Kadena will only offer 90-day loaner furniture to PCSing personnel that are authorized full personal household goods shipment. Provides support for deployment, relocation and financial assistance as well as installation specific resources such as employment and availability of support on the installation. /CA 1 67th Fighter Squadron. WebKadena AB | Youth Services & Contact Info | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS An official Defense Department website See our network of support for the military community VIEW ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPPORT PLAN MY MOVE MILITARY ONESOURCE Team Kadena includes associate units from five other Air Force major commands, the U.S. Navy, and numerous other Department of Defense agencies and direct reporting units. WebKadena Air Base Medical Clinic. /Pages 1 0 R /E 945856 TrainingEnrollment in EFMP is mandatory and we want everyone to know this is to ensure all necessary members are enrolled. Operation RestThis program is designed to boost the morale of the entire family using a visual reminder of loved ones during separation. Register on Tockify: https://tockify.com/kadenamfrc/pinboard. Education (Adult) Education (K-12) Kadena Air Base Installation Address & Phone. Contact the M&FRC to make an appointment or to attend the group session. Nearly 18,000 Americans and more than 4,000 Japanese employees and contractors make up Team Kadena. /ca 1 << WebHobson Drive - Named in honor of Maj. Gen Kenneth B. Hobson, Vice Commander of 5th Air Force, in 1958. U.S. Army Garrison - Camp Zama GSA ServMart #53 North Looking to learn more about Kadena AB? Email: 733ams.space-available@us.af.mil Want to be the life of your next squadron party? Commercial taxi service is also available to Kadena AB for approximately 5,000 yen ($50 equivalent). /AIS false 798 Flight Records Bu ildng No. The history of Kadena Air Base begins in the years prior to the United States invasion of Okinawa in early April of 1945. Located in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan is Kadena AB, home of the largest combat wing in the USAF, the 18th Wing . Email: 733ams.space-available@us.af.mil Find out what may be available to you. Youll be guided through the process from cover letters to how to conduct yourself in an interview. 756 18 WG In-Processing Map Map Produced by: The Kadena Geo Integration Office (718 CECEG) - DSN : 634-9311 Map Maintained by: 18 FSS Au toR esal L A ir mand F ly R eadi ns C t r Building No. Starting at 6 pm, well be shaking, rolling, and laughing the night away. Japanese Kimono WearingKimono is a Japanese traditional style of dress. The base also provides infrastructure support to Army, Navy and Marine Corps forces assigned to or transiting Kadena. For questions, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. WebPet owners should contact their Sponsor for more information and visit the Karing Kennels website. www.facebook.com/usokadena Mar 22nd, 2023 11:30 AM JST (1130I) USO Kadena | The eForm (DD Form 2648) is initiated during this appointment.Must be accomplished NLT 365 days from the date of separation (DOS). Family members PCSing to the States are required to have a no-feepassport or tourist passport or U.S. visa if dependent is non U.S. Citizen. /Filter /FlateDecode WebThis detailed map of Kadena Air Base is provided by Google. For up to date information on the food that will be provided follow us on our Facebook page. stream 623rd Air Control Squadron WebPet owners should contact their Sponsor for more information and visit the Karing Kennels website. Twelve buildings and 450 staff members provide dental and medical care to all service members and dependents in the area. The EFMP aims to help active duty members to complete their mission while having the comfort of knowing their special needs family members will be taken care of no matter where they go. /Parent 1 0 R Mandatory for all in-bound military members to Kadena. startxref First impressions matter. Depending on your Tier level assignment, a Two-Day Track may be required. If looking at housing options prior to arrival, take into consideration that there must be enough room for the carries truck to deliver your property and one-way streets and narrow roads without parking can cause delays or refusal. 