Landgericht Memmingen (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Frth (Hessen)
Landgericht Krefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf )
LAG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Amtsgericht Essen-Borbeck (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Essen / Hamm)
When a Separation was a general one, usually new measures for useful roads and water supplies were created. Amtsgericht Stuttgart (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Stuttgart)
Amtsgericht Nagold (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Tbingen)
Verwaltungsgericht Koblenz (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Dessau-Rolau (Sachsen-Anhalt / Dessau-Rolau)
Amtsgericht Usingen (Hessen)
Arbeitsgericht Offenbach (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Dlmen (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm)
Landgericht Bamberg (Bayern)
ordinary jurisdiction. Sozialgericht Frankfurt an der Oder (Brandenburg)
Arbeitsgericht Suhl am Standort Sonneberg (Thringen)
Arbeitsgericht Hanau (Hessen)
(nameofcity).de where you can find the contact information for the appropriate Standesamt and request a copy of your birth or marriage certificate. Decisions issued by German courts which have become final and binding are entered into the Federal Central Criminal Register in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. Not so in Germany! Arbeitsgericht Herford (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm)
The Federal Office of Justice is the central information authority in Germany for the collection of account information under the European Account Preservation Order Regulation (EAPO Regulation). the State Court has exclusive jurisdiction on its State Constitution (landesverfassung), Verfassungsgerichte :
Applications concerning non-German citizens with criminal history in Germany are usually rejected (full refund applies). Marriage registers give: Certificates (Heiratsscheine). Amtsgericht Mlheim an der Ruhr (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf )
Browse the Criminal Code for Germany by Chapter and Title. Oberlandesgericht Nrnberg (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Burg (Sachsen-Anhalt / Stendal)
Oberlandesgericht Thringen
Landgericht Mnchengladbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dsseldorf )
Arbeitsgericht Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Social Courts. Landgericht Marburg (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Kronach (Bayern)
Entscheidungen des Verfassungsgerichthof Rheinland-Pfalz
Consulates & Embassies This page was last edited on 29 December 2022, at 14:18. Amtsgericht Potsdam (Brandenburg / Potsdam)
Arbeitsgericht Herne (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm)
Verwaltungsgericht Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz)
76125 Karlsruhe, Phone: +49 721 159-0 Amtsgericht Tbingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Tbingen)
Simply reading this blog does, of course, not result in any attorney client relationship between you and Graf & Partners. Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Nrnberg
Amtsgericht Kehl (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Offenburg)
Amtsgericht Balingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Hechingen)
Bundesgerichtshof Amtsgericht Ettlingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Karslruhe)
Amtsgericht Eisleben (Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle)
Amtsgericht Gengenbach (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Offenburg)
Amtsgericht Wernigerode (Sachsen-Anhalt / Magdeburg)
Amtsgericht Kpenick (Berlin)
Amtsgericht Kln (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Kln / Kln)
Amtsgericht Niebll (Schleswig-Holstein / Flensburg)
Finanzgericht des Saarlandes
Amtsgericht Freyung (Bayern)
Sozialgericht Speyer (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Zeven (Niedersachsen
Entscheidungen des Landgericht Frankfurt am Main (Hessen)
For legal advice on German civil procedure and how to successfully litigate in Germany, contact theinternational litigation experts and trial lawyers of GrafLegal. Amtsgericht Osterode am Harz (Niedersachsen)
Landgericht Karlsruhe (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe)
Amtsgericht Bretten (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Karslruhe)
The list below includes areas that established civil registration before this time period: Research your town name in to find the location of the registry office (Standesamt). Verwaltungsgericht Cottbus (Brandenburg)
Landgericht Konstanz (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe)
Landgericht Augsburg (Bayern)
Arbeitsgericht Neunkirchen (Saarland)
Amtsgericht Springe (Niedersachsen)
However in places where records are online, the records recently made public may have not yet been placed online. The goal was to separate the single owner from the community, hence the name separation. guaranteed by the Constitution. The Federal Office of Justice is in charge of a diverse range of tasks in the area of international family law. Amtsgericht Rotenburg (Niedersachsen)
Arbeitsgericht Senftenberg (Brandenburg)
Amtsgericht Neunkirchen (Saarland)
Amtsgericht Amberg (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Warstein (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm)
Landgericht Dessau-Rolau (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Amtsgericht Schleswig (Schleswig-Holstein / Flensburg)
County Mayo Census Records 1901 & 1911. Depending on the record type, documents may be cataloged as census records, probate records, or civil registration, even though they were kept by a court. Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg (Niedersachsen)
As Germanys Central Authority in matters of international law governing parent-child relationships, it offers practical help in cross-border legal conflicts. Database of German World War II U Boats, losses, crew, and commanders. Verfassungsgerichtshof fr das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen
