Agent Lewis specializes in undercover work, often working under assumed identities for weeks or even months at a time. Hargitay has received both a Golden Globe and an Emmy Award for her portrayal of Benson. M.E. Dr. Elizabeth Rodgers was a recurring character in the Law & Order franchise. Benson questions the charges against the woman and gathers enough evidence for Barba to put another man on trial for the murder, as Barba and James race to get a conviction before the other. The roles these guest stars can play are incredibly diverse and variable.Guest stars have played criminals, victims, cops, and so many more supporting roles. In "Manhattan Transfer", Dodds is made Acting Commander of SVU after Lt. Olivia Benson is relieved of her duties. The last thing Lewis tells Benson is that his death will be the last thing she will see before she dies. The officer is killed the same night and Lake is found standing over the body and makes no denial to his fellow SVU detectives. Porter returns in the season 9 episode "Savant" when SVU is working on a case where a girl with Williams syndrome heard her mother being beaten and raped. He often has trouble concealing his anger and revulsion toward the cases he investigates and this created friction between him and his colleagues, made worse when they poke fun at his relative lack of sophistication. Nonetheless, Novak has a 71 percent success rate in the cases she prosecutes, whereas the average for prosecutors is 44 percent. At the end of the episode, he serves as a pallbearer for Sgt. Season 24 will return on Thursday, March 23, and Law & Order: SVU airs on Thursdays . Stabler half-jokingly refers to her as a "jinx", saying "[he's] nearly been killed" every time Lewis shows up; she counters his remarks by saying that maybe she is his "good luck charm", as he's survived every injury during their three episodes together. Distractify is a registered trademark. "Jackie Wilson" star Pam Grier has been on "SVU" twice, guest-starring as Asst. The ruse is revealed, making Miller so angry that he incriminates himself - just as Stone planned. At the end of the episode, after several members of the DA's office are arrested for bribery and corruption, including Bureau Chief Paula Foster (Paget Brewster), Amaro tells Benson that Haden resigned from the office. [8] After the series cancellation in 1999, the character was transferred to Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, having appeared within the original Law & Order in cross-over episodes. Intending to use a computer-generated video mockup of the crime, Paxton accidentally plays a version in which the defendant's face is superimposed onto the attacker. She was in court for a hearing when she attacked her defense attorney. In the fourth episode "Hammered", Paxton is prosecuting a case where a man drank heavily and murders the woman he met at the bar. She was primarily partnered with Elliot Stabler, until he retired after season 12. Rita, who jumped to the stand to defend a judge with a history of assaulting and raping women, ultimately warned Olivia she would have an uphill battle to climb for the rest of her career protecting victims, or "staying on the wrong side," unless she took her advice to "lie back and pretend you're enjoying it." 1 min read. target no need to return item. Cragen remarks to Marlowe, "You're the boss in court counselor, not here." [26] She says that while she was working in Atlanta, there was an accident that occurred that allowed for her to transfer to the SVU. With the Law & Order franchise being on television for such an extended period of time, the series has had a large swatch of guest stars to feature in their episodes. She initially appears for three episodes in the series' sixth season, to replace series regular BD Wong while he was performing in Broadway's Pacific Overtures. After Cragen's retirement, she becomes acting commanding officer of SVU until she is subsequently promoted to lieutenant in season 17 and officially takes command of the unit. The detectives hold CSU out of the house until Cragen and Greylek arrive. Actor Character First episode Last episode Number of appearances He is about to attempt to rape Benson again, but when Benson refuses to show him fear, he decides to force her to play a game of Russian roulette with him. A defense lawyer for Alex Murdaugh said Thursday that authorities were so determined to convict the disgraced South Carolina attorney of killing his wife and son that they lied about or misrepresented evidence. Lake suffers from insomnia and often takes walks at night when he cannot sleep. Paxton is embarrassed and meets Benson and Stabler at a bar where she is seen drinking. During the season 13 episode, "Learning Curve", Ken asks for Sergeant Munch's help in revealing to his father that he is getting married. Plus, fun fact: Playing Rita Calhoun is not the first or even second time that Elizabeth Marvel has appeared on Law & Order! First introduced in the Chicago P.D. Led by courageous and compassionate Capt. In the Season 7 episode "Web", Morales takes a hands on approach in the investigation of an Internet pornography site. Although at first . Dr. Greg Yates is the apogee of creepiness. Greylek also rushes to get justice for three women who were drugged and raped by a man obsessed with pornography in the episode "Smut". Benson gives chase to one person, while Cassidy and the car thief pull guns on each other. Greylek previously worked in the U.S. Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women in Washington, D.C. where she had the nickname of "The Crusader." In fact, folks saw it firsthand last week when Mariska shared a few behind-the-scenes selfies on Instagram celebrating two of her . Her father Ben Nicholson (Aidan Quinn) is being eyed by the FBI for extortion and other federal crimes and Porter is upset with SVU for running interference with the FBI's case against Nicholson. Benson had mixed feelings about this. In the fourth episode of season 13, "Double Strands", West appears back in the SVU precinct, but now as a defense attorney; it is revealed that the firm that hired her "offered her a better deal.". Afterwards, he and his father mutually cut ties with Darius for his actions. Benson later learns he had died of a drug overdose. Emil Skoda is a psychiatrist who works with the New York Police Department. Donald Cragen is the Captain of the Special Victims Unit. Throughout the first few episodes of season 13, she struggles to cope with the retirement of Stabler as she is more harsh and argumentative, as seen when she berates ADA Novak for "losing her nerve" after Novak said that Benson was "off". Hardwicke has a 92% conviction rate as she stated in her premiere episode, "Branded". Within the Law & Order universe, she's played three more characters: Sylvia Moon and Jenny Hendry in Criminal Intent, and Defense Attorney Grubman in two episodes of the original L&O. Somerhalder played Charlie, a mega-perp guilty of multiple counts of murder, rape, and theft in the very intense episode. West next appeared in the third episode, "Behave", in which Benson works with to get justice for a rape victim named Vicki Sayers (Jennifer Love Hewitt), and to ensure that Bill Harris (James Le Gros), her rapist, is put away. In the final episode of season 20, Stone devises a fake prosecution to entrap serial rapist Rob Miller (Titus Welliver), and tells one of his victims to lie under oath. Lewis is found not guilty on the rape charge but guilty on the kidnapping charge, as well as assault of a police officer. In season 1, ADA Abbie Carmichael, from Law & Order, prosecuted SVU cases for six episodes. In the District Attorney's office, she serves as the supervisor for ADA Cabot and her successor Casey Novak. I love her vulnerabilities and her underbelly that is pretty well hidden until the third and fourth episodes. After Lake kills a suspect, Stabler accuses Tutuola of tipping him off before he is taken into custody and checks his phone records. definitely barba . This is a great post, thank you for putting everything together. The operators of the illegal casino threaten to out Rollins to Benson, and although Rollins comes clean to Fin, Benson is still outraged. Benson is able to get Rhodes to admit that he was abused when he was a child by the head of a camp in New York, which allows Ellis to argue that Rhodes' original defense attorney never presented that during the trial. Dodds is a recipient of the US Flag Bar. He has a brief affair with Olivia Benson, and has trouble dealing with her after the relationship ends. List of defense attorneys. As seen in "Heartfelt Passages", Capt. The reason for his departure is not revealed until the season 13 episode "Father Dearest" in which Dr. Huang returns to the SVU squad temporarily to aid in an investigation and tells them about his new assignment in Oklahoma City. At the end of the season 2 premiere episode, Detective Fin Tutuola shows up at the SVU precinct, and Jeffries asks if she can help him. Skoda is also far more skeptical of defendants pleading insanity than Olivet, and quicker to believe they were faking to avoid prison. Melissa Sagemiller had previously been on SVU in season 1 episode "Russian Love Poem", portraying a rape victim. In the season 14 finale, Benson and ADA Barba pursue justice for Lewis' victims and attempt to get him locked up for good; but again, Lewis walks on a technicality. Tutuola admits he called Lake, but says he did not expect him to run. He is portrayed by Titus Welliver, who also portrayed Tom Landricks in an earlier . Although he feuded with the squad for many years, Tucker slowly became an ally for Benson after she took over for Cragen as squad commander. She is well liked by the SVU squad, though briefly argues with Stabler when he accuses her of botching a DNA test on Benson, expected to absolve her of a homicide, before she discovered the DNA was intentionally doctored to make Benson look guilty. During a case involving child abuse, Beck tries to foster a traumatized adopted girl, who attempts to burn down her apartment and kill them both. FBI Agent Dana Lewis, who first introduced in the season 7 episode "Raw" while working undercover to bring down a white supremacist group as "Star Morrison". However, when Benson confronts him during the trial and he admits he sympathizes with Barba but cannot ignore the prosecution because he fears it will set a bad example to others, she urges him to talk to Barba and be more reasonable with him. As of "Intersecting Lives", Ken and Alejandro are expecting a child, having found a surrogate; to Ken's surprise and relief, Fin is excited about becoming a grandfather. Gillian "Gill" Hardwicke was SVU's primary ADA in season 12. In the episode "Rapist Anonymous", she makes the announcement that she has passed the exam, officially making her a sergeant. Christine Lahti on what she likes most about Paxton[30], Christine Lahti was originally slated to guest-star in a single four episode-arc as Executive ADA Sonya Paxton, in the eleventh season of the long-running Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, while producers found a permanent replacement for outgoing ADA Alexandra Cabot (Stephanie March). Marlowe orders Benson and Stabler to catch the ring's leader in the act, while Cragen wants ESU to take the perp at his warehouse. She is tough, empathetic,[2] and completely dedicated to her job, to the point that she is sometimes seen as having little personal life. He was an