0000016438 00000 n Please do not ship oversized items. Review the TAP schedule for upcoming workshop dates. Web44th Fighter Squadron. Service will be provided on a space-available basis. WebKadena Air Base, Center Building 337 APO AP 96368 Enjoy a warm lunch provided by USO Kadena from 11:30 am until supplies last. Stay in the loop and get all the lastest 18 FSS and Kadena community news! Over 20,000 personnel work at the base. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month. Classes will be held at 1730-1, Mar 30th, 2023 MON-FRI 9 AM - 5 PM 0000124944 00000 n WebThis detailed map of Kadena Air Base is provided by Google. Pre-separation counseling consists of providing information, assessment, and referral to separating and retiring members. If attending within 60 days of PCSing to Kadena you may be able to utilize your free childcare voucher (Childcare for PCS program). 0000002451 00000 n 0000157009 00000 n WebKadena AFB in Okinawa, Japan (Google Maps) Okinawa, Japan (JP) Like Tweet Share Pin US Air Force Base Kadena, located in Okinawa, Japan. Phone: 011-81-611-734-1110. 6 0 obj Kadena Air Base is home to the Air Forces largest combat air wing, the 18th Wing. % This month we will provide a fun March craft for the kiddos. 909th Air Refueling Squadron trailer >> It is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. Identification & Enrollment AssistanceIf you believe you or a family member should be enrolled, or if youre unsure about your enrollment status, the EFMP-FS Coordinator can help refer you to EFMP-Medical. Learn about your transportation options and key and essential information when moving to a new installation. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. WebBase Directory. Education (Adult) Education (K-12) Kadena Air Base Installation Address & Phone. stream WebThe 18th CEG supports a base worth of $17.5 billion while supporting a population of 35,000 from 6 major commands, U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Army and other units assigned to Kadena. Telephone. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Pre-Separation CounselingAll separating and retiring service members must complete their Individual Counseling and Pre-Separation Brief at least 365 days prior to their last day of service. Newcomers Orientation is your one-stop-shop to get you settled on Kadena AB. WebIn the event you are not met by your sponsor, and you arrive on-base after hours at the AMC Terminal, you can dial 99-939-1660 for an authorized on base taxi to the Shogun Inn Main Billeting Office, Building 332. U.S. Army Garrison - Camp Zama GSA ServMart #53 North WebEvery Friday | Weekender Lounge. We can teach you how to make those 30 seconds the key to opening up employment opportunities. Four Diamonds Softball Complex& Baseball Field, Variety of Tournaments and Competitions and Intramurals. 67th Fighter Squadron. WebKadena Air Base In 1991, Kadena Air Base combined three wings -- the 376th Strategic Wing, 18th Combat Support Wing and the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing -- into one, incorporating the E-3 Sentry, KC-135 Stratotanker and F-15 Eagles all under one wing -- Youll be able to take home pictures of yourself in an elegant Kimono. 31st Rescue Squadron. This is a great opportunity to network and meet other spouses. mapdoor. WebBuilding No. Taxi Service. Service members show evidence they have completed Career Readiness Standards (CRS), which are tangible measurements of a service members preparedness to successfully transition from military to civilian life. It is located just 650 km off the coast of China and at a /Length 139 /OpenAction 3 0 R Tel: 011-081-611-730-4817. /Type /XObject Lamps are especially expensive and hard to find. 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month. The USO will providesna, Mar 22nd,2023 Each map style has its advantages. 5:30 PM JST (1730I), Calling all party planners! In 1991, Kadena Air Base combined three wings -- the 376th Strategic Wing, 18th Combat Support Wing and the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing -- into one, incorporating the E-3 Sentry, KC-135 Stratotanker and F-15 Eaglesall under one wing -- the 18th Wing. Web44th Fighter Squadron. Building 1499 Kadena Air Base Okinawa , Japan , 96370-1150 View on Google Maps Directions from the Airports Gate Information Link Latitude, Longitude 26.3516955 , 127.7694715 NGIS Locator Promote a free and open Indo-Pacific through an Agile, Innovative, Ready Force from PACAFs premier air base. endstream WebKadena Air Base is a highly strategic United States Air Force base in the towns of Kadena and Chatan and the city of Okinawa, in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. WebBase Directory. Please bring a copy of your PCS orders (must be within the last 60 days). 