"We . Before that, Frank spent six years working in Arts Administration in fundraising, development, marketing, and production for various performing arts centers in the New York metropolitan area. Rachel is a Staff Attorney at Fair Share Housing Center. Outside of work, she is a classical pianist and vocalist and enjoys crocheting. As Evidence Manager, Robs duties include supporting the Investigative Coordinators, preserving and transferring evidence, and maintaining testing equipment. Craig Waletzko, Community Engagement Coordinator (he/him) Long Island City, NY 11101 He continues to be an advocate for civil rights and social justice. Mr. Freiberg is one the nation's leading experts on the use of undercover testing as an investigative tool to [] 1001 - anelson@fhcci.org. Shaye Belcon, National Projects and Investigations Coordinator (she/her) We applaud the many individuals and Unlock NYC who shared information about the discriminatory practices we are challenging here, said FHJC Executive Director Elizabeth Grossman. Robert Gomes, Evidence Manager (he/him) Today, the Fair Housing Justice Center . from Dartmouth College. Eric Petersen, Director of Development (he/him) The program also provides continuity to the Eliminating Barriers to Housing New York testing and outreach program launched by the New York Office of the Attorney General in partnership with Enterprise Community Partners. Elizabeth Grossman, Executive Director of the Fair Housing Justice Center, said, The Fair Housing Justice Center is immensely grateful for this support from HCR and we are eager to get to work on new testing and outreach activities. What I didnt know back then was how much of an impact FSHC was having on a national scale, translating its knowledge and experience at the state level to work on housing justice across the country.. Most recently, he served as the Director of Development at Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow, helping out-of-school and out-of-work young adults to access education and employment. (Clockwise from upper left: Anne Nacinovich, Rev. Also, he moonlights as a personal assistant to a dachshund. Esm also interned with New Jersey Institute for Social Justice, researching policy pertinent to the Institutes Economic Justice Pillar. His career in fair housing spans more than forty-five years during which time he has testified in dozens of fair housing cases, published fair housing articles, and received numerous awards for his accomplishments in the fair housing field. Executive Directoradamgordon@fairsharehousing.org, I am inspired by how we ensure that our work does not stop at legal or policy victories, butinstead follows through to make sure homes get built, laws get enforced, and peoples lives actually change.. Senior Staff Attorneyjoshuabauers@fairsharehousing.org, FSHCs work is so inspiring because each time new affordable homes are built, and families get to move in, we get to see real world examples of our efforts to make New Jersey fairer.. David is a Senior Disaster Recovery Attorney at Fair Share Housing Center. Elizabeth Grossman, Executive Director of the Fair Housing Justice Center, said, "The Fair Housing Justice Center is immensely grateful for this support from HCR and we are eager to get to work on new testing and outreach activities. Colativa, who called the settlement, no big deal, said the town settled the case on advice of theinsurance company attorneys. Dr.Yvette D. Wilson-Barnes, Treasurer Ramsey Chamie, and Secretary Michelle Sullivan-Brady were elected to two-year terms at the most recent meeting of the FHJC Board of Directors. U.S. District Judge Vincent Briccetti approved the settlement, in which Eastchester agreed to dismantle the preference system embedded in its zoning code. The lawsuit was brought after a lengthy investigation was conducted by NFHA and the other fair housing organizations. Prior to joining the FHJC in 2022, she was a pathways trainee at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, where she worked in the Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity division. . The new state regulations, announced on February 22 . 2022 FAIR HOUSING JUSTICE CENTER | 30-30 Northern Blvd., Ste. She previously worked as a tester with Westchester Residential Opportunities and with the FHJC before joining the staff in her current position in 2021. He joined the organization in 2019 after working for Philadelphia Works and the New Jersey Institute for Social Justice. Home | William Jefferson Clinton (n Blythe III; born August 19, 1946) is an American retired politician who served as the 42nd president of the United States from 1993 to 2001. New York State Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said, Housing is an essential human right and we must continue to use every tool at our disposal to ensure that all New Yorkers have a fair and equal opportunity to live in the communities of their choice. FHJC testers posing as prospective renters with income solely from employment received prompt responses and were able to schedule apartment viewings easily, whereas testers posing as renters with vouchers were given a stock response and subsequently ignored, corroborating every complainants experience. He has extensive experience in affordable housing litigation having represented FSHC in hundreds of cases. Landau has served as Executive Director of both agencies since June 2008. