193 It has been successfully used at the graduate and undergraduate level by thousands of students at more than a dozen universities. Littlefield Simulation Solutions and analytical decisons made. Inventory June Customer demand continues to be random, but the long-run average demand will not change over the product 486-day lifetime. 17 Markowicz felt that he had a primary responsibility to the company to ensure that the production process runs smoothly at his plant, and after the first half of 2010, it reported profitable operations and net cash inflows from investing activities was positive for the first time in three years and had already reached $250,000 in just the first half of the year. Cash Balance Purpose. We did many things right to win this simulation. Demand is then expected to stabilize. Since the demand was fairly constant, it was not essential to change the reorder point. The results and insights generated by these contributions suggest that the greatest need for future research on system dynamics and its contribution to simulation-gaming is demonstration of improvements in learning and performance. Section An implication of this study is that tangible stock-flow tasks are as difficult for humans to control as are purely cognitive tasks. 1 | bigmoney1 | 1,346,320 | Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. I was mainly responsible for the inventory . We did intuitive analysis initially and came up the strategy at the beginning of the game. As soon as we noticed our lead times drop sufficiently enough for a new contract, we upgraded immediately. We made no further changes after switching to contract 3. Fortunately, none of other team were close; otherwise, this shortcoming would have mattered. (Points: 30) |, The aim of this report is to provide an overview of businesses simulations through TOPSIM, a business management game that establishes a link between business management theory and business management in practice., The production capacity in my first 2 quarters was low but only because it was upcoming, The above table showing the total capacity per hour of each machine center was calculated by taking the number of machines and multiplying them by the run time per piece per minute. When the simulation first started we made a couple of adjustments and monitored the. Do not sell or share my personal information, 1. By whitelisting SlideShare on your ad-blocker, you are supporting our community of content creators. Click here to review the details. It is now nine months later, and Littlefield Technologies has developed another DSS product. I then multiplied that by the obvious 60 minutes per hour to determine the output from each machine center each hour. 3. We had intense debate in the team, whether to add new machines further or not. We did not change the production quantity. after what period of time does revenue taper off in Simulation 1. Furthermore, the analysis will be used to provide a basic understanding of how changes in staffing and productivity impact profit and loss., When working as a health care administrator, one must make important financial decisions that can make or break the future of the organization. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. These teams had to figure out their strategies and activities on the go. Your write-up should address the following points: A brief description of what actions you chose and when. 0 While selling capacity was the correct financial decision to combat our emergency loan, we were then left with stock outs in all of our product lines. for EOP and ROP. Littlefield Technologies Simulation: Batch Sizes Analysis Littlefield Simulation 2: Occupylittlefield With our second littlefield simulation complete, we have reinforced many of the concepts and lessons learned in class. Initially we set the lot size to 3x20, attempting to take advantage of w . Uploaded by zilikos. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. It has been the central topic for many resolutions, special committees, and peacekeeping efforts over the last sixty years. We knew that the initial status quo was limited by the inventory quantity. 73 This essay was written by a fellow student. This enables you to see the amount produced each minute from each machine center. The second Littlefield simulation game focused on lead time and inventory management in an environment with a changing demand (but the long-run average demand will not change over the products 268-day lifetime). Report on Littlefield Technologies Simulation Exercise Our strategy was to get lead times down below .5 days and offer customers that lead time to maximize revenue. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. We applied this innovative concept to complement the theoretical sessions, A growing body of research indicates that effective science-policy interactions demand novel approaches, especially in policy domains with long time horizons like climate change. report, Littlefield Technologies Simulation: Batch Sizes Analysis. writing your own paper, but remember to 129 The five options for cost cutting are reducing agency staff, downsizing staff, reducing benefits, changing the skill mix, and reducing length of stay for the patients. Littlefield once again has contracted with your operations management consulting team to manage their operations for this new product. 