0000105829 00000 n WebKadena Air Base, Center Building 337 APO AP 96368 Enjoy a warm lunch provided by USO Kadena from 11:30 am until supplies last. If you dont already have an account, you can create one. At present, it is the largest United States Air Force base in the Pacific region. WebKadena Air Base Directory - Phone Numbers & Directions Set as Home Base Kadena Air Base Directory Douglas Boulevard, Okinawa City, Okinawa 96368, JPN 01181611-734-1110 Kadena Air Base Official Website Located in the Okinawa Prefecture of Japan is Kadena AB, home of the largest combat wing in the USAF, the 18th Wing . Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 18th Component Maintenance Squadron An additional runway was constructed in August of 1945 and both were reinforced in order to handle heavy bomber landings. Check out what services and resources are available to you at this installation. Click Read More for the Participant Guide. Contact M&FRC for program information or to get connected to your key spouse. 0000150678 00000 n The Fitness & Sports Complex offers a variety of programs that can help you along in your wellness & fitness journey. Douglas Boulevard Building #6 Okinawa, Japan, Overseas 315-630-4817. Our center offers a comfortable space with plush chairs and reliable wifi, perfect for unwinding and connecting with loved ones. 718th Civil Engineer Squadron, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron18th Dental Squadron18th Medical Operations Squadron18th Medical Support Squadron, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron 382 TMO (Trav e l/ H ou sh dG ) Bu ildng No. WebKadena Air Base is the hub of airpower in the Pacific, and home to the 18th Wing and a variety of associate units. 17th Special Operations Squadron43rd Intelligence Squadron, DetachmentHelicopter Sea Combat Squadron Eight Five, An official website of the United States government, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 961 Airborne Air Control Squadron Due to NIPR Net restrictions this website might not be displayed correct or complete. 31st Rescue Squadron. At the end of the hostilities, he racked up 15 kills; he was also credited with 1.5 kills in World War II. 18th Medical Group. Our staff can assist with establishing a basic budget, managing debit cards/checkbooks, repairing credit, buying a car, buying a home, Thrift Savings Plans, and other basic investing information. 18th Munitions Squadron, 18th Communications Squadron Nearly 18,000 Americans and more than 4,000 Japanese employees and contractors make up Team Kadena. Email: 733ams.space-available@us.af.mil 0000031895 00000 n CRS: Complete a comparison of technical training institution options. 18th Aero Evacuation Squadron. /N 1 65th Anniversary of Battle of Okinawa Topics include, but are not limited to, employment assistance, relocation assistance, education and training, health and life insurance, finances, and veterans benefits. Click read more for the C2E Participant Guide. WebBuilding No. WebContact Information. /Size 51 Vouchers are distributed at the Military and Family Readiness Center. The base's estimated economic impact upon Okinawa's economy is more than $700 million annually. Briefers include SME from the following areas: M&FRC, Traffic Management Office (TMO), Finance, Lodging, Housing, AMC Terminal, TRICARE, Vet Clinic, and DODDS. 44th Fighter Squadron Each map style has its advantages. The USO Pathfinder Transition Program extends the USO experience to active duty, Reserve, National Guard and military spouses byoffering, Directions for Placing a Request TOP SECRET MISSION: Surprise your loved one with a birthday cake through the USO Operation Birthday CakeP, Supporting Units across island with programs that help boost morale, camaraderie, and connecting service members to family, home, andcount, Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan More than 250 runners, hikers, and walkers accepted the challenge to complete the 2022 USO Okinawa Trek andR, Camp Schwab, OKINAWA, Japan - USO Camp Schwab onboard around one hundred volunteers annually to their team, most of them deployed inOkinaw, AEC Awards USO Okinawa Support For 51Years. Those living off-post on reduced JTR will received access to loaner furniture for the duration of their assignment. /Type /Catalog 0000031982 00000 n WebAMC Kadena AB 733rd Air