Change). That doesnt mean we shouldnt feel sorry or that there are no consequences for what we have done. That the readers may know to what lengths the adversary will go, we must shine the light on the machinations involved. Chris Nemelka. I will watch as the human race continues to divide itself until a unification of one heart and one mind is no longer possible. Joseph Smith once said, These people are either the biggest dupes that ever lived or I am not as bad as they make me out to be.. They were inspired by the God of this world. If I am to be responsible, it has to be based upon what I know is right instead of what someone else thinks or claims I should know to be right. Before I came to question things said in the LDS church, I thought all those who rejected our way of thinking to be wicked and in apostasy against Christ. The Joseph Smith Biography however, is based upon the Book of Mormon, the Sealed Portion, Sacred Not Secret, and Human Reality. Christopher Nemelka. Most of the world's misery is caused by those who are misled by the Bible's teachings and also by those who interpret and teach their followers that it is the ultimate "word of God." It is NOT the word of God. What they do and believe has nothing to do with my own salvation. This heritage is one we embrace as a formative part of our identity. They can go out and cheat a neighbor. There is no church or organization beyond helping others to solve poverty. These people are not following Moronis words when they claim to be defending the Book of Mormon and the LDS faith. I want to share a secret with you of the Spirit I think you would find helpful. Leave go our Zion Kingdom as we provide a space for your kind in the last days upon the world in which you deserve. Good is to love others and treat them with respect, but it also means standing against evil to protect those you love, no matter how much they cry out that I should love them and not resist their ideas. My grandmother had acquired these books from her sister who was a devoted Mormon after she passed away. As long as they still respect my God, though I do not disclose who I really am for their acceptance, I am in the wonderful position to accept them. arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts Aesops Fables is one example. Though he did not appear personally, Nemelka sent his legal counsel, Rodney J. While both Christ and Smith tried to give their people real truth, it was rejected by their peers so they gave them something they were more able to accept based upon biblical scripture as theyd been taught in previous generations. This information transcends anything the human race has discovered in the past, is discovering today, and will discover in the future. But everyone assumes Israel is in the right because of censorship to world news and the US government being able to maintain themselves a super power by allowing other countries like Israel to do their dirty work for them. Through me and the message they have instructed me to give to the world, the warnings have been given; and these warnings have been ignored. Hell yeah! Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the, The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Instead, it has become one of the most corrupt nations upon the earth, causing a division among its own people and establishing an economic standard that keeps billions of people in the captivity of poverty and inequality. Why? How to incorporate technology for the benefit of all, equally.. Your thoughts and feelings are an open book to him, and as long as you can stand before the Christ and have a totally clear conscience, then there is no fear of Judgement. Sigue a Christopher Marc Nemelka y explora su bibliografa en la Pgina del autor de Christopher Marc Nemelka en As an example, I see the story of Korihor to mean something different from most LDS. Among the doctrines that Nemelka teaches isthat the Bible is the word of Man (and not God) that the first vision took place with advanced humansfrom outer space and that humans are in fact Gods. But I dont exactly hold them blameless either. To say Christopher is a prophet is not real truth, it is to the understanding of men. I am comfortable with what I believe and am glad that you are as well. I can see how his plan was very appealing to a third of the host. It goes on to state we need to continually seek out understanding and knowledge from the Holy Ghost, or we cannot have the Holy Ghost and it will be withdrawn from us. He has been married 5 times and has nine children and is currently living in his previous father in laws basement. How is following Christopher not the arm of flesh? A Hypocritical Nation. of flesh; for I know that cursed is Women are just important in Gods plan as men. my God will give me, if I ask not But it is not all there is. Everyone wants to believe their own beliefs and church to be right, but everyone is wrong. The church suggests we stay active politically in our communities which does appear to be good, but it is also suggesting we support a system that is broken and causes endless people suffering, hunger, and abuse. Were there other questions? 