54 | station 1 machine count | 2 | We had split the roles. Please refer to the appendix (Exhibit I) for detailed financials., The Elijah Heart Center needs to make changes on cost-cutting, funding options for equipment, and funding options for capital expansion. At the end of day 350, the factory will shut down and your final cash position will be determined. Littlefield Technologies is an effective teaching tool that the students seem to really enjoy and the students are forced to think logically about the problems that they are facing and they learn from iterative experimentation. Operations Policies at Littlefield So we purchased a, machine at station 2 first. This work reports a laboratory experiment in which managerial performance in dynamic tasks is improved by improving the quality of decisions made in the context of a dynamic environment. As day 7 and day 8 have 0 job arrivals, we used day 1-6 figures to calculate the average time for each station to process 1 batch of job arrivals. Hence, we will increase our capacity levels where demand is forecasted to peak. Here is a discussion of the pros and cons regarding the decisions we made. As demand began to rise we saw that capacity utilization was now highest at station 1. In the game, teams are . View Assessment - Littlefield_1_(1).pptx from MS&E 268 at Stanford University. Therefore our strategy to win this game was controlling the Littlefield Labs system capacity and the inventory level with choosing a right contract as well as keeping the cash daily as much as possible. Serious games offer. With little time to waste, Team A began by analyzing demand over the first 50 days of operations in order to create a linear regression model to predict demand into the future in order to make critical operational decisions; refer to Figure 1. By Group 4: UNSCOP recommended two solutions. In March, April, and May will fire 4, 3, 3, employees respectively. To minimize this threat, management policy dictates that new equipment cannot be purchased if the remaining cash balance would be insufficient to purchase at least one order quantity worth of raw materials. We have reinforced many of the concepts and lessons learned in class and had a better understanding of the operation of the Littlefield Technologies facility and how certain modifications would affect the throughput and lead time. In September we fire 4 employees and October we fire 2 employees cutting our labor cost, but still reaching our unit demand. Littlefield Simulation Solutions and analytical decisons made. In appreciation of your prior recommendations and contributions, Littlefield has once again retained your services on their 50th day of operations. Although reputation and meeting goals is important, I must pay attention to the machines that are causing bottleneck issues; performing a cost/benefit analysis can fulfill this. What new decisions will you make regarding production levels and pricing for your Widget facility? Machine configuration: They have purchased the recommended machinery, but are not entirely pleased with the lead time performance. On 28 April 1947 a special session of the UN General Assembly established the Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP), which had the task of investigating all of the questions surrounding the problems in Palestine and to recommend solutions to be considered by the General Assembly later that year. Our goal was to buy additional machines whenever a station reached about 80% of capacity. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; Moreover, my research reveals that just by reducing 10% of the current workforce and decreasing the wheel loader system from 10 to 9 would allow us to reach above projected savings. Second, we controlled the inventory level with finding right QOPT (Optimal Order Quantity) and reorder point according to continuous review system method. 257 Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/littlefield-technologies-simulation-batch-sizes/, The Family Tradition of Making a Huge Batch of Ravioli as a Cultural Identity, Differentiating Between Market Structures Simulation. As shown by the figure above, total revenues generally followed the same trend as demand. In June we neither hire nor fire because our units of demand are covered. This decision was taken based on a demand of 91 jobs and a utilization of station 1 of 0.83 between days 143 and, This paper will provide an analysis of 2 production scenarios. The decisions to be made are regarding buying or selling machines, setting inventory policies i.e. They believe a more responsive laboratory will increase revenue and they understand well-balanced inventory policies ought to minimize costs. 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We were very eager to outperform our competition and we almost did so, but ended up in second place again with a cash balance of $2,660,393. 249 During the simulation start, we calculated our own economic order quantity (EOQ) and reorder points (ROP). 