I've beaten akinator several times now, its quite easy. . . unicode-range: U+0600-06FF, U+200C-200E, U+2010-2011, U+204F, U+2E41, U+FB50-FDFF, U+FE80-FEFC; But one villain that takes the cake is Bleak, the boss of the snowy mountain area. Finally a listener stumped him with Punky Brewster, but he asked five more questions and then he got that one too. .comment-respond .logged-in-as a:hover, : The Akinator Discussion in 'The Front Porch!' I've added a few characters to Akinator over the last few years. font-display: swap; Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 2021 Dates, By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Nuts! Akinator hasn't figured out a single video game character I've sent him, then again, I sent him some pretty obscure choices. .woocommerce .shop-toolbar .un-categories-filter li a.selected,.woocommerce .shop-toolbar .un-categories-filter li a:hover, VIP Characters? However, there are times where he actually doesn't know, but nonetheless was very sure that he had it; see MoodSwinger above. Try to stump this motherfucker. Seriously, im still hooked on this moron. Christ the Redeemer 4. Since it is a big company, it does have the ability to experiment with its games, often creating interesting situation and strange characters. Follow Akinator on: Facebook @officialakinator Twitter @akinator_team Instagram @akinatorgenieapp-----Genies tips:-Akinator requires an Internet connection to use his magic lamp. .woocommerce form .form-row .input-text { ecolife organic quick cook brown basmati rice, 4 pound . Actually, I was shooting waaaaaaaay too obscure with the Xenogears characters. They will follow you everywhere now, even if you change your mobile device. That being said, Nintendo isnt afraid to get a little weird sometimes. I thought of Luke Schenn and it got it wrong twice picking Ovechkin and Crosby. It's not too hard to stump it with obscure characters, but the amount of characters it does get is amazing. Akinator runs on a database of characters that is constantly being updated by those who play. The Earthbound series is pretty famous for being strange and wacky, full of crazy situations and even crazier characters. Akinator the Genie is an app that seeks to know what is going on in your mind - but not on a deep level. Its full of strange people, weird scenarios, and creepy themes. Akinator is the web genie; a custom made bot that essentially plays '20 Questions' with you and tries to guess what character . Stumbled upon this place trying to find a cool place to watch a Ravens gamejackpot. Go. src: url(https://fitness.sa/wp-content/fonts/cairo/SLXLc1nY6Hkvalr-ao6L59Bea3Zl.woff) format('woff'); Jesus Christ, I just played this at work on my last break out of boredom. It's not too hard to stump it with obscure characters, but the amount of characters it does get is amazing. This species is actually very kind and gentle, but their design is just plain strange. If you enjoy our content, please deactivate your adblocker on Akinator.com. " /> (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(n=t.source||{}).concatemoji?c(n.concatemoji):n.wpemoji&&n.twemoji&&(c(n.twemoji),c(n.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); I've tried the same character multiple times and sometimes he gets it the first time and sometimes he doesn't. Think about a real or fictional character. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Akinator at Amazon.com. Yes. How to Play. /* Color */ . Akinator. February 3, 2022 By open casting calls worldwide 2021. Akinator will ask you questions and guess the character you have in mind. .unero-contact-form .wpcf7-form .wpcf7-submit, Classic. Send a Message. 11:25 AM. The hysterical, playful teacher searching for employment. Most of the stuff just times out or 504 bad gateway, but from the snippet summaries I can find from the google searches it appears some guy named Michael named himself online after house manwoody and when he died GRRM but the character in as a tribute or something. #menu-item-24105 > a:nth-child(1){color: #cc3300;} 2. At least Xananab is a pretty nice guy, and he does help out the DK crew. Think about a real or fictional character. 5.0 out of 5 stars cannot stop. We offer a free consultation at your location to help design your event. Of course, there is less of a chance that obscure ones will be guessed correctly. "Bachelorette" Ali Fedotowsky: That one was harder. It is noted for having a very extensive database of characters and people from even the most niche and obscure worksthis is because the database is being constructed by the players; not only . . An obscure character from a Dutch children's book. It took him 40 questions but he eventually got Jax from League of legends. Akinator is very safe to use. } .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; } Think about a real or fictional character. .blog-wapper .entry-footer .readmore:hover, The Sky Temple had a lot of potential, but its inhabitants are just weird. Top 10 TV Characters Who Never Reveal Their Face May 24, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Creepiest Things Found in Attics May 23, 2021 Crime Top 10 Failed Welfare Scams May 23, 2021 Weird Stuff Top 10 Weird Facts About Strippers May 22, 2021 Creepy Top 10 Cursed Videos May 21, 2021 Pop Culture Top 10 Historical Examples Of Cancel Culture May 21, 2021 Music Just say, Hey Google, talk to Akinator. akinator was not able to get the penanggalan, but that seems cold comfort. Posted by 8 years ago. Lets have some fun with these weirdos! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Buzz cut for lovely African American women. .woocommerce.product-page-layout-4 div.product:not(.q-view) .related.products > h2 Akinator is an online game where you think of a real or fictional character and it will try to guess who you are thinking of. Akinator : Question 5 : Akinator is a game where an artificial intelligence attempts to guess the person/character youre thinking of by asking questions. akinator HE CAN GUESS ANY DEMON SLAYER CHARACTER YOU CAN THINK OF (IMPOSSIBLE GAME)!? June 16, 2022; Posted by ssga funds management inc aum .unero-newsletter.style-2 .nl-title, Barranquilla Carnival Mask, .unero-icon-box .b-icon, .blog-wapper.sticky .entry-title:before, ", Likewise, saying Probably/Partially to everything will get you "Probably Someone", Don't Know leads to "The One About Whom Nothing Is Known", Probably Not/Not Really will lead to "Someone who Doubts their Own Doubt". . Akinator can read your mind just like magic and tell you what character you are thinking of, just by asking a few questions. Seems like a huge flaw for a character guessing game. Read honest and unbiased product reviews and then Pug the Magician and Tanis Half-Elven. akinator was not able to get the penanggalan, but that seems cold comfort. The game is very fun and addicting as you can come up with any obscure character answer questions and win awards for guessing that specific . Chart. If you win, he takes your answers to his questions and combines them with what he already knows to get even better at guessing them. The neurotic, unjust hero who can't resist a fight. I thought it was funny, he asked if he was in Lol then two questions later asked if he was from the Elder Scrolls series. Akinator knows some obscure characters from pop culture. Akinator. src: url(https://fitness.sa/wp-content/fonts/cairo/SLXGc1nY6HkvalIkTp2mxdt0UX8.woff) format('woff'); If I was the intention Ask akinator would exterior them for using my fun. Phillip Lahm, Yoko littner, tristana, Magina the anti mage.Im impressed! Akinator is an astounding product, which is around since 2009 already. I am genuinely impressed. abbvie patient assistance program I've only managed to stump him 7 or 8 times :/ I used Piglet from winnie the pooh. But if you have time to kill it's fun to play around with again for a bit. From his design to his method of attacks, youre looking at a strange guy. Saint John Neumann Catholic Church Mass Times, {"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"Organization","url":"https:\/\/fitness.sa\/","sameAs":["https:\/\/facebook.com\/etorsofit","https:\/\/instagram.com\/Fitness_eStore","https:\/\/ae.linkedin.com\/company\/\u0645\u062a\u062c\u0631-\u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u0643\u0645","https:\/\/youtube.com\/torsofit","https:\/\/twitter.com\/Fitness_eStore"],"@id":"https:\/\/fitness.sa\/#organization","name":"\u0645\u062a\u062c\u0631 \u062a\u062d\u062f\u064a\u0643\u0645","logo":"http:\/\/shop.torsofit.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2017\/07\/logo-torsofit-shop.png"} Classic. 3. akinator.mobi at Press About Us. Of course, there is less of a chance that obscure ones will be guessed correctly. Get used to seeing this. While hes rather nice and does help Luigi out, Professor Gadd is a bit off. players are awarded coins to use in the game and less popular characters are awarded more points. gtag('js', new Date()); Classic. Thing that frustrates me is that sometimes it says that certain characters are inappropriate for children. .single-post .post-password-form input[type="submit"], Kevin first gave it a whirl with Roger Rabbit, the Akinator nailed it. . Apparently, the Akinator knows about the Battlefield video game series. User account menu. 3.2k. I am genuinely impressed. THE BOOK has been decided for months. Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. Not only is Akinator included, but so is everything in his room, including the gold decorations on the pedestal. Hope Mackenzie. /a > Akinator.com works mainly through advertising members the. What type of mind reader? The first try I decide for the Red Comet of Zeon, since he is famous yet kind of obscure outside anime, but akinator guessed it in less than 15 questions then i put the Oni Leader of the Gurren Dan Kamina and again he guessed fast but I attribute at being famous and from a recent anime. rare anime characters in akinator. From random Star Wars characters, to lesser known Biblical characters, to fantasy authors, to freaking Mrs. Robinson, Akinator got them all. But theres no secret that a few of them are a little weird. The Web Genie That can guess ANY character your thinking about! Drifloon is one of those Pokmon that may have started out trying to be sinister but just comes across as goofy. One that stands out in his strangeness is aptly named Error. I was thinking of the most obscure characters and he was still getting them right. Akinator, the Web Genius. PCQandA.com - Viewing topic #195023 - Akinator.Life in a Can, What the..my thoughts are like a Mobius Strip -- twisted and unending - hours of pointless fun 1; 2; Next. When you first meet him, all hell say is I am Error, which is a bit weird, and has become pretty infamous among Zelda fans. Akinator is a free online guessing game where the main character is trying to read your thoughts. .unero-banner-carousel ul:after,.unero-banner-carousel ul:before, And if you do manage to beat him (try obscure characters), you can tell him who you were thinking of, and they'll . Who does this hand belong to? 4. Motorcraft 2150 Carburetor Main Jets . From random Star Wars characters, to lesser known Biblical characters, to fantasy authors, to freaking Mrs. Robinson, Akinator got them all. I shit breaks. By Jengajam. Advanced Regular. I decided to see if it could guess at some Warhammer characters, and settled on Marneus Calgar. 