30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden These same concepts were integrated into the ancient Roman Catholic Church and were responsible for saving the Eastern part of the Great Roman Empire. It is not real truth. . will not put my trust in the arm Will there be a judgement day for each of us? And yet, still nothing about in in general conference. Lucifer definitely teaches the position that everyone is equal. Here you will find information pertaining to the veracity of the so-called Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon. That they hunger nor thirst no more? Why cant we just accept the fact that the universe revolves around each one of us, because thats what Christ taught. Honestly, I am not offended by any of the red flags the makers of this website seem to think are so terrible. For their actions towards each other. Name: Anthony J Schmitt, Phone number: (414) 321-5694, State: WI, City: Milwaukee, Zip Code: 53220 and more information He began reporting that, although the gold plates were a prop that inspired both him and Joseph Smith to get involved,. I find that extremely puzzling. Christopher is very truthful and shows people many of the mistakes he made and how he and others hurt each other. When the truth is presented we refuse to accept. Much of the violence in this world is because the politicians who control it, are not being guided by the Holy Ghost. Do not confuse standing for what you believe in and the contention it causes as a symbol of its truth, when that contention is coming from you and has nothing to do with the truth that you claim. We allow others to suffer so that we can prosper. He was protecting what he felt to be right and true and what he personally valued in opposition to the rest of the world. As for Christopher, Who are you to Judge Him. I know there are plenty of psychopaths that use the church as their mask of purity and innocence. Ive read it before its been published and I can tell you it is far beyond the knowledge of any religious work and it is deeply spiritual to those with a heart of humility and are as a child, willing to accept something totally new. I guess there is weakness in the written language. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. Sch ni TIM NAIL VIT Claudette Varnado Ti xung nghe tp m thanh sch Needless to say I was the oldest person in that society at the time. Maybe you should go back to the Mormon Novel about the characters in the BOM that wanted to destroy each other because they were full of rage and anger. Ida Smith nevertheless had an intense, life-changing reaction when she read the book [the sealed portion revealed by Nemelka]. And everyone else on this planet are Christian or have eastern beliefs I only share belief with in part. Join Facebook to connect with Tony Saiki and others you may know. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. So why would not the modern prophets follow the same pattern. Following the dedication of the headstone, the small crowd moved from the Salt Lake Cemetery to the First Unitarian Church just a few blocks away. For one thing, they cannot take criticism. And why were you leaving out your full name until your previous post? Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the, The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. Why is it that one person thinks theyre right, and the other person thinks theyre right? Ive already changed one person to believe it who still is a member as well, it has dramatically changed that persons outlook on life and is much happier! Christophers teachings state that the consequences of our actions are held for all eternity. What you have to look at here is Nemelka has been divorsed 5 times. The Book of Mormon teaches, along with D&C, that we can be one with the Son as He is one with the Father. Why would it tear down the Mormon church? Wherefore, man could not He claims that historians dont have a clue of what happened back then. Friday Instagram of the Week! I am not going to share any more information with the people of this world. Fiennes, Pas-de-Calais I learn from a group known as the Real Illuminati. I could never embrace the idea that the Holy Ghost inspired the Seal Portion if it is untrue. , these members realized how important the, were to the salvation of the human race. Should we fight against it and learn to control it, or should we blame Satan instead? That being said, if we got our facts wrong, let us know and provide a source for your correction. Though there are many similarly distasteful doctrines by both of them, two wrongs dont make it right. I personally reject the claim the gospel never changes in the LDS church, the gospel never changes but is independent of any organization. You dont understand the difference between real truth and normal truth of this world. I will watch as the human race continues to divide itself until a unification of one heart and one mind is no longer possible. However, these people do not have access to me.). When the American people ignored the, of the plates. You need to be completely driven to finding truth at all cost. That we come together in peace and harmony and agree to disagree? The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. Judgement. Instead, we found a rich history of fascinating stories-- some