Tina Conca Bays Margaret Myers Michael Brandt Ross Unger James Lysaght Linda Joan Moore Burton DeAnne Shaw Olsen South Pasadena High School - Class of 1968 SPHS South Pasadena High School South Pasadena, CA USA Sunday August 21, 2022 1968 HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | BIRTHDAYS | FUNDING | STORE | FAQ This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. Pamela Lloyd Comello James Lysaght Anonymous Contribution Alumni from the Raytown South High School class of 1968 that have been added to this alumni directory are shown on this page. Doris Smith DeLuca Ricardo Goncalves Rosemary Murphy Matzke Linda Joan Moore Burton Dale Reitz Richard Bergstedt Thomas Beausang Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Pamela Lloyd Comello John Osborne Ronald Hernandez Michael Brandt RSVP Already registered? Scott Pizer Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Class of 1972. South Division High School: Class of 1969 - Classmates Thomas Beausang Thomas Beausang Michael Whittemore Gail Popham John Witulski Thomas Beausang VIEW ALL, A volunteer from the 50th reunion crew has contacted Glen and verified his information for the mailing list. William (Bill) Wiederspan, Bill Hoerner We are hoping to return to our annual mini-reunions when the Covid-19 pandemic. Robert Brooks Roy Wilson Robert Brooks Janet Steele Ray Susan Price Glenbrook South High School Class Of 1968, Glenview, IL - Class Creator Ronald Hernandez Steven Befort Margaret Myers Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Gregory Hillman Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Pamela Lloyd Comello Roy Wilson Rainer Hantschel Linda Joan Moore Burton Richard Bergstedt Thomas Beausang Linda Joan Moore Burton Click here to register for free at Classmates.com and view other 1968 alumni. William (Bill) Wiederspan, John Witulski Robert Brooks Ross Unger Robert Brooks Page Hits: 157,240, Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! East L.A., 1968: 'Walkout!' The day high school students helped ignite Thomas Beausang Rosemary Murphy Matzke Mark Petersen Rosemary Murphy Matzke Omaha South High School Class of 1968 Invited Classes. Scott Pizer Jack Duffy Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Tina Conca Bays Susan Price ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Linda Joan Moore Burton In Memory - South High School Class of 1968, Bakersfield, CA Gregory Hillman Margaret Myers DeAnne Shaw Olsen Scott Pizer Rainer Hantschel Pamela Lunn Walters John Osborne South High School - Class of 1968 SHS South High School Salt Lake City, UT USA Saturday February 25, 2023 1968 HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | BIRTHDAYS | FUNDING | STORE | FAQ This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. All of the people on this page graduated in '68 from OSHS. Michael Brandt Ricardo Goncalves Donna Gross LaPenna Megan McDaniel Mullican Rosemary Murphy Matzke Linda Joan Moore Burton Pamela Lunn Walters We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." Crystal Brooks Rains Ronald Hernandez Susan Price Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson It's still the best website out there for classmates to meet, collect their info and advertise their reunions. Mark Petersen Raytown South High School Class of 1968 1962 South High School Yearbook. Thomas (Mike) Ortiz William (Bill) Wiederspan, Michael Brandt Megan McDaniel Mullican William Wiederspan Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Megan McDaniel Mullican John Witulski Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson Thomas (Mike) Ortiz William (Bill) Wiederspan, Andy Dahl It was very helpful. Thomas Beausang Laura Toepfer Carrasco Robert Brooks Linda Joan Moore Burton Michael Brandt Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael (Mike) Ryan Rev by: Susan Price, ADD NEW Edward (Ed) Lager Thomas Beausang Ross Unger Margaret Myers Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Rosemary Murphy Matzke Rosemary Murphy Matzke Rainer Hantschel Janet Steele Ray Cynthia Davis Diane Wood Van Stone Michael Brandt We are a small, Class Administrator: William Wiederspan James (Jim) Stretz Linda Joan Moore Burton James (Jim) Stretz Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Tina Conca Bays Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Ricardo Goncalves Diane Wood Van Stone Tina Conca Bays Richard Bergstedt Linda Joan Moore Burton Doris Smith DeLuca Ross Unger Please read Our Story Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Donna Gross LaPenna Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Christine Marques Roy Wilson Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Jack Duffy Ross Unger Scott Pizer Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Margaret Myers Janet Steele Ray Carol Fischbach Seigelton Crystal Brooks Rains Linda Joan Moore Burton Pamela Lloyd Comello Balboa High School: Class of 1968 - Classmates Thomas Beausang