You can remedy this by using a general charger to charge each battery separately to boost the charge and then hook it to the charger and see if it works. This happens when the brake of the cart gets hampered. This is another issue that creates problems in Icon golf carts. Since a solenoid helps to start your cart, it becomes impossible to move your cart if the solenoid has any problem. If they are not properly pumped, use the air pump to fill each tire to the proper pressure. The brakes may fail to engage, or the pedal feels hard when you step on it. Spoke to the guy delivering and asked about the SOC issue. Press the key to reset the motor and cover. If it happens again after reseting the meter the only thing I can thinks of is the meter is losing . A visual check of connections is the first option for wiring issues. There might be several reasons for motor burnout. If you have kept the cart without using it for a long period, then a charged battery will get uncharged. Never get the voltage enough by only charging 1-2 batteries and then plugging your golf cart charger in to solve this solution. Dedicated to ICON Golf Cart owners both present and future. You might need to disengage the terminal cables and then place the new battery. The solenoid is a crucial component of golf carts, comprising a steel plunger and a thin wire coil going around the plunger. Charge quality for the sealed lead-acid batteries and emerging lithium-ion technologies used in the golf market is attained through charge profiles validated in our battery lab. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. In most cases, charging issues are mainly battery-related, and a quick check could save you some frustration, time, and money. Wait 10 seconds and turn the key to the on position, wait 10 seconds and turn the key off. To best protect your batteries, make an effort to wipe down golf cart batteries every month or so. Safe and sturdy with enough battery power to drive all day. Indeed it will seem like a great disaster. First, check the voltage output. 6 Most Common KYMCO UXV 700i Problems and How to Fix Them, 10 Most Common Kubota M7060 Problems (Plus Effective Fixes), Where Are Kioti Tractors Made? Said that will reset the charger. A new solenoid may cost around 15$-110$. See more. You can also use a reputable battery terminal cleaner like CRCs 05023 Battery Cleaner, and this will not only neutralize the acid (if there is any), but you can wipe it clean with water afterward and get those contact terminals back to pristine condition. I talked to the dealer and they said that when you charge an ICON you need to switching the power switch (the one under the seat) to the "OFF" position and . Yes, batteries can freeze if they are left in a state of partial or complete discharge. That is when you know that your Icon golf cart has a flat tire problem. All batteries, regardless of their chemistry, self-discharge. 5. No. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'betterplaygolf_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-betterplaygolf_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'betterplaygolf_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-betterplaygolf_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}If you find your golf cart isnt charging, the first place to look is the batteries. Every tire has an expiration time. Because, it is always risky to work with any electric devices. The following are the probable solutions to the overinflated tire problem. If you use the Cart to bear overweight regularly, then it can also burn out your Cart motor.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'golfertroop_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); If the track on which you are using the Cart is rough and uneven, it will put extra pressure on the motor and might burn out. Depending on the charger, you may need to either replace that cable or you may be able to pull the pin out using a pair of needle-nose pliers. Another potential problem masquerading as a charging issue is a faulty solenoid or direction switch. The cause of a Club Car golf not charging is either a dead battery, a damaged power cable, or a faulty charger. Last but not the least, a problematic solenoid can ruin your journey with a Icon golf cart. Leaving your golf cart sitting for long periods, especially in very hot or cold weather, can lead to your batteries losing charge and being unable to pick up a charge as they dont have enough voltage to click the charger on.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'betterplaygolf_com-banner-1','ezslot_1',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-betterplaygolf_com-banner-1-0'); As we said before, the batteries need to have a small voltage to work, and if they are flat or dont have enough charge, the charger will not register the connection and wont be able to charge the batteries. However, make sure not to overcharge them. Uncover the motor to access the reset button located near the power supply. You can leave the charge cord plugged in at all times as the charger has a built in shut-off feature once it achieves a full state of charge. For that, please read the following points to know the frequent complications and the possible solutions to overcome those. In warmer climates, and during the summer, watering is required more often. So, you must need a new one in this case. Any and all expenses incurred in transporting the vehicle to and from ICON or an authorized dealer will be the sole responsibility of the cart owner unless otherwise noted by the service provider. Do not let the rag or paper towel get wet enough to drip on other parts of the car. Wear protective gloves and dont get the substance on your hands. Take a general screwdriver and uncover the motor. We are having the same issue with our i40 we purchased 6 weeks ago. When your golf cart doesn't charge, go through checking the batteries first to establish whether this is the problem. Continue with Recommended Cookies. In case of a puncture, you will need a tire repair kit to fix the complication. Also, the wires may get damaged after some time. What Size Garage Door Do You Need For A Golf Cart? If the battery water is empty then fill it. Additionally, the complications are minor and fixable. But why not learn some tricks to solve some common ones? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The point of this section is to explore the fact that your golf cart may well be charging correctly, but you are misdiagnosing a charging problem when the golf cart doesnt work or run when its really a component problem. Your golf cart may not be charging because you have a battery problem, your charger itself is faulty, the connections on the batteries, wiring, or charger cable are faulty, or there are faults with the golf cart electronics. Suppose you see any part of the wiring showing wear and tear or see the wire strands through the plastic outer casing. Dealer gave us a "cheat code" that was supposed to fix it but it was only temporary. Evolution Classic Golf Cart Line. Do you own a troublesome ICON golf cart? Check that each connection is tight on the terminals and that the golf cart wiring is tight. Tampa, FL 33619 (866) 426-6380 MONDAY - FRIDAY FROM 8:00 AM TO 5:00PM EST. Open up the battery compartment and identify the damaged batteryyou may have to perform this process on multiple batteries in an electric cart. Each battery will need to be fully charged separately. However, when the faults are cleared, the On Board Computer should reset and function properly most of the time. Barn Find Rescue Bootstrap Revival 7.7K views 3 months ago HTRC GOLF CART SMART BATTERY CHARGER 36v 48v Lithium |. Those can be: To solve brake-related issues, you do not need a lot of money as the price of the cables does not exceed more than 220$. Yes. A golf cart charger should last as long as your golf cart, but sometimes, the electronics inside the charger can fail, which will stop your golf cart from working. The snag is mainly burnout, resulting from overheating, overloading, and pushing the cart past its operational limits. Re: 2020 Icon I40L Review. #6. It may happen that the cables are not perfectly connected or got loose. Golf cart batteries are not designed to be discharged that often and so deeply; this is why they should be recharged after each round to avoid depletion and the risk of damage. But how, Read More how to do a Harley Davidson golf cart engine swap?Continue, Do you own a Yamaha 48-volt golf cart? However, following the above-mentioned solutions, you may find a good way to properly maintain your golf cart for years to come. If it doesnt, you may need to contact the supplier or technician to enquire about repairs or replacing the cable. Charge the cart then let it sit for about a hour after the charge cycle is finished. The water-electrolyte levels (on a weekly basis). If you switch the charger on and you get nothing, make sure its plugged in correctly and switched on, and if that is ok, you may have blown a fuse. Check the electrolyte levels and add distilled water, if required. They should also be tightened in proper sequence. Is the golf cart not charging? This is a very common problem of ICON Golf Cart, and most Cart users face this problem very frequently. Unplug cart and turn the key on, at this point the gauge should be reset to 100%. There can be many reasons that your golf cart isnt charging, but there are only four main problems that those reasons could fall under, which we are going to investigate in this discussion. In some cases, depending on the battery, you may add new plates and restore some charging functionality, but if the battery is damaged beyond this, you would have to replace it or them. There may well be no problem with the wiring or the batteries, but the charger itself may be having issues, and this is the reason your golf cart isnt charging. I talked to the dealer and they said that when you charge an ICON you need to switching the power switch (the one under the seat) to the "OFF" position and then recharge. For example, a battery with an average of 50% DoD will last twice as long or more as an 80% DoD; a 20% DoD battery will last five times longer than a 50% DoD. Each manufacturer seems to have seemingly contradicting guidance. That is why you should always handle and maintain your vehicle according to the user manual. Corrosion leads to sulfate buildup, which will hinder the current flow. We replaced it with this model and it has worked great for us. Unplug the charger completely to be safe and then locate the fuse holder on the charger. Reliability comes from every charger being sealed to an IP66 rating to avoid damage from vibration, water, dust and chemicals. Yamaha 48 Volt Charger Troubleshooting Guide With Easy Solutions, Troubleshooting Club Car Gas Golf Cart Common Problems, 5 Most Common Tracker EV IS Problems & Solutions, 7 Most Common Club Car Subaru Engine Problems [Easy Solution], 5 Most Common Yardsport YS200 Problems [Easy Solution], 6 Most Common Star EV Golf Cart Problems [Easy Solution]. However, if the electrolyte level is extremely low or the plates are exposed to air, add some water to cover the plates before starting the charge cycle. Any build-up around the terminals needs to be cleaned off as this will prevent proper current flow through the batteries and the charger. However, if that is not the case, then you have no other option but to reinstall a new battery. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'golfertroop_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_9',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Several steps can be taken to overcome the problems created due to the malfunction of the brake. Inspect the battery to see if it is still functional. If it is not charged, then recharge it immediately. The frame structure of the two carts are different and does not allow for parts to be interchangeable. The main reason behind the brake-related problems is loose bolts on the lift kits. The Yamaha G29 is a robust golf cart which is pretty durable. The icon is the brand that ensures your comfort and premium features in your golf cart at the best price.