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree from Denison University, where she double majored in Black studies and Womens and Gender studies. Defendants unlawful behavior must stop, stated Mr. Goldenberg. In addition to his FHJC experience, he has over 20 years of experience with New York-based nonprofits including fair housing testing, door-to-door canvassing, environmental education, computer programming, database management, and bookkeeping. In contrast, Eastchester is not very diverse so a residency preference there would effectively reduce access by African American and Latinx potential applicants.". He then joined the organization in 2022 as a Toll Public Interest Fellow. Unlock NYC works with voucher holders and advocates to build tools that make it easier to identify, document, and report source of income discrimination during a housing search. The complaint alleged discrimination based on race and religion. Initiative, assisting tenants using rental subsidies to exercise their fair housing rights. The story started on Nov. 21, 2016, when the Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC) filed a federal lawsuit alleging that the Town of Eastchester, which is predominantly white, used residency preferences to suppress participation by people of color in the town's Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and senior housing developments. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. Donna has had over 25 years of experience working with human resources management and general bookkeeping. Shaye holds a masters degree in social work from the University of Akron and a bachelors degree in social work from Cleveland State University. News. With this funding, we will be able to conduct more fair housing testing and outreach to our region and beyond. Session 2: 10:00 - 11:00am . 302, Long Island City, NY 11101 | 212.400.8201 . She was promoted to Senior Investigative Coordinator in 2017 and to her current position in 2021. He joined the organization as an Equal Justice Works Fellow in 2006. Deputy Directorericdobson@fairsharehousing.org, This work is personal to me because my ancestors believed in this country. If the preferences were more narrowly tailored from the outset, he said. Diane Houk Executive Director at Fair Housing Justice Center New York, New York, United States 3 connections Fred was a founder and the first Executive Director of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council from 1977-1981. Testing remains a critical tool for fair housing organizations to use in the fight against discrimination, and . Marlene Zarfes, Executive Director of Westchester Residential Opportunities, said, This work is critical to ensuring a housing market in the Lower Hudson Valley in which every household has an equal opportunity to participate, regardless of skin color, ethnicity, source of income, disability or any other protected class. Evan Dash, Investigative Coordinator (he/him) Fair Housing Justice Center. and J.D. Eastchester jettisoned that program, transferring its vouchers to Westchester County to administer. Governor Hochul Announces Expanded Efforts to Combat Housing Discrimination Across New York, As we expand access to housing across New York State, I am using all of the resources at my disposal to combat housing discrimination and ensure that all New Yorkers are treated with dignity, fairness, and respect when seeking the housing of their choice,, Our investment in this crucial program sends a clear message: housing discrimination will not be tolerated here in New York., The Fair Housing Testing Program is administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewals Fair and Equitable Housing Office and expands the pilot testing program established by the office in 2021. About | Her association with the FHJC began when she and her husband contacted the organization after facing suspected racial discrimination in Brooklyn. His interest in fair housing began during college while studying segregation, white ight, suburbanization, and the civil rights movement of the 20th century. The case was brought by housing rights advocates who alleged that the town of Eastchesters residency preferences for senior housing discriminated against racial minorities. When prospective renters call Finders NYC, they are instructed to submit additional information via text to be pre-qualified. On disclosing their voucher, most prospective renters receive the same response: To our knowledge, all of our landlords work with vouchers & programs. Diane L. Houk, a lawyer representing the Fair Housing Justice Center, and also its former executive director, said the requirement of three reference letters from existing owners "sounds neutral . Find out if you meet the requirements! She also conducts targeted outreach and