Believe me please when I state a familiar quote known commonly as a life fact for those raised on any farm; The fox is guarding the hen house as the fox enjoys the hen for lunch that is a disaster of a scene for the imagination and should never be realized as a guard over others by removal of all protections. Done a lot of things to me over the years to where Im hyper aware. The cops are in on it all here. The other neighbors can help you talk to the person to be courteous whenever they want to shut the door. Some of these perpetrators seem to be very vocal & popular members of these support groups. I have nothing left but to tell my story which goes on and is worse than fiction. Sensitization is getting targets sensitive to an everyday stimuli. Again, if your really sincere in fighting the gang stalking culture occurring across the US, you will clean up your act, and start by sorting out all these distinctions. By breaking down the individuals mind and ability to think rationally, how easy would it be to manipulate a persons finances? After a year or so, is when I began to hear my stockers and a little after that I was able to fully communicate with them through my mind. It is the same as any mafia. The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has a very specific definition of what is considered harassment at work; the definition is clear about unlawful harassment: "Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on a protected class. For example, if a coworker witnesses the harassment of the man believed to be Iraqi and suffers emotional distress as a result, he or she may be able to bring a claim alleging hostile work environment. The door-slammer is a 60 year old professional woman, follows Rasta faith, has no criminal record, never fired from a job during a 45 year career, and does not own weapons. Therefore, it is better to talk to them first before taking some other measures and creating a bigger problem. Keep an accurate report on these behaviors and report it to the Human Resource Department. Since I moved up here, she will now deliberately slam her apartment door so loudly it about makes your teeth rattle and pictures fall off the wall. I am the front desk receptionist/AA who also serves 2 managers and the CEO. You can talk to them face to face, over the phone, or through a note left under the door, but be sure its done at the appropriate time. I guess they are concerned with getting attention in any way possible. You must specify in that kind of notice the conduct that is troubling, as well as the identities of the people who are complaining, and detail the times it has happened. This will mostly affect you when you have the windows open. When I moved to Taiwan th same protocol contitnuing harassing, slander deceving also disguise your personnel, your life even your stuffs. Some of this is not subtle at all. I have been for over 3 years now. If you call the cable company, gas or phone company be sure you know that its actually them that you are speaking to. This defense is available if an employer can prove that it exercised reasonable care to promptly correct the harassing behavior and that the employee unreasonably failed to take advantage of preventive opportunities provided by the employer. Was attacked by 4 men & 302ed again. I feel like a freak show. It can be anything. Society for Human Resource Management. 1944 Gaslight staring Ingrid Bergman A woman has received a confrontational note from her neighbour after a door in her home slammed in the middle of the day. Red, stripes, pens, whistles, loud coughing, clapping, waves, keys jingling. As a targeted individual any advice to counteract and end this. Most importantly the members of these cults have already been sensitized, conditioned, and brainwashed to these specific numbers, and are constantly looking to their watches and clocks, to see what the time is, in case they have a Harassment skit or order to perform at a specific time of the day or night, that has been passed to them by their criminal leader and organizer via a cell phone text. Like other mediums of harassment, the topics of these threads may be about events that are unfolding in your personal life, as well as threats or insults covertly directed at you. Im just writing about everything and body and intel that I can gather cause I know my end is near. Organized Gang Stalking, also known as Gang Stalking, Cause Stalking, Organized Vigilante Stalking, Stalking by Proxy, Community-Based Harassment, and Covert War, are essentially harassment and discrediting campaigns waged against a targeted individual. The United States constitution is no longer implemented by exclusion for many and is therefore no longer effective for the larger populace. Just remember those sponsoring the harassment wish to disrupt our society strictly for their own gain. Eg. Luckily, there are different methods your neighbor can adopt to prevent their door from slamming, especially if its happening unintentionally. Could you use handles to close doors, instead of slamming them shut? Once a target is flagged, a notification is sent out, and the target is followed around 24/7 by the various communities that they are in. Nevertheless, because this is an official measure, you should be aware that it may pose an issue when selling your unit due to a noisy neighbors complaint, especially if youre into the real estate business.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'yardpit_com-box-4','ezslot_3',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-box-4-0'); Its possible that laying a complaint will solve your problem, but itll take some time. STOP, say nothing more. You can talk to them directly, over the phone, or you can simply leave them a note, telling them what bothers you. My biggest triggers by far are neighbor noise and construction noise. Passive aggressive behaviorpreventing and dealing with challenging behavior. I was new and didnt know anybody. Cloudy water, the microwave stopped working & I still have an apt. It looks completely natural and it seems to be a random encounter. Hand Gestures such as intentionally touching hand to face or bringing fist or hand to face while around person being targeted Arm Gestures members of these Organized Stalking and Harassment groups repeatedly driving by a person who is being targeted or their home holding their arms out of their vehicle windows usually in an unnatural