Weekend mass is livestreamed and saved to YouTube. The event will begin at 7:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary of the Cathedral Basilica. Church open (10 people limit) daily Monday through Sunday: 12-3 pm & 6-8 pm except Sunday evening, Baccalaureate Live Stream Mass for graduates - June 10 at 7:30 pm. Visit this webpage for more. Live-streaming Weekend Mass 10 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. - Monday and Wednesday: Scripture Reflections on the daily Mass readings (English) Prior to his installation as the archbishop, Hebda had served as both the apostolic administrator of that archdiocese since June 2015, as well as the coadjutor archbishop . 11:00 am - Misa (Espaol) en la Iglesia Principal. How are we walking together as a Church, and what steps does the Holy Spirit invite us to take in order in order to grow in our journeying together? English espaol We will be streaming Mass every Sunday at 10 a.m. in English and 11 a.m. in Spanish on our Facebook page. In Pastor's "Here for You" video messages, we have stressed the availability of the parish priests to all in any emergency. St. Anthony of Padua Parish will celebrate its 135th anniversary with a Mass at 11 a.m. next Sunday, Sept. 8, at the church, 330 Sixth St., Jersey City. This series simply aims to help you follow those initial promptings of the Holy Spirit so that you may more intentionally encounter Jesus anew each day and be more disposed to the power of his grace molding you, transforming you ever more into his likeness. We always welcome visitors, and we are happy when they stay and become members of our Church Community. The Right Reverend James Roosevelt Bayley, D.D. Mondays. Our Android app is now available on Google Play.
Easter Triduum Daily Mass Times Weekdays 7:30 am & 5:30 pm in Chapel (No 5:30 pm in July and August) Spanish Masses Wednesday 7:00 pm (except July & August); Saturday 9:00 am. Our Story History . nase a nosotros todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 7:00 PM para la Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz): una devocin que conmemora la pasin y muerte de Jesucristo. Bryan and Fr. Through hand-written letters, we will urge Congress to invest and protect key programs that help improve the lives of men, women, and children facing hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world. There will likely be extra streamings/videos closer to Palm Sunday and Holy Week. 5:30 PM Spanish, Monday-Saturday 7:30 AM, 9 AM Daily Mass is at 9 a.m. (Monday through Saturday) and Sunday Mass is at 10:00 am on Sunday. Mass and Holy Rosary livestreaming on YouTube. Recently, on March 27, 2004 a house in the Vailsburg section of Newark was purchased to house the Sisters who serve the parish and the school. He was ordained as deacon on June 27, 2020 on the feast day of Our Mother of Perpetual Help at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, and served at St. Mary's in Plainfield for one year. Streaming daily Mass at 7:30 a.m. (Monday to Saturday) and Mass on Sunday at10:15 a.m. Log Chapel: $500 Basilica : December - February (any time): $750 9:00 a.m. (year round): $750 Summer Friday's 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.: $750 All other times: $1,000 It is customary to offer a stipend to the priest for his services in your preparation for marriage and for presiding at the liturgy. This is your chance to share your experiences, hopes, dreams, and ideas for the Catholic Church! Saturday: 5:00 PM . Sundays. God bless you all. Pierre Toussant Food Pantry of St. Mary's Church served over 400 families this Thanksgiving season. 89 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104 (973) 484-4600 . Join us for our Lenten Evening of Reflection on March 31st, 7:00 PM 9:00 PM in the Main Santuary. Streaming Masses on Saturday at 5 p.m. Additionally, Eucharistic Adoration is available Monday through Saturday from 12 PM to 1 PM. St. Joseph Cathedral was a predominantly Iraqi-American Syriac Catholic cathedral located in Bayonne, New Jersey, United States. In the spirit of this tradition, we seek to create a culture of encounter that enables people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and become His disciples. Please join us for a Holy Hour and Solemn Mass to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on Friday, June 24, 2022, with recitation of the Rosary, Consecration, and Litany. Sabado 7:45 am, 7 pm Every Tuesday of Lent at 7:00 PM in the St. Theresa Room (Rectory). Livestream Masses daily at 10 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation by appointment (201)327-0976 ext. John J. Myers, new Archbishop of Newark, offered a Mass of thanksgiving and blessed the new school. 