oversees FHJCs F.A.S.T. "To get a Section 8 voucher in the City of New York, there'sa residency preference, but it is lawful because New York City is very diverse. Her time as a community organizer in central New Jersey informs her passion for affordable housing and tenants rights advocacy. Name York County Detention Center Suggest Edit Address 1675 York Highway York , South Carolina , 29745 Phone 803-628-3077 Website yorkcountysheriff. He later attended Rutgers Law School. Since 2011, he has been the Executive Director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania. As an Intake & Outreach Specialist, Crystal assists individuals with housing discrimination complaints, and conducts outreach regarding fair housing rights and responsibilities. The settlement, which was approved on May 28, comes shortly after the town of Greenburgh settled a federal fair housing case over the town's opposition to affordable housing on Dromore Road in Edgemont for $9.5 million. During her law school career, Alaine interned for the Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) in Washington DC as well as the Orange County States Attorneys office in Chelsea Vermont. He previously served as the FHJCs Executive Director for nine years before transitioning to his current position in 2021. who in January became the new executive director of the Baltimore-based Public Justice Center - a local and national leader in public interest law reform that uses legal advocacy to pursue social . As Legal Coordinator, Madhulikas duties include managing the FHJCs legal docket and coordinating with the FHJCs cooperating attorneys, including non-profit partners and law firms. Previously, he had worked in fundraising and development at ICD-Institute for Career Development, and has worked with The Doe Fund, helping residents of homeless shelters to find housing and employment. He worked from 1998 to 2006 as managing attorney of the landlord-tenant and public benefits units at the Camden office of South Jersey Legal Services. The FHJC is represented by AttorneyMariann Wangand Attorney Alex Goldenberg with the law firmCuti Hecker Wang LLP. The Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC) is pleased to announce its newly elected slate of officers. In 1992, he helped to establish and later directed a national testing program at the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice. Making sure that families who have been impacted by the criminal legal system have a fair shot at housing is a racial justice priority." "For far too long, housing discrimination has been a lifetime barrier to reentry and stability for New Yorkers with conviction records, exacerbating the homeless crisis in our city. She is a former chair of the Civil Rights Committee at the New York City Bar Association and a committed advocate of civil rights. home seekers have the right to decide for themselves what makes a neighborhood comfortable or desirable," added FHJC Executive Director Elizabeth Grossman. Thanks to the support of HCR, people throughout our service area will know that they can come to us for help, and that our programs will get them the help they need.. Center for Congregations. Mr. Tripp and Ms. Rosario continued searching for housing, avoiding predominately white neighborhoods for fear of encountering discrimination again, and eventually bought a home in East Flatbush, Brooklyn. Name & Title They alleged that Redfin's minimum home price policy violated the federal Fair Housing Act by discriminating against sellers and buyers of homes in communities . We felt strongly that the preferences allowed aging in place for our seniors, and that would be the best for our seniors, he said. Carrie Pleasants was appointed as the Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center for Rights & Research on March 1, 2016 after serving as the Interim Director since July of 2015. . About | NAndreas hobbies include event planning, interior decorating, and being a foodie. FHJC's mission is to . Will Fairhurst is a Legal Fellow at Fair Share Housing Center. Rachel has served on the Supreme Court of New Jersey District X Fee Arbitration Committee as an appointed volunteer attorney, is trained in collaborative law, and received her certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace from the University of Southern Florida. These nonprofit housing agencies will dispatch trained fair housing "testers" to act as potential renters or home seekers to uncover unlawful discriminatory treatment by sellers, brokers, and landlords. Prior to joining FSHC, Rachel worked for international and Am Law 100 law firms where she successfully represented individual and corporate clients in complex commercial litigation and business matters at the state and federal level. In her hopes to build community between Rutgers Law students and New Jersey organizers and to help shape a legal system that serves everyday people rather than the corporate status-quo, she co-founded a chapter of Peoples Parity Project at Rutgers. It would have been much more defensible if it was limited to only Eastchester residents.. Prior