These records are kept by the civil registrar [German: Standesbeamte] at the civil registry office (Standesamt). Amtsgericht Forchheim (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Rosenheim (Bayern)
Landesverfassungsgericht Sachsen-Anhalt
Amtsgericht Kelheim (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Hersbruck (Bayern)
For a comparison of the relative activity of the ordinary courts, in 1969 there were 468,273 criminal cases in Germany, and 388,619 or 83% of these were held in the Amtsgericht composed of a single judge. Amtsgericht Haldensleben (Sachsen-Anhalt / Magdeburg)
Verwaltungsgericht Wiesbaden (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Alttting (Bayern)
Verwaltungsgericht Gelsenkirchen (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Verwaltungsgericht Freiburg (Baden-Wurttemberg)
Amtsgericht Gera (Thringen / Gera)
The Berlin Social Court (Sozialgericht Berlin) is the largest Social Court in the Federal Republic of Germany. Amtsgericht Krefeld (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Krefeld / Dsseldorf )
Companies & Corporations Lands of the Federal Republic of Germany database of business registrations, companies, trade registers, associations, and partnerships. witnesses' names, ages, and relationships to the bride or groom. Amtsgericht Steinfurt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm)
Landgerichte: Landgericht Aachen (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Kln ) Landgericht Amberg (Bayern) Landgericht Ansbach (Bayern) Amtsgericht Cottbus (Brandenburg / Cottbus)
Amtsgericht Goslar (Niedersachsen)
Some German cities began keeping records containing birth, marriage, and death information for certain segments of the population in the 1400s, but only a small fraction of Germans are represented in court records. Amtsgericht Ottweiler (Saarland)
Amtsgericht Starnberg (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Medebach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm)
Amtsgericht Adelsheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Mosbach)
Most civil registers are still located at the local offices, but some are collected in city archives. German Patent and Trademark Office Industrial Designs, trademarks, and patents. The Alaska Supreme Court will clear the records of about 750 cannabis convictions from a state database in a move to help protect past offenders from the negative impact of a criminal record for conduct that's no longer against the law. When writing for records, first find the modern registrar for your town. Amtsgericht Mannheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Mannheim)
Amtsgericht Achern (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Baden-Baden)
Children's resettlement case files, 1949-54. Amtsgericht Auerbach (Sachsen / Zwickau)
Amtsgericht Zittau (Sachsen / Grlitz)
Sozialgericht Freiburg (Baden-Wurttemberg)
Landgericht Verden (Niedersachsen)
Amtsgericht Hamburg-Wandsbek (Hamburg)
Arbeitsgericht Stralsund (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
They may also be listed under the name of the A.G. Amtsgericht [lower court]. Arbeitsgericht Dortmund (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm)
Amtsgericht Bad Freienwalde (Brandenburg / Frankfurt an der Oder)
Death records are especially helpful because they may provide important information on a person's birth, spouse, and parents. Arbeitsgericht Kempten (Bayern / Munchen)
Amtsgericht Stolzenau (Niedersachsen)
Amtsgericht Kassel (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Grevenbroich (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnchengladbach / Dsseldorf )
Amtsgericht St. Ingbert (Saarland)
Amtsgericht Dren (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Aachen / Kln)
Amtsgericht Plettenberg (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hagen / Hamm)
Raymond also answers to Raymond C German and Raymond German Raymond, and perhaps a couple of other names. Sozialgericht Detmold (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Amtsgericht Perleberg (Brandenburg / Neuruppin)
Amtsgericht Wiesloch (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Heidelberg)
Amtsgericht Weiden i.d.OPf. Amtsgericht Bad Schwalbach (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Lennestadt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Siegen / Hamm)
Amtsgericht Duisburg (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Duisburg / Dsseldorf )
Amtsgericht Hildburghausen (Thringen / Meiningen)
Verwaltungsgericht Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Internationaler Seegerichtshof Hamburg
Amtsgericht Konstanz (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Konstanz)
Amtsgericht Ravensburg (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ravensburg)
Amtsgericht Reinbek (Schleswig-Holstein / Lubeck)
Flurregelung (allotment regulation). Arbeitsgericht Neuruppin (Brandenburg)
Amtsgericht Gronau (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm)
Be careful not to ask for too much when writing to German archives. Amtsgericht Schorndorf (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Stuttgart)
Landgericht Neuruppin (Brandenburg)
Amtsgericht Guben (Brandenburg / Cottbus)
Sozialgericht Stralsund (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Arbeitsgericht Passau (Bayern / Munchen)
Even if everyone knows who the parties in the case were, the names and addresses are not cited. Sozialgericht Gelsenkirchen (Nordrhein-Westfalen)
Amtsgericht Biberach (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ravensburg)
Amtsgericht Menden (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm)
Amtsgericht Bensheim (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Bad Liebenwerda (Brandenburg / Cottbus)
Landgericht Gttingen (Niedersachsen)
Preprinted forms have often been used for civil registration. This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Landgericht Itzehoe (Schleswig-Holstein)