89 Ridge Street Newark, New Jersey 07104 Tel: (973) 484-4600 Fax: (973) 483-8253 . Francisco J. Rodriguez. The French Gothic Cathedral covers 45,000 square feet, an area equal to that of London's Westminster Abbey, and is longer and taller than St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. - Saturday - 4 p.m. (livestreamed and in person with reservations); 6 p.m. (in person only). At noon Angelus and the Jesus Prayer is recited 100 times. Saturday 9 am, Saturday Vigil 6 pm 2023 Anniversary Mass schedule: Sunday April 16, 2023 3 p.m. 50th Anniversaries Sunday May 7, 2023 3 p.m. 5th & 25th Anniversaries Check out media coverage of the 2022 Golden Anniversary Mass! Mass Schedule for Holy Days. WEEKDAYS. each Sunday. Since 1968, when the Benedictine Sisters of Saint Gertrude Priory in Ridgely, Maryland , were compelled to withdraw from St. Marys School, the parish was blessed with the commitment of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. New Here? Streaming in English and Spanish. Confession Schedule. 89 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104(973) 484-4600 cathedralinfo@rcan.org. It is the day our Savior died for us. Stations of the Cross Visit our website for times and more. It is the day we were redeemed from our sins by the voluntary death of God Himself at the hands of man. Daily Mass, [22] statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with votive rack, statue of St. Joseph, holy water stoups at entrances. We are livestreaming our daily and Sunday masses on our Website, YouTube channel and Facebook Live. Share This; Email to Friends; Write a Review; Report; Mass Times . SCHEDULE Saturdays. Our calendar of virtual events is available on our website, by clicking the link above. St. Peter St. Joseph Our Lady of Mount Virgin St. Therese St. Patrick Holy Rosary St. Margaret of Scotland St. George Parish Our Lady of Zarvanycia Ukrainian Our Lady of Fatima St. Benedict Catholic Newman Center & Prince of Peace Chapel at UW Blessed Sacrament Parish St. Edward Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Alphonsus St. Bridget The Lord's Day: Saturday Eve: 5:30 PM Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM. With high hopes and anxious anticipation we announce the 54th season of performances of the Cathedral Concert Series. Watch on REGULAR MASS TIMES MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:05 am | 12:00 pm SATURDAY 8:05 am Mass | 5:00 pm (Vigil) SUNDAY 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:00 am | 1:00 pm Spanish Polish: 3:00 pm (First Sunday of Every Month) Korean: 7:00 pm (1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month) 22 Mulberry St Living as a disciple is all about the process of getting from A to B. 2022-2023 Music Schedule Donate to the Concert Series Cathedral Organs . Cameron J.S. 1805 Penbrook Terrece Daily Mass at 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. Portuguese, 10 a.m. English, 11 a.m. English. Visit our website for devotions and prayer. Mass Times: 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM, 8:45 AM, 10:15 AM, 12 Noon, 1:00 PM, 4:00 PM (Spanish) & 5 . Visit our website and Facebook page for details. St. Pauls Mens Ministrys 10th Annual Fathers Day Evening of Appreciation: Lessons Learned from my Dad," a Tribute to the Fathers of St. Pauls Parish, from their Sons on Wednesday, June 17 at 7:30 p.m. We are livestreaming mass every morning, Monday-Saturday, at 8:30 a.m. and on Sunday, at 11 a.m. We live stream on our Facebook page. Sunday 9:30-10:30 am, Saturday 4:30 PM & 7 PM Spanish From the Pastor: Audio / Video / Text Messages: available on website. Sunday: 8:45 AM, 11:15 AM Spanish, Monday-Friday 7 PM Spanish CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART. Livestreaming Mass on Youtube. If asked for a meeting code, use cqe-yihd-cqw. Wednesday 7 pm Portuguese, Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm English We will also live stream Palm Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., Holy Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Good Friday at 3 p.m., Easter Vigil at 7:30 p.m. and Easter Sunday at 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Mass will continue each week until we can have congregation. Saturday: 9 a.m. in Spanish and 6 p.m. in English The French Gothic Cathedral covers 45,000 square feet, an area equal to that of London's Westminster Abbey, and is longer and taller than St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City. This congregation of religious women has ministered to the changing needs of men, women, and children since the seventeenth century. For the rest of our Lenten schedule, please visit: www.newarkbasilica.org/lent. Sunday 9 am, 11 am Spanish, 4 pm Creole, Saturday 5 pm Bilingual SAINT PATRICK'S PRO-CATHEDRAL Welcome! Our Sunday Masses are also livestreamed to our Facebook Page and our YouTube Channel. Arlou will live stream Mass daily at 9 a.m. Mondaythrough Friday, Saturday at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. We have recorded Mass last week for people to view on our website (click above) or on YouTube. Until May 2023, no Yellow Line train service due to the bridge & tunnel rehab project. Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m. in English and 10 a.m. in Spanish. The next day, Monday, October 15, 2001, following a Church Service of thanksgiving, Abbot Melvin Valvano accompanied by many guests lead a procession to the new building, dedicating a Peace Pole and adding blessing to the new school. What do I need to get copy of Baptismal certificate. Streaming Mass in English and Spanish. For Triduum and Easter: Sundays 8 am Italian, 9 am Spanish, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 5 pm, Monday - Friday 7 am, 9:00 am, 5:30 pm Every Sunday 10:30 AM, St. John the Apostle Masses in July or August, Confession: Elizabeth, NJ, Interpreted Mass 7:45 am English, 7:30 pm Portuguese, Saturday 5 pm To show our gratitude, and to express how much we look forward to seeing you again, the Cathedral Concert Series is proud to offer every performance in this season with no admission charge, that is, completely free! These are posted on the website, Facebook and YouTube, and can be seen at any time. Saturday, April 3 - Mass and First Saturday Devotion at 10 a.m. Monday-Friday: Spanish: 7 p.m. Join us Sunday at 10:15 AM to watch Mass live. Friday, April 2 - Mass and First Friday Devotion at 10 a.m. We stand in the heart of Newark as a reminder of God's steadfast love. Sunday Mass is recorded on Saturday and made available before 7 a.m. Sunday morning. All of our Masses can be found on our website (click above) and our Facebook page. Sunday 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 PM, Saturday 8:30 AM . Fri, Sat 11-11:45 am, 3:30-4:30 pm, 10 Franklin Pl | North Arlington, New Jersey, Saturday 5 PM If you would like to support the Cathedral Basilica and make a donation, . The establishment of the Pierre Toussaint Food Pantry, an emergency food assistance program, flourished in response to the ever-growing needs of the poor of the Newark community. These two events were commemorated in 1987, celebrating the continued life of the parish and the existing house of the church in which we now worship. It was a great celebration. Sundays 8 am, 11 am Spanish, Saturday 4 pm St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral is a building and a community. USA, 520 Dr. Martin Luther King JR. Blvd, Newark, NJ 07102. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday 10:15 AM Sundays 9 am Portuguese, 11 am, 12:30 pm Spanish, Saturday 5 pm Thousands of years later, though we walk on roads of pavement and not dust, we are still called to be disciplesto follow our Rabbi, Jesus Christ, so closely that we are covered with his life, changed, and made new. Sunday 10 AM, 12:30 PM Spanish, Saturday 7 PM Spanish Weekend Masses will be broadcasted live and then the videos will remain available. The Archdiocese of Newark's African American, African, & Caribbean Apostolate will commemorate Black History Month with a special Mass celebrated by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, on Sunday, February 12, at 12 p.m. in Newark's Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The Cathedral Choir, under the direction of John J. Miller, presents meditations within the context of the Stations of the Cross. The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, the fifth-largest cathedral in North America, [2] is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. The STA September Club ministry has published their 2023 trip schedule! English Mass (Saturday, March 28) at 5 p.m. on the English Facebook page. we thank God for it today and ask Gods blessing and guidance for the future in the words of the psalmist: Let the favor of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands. Ps 90, Sunday, January 1, 2023: Mary the Mother of God, 520 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd "The Parish of St. John the Evangelist was established in 1861 and the present church was erected in 1878. St. Raphaels livestreams Mass on Google Meet. CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART. 22 Mulberry Street Holy Thursday-April 9 7:00pm- Evening Mass of the Lords Supper (bilingual) Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. (Spanish), 12 p.m.; In 2018, funding for vital domestic and international anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs is again at risk of deep cuts. Saturday: 9:00 AM (Spanish) & 5:00 PM (Vigil Mass in English), Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM* (Spanish), 12:00 PM*. All are invited to attend, we simply ask that you RSVP! Please log on 15 minutes prior to the Mass start time.
