If you are an Android user, at the moment you are still unable to leave feedback, but we are working on it! Another quick question have you ever found any cheap clothes sources that you buy from and then resell for profit on depop? Depop has recently announced they have teamed up with Real to authenticate designer items. I shipped out the item and he received it and it doesnt show as shipped on Depop. A good description that gives a lot of info to the buyer can increase your chance of selling your item. What makes the Depop fashion community unique is how vibrant, eclectic and diverse it is. The fact that Depop only allows four photos and a video that many sellers hardly use doesnt help. Youll have to now take 4 photos of the item youre planning on selling. For example, instead of writing I am selling this bag, you should write something more along the lines of This vintage bag is soft and perfect for carrying around during the day!. He wanted to leave a review but couldnt because it said it wasnt shipped yet. When we brought up the fact that the dress she sold was a fake, she apologized saying she is selling for someone else. Scammed through Depop. Here are some other things that make Depop a good place to sell. Depop currently lacks its own payment system, meaning all purchases are done through Paypal. I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Subscribe to my channel :) - recommended Reseller Essentials: - Shipping Scale - 9x12 inch White Poly Bags, Perfect for shipping shirts and more! - Standard 2\" Tape Gun - 2\" Tape Refill Rolls - 3\" Tape Gun, Amazing tape gun for taping up boxes fast and more securely! - 3\" Tape Roll Refills - Dymo LabelWriter 4XL Thermal Printer, No Ink Required! - Dymo LabelWriter 4XL Labels Refills - Light kit for brighter photos that POP - Photography Light Box - Bubble Wrap - Clear Poly Bags Starter Set (4 different sizes) - Scotty Peelers, Get those pesky labels off easier - Angelus Easy Cleaner Shoe Cleaner - Barcode Scanner - Bluetooth ScannerConnect with me on Social Media! Instagram - Instagram Shop - Twitter - TikTok - Not only that but if you are selling on multiple platforms such as eBay and Depop, please think about how much each platform will charge you in fees. Hey Christina, no, if you mark an item as sold Depop dont take any money from the sale price but you also wave your right to seller protection from Depop that way. Then I sent them this. They usually get removed by Depop. the person you are dealing with is legit and trustworthy is deal only within Make sure that you list regularly, use five trendy hashtags, execute all listing fields, and refresh your items daily. Developed by Progression Studios. Usually, both parties list their items for $1 and agree to ship them right away. 5. I wish sellers would realize this. Thats my excuse & Im sticking with it! I think selling in small batches can actually work better than overwhelming people with a large upload so just sell what you can when you can x. I go to car boot sales to find designer clothes I can sell for three times the price on Depop - here's my top tips for bagging a bargain Becky Chorlton, from Lymm, Cheshire, sells vintage clothes . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From there, youll just need to log in to your Paypal account and youll be done with this setup process within a few minutes. Hey Susie, you can use hashtags in the descriptions to help buyers find your items but its also now possible for buyers to just search for words so no longer a need to use a hashtag before them, I dont use any other apps to manage my Depop, Id advise you to speak to your accountant around tax, I wouldnt feel comfortable (or qualified) to advise you on that. Buying second hand is not only affordable for low-income people and students, but it's also an accessible way to make shopping more sustainable. Next, youll need to choose your username. Its usually a bundle sale set up so that a buyer can purchase a few items at a discounted price while the seller has to only a pay a small Depop fee as the sales are based on items prices (the buyer also has buyer protection too as they paid through the app) I couldnt be sure of each individual item youre inquiring about but this is often the case. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Within these categories, you can list items including the below. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. You can add more pictures from different angles or even add more pictures to show details such as buttons, frills, etc. A Depop Safety Must: Depop Buyer Protection, How not to get scammed: Selling and Buying. Theres no magic number for pricing your item. From art to jewelry, you can list a wide range of items on Depop here are some examples, which you can start selling now. Ive never had any issues conducting business in this upfront way. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. % of people told us that this article helped them. shipment so that you have proof that what you received was not as described and Whatever your personal goals, its really easy to get started selling clothes on Depop. Your email address will not be published. This is your chance to tell everyone how great your listings are. Again, link to Yes, USPS Regional Boxes Are Discontinued, link to How To Pack & Ship An Xbox (With Pictures). 19K views 2 years ago OMAHA Sometimes you might need to mark an item as sold on depop and in this video I show you how to via the app! 1 mo. So as a seller there are too many scams out there to keep track of you can spend a whole day reading the various reddits about scamming on Depop or instead you can go purchase the item, hope for the best, and go an conquer the world because honestly ]it really its not that serious!