position. I never doubted the reality; Ive always seen it as choreography, because they are obvious and rotten people. Such a film was K-Pax, which was a near-verbatim ripoff of an Argentina film (a much better film too) called Man Facing Southeast. There seems to be no escape. Please stay aware of your surroundings and always be aware of who you are, as not to allow any one to dictate what you are, also stay positive and dont give into any kind of mind alterations, believe in whats real and what is not. I have caught former peers stalking. Some Stalkers are actual Private Investigators who have been hired to gather information concerning the victim. I kept praying to If something happens, it has to be a result of someone or something else. 1: A neighbor leaves his or her house at the same time another neighbor arrives home . Thank you so much for adding this resource on the web up u til lately Ive avoided doing any research that may tip my hand but youve explain every thing Ive experienced. And never underestimate the effects of trauma, in keeping a victim from quickly figuring out who and why he or she is being tortured with murderous intent. I was raised in Los Angeles and that is where I did all of my school, including a bachelors degree at the University of Southern California, then through one of my jobs, I given the opportunity to relocate to Boston where I stayed for 20 years, after 2008 and while in Boston I relocated four times and my stockers continued to follow me and moving into the homes around me and always in the same pattern as to keep surrounded. (At my previous job I was an AA with an office space and doors.) You just wonder whats going on. "These are often subtle moments," says Romanoff, "like when someone inquires too deeply, you can pause and think about how you want to respond instead of allowing them to violate your boundaries.". Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Co-Workers should not have to put up with immature antics by an adult you are not in daycare but a work environment. They also play skits using doppelgngers. How do I handle this? Thanks for reading take care. is a girl. Comments It seems there is always one admin. Maybe some anger management classes could be offered to individuals with those behaviors. G.Solares, Hi Guillermo, Gas Lighting simply is trying to convince someone that they are crazy or imagining things. Example; If you mention Organized Gang Stalking to someone who knows about it and they tell you youre crazy or paranoid they ARE Gas Lighting you. However, I had a very strong desire to live. Wheres the payoff. It's just an old closet door that the people put hinges and an interior slide lock on. Often the lies will consist of the target being into something illegal, or is someone dangerous, or just needs to be watched for some vague reason. Cyber Stalking includes, but is not limited to; Computer Hacking, Trolling, Spamming (Often including Porn Deluges, Verbal Assaults, Character Assassination, and Impersonations of the victim. (Turns out this woman was very upset about her new responsibilities and her way of dealing with them was to take her frustration out on everyone else!) I speak and smile when I need to and not any other time to the individual. Any group that performs Organized Gang Stalking is not positive in nature, nor beneficial to society, despite any charitable works they may perform. (Yes. And he has acted covertly Blame you for their actions if they are cheating. However, they are fronts to stalk, monitor and collect data on different demographics, funded by huge capital firms like Goldman Sachs. You are conditioned to believe these things are bigger than they are (30 vehicles at a time). Everyone in the targets life is contacted, advised as to why the individual has been listed or flagged, advised not to discuss the notification, and asked to be a part of the ongoing, never ending monitoring (systemic harassment) process. Vehicles with one head light that is brighter than the other head light. To not even give it 1% of your brain power. We had a person who had constant outbursts of anger and I did this and after a while it stopped. and this is done to the target day after day, after day, after day. My many background checks nationally and globally have confirmed this fact but these gangstalkers have chosen to ignore the facts and attempt to rewrite my identity such is their power. Sorry to hear about this. Some of the gangs talkers were couples with their children along! Then, they were getting caught financially abusing me. Brandt A. In this case, what do you do when your neighbor keeps slamming the door? It has no doorknob, no latch and no handle on the outside. This will be people on the street who you randomly and unexpectedly run into. This can catch them by surprise, and they might get offended or embarrassed. e. I believe all parts of the shadow government have infiltrated these intelligence agencies,,, basically they need someone to target so that resources can be allocated for these programs and since there are very few things and people who they see as real targets why not use are own citizens,,also these elites are all psychopaths so this is fun and games for them,,,the FBI is a good agency,,, although I believe that they have certain parts of the organization that have been corrupted by these infiltrators who misuse their power to continue programs like this,,read Richard lighthouse and Ted Gunderson testimonials,,,as targets very few people can help in this maybe try a american civil liberties lawyer, Have faith in god brpther. Today, we're going to. without any permission. Instead, actionable harassment must be so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an employees ability to perform his or her work or changes the terms and conditions of employment. Rather, hostile work environments are prohibited under various federal anti-discrimination laws, such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA). They must be a way to organize a group to so that we might live in better situations. The victim is usually followed and may be flashed from either a tail-gating vehicle or a passing or on-coming one. They might ask for your phone number after engaging you in conversation. Intentionally Coughing at the target. and, threatened with Rape & Torture by Gangs from the Philippines (who wont quit calling me Less Than Zero) and other Narcotic