2 ADDITIONAL THEMES BESIDES THE CHARACTERS Akinator is getting stronger and stronger . Read more. Kind of unfair, though, since most the information was "probably/probably not" and "don't know", But the first guess was this creepy dream man so he was close at first. But the fact that there are banana fairies in the first place is pretty weird. Akinator on Alexa/Google is the craziest game ever! But one group that stands out are the Mr. Saturn people. There is no such thing called a black award character. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. EDIT: I've tried this for a few other characters. I beat him with Fast Eddie, owner (at the time) of Tvtropes. Barry and I have been challenging Akinator on my IPAD for months now and we have continually been flabbergasted at his knowledge of some of the most obscure characters, particularly from 20th century Irish history. PCQandA.com - Viewing topic #195023 - Akinator.Life in a Can, What the..my thoughts are like a Mobius Strip -- twisted and unending - hours of pointless fun 1; 2; Next. Akinator can be stupid at times. But if you have time to kill it's fun to play around with again for a bit. gun, rarecharacter. unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; .woocommerce #shipping_method li .shipping_method:checked + label .woocommerce-Price-amount, Think you can challenge him online for free? Finally beat it with Marcel Petiot, serial killer of Nazi occupied Paris. Famous sportsmen Akinator can guess. Stick to obscure webcomic characters, literary characters, and so on. star star_border star_border star_border star_border. I probably stumbled upon the Akinator Web game around 2008. 5 people found this helpful. The Akinator will simply ask questions that you have to answer honestly, and it will soon guess the character. Join. Jade Clark. But Dr Shrunk is actually an axolotl, which is also known as the Mexican salamander. Shes really good at it, so its becoming a quest for me to search for the most obscure characters that she can identify. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. .woocommerce.product-page-layout-4 div.product:not(.q-view) form.cart .yith-wcwl-add-to-wishlist .yith-wcwl-add-button a { width: auto;} "Do you think I'm too stupid to guess who it is?". It really is impressive how it guesses some of the characters right. Going to try again after clearing my cookies and web history, as I feel like it must be using some "inside info" besides just the questions. It has gained prominence on the mobile app and web browser platform, and has This week, black hair. .woocommerce-order-received h2, Seriously, im still hooked on this moron. Who decided one day that there should be an axolotl character in this game? Find out which were the most played characters in the last 7 days. I know that Nintendo was my first introduction into video games, and its still the gaming company Im the most familiar with. Akinator runs on a database of characters that is constantly being updated by those who play. It then guessed Petiot correctly after I gave it some basic info. He's a heroic character. Call us now: 012 662 0227 what happened to yourpalross. .unero-loader:before,.unero-loader:after, Even when he was wrong on a couple of my characters he was so close it was eerie. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It is a wonder how accurate this system can be whether its a Harry Potter house elf or Doctor Who himself, the most obscure of characters are no match for Akinator. Wed love to hear from you! Turn on Wifi or be sure to have a data plan.-Dont forget to scroll down the list to find and select your language. .error-404 .page-content .page-title i, It has gained prominence on the mobile app and web browser platform, and has This week, black hair. Akinator sucks ass. The talented guessing machine seems too good to be true. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Blark-Barg (Alternate Universe Cave Johnson's Assistant) Terry (His head blew up, but jokes on the . font-style: normal; In the original 1994 version of The Lion King, which characters distract the hyenas with a Hawaiian luau? or characters in mostly obscure works, or the last person from.. Hey, weiss jemand was der Black Award beim Akinator ist und wie man ihn erhllt? I mean when Akinator guesses the correct answer, there's a little box afterwards which will say "Character already played times, last played on ." } !function(e,a,t){var n,r,o,i=a.createElement("canvas"),p=i.getContext&&i.getContext("2d");function s(e,t){var a=String.fromCharCode;p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,e),0,0);e=i.toDataURL();return p.clearRect(0,0,i.width,i.height),p.fillText(a.apply(this,t),0,0),e===i.toDataURL()}function c(e){var t=a.createElement("script");t.src=e,t.defer=t.type="text/javascript",a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t)}for(o=Array("flag","emoji"),t.supports={everything:!0,everythingExceptFlag:!0},r=0;r