PHFA HOMEstead funding is therefore allocated to eligible homebuyers on a first-come, first-served basis. It is important that an Applicant reads and understands how these guidelines and exhibits impact their application. Download the Borrower Application. This all-inclusive portal allows you to register, submit, and process loans, or view the Resources section for guided tutorials and more. EY.rcXrb$Q\ EqMcVbuu7qSMf|uy3dp%'"D+8=#'o7m-Z^ 6-?WrzFi !zH`A\im; rX[ ,BH$0-c The HFA Preferred Risk Sharing(No MI) and HFA Preferred(Lo MI) loans have income limits but do not have a first time homebuyer requirement, nor do they have purchase price limits. Once that maximum age is reached the appraisal has expired and is no . Facebook This web site requires JavaScript to function properly. FHA HUD Carpet Standards HUD UM 44 - Carpets Wall to Wall Buyers with a disability or a disabled household member, who are eligible for any of these home loan programs, may also be eligible to receive funds to make accessibility modifications to the home they buy and may also be eligible for up to $15,000 in a no interest downpayment and closing cost assistance loan through the Access Downpayment and Closing Cost Assistance Program. Mortgage loans for two-unit properties are not permitted under this program. Should there be an increase in costs during the modification/improvement period which takes the cost of the project over the amount approved, the borrower must fund the amount of the increase. Lien Position: the PENNVEST loan must be in first or second lien position unless the loan amount is less than $7,500 OR the existing first and second liens were originated at purchase for the purpose of buying the home. Contact a PENNVEST Participating Lenders (Complete List). You have sufficient funds for a downpayment on your prospective home. HUD Carpet Standards are listed under the HUD/FHA document "Use of Materials Bulletin No. YouTube The borrower must fund any amount in excess of the maximum amount per program guidelines and/or any amount that exceeds the as complete appraised value. The FHA and HUD have announced an important update to FHA appraisal rules effective July 12, 2022, and beyond. interests at heart. The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA or the Agency) offers home purchase loans with competitive interest rates and lower fees. Also, the lender will ensure that the funding of any additional costs do not jeopardize the buyers debt to income ratios or PHFA's lien position, nor do they cause the purchase price limit to be exceeded. The final version of SB1 was approved by the Senate, 50-0, and the House of Representatives, 199-0. We strongly encourage you to seek the assistance of a counselor before you sign a sales agreement, especially if you are a first-time buyer. $6"!@5JX+JxO|ZN February 15, 2022; letterboxd horrorville; edge detection - matlab . phfa appraisal requirements - Applicants may apply for any of the Agency's, Applicants must meet the underwriting guidelines for the first mortgage program in which they are applying. Sufficient funds for a downpayment on your prospective home are required. PHFA offers home purchase and refinance loans with competitive interest rates and fees to eligible homebuyers. The appraisal must indicate property meets FHA requirements. The borrower must fund any amount that exceeds the as approved appraised value. Newsletter Subscribe The regulated entities are required to report suspicious activity, including fraud, to regulatory and law-enforcement authorities, including FHFA. An FHA appraisal is valid for 120 days. Check out the, Pre-closing homebuyer education must be completed for, Face-to-face homebuyer education must be completed by all borrowers. included appraiser shortages in rural and high-volume areas, the impact of licensing requirements on new entrants, sources of meaningful training for trainees and new appraisers, and how to use technology to help trainees gain practical experience. Log in Why choose U.S. Bank as your Correspondent or HFA lender? Please call PHFA at 855.827.3466 to ask questions about your specific situation. He lives in an affordable apartment renovated with the help of PHFA. The minimum downpayment is determined by your credit profile, as specified above. Borrowers must contribute the lesser of $1K or 1% of the loan amount for Conventional loan. He must determine the market value of the house being purchased, and must also evaluate the property to ensure that it meets HUD's minimum guidelines.. web site entrance for consumers, homeowners, homebuyers, renters. %PDF-1.5 % Calvin Cummings, MAI on LinkedIn: 10 Things You Can Do to Diversify TAB 02 - Multifamily Housing Core Application: 01 - Core Application & Operating Budget Instructions. UM 44d. PDF Section B. Property Ownership Requirements and Restrictions Overview Newsletter Subscribe Not less than $1,000 and no more than $10,000. FHA appraisals are a bit different from "regular" appraisals for conventional loans. The Keystone Advantage Assistance Loan Program provides a second mortgage loan to help with the costs associated with the purchase of a home. Facebook Title Insurance Companies Acceptable to PHFA for the Mortgage Revenue Bond Programs, 04 Recapture Tax Notice (Locks made on or after 8/1/2022), 05 Affordable Housing Assistance Program Checklist, 27 New Loan Tax and Insurance Information Sheet, 29 List of Authorized Officers and Underwriting Personnel, 30 Final Document Submission Cover Letter, 48 Purchase & Improvement - Access Mod