harmless fun,some absurdly bizarre, and some seriously troubling. Maybe we should have backed down and let the poor mistreated Nazis and Imperialist have the world with absolute authority. He believes that all humans will one day have a similar experience to what Joseph Smith had: What do you think is gonna happen when all of us have the first vision, the first visitation? Over the many years that I have been involved with this group, I have written and published thousands of pages of important and relevant information that, if sincerely considered, would help a person open their mind to an understanding of Real Truth. Or how about this if you are married and sealed with your wife and she dies and you re-marry and over and over and have widowed when that person dies all the women sealed to him are still his wives Correct? It is only by showing others they are equal to us regardless of family, religious association, or acts of patriotism towards ones own country, that we will recognize one another as His children and no one will have the desire to raise a hand against another ever again. In June 2010, Nemelka caused quite a stir when he announced that he was going to have a headstone bearing his and Hyrums name dedicated in the Smith family plot of the Salt Lake City Cemetery. It is very honest about the work and how it actually occurred. To those with whom I have shared this planet for the past 60 years, who have rejected me and the work in which I have been involved, I was chosen to be a True Messenger for the Real Illuminati. ) Its not real truth. Evil is good and good is evil. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. (NOTE: If youre interested in knowing how this work has affected the lives of other people, you can review the following testimonials at He teaches us to violate the law, Christ teaches us to follow it. But she said the family is also somewhat comforted knowing now that the couple charged with murdering her have been incarcerated for more than a year and that the killing appears to be the result of a random attack. This books intent was to turn the hearts and souls of the early American people towards establishing the greatest government and nation the world had ever known. They learned that humanity will not and cannot be saved unless all law and authority is based on the simple concepts taught in the Sermon on the Mount. If you truly understand the basic principles of both positions, it is easy to see which is promoted by each book. Is there evil in the world? There are tell tell signs that are visible when he introduces a plan. Ask The Father in the name of The Son and you will receive these things. Not funny just Mormon. True repentance is following Christ with all our hearts. I think this is the most amazing book I have ever read. However, a weakness in humanity is that many would rather follow someone like Moses instead of using the Spirit itself as a guide. The young woman I met the LDS Church through was the biggest hypocrite I have ever met. Poison who you will, but none will accept your iniquity as long as you continue to polute the human mind in this estate. Proper judgement can only be an internal judgement of our own actions, judgement is how we see ourselves. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I have been unable to find any information regarding these books as I have only recently learned that Christopher had made claims of translating or writing the sealed portion. I learned from all the books i have read. When I say first messenger I am referring to all known prophets or deities in known Christian (and sometimes non-Christian) history. The true messenger who we know of as Christ, actually went by a different roman name and his life was different from that which was recorded in the Bible. Thats why psychopathy comes with the label that the disorder is incurable. I take my covenants seriously through Christ, not through the arm of flesh that administered my temple name. Once the Holy Ghost is in the lives of those who repent and listen to its promptings, this is sufficient authority to guide personal actions. Nemelka insists that while working as a security guard in the Salt Lake temple on June 16, 1987, he was personally visited by Joseph Smith and told he was Smiths reincarnated brother. When I look through this website everything is well quoted. Every human being is going to have the same experience that Joseph had back on April 6th of 1820. I will accept that and be fine with it, even if it means I feel you are missing out on some awesome truths Ive discovered in my own personal journey. :). If the BOM is true, then the SP is not true because of what the BOM teaches, not to mention you also admit its not true. That is how I see it when I see the work of the LDS church and compare it to the MWAW. It was designed to fit with the free will of an individual and see different sides of the story to fit with their own beliefs. Judgement. The church does some good with supporting their own, but they ignore the starving Africans and only give occasional support if the news reports a big storm or earthquake. He does not declare that without the atonement, there is no salvation physical or spiritual. I think the problem is not "We don't bake cakes for gays", but is rather "We don't bake cakes for same-sex weddings". Instead of establishing a new American religion on the teachings of the glorified and resurrected Jesus Christas presented in the Book of Mormonthe early Americans formed a religion that had nothing to do with these simple teachings. my rock and mine everlasting God. This weekend, Christopher Nemelka, the self-claimed author of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, and his supporters will host a broadcast of his entire work in Liberty Park.