alcoholic for much of his early career, but goes sober after pulling his service revolver on a taxi driver in a drunken rage. After appearing in only 14 episodes, Greylek was written out of the series in the episode "Lead"; in the middle of a trial where pediatrician Gilbert Keppler (Lawrence Arancio) is found guilty of molesting four of his male patients. The season 17 episode "Intersecting Lives" reveals that Carisi has passed the exam; however, in the season finale "Heartfelt Passages," he decides to postpone his plans to become an assistant district attorney for the time being. As seen in "Heartfelt Passages", Sgt. The two are separated for some time in seasons 6 through 8, but Kathy shows up in the squad-room in the season 8 finale "Screwed" and tells him that she needs him to come home because she is pregnant. In season 20, Rollins becomes pregnant again, this time by cardiologist Al Pollack. Beginning in season 13, Tutuola's primary partner is Detective Rollins. But Viola Davis, who played opposite ber-bitch Lorna Scarry (Mariette Hartley) in the S4 episode 'Doubt,' (Davis would go on to score an Academy Award nomination for her performance in another production entitled 'Doubt') can sure get under . This, along with his erratic behavior, causes the SVU detectives to be very cautious around him with sensitive information regarding Captain Cragen's case. Murphy's strictness often causes him to butt heads with the detectives, mainly Amaro, who does not trust him. Law & Order (TV Series 1990- ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Mariska Hargitay has played Detective Olivia Benson since the show aired in 1999. The two eventually ended their romantic relationship. He was murdered by CSU tech Dale Stuckey, who was trying to prevent O'Halloran from informing the detectives that he was the real killer of a defense attorney and young woman. Greylek also seeks justice when a man is brutally beaten outside a strip club with the man's ex-wife and 13-year-old transgender daughter as the prime suspect. After Lake's departure at the end of season 9, Tutuola was again partnered with Sergeant Munch from seasons 10 to 12, sometimes working alone or with Benson and Stabler when Munch was unavailable. When closing arguments wrapped up, the judge turned Murdaugh's fate over to jurors after giving them his final instructions, and they headed to their jury room to begin deliberations . Samuel L. Jackson appeared on Law and Order Season 1, Episode 14, "The Violence of Summer" as Defense Attorney Louis Taggert. Geoffrey Downs. "[41], In an interview with, Lahti said she believed that her character struck a huge chord in the show, "when those episodes were airing, everywhere I went, people came up to me and said how much they hate me", others approached Lahti and praised her, saying, "We love that youre so mean to Stabler (Christopher Meloni). In the season 6 episode "Pure", she was kidnapped by the murderer that the SVU detectives were trying to capture after they came in contact in the SVU squad-room. 4. Donna Emmett (Viola Davis) Viola Davis is an Academy Award-winning actress. "Law & Order" celebrates 30 years on TV this month one of the most popular shows in the franchise, "Law and Order: SVU," wrapped its 21st season this year. In his first appearance at Law & Order: SVU, Stone attends his father's funeral before being brought in to prosecute Barba. . [51] Within the series, it is said that Wong's character George Huang is on special assignment with the FBI back in Washington. In Season 18, Tucker wanted Benson to retire with him. The real bright spot, though, is Edie Falco as Leslie Abramson, the tough-as-nails defense attorney representing the baby-faced killers. The season 13 premiere, "Scorched Earth", was Cutter's first appearance on SVU, in which he helps Cabot with her prosecution of an Italian diplomat accused of raping a hotel maid. He has appeared in 21 episodes throughout the duration of the series, starting with the season 3 episode "Counterfeit". Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, a spin-off of the crime drama Law & Order, follows the detectives who work in the "Special Victims Unit" of the 16th Precinct of the New York City Police Department, a unit that focuses on crimes involving rape, sexual assault, and child molestation, as well as any crime loosely connected with any of the three, such as domestic violence, kidnapping, and child . Molly Burnett ( Days of Our Lives , Queen of the South) has been cast as Det. Prepare to set aside an hour of your time, because Law & Order: SVU will kick off its 24th season starting September 22 at 9 p.m. In the episode "Spiraling Down", Benson gives Ellis' card to the defendant's wife, whose husband is a former football star who suffers from diminished capacity. 5. She is the prosecutor in seven episodes, sharing the ADA duties with Casey Novak and Bureau Chief Mike Cutter. Linden Delroy. As Benson returns to identify herself as police, the patrol officer shoots Cassidy twice. Rollins reveals to Murphy that he is in fact the father of her child. After they finally find Marsden holding the River Park Police Captain hostage, it is discovered that the Captain is setting Marsden up, and Porter decides to drop charges the FBI had against Marsden. In the season 23 premiere, it is revealed that she and Carisi are dating, and eventually get married in mid season 24. News Sport Region Music Person Profession Crypto. At the close of this episode, he has a discussion with Detective Benson on the steps of the courthouse. Law & Order: True Crime is a compelling enough legal procedural, and it serves up all the tawdry tabloid sensationalism you could possibly want, but it never feels like a good fit with the Law & Order brand.