to that, Elizabeth was the Director of Legal Advocacy at Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, where she managed operations for a department representing individuals and families living in poverty in cases relating to housing, health care, and public benefits. New York State partnered with six nonprofit organizations across the state to deploy undercover testers to act as potential renters and home seekers. In 1992, he helped to establish and later directed a national testing program at the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice. He has also successfully negotiated agreements with over 100 of New Jerseys municipalities for fair share plans to address their constitutional affordable housing obligations, and he has successfully argued before the Appellate Division of the Superior Court. We maintain that these residency preferences are unlawful because they discriminate, based on race, in a community like Eastchester that is predominantly white.. In her role as Policy Manager, Britny is responsible for the development and execution of policy-related activities, programs, research, and communications that advance the FHJCs mission and vision. Elizabeth Grossman, Executive Director/General Counsel (she/her) Meet Fred Freiberg, the Executive Director of the Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC), a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to eliminating housing discrimination, promoting policies that foster inclusive communities, and strengthening enforcement of fair housing laws. Britny has a masters degree in social work from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College, specializing in community organizing, planning and development, public policy, and aging. | 212.400.8201, Home | According to the lawsuit, the couple, Kaseim Tripp,an African-American man and army veteran, and his wife,Kimberly Rosario,an Afro-Puerto Rican woman, were told in front of other prospective buyers who were white, that they would not be comfortable in the home because it was in a Jewish neighborhood. The lawsuit also alleged that during a follow-up phone call about the property later that evening from Mr. Tripp, Mr. Aryeh continued to attempt to steer the plaintiffs away from Midwood. In her role as an Investigative Coordinator, Andrea designs and leads housing discrimination investigations and performs systemic research. HOME appreciates the support of NYSHCR in combating bias in housing, and the promotion of diversity and equality in our communities.. His fellowship through the Rutgers University School of Law focused on redevelopment and affordable housing. New Director Of Housing jobs added daily. Esm Devenney is a New Jersey Housing Justice Corps Fellow at Fair Share Housing Center. Senior Staff Attorneylauradenker@fairsharehousing.org, I am inspired by the persistent scrappiness of all my coworkers, from the ones working behind the scenes running the organization to those making headlines. Adam holds a B.A. The case, Kaseim Tripp, et al. She has been privileged to contribute her time and talents to various community development and rights organizations over the years such as The New Voices Project, working in schools with Theatre for a New Audience; The Watts Village Theater Company, co-directing their first production at the WLCAC and Theaters Against War, formed to protest the war in Iraq. Fred was a founder and the first Executive Director of the Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council from 1977-1981. at Yale. Gabrielle is part of the FHJCs Investigative Coordinator team, designing and leading housing discrimination investigations and performing systemic research. The FHJC, Unlock NYC, and other groups are working together and using the latest technology to root out hidden discrimination.. Eastchester Town Supervisor Tony Colavita said that Eastchester taxpayers wont feel the impact of the settlement as the towns insurance carrier will pay the settlement and the legal costs incurred in fighting the civil rights case. In March, Fair Housing Justice Center executive director Fred Freiberg testified in Washington D.C against the termination of the 2015 AFFH rule, saying the rule had existed since the Fair Housing Act of 1968 existed and that Obama's rule merely gave it needed teeth. Today, the Fair Housing Justice Center . Zoe Brokos (she/her) is the executive director of the Church of Safe Injection, a comprehensive harm reduction program that operates in Southern and Central Maine. Fair Housing Justice Center Executive Director in the United States makes about $97,014 per year. Research conducted by the center detailed how the residency preferences in Eastchester had resulted in housing complexes where tenant rolls werepredominantly white. "If that residency preference can be shown to have a discriminatory effect on protected populations, it is likely unlawful under the Fair Housing Act," said Freiberg. All of the attorneys are with the law firm ofLatham & Watkins LLP. Brooklyn, New York, United States. Rachel is involved in all aspects of the Centers legal advocacy