41 However, in July, and August, unit demand picks up and we will hire 5, and 7 employees respectively. This project attempts to model this game using system dynamics approach, which allows realistic representation of the production system of Littlefield . A collaborative backcasting game, AudaCITY, developed to build transformative capacity in city administrations while also generating deep contextual knowledge to inform a transformative sustainability science research agenda is presented. Starting at 5 PM on Wednesday, February 27, the simulation will begin The game will end at 9 PM on Sunday, March 3. Features Bring operations to life with the market-leading operations management simulation used by hundreds of thousands! We nearly bought a machine there, but this would have been a mistake. pratt10. from the word go. COLLEGE |CARROLL SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT My reasoning for using this strategy is that my products will be extremely useful and beneficial to its consumers; products like BIC and McDonalds are in extreme demand with the situation of todays economy. 1 We found our calculations to be performing reasonable well during the initial phases of the simulation. Part 1: Reasoning for Decisions Do a proactive Inventory management during the simulation run. We learned the lesson from that simulation that we should have added machines much earlier. We noticed that the bottleneck was not just at station 1, but at all stations, and that buying a new machine would not be the right choice to make, but rather, changing the way in which the stations processing is queued would be the better option. Written Assignment: Analysis of Game 2 of Littlefield Technologies Simulation Due March 14, 8:30 am in eDropbox Your group is going to be evaluated in part on your success in the game and in part on how clear, well structured and thorough your write-up is. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best 233 Therefore, we took aproactive approach to buying machines and purchased a machine whenever utilization rates rose dangerously high or caused long queues. This meant an increased level of production and increased pressure on machines; therefore naturally the breakdown of machines was increasing. Select Accept to consent or Reject to decline non-essential cookies for this use. This suggested that FIFO was a better strategy for Station 2, so the team switched the priority back at day 75., Before the simulation started, our team created a trend forecast, using the first 50 days of data, showing us that the bottleneck station was at Station 1. Demand 9, Our initial contract situation was contract-1, which provided a revenue of 175 $/day. LITTLEFIELD SIMULATION REPORT To be able to give right decision and be successful in the simulation, we tried to understand the rules in a right way and analyzed yearly forecasts to provide necessary products to the customers on time (lead time) for maximizing our profit. Although the process took a while to completely understand during the initial months of the simulation, the team managed to adjust, learn quickly and finish in 7th place with a cash balance of $1,501,794. Expert advisors know that demand will end abruptly on Day 268 and the lab will no longer be necessary. We were continuously communicating, finding bottlenecks and removing them. Management Strategy Seeing that the machines could process a lot more inventory faster than we expected, we decided to change our reorder points and order quantities, to 6000 units and 24,000 units, respectively. All rights reserved. Forecasting: 161 The few sections of negative correlation formed the basis for our critical learning points. Littlefield Simulation - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. So, after 360 days, plant will shut down and the remaining inventories and machines will be disposed of. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your On Fire . Background The demand during the simulation follows a predefined pattern, which is marked by stable low demand, increasing demand, stable high demand and then demand declining sharply. In the Littlefield Simulation it would have been better on Day 51 to switch to the order quantity as recommended by the EOQ framework in order to minimize costs. Littlefield Simulation is about running a factory for 360 days with the goal to maximize the cash position at end of this duration. The decision making for the machines is typically based on the utilization of machines. Background Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus Current State of the System and Your Assignment considering the suppliers delivery lead-times of 14-days and a safety stock. Project They want your team to look into why this is occurring, and hopefully remedy the situation. Do you feel that the Bearington plant has the right equipment and technology to do the job? 8. 24 hours. 57 In the final simulation, we corrected our mistakes. The write-up only covers the second round, played from February 27 through March 3. 100% (5) 100% found this document useful (5 votes) 13K views. performance of the factory for the first few days. corporate profile part 2 security controls and risk mitigation recommendation Corrections and crime and crime prevention.docx, Corporate finance essay fin 4610 Baruch College.docx, corporate research assignment My Nursing Experts.docx, Corporate entrepreneurship nursing writers.docx, Corporate security major security and.docx, Correctional goals and prison privatization.docx, No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. With the daily average demand and SD we could control the Littlefield Labs system capacity. [pic] |BOSTON By doing so we have a Gross profit of $1,125,189, |production increase. Moreover, we also saw that the demand spiked up. cost for each test kit in Simulation 1 &2. In case of our plant, I have performed a detailed analysis of every activity and deduced a proposed cost structure. One focus of ours during this simulation was minimizing the cost of inventory orders and stock outs. 2013 Although orders arrive randomly to LT, management expects that, on average, demand will follow the trends outlined above. Although we had the choice to produce as much as 30,000 units, we felt as though we did not have sufficient money to increase production. 