Daily Reflections with Father Marco on YouTube. Mass Schedule. We live stream mass weekdays at 8 a.m. (Zoom) and 6:30pm (Facebook), Saturday 6:30 p.m. (English) via Facebook, Sundays 8 a.m., 10 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m., 3 p.m. (Igbo) via Facebook, Bible Study every Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. via Zoom, First Friday and Third Thursday Adoration after the 6:30 p.m. mass via Facebook, Join Zoom meeting Monday through Friday meeting ID: 3819805747, Ash Wednesday Mass Feb. 17, 8 a.m. virtual, noon and 6:30 p.m. (main church), Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent after the 6:30 mass (main church). Daily Mass livestreams in English are at the following times: Mon/Wed/Fri at 12:30 p.m. and Tues/Thurs. * On Sundays, the 10:00 AM (Spanish) Mass and the 12:00 Noon Mass are livestreamed on Facebook and Youtube. Whether is has been 10 years, or 10 months or 10 days, God is waiting for you. Holy Thursday 7 p.m. Livestreaming Sunday Masses at 9:30 a.m. in Spanish and 11 a.m. in English. Every single Mass, we hear the words "on the night he was betrayed." Saturdays: 8:30 AM. Virtual Prayer Meetings The First Sunday of each month is our Family Mass, featuring our Children's Music Ministry and Youth Lectors. Hohokus, NJ, Interpreted Mass Visit our website for more. Wedding Mass, Funeral, etc.). Monday - Friday 7 am, Saturday 5 pm Streaming Sunday Mass at 10:30 a.m with Music Ministry and our Parish Priests via www.spphoboken.com/virtual, as well as Facebook and Youtube. Mass Times: Saturday 6 p.m.; Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. (Spanish), 12 p.m.; Daily 7:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.; Wed & First Fridays 7 p.m. (Spanish); Sat 9 a.m. (Spanish); No 5:30 p.m. or 7 p.m. Our Family Mass is at 9 a.m., our Traditional, English Mass is at 10:30 a.m., and our Spanish Mass is at noon. This event will be live-streamed on the parish Facebook page. Launch Pad Sunday. With 21 million victims worldwide, there are more slaves today than at any time in history. Gospel Reflections with Fr. We will also be livestreaming daily Benediction at noon. Sundays 7:30 am Portuguese, 9 am Portuguese, 10:45 am Portuguese, 12 pm English, 6 pm Portuguese, Wednesday Masses Bilingual Sunday Mass at 11 a.m. on Facebook. Those interested can meet near the pulpit after Mass. In his own words, "By walking together, and together reflecting on the journey made, the Church will be able to learn from what it will experience which processes can help it to live communion, to achieve participation, to open itself to mission.". 89 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104(973) 484-4600 cathedralinfo@rcan.org, Holy Hour & Solemn Mass to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Candlelight Prayer Service for the Victims of Gun Violence, Choral Meditations on the Stations of the Cross, Into His Likeness: Be Transformed as a Disciple of Christ, Lenten Evening of Reflection: From Darkness Into Light, Retiro Cuaresmal: De la Oscuridad a la Luz, Act of Consecration of Russia and Ukraine. It is the seat of the Eparchy of Our Lady of Deliverance of Newark. Construction began in 1899 and was finished in 1954. 10:20 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. - Monday and Wednesday: Scripture Reflections on the daily Mass readings (Spanish) Do you need time just for the two of you? Please, check our website for any updates and more information. Tuesday, September 13, 2022: 8:30 am 6:30 pm. 30 were here. Next Mass on Sundays - 6:30AM. Misa Domenical (En Espaol) 4 PM. Mass Enrollments. Cardinal Tobin will be the main celebrant.