work. Roundtable participants included, from left to right, McKenna Raney-Gray, LGBTQ Justice Project Staff Attorney, ACLU of Mississippi; John Jopling, Housing Law Director, MS Center for Justice; DeAndra Cullen, DAS, HUD FHEO, Office of Policy, Legislative Initiatives, and Outreach; Stacey Howard, Executive Director, Grace House; Charles Harris, Founder/Executive Director, HEED. He holds a Master of Urban Planning degree from the University at Buffalo and a bachelors degree from the State University of New York at Geneseo where he majored in geography and minored in urban studies and political science. FHJC Executive Director, Fred Freiberg, explains the overt and . She has been a fierce housing advocate her whole career. In her current role as Office Manager, Lucille is responsible for the FHJCs administrative and office operations and assists the Executive Director in the development and implementation of personnel, procurement, and office policies and procedures. Meet Fred Freiberg, the Executive Director of the Fair Housing Justice Center (FHJC), a nonprofit civil rights organization dedicated to eliminating housing discrimination, promoting policies that foster inclusive communities, and strengthening enforcement of fair housing laws. Colavita, whose father was Republican county chairman during the GOPs heyday in Westchester in the 1990s, faces Democrat John Eickemeyer in the November election. FHJC works to eliminate housing discrimination by promoting policies that foster inclusive communities and strengthening the enforcement of fair housing laws. Legal Fellowwillfairhurst@fairsharehousing.org, When I learned just how important and far-reaching Fair Shares affordable housing impact is, I knew that working there would allow me to do exactly the kind of work that Im passionate about.. As part of the FHJCs Investigative Coordinator team, Evan conducts research and leads and structures housing discrimination investigations. Member, Email Address, Position. Josh is a Senior Staff Attorney at Fair Share Housing Center. News. It gave a preference to residents age 55 as well as toimmediate family of current or former residents, and relatives of town residents. I know firsthand how it feels to grow up in a family struggling to afford housing, and I hope that through my legal work I can make the experience easier for others.. Cypress Hills: Small Homes Help Desk Counselor. Michael Chavarria, Executive Director of HOPE Fair Housing Center. Cypress Hills: Foreclosure Prevention Counselor . I try to never forget the legacy of civil rights giants who created a space for me to exist. Resources | Faced with powerful obstructions to affordable housing and social justice, they never back down and always remain determined to take one more step forward no matter what the resistance.. The Fair Housing Testing Program is administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewals Fair and Equitable Housing Office and expands the pilot testing program established by the office in 2021. Her education nurtured her passion for social justice and led her into the world of legal non-profits. "Wheelchair users have every right to reside in adult care facilities, and . She joined the organization in 2010. Since joining the FHJC as an Investigative Coordinator in 2015, she has coordinated hundreds of testing investigations, including complex systemic investigations, and testified in several legal cases. The program also provides continuity to the, Eliminating Barriers to Housing New York testing and outreach program. Only by overcoming housing discrimination can we free Long Islanders to live their best lives.. Amy Nelson is the Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center of Central Indiana (FHCCI) having joined the FHCCI in October 2011. . Ms. Rosario was also asked if she had children and wanted them to play with neighbors, which the agent admitted was one of the reasons for referring the couple away from Midwood, according to the lawsuit. We are very pleased with this result. Elizabeth joined the FHJC in 2021 as Executive Director. The FHJC often uses information provided by the public to inform its investigative decisions, and anyone is free to register a complaint of housing discrimination through our website at any time, including anonymously., Because this type of discrimination has so often gone undetected, too many real estate agents and other housing providers continue to disregard their legal obligations by ignoring or lying to qualified applicants, said FHJC Legal Coordinator Madhulika Murali. Fair Housing Rights and Remedies. He joined the organization in 2015 as the Inaugural Maida Public Interest Fellow. They created lanes not only through voting rights, housing, and education, but also through the ability to advocate for my community.. 212.400.8201. Our investment in this crucial program sends a clear message: housing discrimination will not be tolerated here in New York.. The policy . "The FHJC often uses information provided by the public to inform its investigative decisions, and anyone is free to register a complaint of housing .