--- Nemelka appeared in City Weekly as the subject of cover story "Sealed Fate," which charted the curious saga of his relationship with the great-great . How many people who learn anti-Mormon doctrine exist in peace with others around them? This illusion has existed for hundreds of years and yet Christophers work comes to a near conclusion only 13 years later fully revealing the truth. After all, he, like Joseph Smith, claimed to have personal visitations from heavenly beings. If you didnt receive the same message from both works, you havent fully read and understood them. unto the world, that they may get You have the agency to make your own choices and will be held accountable for those choices. Authority gives men the excuse to use that power to abuse and subjugate those beneath them. The only thing constant in his message is, you are not responsible for anything. They always say when I came back to myself or whether I was in the body or not, I know not- Joseph Smith, and other biblical prophets. The love of our Lord! Christopher Marc Nemelka Summary: Former employee of Church security (and sometime self-professed atheist) Christopher Marc Nemelka has announced that he has been called to translate the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon plates. Ive been taught by them I know whats happening in that universe. Feb. 2016-Sept. 20182 Jahre 8 Monate. We just love repeating these stories and do not want them lost. I do know that this world needs the true history of what happened back then. The shooter, Jessie K., Taggart is a son of Julie Taggart one of the plaintiffs in the Chris Nemelka lawsuit against the church. Nothing that this church (or any of its factions or breakaway sects) teaches as the gospel of Christ is found in the Book of Mormon. 3. and partakers of the heavenly gift. He seemed to be talking to someone behind me, saying: If we wrap a length of pantyhose around her arm, and inject her with heroin, this advanced human will sleep soundly.. We have to judge ideas and beliefs in order to make decisions. I have seen Christopher counsel them in a way that suggests they need to respect the realities of those around them and not proselyte if not directly asked to by their family and friends. The overall gist of the simple teachings of Jesus Christ culminates in helping a person be respectful, kind, compassionate, and humble towards others. All of us will be equal for eternity. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a man dressed in white with a gentle smile and sleepy eyes standing at the foot of my bed! He would say we must follow him and leave others behind. It creates unique challenges and sorrows. Three days after the children were placed in protective custody, Nemelka entered the Family Services building and took the boy. The official story is that, while working as a security guard in the Salt Lake Temple in the 1980s, Nemelka had a visionary experience. Is Christ what he claims to be? A psychopath is kind of like a person who is colorblind. The True Savior and Ruler of this World is Jesus Christ. The Mormon religious leaders do not follow the scriptures as the catholic church do not follow theirs. By ACecala. The Man from Joe's Bar and GrillThe Autobiography of Christopher Marc Nemelka will help any truth seeker to see through the lies presented on spurious websites and by unscrupulous individuals who mock Christopher and disparage his good name. These remorseless individuals hide within the LDS Church because it makes such a convincing mask for them. A bitter spring can not bring forth sweet water. :). I am sure you have met many people like this. But only the scriptures have taught me about the atonement and the divinity of the Gospel of Christ. I still learn things from it when talking to people like yourself. In fact, we should not be trusting revelation from ANYONE if we have not confirmed it by the Spirit. You still have to accept responsibility for all your actions and take the steps to correct them on your own. I just hope you can find a way to accept what you feel is true without stepping on what others find to be sacred and true. In their story, the resurrected and glorified Jesus Christ came to the ancestors of the modern native American people and taught them the fullness of the everlasting Gospel., In correlation with the New Testament teachings of Jesus, within their Book of Mormon shall be written my gospel, saith the Lamb, and my rock and salvation.. Before he tried to quit, Christopher wanted to present whatever portion of the Real Truth he was allowed to reveal at that time. And he, like Smith, made outlandish claims without any supporting tangible