Amtsgericht Esslingen a. N. (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Stuttgart)
Amtsgericht Lebach (Saarland)
On 09/17/2001 STATE OF FLORIDA filed an Other - Other Criminal court case against LOPEZ, GERMAN LOPEZ in Osceola County Courts. the couple's religion, especially after 1874. the age, birthplace, residence, occupation, and marital status of the deceased, the name of the parents or spouse and their residences, the informant's name, age, occupation, residence, and relationship. Amtsgericht Bocholt (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnster / Hamm)
Sozialgericht Dresden (Sachsen)
The assistance offered includes support in making maintenance claims across borders, as well as help in cross-border child abduction cases and with international adoption. See German Letter Writing Guide for more information about writing letters to Germany. Sozialgericht Trier (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Marburg (Hessen)
Deutsche Personenstandsbcher und Personenstandseintrge von Deutschen in Polen 1898 bis 1945. Amtsgericht Werl (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Arnsberg / Hamm)
Amtsgericht Neresheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ellwangen)
Amtsgericht Karlsruhe (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Karslruhe)
Amtsgericht Chemnitz (Sachsen / Chemnitz)
Arbeitsgericht Chemnitz (Sachsen)
Landgericht Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Wuppertal (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Wuppertal / Dsseldorf )
Amtsgericht Naumburg (Sachsen-Anhalt / Halle)
In annexed areas, civil registration was fully implemented. Amtsgericht Mnsingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Tbingen)
Amtsgericht Tempelhof-Kreuzberg (Berlin)
Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (Hessen)
Amtsgericht Bckeburg (Niedersachsen)
sections34 and 46 of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act). Amtsgericht Schneberg (Berlin)
Amtsgericht Waldkirch (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Freiburg)
Amtsgericht Schwedt an der Oder (Brandenburg / Frankfurt an der Oder)
Oberverwaltungsgericht Thringen
Amtsgericht Augsburg (Bayern)
Amtsgericht Mnchengladbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Mnchengladbach / Dsseldorf )
Amtsgericht Tauberbischofsheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Mosbach)
Entscheidungen Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt
Amtsgericht Hamm (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Dortmund / Hamm)
Staatsgerichtshof Niedersachsen
Sozialgericht Chemnitz (Sachsen)
The first level is the Local Court, also known as the " Amtsgerichte", which usually has one to three professional judges presiding. collections will also use this location name. Amtsgericht Sinsheim (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Heidelberg)
The Federal Court of Justice was instituted on 1 October 1950 and has its seat in Karlsruhe. A Notar could only operate within a designated area. Amtsgericht Torgau (Sachsen / Leipzig)
The Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof BGH) is Germanys highest court of civil and criminal jurisdiction, i.e. Oberlandesgericht Zweibrcken (Rheinland-Pfalz). This blog is made available by Graf & Partners for educational purposes as well as to give you general information on German law, not to provide specific legal advice. The earliest German vital records were usually kept by one of many city courts. (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Freiburg)
The civil marriage records may include more information than the comparable church records. These records are kept by the civil registrar [German . Amtsgericht Lindau (Bayern)
some of the States have setup a State Supreme Court instead , which is not restricted to constitutional matters. Oberverwaltungsgericht Rheinland-Pfalz
Verwaltungsgericht Wrzburg (Bayern), Landesarbeitsgerichte:
The early French records sometimes give slightly more complete information than the later records. In some cases, the court did not issue a coming of age certificate. Amtsgericht Heidelberg (Baden-Wurttemberg / Karlsruhe / Heidelberg)
Amtsgericht Monschau (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Aachen / Kln)
Landessozialgericht Schleswig-Holstein
Amtsgericht Bergisch Gladbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Kln / Kln)
Use this Bayern, Germany Police service to browse for stolen property. Use this German Federal Ministry of the law service to browse for Federal and State laws and regulations. Amtsgericht Westerburg (Rheinland-Pfalz)
Amtsgericht Gppingen (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Ulm)
On 08/07/2020 LVNV FUNDING LLC filed an Other court case against SONDRA GERMAN in Maricopa County Justice Courts. This judgment will then be sent to the applicant, but only in an anonymized version, i.e. Amtsgericht Bergen (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern / Stralsund / Rostock )
This page has been viewed 27,136 times (0 via redirect). Arbeitsgericht Pforzheim (Baden-Wurttemberg)
Landgericht Mnchen I (Bayern)
Arbeitsgericht Mnster (Nordrhein-Westfalen / Hamm)
Sozialgericht Hamburg (Hamburg)
The only option is to contact the legal counsel of a party and ask them whether they are willing to disclose their material, which obviously also requires the respective clients consent. Verwaltungsgericht Stade (Niedersachsen)
Amtsgericht Zweibrcken (Rheinland-Pfalz)
instance in major civil and criminal matters.There are more than 100 regional courts in Germany. Duplicate registers from some towns are kept in state archives. LAG Mannheim (Baden-Wurttemberg)
In order to retrieve court records from Saxony and how to interpret them, read The Kauf- and Handelsvertrge of Freistaat Sachsen, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Amtsgericht Heilbronn (Baden-Wurttemberg / Stuttgart / Heilbronn)
Landesverfassungsgericht Mecklenburg-Vorpommern