Visit our website for livestreaming information. Sunday Mass is at 7 p.m. . Check our website for information about Mass and Stations of the Cross. He has already given you the heart of a disciple. And it is packed with a celebration of everything that we hold dear as Catholics. 8:45 AM - Morning Mass of New Year's Eve 11:45 AM - Mid-day Prayer 5 PM - Vespers Sunday, January 1, 2023: Mary the Mother of God 7:00 AM - Morning Prayer 7:30 AM - Mass 10:00 AM - Mass 12 Noon - Mass 4 PM - Vespers 5 PM - Mass Back to Top CHURCH CALENDAR Events Calendar by Inffuse Back to Top Back to Top 8:15PM Scripture reflections, Night Prayer and Holy Rosary (bilingual), Good Friday-April 10
It is also a prayer to entrust the victims to the embrace of God their Father and for us to pray through any fear or grief that we feel in light of these horrible events. 12pm- English Mass, Easter Season Sunday Mass is on our website (click above) and Vimeo. Directions: Mass Ave to Nebraska heading towards Wisconsin Ave - Property on the left side . Guided group tours are available on weekdays by appointment. The 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass is available for livestreaming on YouTube. Daily Mass in Spanish: 5:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday) St. Mary's Church in Newark, New Jersey Sunday 10:30 am Sunday 12:00 pm Sunday 5;00 pm Sunday 7:30 am 528 Martin Luther King Blvd | Newark, New Jersey Sundays 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm, 5 pm Weekday Masses 8:45 am, 12:15 pm, 5 pm Saturday 8:45 am 973-792-5793 Church Website Church Info Directions to Church Streaming weekend Mass on Facebook which is available for viewing afterwards at any time. Livestreaming Mass on YouTube. Veneration of the Cross will take place at 3:00 pm. Live-streaming Daily Mass at 7 a.m. & 9 a.m. 4 pm Igbo, 528 Martin Luther King Blvd | Newark, New Jersey, Weekday Masses 8:45 am, 12:15 pm, 5 pm Las Estaciones de la Cruz (Va Crucis) se llevarn a cabo inmediatamente despus. We are streaming Mass and rosary prayers on Facebook. 2020 Archdiocese of Newark | 171 Clifton Avenue | Newark, NJ 07104 |, Seton Hall University Genealogy Resources. There is a limit of 100 sign-ins, so if you miss one, try another or the livestream from the Archdiocese. Hearst Recreation Center, and Newark Street Dog Park. Palm Sunday, April 5 - Mass in Spanish at noon Sunday: every week, time varies with priest schedule. Reconciliation Saturday at 11:30 am or by appt (973) 484-4600. Tuesdays. Father Alex's Daily Gospel Reflection is on Facebook. Its story is one of change in ethnic population with an ebb and flow in numbers of members. Weve also moved all of our weekly bible studies online and our weekly community Newman Night on Tuesdays has become a virtual talk show on Facebook Live entitled Quarantined Catholics airing 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Livestreaming 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday Masses via Facebook. John J. Miller, MM FAGODirector of Music Ministries, Cathedral BasilicaArtistic Director, Cathedral Concert SeriesMusic Coordinator, Archdiocese of NewarkDirector, NPM Newark Chapter, Olfary Gutirrez, Coordinator of Hispanic Music Ministry, Kimberley Mesiti, Music Office Administrative Assistant, 89 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104(973) 484-4600 cathedralinfo@rcan.org. Cardinal Tobin will be the main celebrant.