10000 Background Can you please suggest a winning strategy. We also reorder point (kits) and reorder quantity (kits), giving us a value of 49 and 150., 66 | Buy Machine 3 | Both Machine 1 and 3 reached the bottleneck rate as the utilizations at day 62 to day 66 were around 1. Eventually, demand should begin to decline at a roughly linear rate. Accessing your factory At our first meeting we analyzed the first given 50 days so that we could get the daily average demand and SD (Standard Deviation). 1 We will calculate costs associated with running a production facility. Background Littlefield Technologies is a factory simulator that allows students to compete with each other over the web while developing operations management skills. 25000 This lasted us through the whole simulation with only a slight dip in revenue during maximum demand. Learn about MBA programs, applying to them, and what life is like while in one and afterwards. REVENUE Contract Pricing We did switch the lot size to 3 by 20 early in the simulation since we know that smaller batch sizes can speed up production. Shortly after day 50, we switched to the contract-2. In addition, we will research and tour Darigold Inc. to evaluate their operations, providing analysis and recommended changes where we deem applicable. Overall results and rankings. Base on the average time taken to process 1 batch of job arrivals, we were able to figure out how Thundercats at Littlefield Technologies Spring 2007( In terms of choosing a priority for machine 2, we decided to switch to priority to step 2 since machine 2's utilization was consistently higher than machine 3's. Our decisions were somewhat limited to our EOQ models completion and our risk adversity. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE FINAL SECONDS TO MAKE YOUR CHANGES. The electronic kits are acquired from the supplier. regarding contract management and machine additions quite early, e.g. We debated whether or not these few exceptions we okay to ignore. The goal of the symposium is to investigate how research in system dynamics is contributing to simulation-gaming, and how the more general field of simulation-gaming is influencing work in system dynamics. We knew that we needed to increase capacity and the decision was made to purchase another machine 1., BIC is a product that has been extremely successful, offering items such as a low-cost disposable razor, and pens that add value to the user at an affordable price. match. 105 Nevertheless, although we ranked 4th (Exhibit 1: OVERALL TEAM STANDING), we believe we gained a deeper understanding of queuing theory and have obtained invaluable experience from this exercise. cite it correctly. The product lifetime of many high-tech electronic products is short, and the DSS receiver is no exception. Start decision making early. Semantic Scholar is a free, AI-powered research tool for scientific literature, based at the Allen Institute for AI. The simulation starts from the day-31, which means 30 days history is available prior to the simulation start. In other words, we first needed to find daily average demand and match it to the Littlefield Labs system capacity. Total We were interested in allocating the money towards marketing as opposed to production. The goal of our company was to make money, so we needed to upgrade to contract 3 as quickly as possible. Here are our learnings. This button displays the currently selected search type. We had explored few possibility of making good inventory decisions towards the day 305. Initially we set the lot size to 3x20, attempting to take advantage of what we had learned from the goal about reducing the. 6. The profit parameter was considered as an average. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. Overall results and rankings. Managing Capacity and Lead Time at Littlefield Technologies Team 9s Summary By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Start making decisions early, i.e. Learn more in our Cookie Policy. This product also is expected to have a 268-day lifetime. The difference between remaining at $750/order vs. $1250/order could have been as high as 1.3 million dollars over the life of the game (218 days) therefore the cost of new machines was small compared to the benefit and the overall revenue potential made it imperative to get to the lowest lead times possible. This weeks key learning areas have been eye opening and worthwhile. 20 This laboratory uses the same process as the lab encountered in your prior assignment, Capacity Management at Littlefield Labsneither the process sequence nor the process time distributions have changed. TIA. In the first trial simulation, we were hesitant to add machines. Last year our forecast sales were 24,000 when we only sold 19,866; therefore we thought it would be best to leave production at 20,000 bikes.