You devil, take off your hands from my family in the name of Jesus. Then God created a caretaker to take care of His creation. SHARE to millions of friends! in the name of Jesus. name of Jesus. Every pillar of witchcraft in the foundation of Namibia, supporting witchcraft attack in this nation, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 5. 4. Heaven arise and fight for my glory, in Jesus name. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. in the name of Jesus. Demonic powers that have swallowed my, hear the word of God, vomit it now in the name of Jesus. The key of Paul and Silas was prayer. Thank you Abbah Father for answered prayers. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Opposition and distraction are parts of the journey but keep focused. These 30 prayer points on restoration of destiny will restore your lost glory in the name of Jesus. My destiny be released and locate me in the name of Jesus. Incision of darkness on my body be washed off by the blood of Jesus. 51. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). 40. Any power sowing tares into my life in the night, Die, in Jesus name. The prayer for the restoration of destiny is a prayer everyone should pray frequently. I receive the keys of my academic success, in the name of Jesus. 70. 6. 52. Brethren this and many other cases are the many forms of how the devil steals our virtues and other things of value from us. 25. According to Job 1:4-5, It was Jobs regular custom to pray for his children because , Listen to this article How To Protect your Child From The Devil Now According to the Book of Matthew 19:14, , Listen to this article Introduction Fear of failure is the number one cause of many uncompleted projects. I receive the keys to the hidden riches of secret places in the name of Jesus. 10. Start by praising and worshipping for about 5 minutes. 24. 11. The secret of success is to be focused. Anything stolen from my life while I was in the womb be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.11. 4. My Father, arise in your mercy, and save me from satanic powers using my placenta to manipulate my destiny. Oh Lord, I command every evil gang up against my glorious destiny to scatter by fire in Jesus name. This is very much in use against the people by the devil. 61. 28 He said unto them: An enemy (satan) hath done this (KJV). Have you ever felt like whenever you work very hard its like there is someone or something that is collecting the blessings, the fruits of your hard labor? 37. Salvation, peace, righteousness, love, joy and the Holy Ghost is the kingdom of God. Proven Prayers To Recover all stolen Virtues Now, Evil Voices: 20 Proven Prayers To Silence Them Now, Why Do Christians Conform To The World Now, Demonic Cobwebs: 15 Proven Prayers To Destroy Them Now, Spiritual Cage: 45 Proven Prayers To Pull It Down, With A Wrong Mindset Great Changes Cant Happen Now, God Remember Me: 50 Proven Prayers That Work Now, Proven Ways To Unlock Our Documents From Evil Now, Dead Document: 15 Prayers That Resurrect It Now, Child Protection Prayers: Prayers Against Evil Now, Protect Your Child: 15 Ways To Offer That Now, Fear of Failure: 20 Powerful Prayers Overcome It Now. 2. Its important to make it clear that restoration may not necessarily bring back exactly what someone has lost, but it will certainly bring greater things; things far better than all the previous possessions. I shatter all demonic mirrors used to monitor the situation and progress of my destiny. If the word of God is true, why is my life contrary to what God has said in His word? List Of 35 Best MFM Prayer Points To Recover Lost Glory: 1. 37 Oh Lord, I undo every wickedness done my destiny and virtues in Jesus name. Many people are eating crumbs while they are suppose to eat the full bread. Remember in John 10:10b .I came that you might have life and have it abundantly When our life is filled with happiness, we will operate in the plan and purpose of God which He had in mind before He created us. Job 8:13-15, describes it, Such is the destiny of all who forget , Listen to this article Reasons Why You Feel You Are Caged In A spiritual Cage. Would love your thoughts, please comment. He succeeded to sleep with his sister and he started getting rich. Card measures 2 1/2 inch by 4 1/2 inch. Thank You Lord, in the name of Jesus. They can exchange your prosperity with poverty: were you rich and all of a sudden, your wealth begins to disappear? 1. You need the Word to draw from the wells of restoration. My exchanged destiny, be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.16. Mountain of Transfiguration and Miracle Ministries 2023 All rights Reserved, Listen to this article Evil Voices. I challenge the foundation of Namibia with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus. 30 Prayer Points To Recover All I recover all my confiscated and stolen properties, in Jesus' name. or email to: Is it to sing praises and worship to God? And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David.And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? 55. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Some have lost their destiny through careless spiritual search; they go to different churches, shrines, temples, and altars in search for solutions to their problems. 38. Maybe, you have already given yourself to your brother, uncle, auntie, boyfriend, mother even your father to do one thing or the other to you in order to be rich and now you are struggling. They can exchange your fulfilment with frustration. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life, thank you for your provision and protection over me and my household, thank you for always answering my prayers. 43:1 But now thus says the Lord that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine (KJV). In the name of Jesus, as I begin to pray, every good thing I have lost will come back to me now in the name of Jesus. Thank You, Lord, for helping me to recover what has been stolen in these various areas of my life. Prayer Points To Recover Stolen Blessings In The Dream - prayerguide . 27 so the servants of the householder came and said: Sir didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? Strange Bungalow holding me captive; catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 3. Gift of bad luck during my marriage, expire, in Jesus name. I decree that every word that come out of my mouth as I pray today, must be fulfilled in Jesus' name. Stubborn powers of my father's house, holding the keys of my glory against me, RELEASE it to me and Die!!! Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Arise and fight my battles and restore my key of destiny to my hands!!! in all our needs and the patron. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I break any evil covenant and curse still working against my destiny leading to stolen virtues in the name of Jesus. Maybe, you have already given yourself to your brother, uncle, auntie, boyfriend, mother even your father to do one thing or the other to you in order to be rich and now you are struggling. And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. 3 John: 2 Brethren, I wish above all things that thou prospereth and be in good health, even as thy soul prospereth (KJV) God`s desire is for us to enjoy our lives to the fullness. Oh God my father, take me to where I am supposed to be, in the name of Jesus. John 10:10, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life,and have it to the full., 2 Corinthians 11:14 (and no wonderfor even Satan transforms himself into a messenger of light; [it is] no great thing, then, if his servants also transform themselves as servants of righteousnesswhose end will be according to their works. I challenge the foundation of Namibia with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus.3. Every door of greatness, prosperity and health, I open you by fire. Finger of God! Thank You Lord, in the name of Jesus. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 3. Father God, in the name of my Lord Jesus . My Father, break every chain serving as embargo to my fulfilment and announcement in Jesus name. You need to repent of them all if you want to see results in this program. Everything lost to the devil will be restored by God. 11. Destiny terminators of my glory, from my fathers and mothers house, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 11:7 "For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright" My Father, I thank you for your immense love and care, showered upon me. 2. Any ancestral dogs that has swallowed my keys of elevation, be purged out by the blood of Jesus. c. The evil exchange of my glory : The virtue of dream interpretation and exceptional excellence can be seen in the life of Daniel, which made him ten times wiser and preferred far beyond his contemporaries, also the virtue of obedience can be seen in Daniel when a mandate was give that no one should pray but his passion to obey God was still intact and he prayed not minding the consequences behind it. Prosperity is the kingdom of God. 27. Any power assigned to exchange my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I destroy the ministry of a strange woman or man, sent from the underworld, to destroy my destiny through sex. My Father, hide me and my glorious virtues under the Shadow of your wings in Jesus name. . Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture To help you Recover all stolen Virtues. Every opportunity you see is like you are not up to the task. I silence you permanently in the name of Jesus. 2. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). My Destiny, receive the fire of God and become untouchable for the enemy in Jesus mighty name. Matthew 16:19, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven., Revelation 1:18, I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death., Revelation 3:7, And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; . 3. Every destiny quenchers sitting upon my destiny, be cast in the fire in the name of Jesus. My Father, expose and disgrace every plan of the evil ones to destroy my glorious virtues in Jesus name. I vomit every witchcraft rat eaten in the dream in the name of Jesus. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Prayer According To Glory Of God Deliverance And Evangelism Ministries.Brethren, I want to thank the Lord and praise Him for His mercies and kindness over our lives. TWO: Father Lord, whatever weapon or tricks of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy, destroy them with their weapon forever, in Jesus name. 21. 16. They are all over the place in our houses, offices, environments, families etc. 2. You the glory of my hands in the camp of darkness, receive deliverance of fire, by the blood of Jesus. May His name be praised forever more, Amen!Our topic for this month is what I call: Praying to Recover your Exchanged Destiny.Eccl. Fire of deliverance; destroy every battle in my body fluid, in the name of Jesus. Ohh God of mercy, look upon me with mercy and deliver me from curses layed upon my. If the word of God is true, why is my life contrary to what God has said in His word?The answers to your questions can be found in Matthew 13:24-28 Another parable put He (Jesus) forth unto them, saying: The kingdom of heaven (what God has done) is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field. I recover all my stolen properties from the covens of darkness, in Jesus' name. 65. There was a sister that came to the deliverance programme, she looked like a zombie, saliva was gushing out of her mouth and a prayer point was called on a Monday, Any power using my virtue to prosper die, in the name of Jesus.. 2. Every destiny destroyer sitting upon my destiny, be cast into the fire in the name of Jesus.12. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. I turn to you today with childlike love and deep confidence. 35. You gods of the land, hear the word of the Lord, lose your power over my star, in the name of Jesus. 48. Oh Lord, every arrow targeted at me to render me useless in my family and generation shall backfire to the sender in Jesus name. Every altar of polygamy in the foundation of Namibia attacking marriages in Namibia, enough is enough, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus. Our content is under copyright law. Virtue can both be physical and of the spirit realm. Oh Lord, I declare that as from today, my glorious virtues and destiny shall and manifest for the world to see in Jesus name. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. In the name of Jesus, I slay the marine kingdom spirit that was assigned to trap my destiny. Wind of the night, you will not have power over me in the name of Jesus. Every pillar of witchcraft in the foundation of Namibia, supporting witchcraft attack in this nation, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.4.