Mobility Squadron BLDG. In 1991, Kadena Air Base combined three wings -- the 376th Strategic Wing, 18th Combat Support Wing and the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing -- into one, incorporating the E-3 Sentry, KC-135 Stratotanker and F-15 Eaglesall under one wing -- the 18th Wing. Kadena Air Base is a United States Air Force installation on the Japanese island of Okinawa, often referred to as the Keystone of the Pacific. >> NOTE: Members who do not have the required passports/visas in hand prior tofinal out-processing are not authorized to final out-process and depart. PCS orders, area clearance, passports, and shot records). /BitsPerComponent 8 WebIt is very important you coordinate transportation arrangements with your sponsor prior to arriving in Okinawa as there is not Shuttle Service from Naha to Kadena Air Base. }_>a/w~o1j?o|/~A_77mS(-wjW"/~~ovg\HtoJ[S!6B0RTcz_P&DE5 5/~~~_bMXow~o~/k'O_1)+fe ;}jv/rc uAc&WiMTU ajj!PA*h45 5VFR3j}hKRteA DA\O5sAa? NAF offers regular full (35-40 hours), part time (20-34 hours), and flexible (no guaranteed hours) positions. 382 TMO (Trav e l/ H ou sh dG ) Bu ildng No. Tel: 011-081-611-730-4817. Incoming civilian employees will only be assigned base housing when space is available. 5:00 pm 7:00 pm. WebKadena AFB in Okinawa, Japan (Google Maps) Okinawa, Japan (JP) Like Tweet Share Pin US Air Force Base Kadena, located in Okinawa, Japan. 0000002315 00000 n Downloads provided in this section describe the programs, services, and resources available and will assist with transition planning. 0000094222 00000 n Although the Department of Defense may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Nearly 18,000 Americans and more than 4,000 Japanese employees and contractors make up Team Kadena. Web44th Fighter Squadron. You will be signed off in vMPF after the DD Form 2648 is complete. For any questions,please email the base passport office @ DSN: 632-0446/632-0447. Douglas Boulevard Building #6 Okinawa, Japan, Overseas www.facebook.com/usokadena Mar 22nd, 2023 11:30 AM JST (1130I) USO Kadena | The USO is a not-for-profit organization and not part of the Department of Defense (DoD). The eForm (DD Form 2648) is finalized during this appointment. For up to date information on the food that will be provided follow us on our Facebook page. Click on the title of each workshop in the "Two-Day Tracks Downloads" tab to learn more. A TAP counselor will work with you to establish an individual focused plan to ensure you receive all needed and required transition assistance services. Leave the messy clean up for us. www.facebook.com/usokadena Mar 22nd, 2023 11:30 AM JST (1130I) USO Kadena | 18th Aero Evacuation Squadron. Additional unit restructuring has followed, making Kadena one of the most complex and certainly the largest operational combat wing overseas in terms of the number of aircraft assigned. 18th Wing Priorities. Vouchers must be submitted to the CDC/SAP by noon on the Wednesday prior to the designated Saturday. Well be teaching you how to twist and shape balloons into amazing animals. WebKadena Air Base In 1991, Kadena Air Base combined three wings -- the 376th Strategic Wing, 18th Combat Support Wing and the 18th Tactical Fighter Wing -- into one, incorporating the E-3 Sentry, KC-135 Stratotanker and F-15 Eagles all under one wing -- WebIt is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. Medical support and services may vary by location. Military - Air Ports Links: Upon completion of the Entrepreneurship track, service members will have developed the initial components of their business plan. Members WITH dependent(s) must send the following: copy of PCS orders,dependent(s) passport(s) & VISA information to718FSS.MPS.PassportMatters@us.af.mil via encrypted email. (E:i mQd8k1$4i M1FUIiVD !,Dzu Military/Family members PCSing to an overseas location are required anofficial/no-fee passport, visa and/or SOFA stamp in order to travel to theoverseas location. Registration required. /Width 2678 WebBuilding No. CLOSED WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS, Mar 23rd, 2023 Rsum and Application ReviewTransitioning military members and their spouses may bring in rsums and federal applications to be reviewed by a trained consultant. WebKadena AB | Youth Services & Contact Info | MilitaryINSTALLATIONS An official Defense Department website See our network of support for the military community VIEW ALL INSTALLATIONS SUPPORT PLAN MY MOVE MILITARY ONESOURCE Contact the M&FRC for more information regarding the program and the referral process. 