Acknowledgement, 49 Request for Payments and Completion Certification, 50 Requirements and Guidance for PHFA Home Improvement Loans, 51 Pre-Closing Package Checklist - PURCHASE, 51R Pre-Closing Package Checklist - REFINANCE, 54 Subordinate Note (Access DP & Access MOD), 54ADV Keystone ADVANTAGE Loan Subordinate Note, 55 Subordinate Mortgage (Access DP & Access MOD), 55ADV Keystone ADVANTAGE Loan Subordinate Mortgage, 57ADV Keystone Advantage Closing Disclosure, 66 Borrower's Authorization to Release Information, 67 Authorization Agreement for Automatic Withdrawal Payments, 70 Warehouse Lender ACH Information (if PHFA is to fund a warehouse lender), 71 Authorization Request for Escrowed Mortgage Payments, 02 MCC Homebuyer Fact Sheet (Hoja informativa para compradores de vivienda de MCC), 03 Mortgagor's Affidavit (Declaracin Jurada de Hipoteca), 08 Divorce Applicant Affidavit (Declaracin Jurada del Solicitante de Divorcio), 11 Gift Affidavit (Declaracin jurada de regalo), 17 Buyer's Statement/Source of Funds (Declaracin del comprador/Fuente de fondos), 19 Addendum to Note/Construction Loan (Addendum para/Notar prstamo de construccin), 21 Co-Signer's Certification (Certificacin del co-firmante), 28 Hello/Goodbye Letter (Hola/Adis carta), 40 Note/Mortgage Modification Agreement (Nota / Acuerdo de modificacin hipotecaria), 48 Purchase & Improvement-Access Mod (Reconocimiento de compra, mejora o modificacin), 49 Request for Payments & Completion (Solicitud de pagos y certificado de finalizacin), 50 Requirements and Guidance for PHFA Home Improvement Loans (Requisitos y orientacin), 54 Subordinate Truth In Lending and Note (Access MOD), Access Modification/ Access Down payment CCA (Eligible w/ all PHFA programs), Keystone Flex Purchase & Improvement w/ KFIT, 2021-02-04 Quarterly Program Update, 1st Quarter, 2021-02-10 Interim Program Update: K-FIT Launch Date, 2021-03-10 Interim Program Update: PHFA Grant of $500, 2021-11-12 Quarterly Program Update, 4th Quarter, 2022-02-28 Quarterly Program Update, 1st Quarter, 2022-04-04 Quarterly Program Update, KFLEX Facts, 2022-06-06 Quarterly Program Update, 2nd Quarter, 2022-08-16 Quarterly Program Update, 3rd Quarter, 2023-02-03 Quarterly Program Update, 1st Quarter, 09 Notice of Credit Denial, Termination or Change, 10 HOMEstead's Check List (Aide for Compliance Submission), Regional Training March 14, 2023: Monroeville, Regional Training March 15, 2023: Harrisburg, Regional Training March 21, 2023: Williamsport, Regional Training March 22, 2023: Plymouth Meeting. Flickr. An initial payment in an amount up to 1/3 of the contract amount may be disbursed to the contractor at or after your closing date. Eliminate worries about your septic system when you sell your home. This is a non-interest bearing loan with no monthly payment. Home repairs can be made to single family homes, duplexes, manufactured housing and PUDs. Otherwise, you will not be able to visit other pages using the navigation "menu" bar or have access to other content throughout the site. Questions or concerns regarding this list should be directed to the Homeownership Programs Department. The Agency may make exceptions to these limits. 2 0 obj <> endobj 4 0 obj <>stream Developments will be underwritten according to the funding source sought. An Employer Assisted Housing program benefits everyone; the employee, the employer and the local communities. Eligible areas are noted on the limits above. The Keystone Advantage Assistance requires all borrowers to have a minimum credit score of 660. Attending a pre-closing course is required for borrowers with a FICO credit score lower than 680. Assistance Loans for Home Purchase | PHFA Homebuying Assistance ; Include the actual maximum amount that can be charged (not estimated amount); Include a release of lien clause to maintain clear title; State that the contractor agrees to complete the work in compliance with all applicable building codes and zoning restrictions For Manufactured homes, repairsare limited to the lesser of 50% of the "as completed" appraised value, or $50,000. The Keystone Advantage Assistance can be used in conjunction with the following PHFA first mortgage home purchase loan programs: Buyers must meet the requirements of the applicable PHFA first mortgage program, and must also meet the requirements associated with the Keystone Advantage Program which are listed below: The Keystone Forgivable in Ten Years Loan Program (K-FIT) is available for qualified homebuyers, to provide assistance towards downpayment and/or closing costs. It may not be used in conjunction with any other PHFA downpayment and/or closing cost assistance program. Funds for the second mortgage are forgiven on an annual basis, over ten years at a rate of ten percent (10%) per year. Appraisal, LQA, UCD, UCDP SSR A Residence with a C6 or Q6 rating from appraiser is not eligible for a UHC loan. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings then reload/refresh this page. x[kocGr>y!/`@db,A@WD"9")NUw_J#vwu=N=w8?&MZ?i~>my?_?j:LBewSw?~|1(/BRRG@s;\%kNi/l9'8D"m5-#m{9YBF8o The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency is pleased to offer an Employer Assisted Housing (EAH) Initiative to help address the issues regarding the lack of affordable housing for low- to moderate-income workers. Interfaith Housing Alliance hiring Property Manager in Chambersburg The lender will submit a signed Contractor Profile Report provided by the participating lender with specs, contract(s), etc., to PHFA when they submit the pre-closing package.