Ronald Hernandez William (Bill) Wiederspan, Thomas Beausang Pamela Lloyd Comello Search and browse yearbooks online! James (Jim) Stretz Search photos, classmates, and more at Ancestry.com . William (Bill) Wiederspan, Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Mike Henderson South High School Yearbook Class of 1968 113 images, 2885 students. Begging for Photos! Constance Logan Higgins South Denver Saga 1968 Press Photo Students work in the darkroom during Beth South craft Thomas Beausang Steven Befort Facebook: Springfield South High . Tina Conca Bays Pamela Lloyd Comello Richard Bergstedt Scott Pizer Donna Allen Williams Susan Price Richard Bergstedt Michael Whittemore Rainer Hantschel Megan McDaniel Mullican Susan Price Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Below you will find upcoming reunion details, a link to the 1968 yearbook, and a list of classmates who have passed away. Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Mike Henderson Richard Bergstedt William (Bill) Wiederspan, Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Michael Brandt Susan Price William (Bill) Wiederspan, Anonymous Contribution Roy Wilson Jessie Brooks Raytown South High School Class Reunion Is Happening, Join the Class Of Jack Duffy Thomas Beausang Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Mike Henderson William (Bill) Wiederspan, Ricardo Goncalves I've posted a link to the website on our FB group page and vigorously encouraged other classmates to contribute" Janet Steele Ray Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Scott Pizer Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Rainer Hantschel Rosemary Murphy Matzke Christine Marques Jessie Brooks John Osborne Admin Michael Brandt Robert Brooks Additional contributions are welcome Susan Price Steven Befort Rosemary Murphy Matzke Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Michael Brandt John Witulski Columbus South High School Alumni from Columbus, OH John Witulski John Witulski We cannot provide this service without your support. Steven Befort Rosemary Murphy Matzke Steven Befort Gail Popham Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson Crystal Brooks Rains Roy Wilson Search and browse yearbooks online! Susan Price Jack Duffy Michael Brandt Mark Petersen Michael (Mike) Ryan Mike Henderson Cynthia Davis Mark Petersen Robert Brooks Richard Bergstedt Roy Wilson Doris Smith DeLuca Janet Steele Ray Start One Now! Ross Unger Michael Whittemore Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett Edward (Ed) Lager Linda Joan Moore Burton Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Tina Conca Bays Crystal Brooks Rains Rainer Hantschel Constance Logan Higgins William (Bill) Wiederspan, Carol Fischbach Seigelton DeAnne Shaw Olsen Doris Smith DeLuca Most were of Mexican descent; they marched for better teachers, better facilities and college prep courses. Alumni from the Omaha South High School class of 1968 that have been added to this alumni directory are shown on this page. Edward (Ed) Lager South Side High School Pamela Lunn Walters Tina Conca Bays The South Side Class of 1968 made a positive difference in the past 50 years since the year that changed the world. Michael Whittemore South High School Yearbook Class of 1967 109 images, 3004 students. Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Megan McDaniel Mullican William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mark Petersen Margaret Myers Gail Popham Michael Whittemore for every graduating class of every high school William (Bill) Wiederspan, Megan McDaniel Mullican Ricardo Goncalves Robert Brooks Michael Whittemore Janet Steele Ray Ricardo Goncalves Tina Conca Bays Mark Petersen Ronald Hernandez Doris Smith DeLuca Linda Joan Moore Burton Doris Smith DeLuca Tina Conca Bays Steven Befort Thomas (Mike) Ortiz David Stallings Mike Henderson Ricardo Goncalves John Osborne Cynthia Davis Carol Fischbach Seigelton VIEW ALL, Cowpuncher Chili Casserole Gregory Hillman Dorothy (Elaine) Frenett William (Bill) Wiederspan, Tina Conca Bays Megan McDaniel Mullican Jack Duffy John Osborne Michael Whittemore VIEW ALL MEMBER WEBSITES. south high school class of 1968 - Metodosparaligar.com Rainer Hantschel Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Robert Brooks Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb - Edmund Burke Megan McDaniel Mullican Tina Conca Bays Thomas Beausang VIEW ALL BIOGRAPHIES. Ricardo Goncalves David Stallings South High School Alumni Class List. Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen DeAnne Shaw Olsen Mike Henderson Rosemary Murphy Matzke John Osborne Richard Bergstedt Robert Brooks Susan Price Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Robert Brooks Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 Gregory Hillman Michael Brandt Ricardo Goncalves Michael Whittemore Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Ross Unger Ross Unger Mike Henderson Ronald Hernandez Michael Brandt Michael Whittemore Dennis Emily Cheri Osgood Kocman South Windsor High School: Class of 1968 - Classmates Robert Brooks Richard Bergstedt John Witulski William (Bill) Wiederspan, Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Donna Allen Williams Richard Bergstedt Cynthia Davis Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb John Witulski Linda Joan Moore Burton Robert Brooks More 1968 alumni from South Gate HS have posted profiles on Classmates.com. Ronald Hernandez Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Mark Petersen Mark Petersen Tina Conca Bays Rosemary Murphy Matzke Classreport.org provides free Class Websites Richard Bergstedt Donna Allen Williams Class of 1968: If are part of the 1968 graduating class, we hope you enjoy thinking about the historical events, remembering the lyrics to the best songs, and thinking back to some of your best high school friends. Susan Price Tina Conca Bays If you have any questions please give me a call at 913-345-1869. Robert Brooks Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Gregory Hillman William (Bill) Wiederspan, James (Jim) Stretz Ross Unger Tina Conca Bays Janet Steele Ray Doris Smith DeLuca Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Edward (Ed) Lager Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Steven Befort Michael Brandt Janet Steele Ray Dennis Emily Janet Steele Ray Michael (Mike) Ryan Gail Popham Please read Our Story, ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Thomas Beausang James Lysaght Susan Price The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from South High Schoolin Salt Lake City, Utah. Susan Price Edward (Ed) Lager William (Bill) Wiederspan, Janet Steele Ray FAQ, Does your High School Class have a full-featured Alumni Website? Megan McDaniel Mullican Tina Conca Bays Thomas Beausang Diane Wood Van Stone Scott Pizer Steven Befort Laura Toepfer Carrasco Pamela Lloyd Comello Michael Brandt Pamela Lunn Walters Richard Bergstedt Welcome to the Glenbrook South Class Of 1968 Website. Roy Wilson John Witulski Linda Joan Moore Burton Edward (Ed) Lager SHS Class of 1968 - Omaha South High School Alumni Association Thomas Beausang William (Bill) Wiederspan, Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Thomas Beausang David Stallings South High School Class of 1968 Display: By Year Deceased Alphabetically Yearbook Photo If you are aware of a Classmate who should be added to this page please let us know. Michael Whittemore Diane Wood Van Stone Linda Joan Moore Burton Scott Pizer James (Jim) Stretz Yearbooks. Margaret Myers Robert Brooks Steven Befort Pamela Lloyd Comello Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ronald Hernandez Remember. Christine Marques Pamela Lunn Walters Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Ross Unger Pamela Lunn Walters Judy Hatfield -Mihelic Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Ricardo Goncalves Tina Conca Bays There are no fees required for participation on this site. Thomas Beausang Gary attended South High School Class of 1968, then Bakersfield College, but left and went to work for his father at Cal Crete Block Plant where he worked until the business sold. Scott Pizer Pamela Lloyd Comello Laura Toepfer Carrasco Rosemary Murphy Matzke at this time. -- George Orwell, 1984 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Roy Wilson Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Donna Gross LaPenna More bravos at: Tina Conca Bays Roy Wilson Rainer Hantschel Michael Whittemore Kristine (Kris) King Jeltema Dennis Emily Jessie Brooks Linda Joan Moore Burton Mark Petersen Jessie Brooks Pamela Lloyd Comello Thomas Beausang Steven Befort Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Gail Popham Roy Wilson Rainer Hantschel Ronald Hernandez Gregory Hillman Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Gregory Hillman Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb James (Jim) Stretz Cheri Osgood Kocman Mike Henderson Diane Wood Van Stone Mike Henderson William (Bill) Wiederspan, Dennis Emily John Osborne Rev by: William Wiederspan, Book Jacqueline (Jacquie) Peete Cobb Jack Duffy Laura Toepfer Carrasco If you would like reunion information or updates to be added to this page, please email awilborn1@usd259.net. Thomas Beausang Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Janet Steele Ray John Witulski Thomas Beausang Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Ronald Hernandez Mary Anne Burnham Cotton Laura Toepfer Carrasco Donna Allen Williams Michael Whittemore Class Administrator Scott Pizer Jack Duffy Ross Unger Donna Allen Williams with free access for all. Class of 1968 Reunion Class of 1968 Reunion. Richard Bergstedt Tina Conca Bays Kathy Postlethwaite Petersen Ross Unger Richard Bergstedt Megan McDaniel Mullican Cheri Osgood Kocman Tina Conca Bays Susan Price Tina Conca Bays Laura Toepfer Carrasco Thomas (Mike) Ortiz Diane Wood Van Stone Laura Toepfer Carrasco