evidence. Joseph Smith wrote about the Celestial Kingdom as being the ultimate goal because that was what everyone wanted, they were obsessed with the idea of receiving the greatest when there was no greatest. Here, Nemelka made his appearance and proceeded to explain the significance of June 16 and his personal visitation by Joseph Smith in the Salt Lake temple in 1987. And at that point he wasnt even a messenger. . If I used him as an excuse, then I have embraced his original position. unto thee, my God, the rock of my Since the Holy Ghost gave us that novel as a teacher, that story has relevance. The three books of this Trilogy will give the specific details of what this group has done to help save humanity. I no longer have any interest in or responsibility for continuing to warn the people of this world about what is soon to happen upon this earth. ShaqtinADrool 8 yr. ago I have followed her and Nemelka for years as my brother knew Ida quite well. to the hardness of their hearts and blindness of their minds unto their being brought down into captivity, and also into destruction, both temporally and spiritually; not the destruction of the soul, save it be the casting of it into that hell which hath no end (a new American scripture, the Book of Mormon, 1 Nephi 14). How can you judge me into the Religious Minded category as if that is a something wrong, yet you are a member of a religion and are talking about religion. We dont judge and we love them instead. Doctrine never changes. Can you say the same? Ghost ye may know the truth of Given the choice between peace and life eternal, the people of Earth have been delivered. You are somewhat behind in regard to the MWAW that published the Sealed Portion. We are responsible when we know something is wrong and then embrace it. Our Heavenly Parents place us in specific areas upon earth that teaches us what our own eternal spirits needed to learn to reach our full potentials. Seller Rating: Contact seller Book Used - Softcover Condition: Good US$ 34.98 Convert currency Free shipping Within U.S.A. When the American people ignored the unsealed part, the Real Illuminati recruited me to help them publish the prophesied greater, sealed, portion of the plates. That is an oppositional attitude. Whereas Joseph Smith, Jr. was the Author and Proprietor of the 1830, , I was the Author and Proprietor of the 2004, was published in 2004, the corrupt LDS/Mormon Church discontinued teaching its members, and the world through its missionary efforts, that there was supposed to be a. with a sincere heart and real intent, many faithful LDS/Mormon members realized the deception behind their churchs leaders and doctrines. Christopher Nemelka lives in Orem, UT; previous city include Heber City UT. The next thing I remember was feeling as though Id been placed into my mothers arms. I personally found the Sealed Portion only a year and a half ago, about, and so I have had to learn the entire work much more quickly and it has taken its toll upon me, for awhile, before I became more comfortable with a good understanding. I was just expressing to the best of my ability what I believe. MILLCREEK It has been four months since investigators say Linda Nemelka was shot and killed in her car. He wanted to tell the world on June 16th. John stated our spirits are made from the same matter as Gods and that we are connected to Him. I know and can explain things that no other mortal has ever been able to explain. The doctors told me that I needed to undergo surgery post-haste! On 12/22/2016 at 3:21 PM, smac97 said: I will respectfully disagree with that last one. There is no more purpose in it., The people of this world have ignored and discounted this groups message. To leave the church means there is no place to go. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) was the result of the American people transfiguring, ignoring, corrupting, and misusing the, in order to become the wealthiest modern religion upon the earth. Or otherwise God would not have thrown his beloved son Lucifer out of his presence. This simple gospelthe fullness of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christis fully revealed in the New Testament book of Matthew, chapters 5, 6, and 7 and reintroduced word for word in the, Had the early American Christians realized the importance of these simple and basic principles, and had they established their laws and government on these, the United States of America would have been what the. Doesnt really matter how Christopher wrote it, Book is not True. Theres an old spiritual saying: Do not stand at the foot of the bed of an ill person, for that location is reserved for Christopher Nemelka, and his new book The Lone and Dreary World, available wherever books are sold. Marilyns story reminds me of this, with her newly single guardian angel (Nemelkas wife and kids just dont get what being an angel is all about) dutifully injecting her with heroin and dilaudid. I agree with much of what you are saying. I too respect the viewpoint and belief systems of others. Christopher doesnt post the whole video himself because he simply doesnt care. Thats why eventually we all have to be separated into the places based on the good or evil in each person.