Video Archive. Sunday 8:30 am, 10 am Spanish, 12 pm, Weekdays 7:30 am & 5:30 pm in Chapel Our livestreaming schedule is available on our website. 2022-2023 Music Schedule Donate to the Concert Series Cathedral Organs . Mass is livestreamed and recorded every Saturday at 5:30 PM and available for viewing anytime afterwards. 11am-Stations of the Cross (bilingual) This prayer service is offered as a means for us to pray in solidarity with those who have lost people they love. Grow in Faith link to Android and iPhone apps for prayer, meditation, Christian music and more. 10 a.m. - Friday: Mass followed by the Rosary (English) X. Sunday Mass streamed at 9am in English and Saturday at 7 p.m. in Spanish on Facebook and YouTube. Newark, NJ, Entrance on Mc Carter Highway (Rt. CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART. Mass will be Bilingual (English and Spanish) and will begin at 8:30 pm. Since its foundation in 1850, St. Patrick's Pro-Cathedral has opened wide its doors to the City of Newark. Holy Thursday, April 9 - Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7 p.m. Guided group tours are available on weekdays byappointment. Holy Rosary led by Father Alex is on Facebook. Session 4: Transformed by Fire - Prayer & Sacraments, Session 5: Transformed by Fire - Fellowship & Teaching. We will conclude at 1:30 PM with the Act of Consecration - at the same time that Pope Francis will consecrate Ukraine and Russia. 3pm- Commemoration of the Passion of the Lord (bilingual) 89 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104 Bible Classes Mondays: Evening Prayer at 6 p.m. Streaming Mass in Spanish. Daily Mass in Spanish: 5:30 p.m. (Monday through Friday) You can also dial in using your phone. Monday-Friday 5:30 PM Daily Mass is livestreamed at 9 a.m. (Monday to Friday). Visit our music ministry Facebook page to watch. The . Virtual Bible Study No Greater Love from Ascension Press. In addition to broadcasting on Facebook and YouTube, we are also starting to broadcast on our local TV station, HTTV (Comcast channel 36 and Verizon 33) and will broadcast our English Mass at 8:15 a.m. and our Spanish Mass at 2:15 p.m. We livestream Daily Mass (Monday-Saturday) at 8:30 a.m. followed by an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 9 to 10 a.m. On Sunday, we livestream three Masses. Please note that every 1st Friday, mass will be in Spanish at 7:00PM. Visit our Facebook page for details. MassTime.us is a family ministry striving to build the most useful Mass times directory. From the Archdiocese of Newark: (click on title to view) Rejoice in the Lord NEWSLETTER by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, Archbishop of Newark. The Benedictine community also remains but it has grown and changed even as it sunk roots deeply into the soil of the citys life and history. Streaming Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. in English, and 11 a.m. in Spanish. Good Friday, April 10 - Celebration of the Passion of the Lord in Spanish at 7 p.m. In the spirit of this tradition, we seek to create a culture of encounter that enables people to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ and become His disciples. Archbishop of Newark CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE SACRED HEART WWW.NEWARKBASILICA.ORG CATHEDRALINFO@RCAN.ORG DAILY MASSSUMMER SCHEDULE Monday - Friday 7:30 AM Saturday 9:00 AM (Espaol) WEEKEND MASS Saturday . Depending on availability of Priests. Genesis to Jesus Lenten video series and reflection by Fr. Messages from Fr. Sunday 7:30 am Portuguese, 9 am Portuguese, 10:15 am English, 11:30 am Portuguese, 5:30 pm Portuguese, Monday-Friday 9 am, 7:30 pm Mass at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and on Saturday at 5:30 p.m., Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart is built on the highest peak in Newark next to Branch Brook Park. $250 is suggested. In this modern, peaceful, and disciplined atmosphere the school endeavors to lead each child toward a realization of his/her worth, to acquire the basic tools necessary to function in todays competitive world, to excel in academic achievement and to live lovingly and justly in the manner of Jesus.In 1986, under the guidance of late Sister Mary Magdalene SSJ, parish outreach to the needy took on a new direction.