67th Fighter Squadron Kadena Air Base is a United States Air Force installation on the Japanese island of Okinawa, often referred to as the Keystone of the Pacific. 798 Flight Records Bu ildng No. Since there is no unaccompanied housing for E-5s and above, full JFTR is authorized for personnel meeting this criteria. WebKadena Air Base, Center Building 337 APO AP 96368 Enjoy a warm lunch provided by USO Kadena from 11:30 am until supplies last. Ever wonder why you arent getting referred for the job you want so badly? These actions are necessary to prevent unforeseen hardships to the military members and their families. /Decode [ 0 255 ] Military - Air Ports Links: Give Parents a Break This program is designed to give relief through free childcare while the military member is deployed or TDY for more than 30 days. A group briefing is also available Monday Friday, please call for an appointment or to reserve the group briefing. WebThis detailed map of Kadena Air Base is provided by Google. Vincent Avenue. WebAir Conditioning/Heating: Buildings 304, 306, 322, 507 and 508 are equipped with wall or window mounted air conditioning/heating units. Typically, 50,000 yen ($500) is sufficient for the first several weeks on island. Port to Home: This initiative was established to support inbound service members moving directly into permanent family housing quarters upon arrival to Okinawa. Orders are needed to make a reservation. Books cover topics such as IEPs, the Autism Spectrum, health-related issues, ADD/ADHD, parenting survival guides, and a large assortment of other medical, educational, and behavioral materials. << U.S. Army Garrison - Camp Zama GSA ServMart #53 North Career Readiness Standards (CRS) for each track may be required at Capstone. /Length 4466 Telephone. A Japanese construction firm completed a small air field, Yara Hikojo, just adjacent to the small island village of Kadena. 33rd RQS Airmen awarded for heroism during Al Asad ballistic missile attack, Bombers showcase long range deterrence over Pacific, 5 AF/CCC shares the love with Kadena on Valentine's Day, New Deputy Commander position accelerates PACAFs Allies and partners connection, PACAF A4 assesses Wolf Pack infrastructure needs, Atop the world: Point Barrow LRRS keep watch over North America, Behind the scenes of the Exercise Agile Reaper 23-1 and the 3rd Air Expeditionary Wing, Exercise Agile Reaper 23-1 kicks off in Guam, Tinian, An official website of the United States government, Kadena food pantry opens doors to military families, Kadena hosts Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. Complete and email the following items to This email address is being protected from spambots. /CA 1 Workshops and EventsExceptional Family Member Programs strive to be all-inclusive, or purple. Whether its a program on Kadena, Torii, Foster, or any of the other installations on island, we aim to include everyone and share our knowledge with special needs families. 33rd Rescue Squadron. If attending within 60 days of PCSing to Kadena you may be able to utilize your free childcare voucher (Childcare for PCS program). Built with HTML5 and CSS3 - 18th Force Support Squadron. All rights reserved. /SMask /None The Exceptional Family Member Program can provide accommodations for military families of children with special needs; however they need to register with their current command before PCSing to Kenda AB. 798 Flight Records Bu ildng No. 18th Wing History. 4 47 At present, it is the largest United States Air Force base in the Pacific region. 0000048692 00000 n Together they form "Team Kadena" -- a world-class combat team ready to fight and win from the Keystone of the Pacific. Dress in green if you can! Military - Air Ports Links: Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military. All materials are provided. WebIt is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. Check out what information and resources are available to you at this installation. Starting at 6 pm, well be shaking, rolling, and laughing the night away. Lodging: Reservations can be made 90 days in advance by phone or email. /Root 5 0 R /ColorSpace 10 0 R 33rd Rescue Squadron. 0000157437 00000 n OTS (CHUBB & AIG) Insurance 098-938-4279 /Lang (en-US) The M&FRC provides comprehensive services and assistance to aid employment. mapdoor. Typically, 50,000 yen ($500) is sufficient for the first several weeks on island.