Correct answer 4. Whereas the manner in which either cell is associated with the axon segment, or segments, that it insulates is different, the means of myelinating an axon segment is mostly the same in the two situations. Access to the supplemental resources for this session is password-protected and restricted to University of Michigan students. Glial cells, or glia, are known to play a supporting role for nervous tissue. (PWA), including the SecondLookHistology apps. It is composed of densely packed epithelial cells with only a little extracellular matrix (ECM). It will also benefit the publication of several new topics (Hematology, Pathogen ID, and Gross Anatomy). The lighter-colored layers on both sides of the axon are myelin. Cells are the tiny living units that form the tissues, organs and structures within the body. Just medial (to the right) of the tail of the caudate, note the choroid plexus slide NP004N View Image, which consists of highly convoluted and vascularized villi covered by ependymal cells which are specialized for the production of cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF. The lymphatic system consists of a network of vessels and lymphoid organs. Aspects of peripheral nerve embryology and clinically . The neuron is the structural and functional/electrically excitable unit of the nervous system Nervous system The nervous system is a small and complex system that consists of an intricate network of neural cells (or neurons) and even more glial cells (for support and insulation). Histology of Nervous Tissue Feature of nerves tissue Type of cell: neuron & neuroglia General feature of neuron Type of Expert Help This neuron provides preganglionic visceral motor output to sympathetic ganglia - Even though the cord is oriented "sideways," you should still be able to identify this cell as being in the intermediolateral cell column in the lateral extension of the ventral horn where pregagnglionic sympathetic visceral motor neurons are found. First, their dendrites are receiving sensory information, sometimes directly from the stimulus itself. Very little can pass through by diffusion. This traps and removes any inhaled dust, bacteria or foregn substances. and grab your free ultimate anatomy study guide! It acts as insulation, much like the plastic or rubber that is used to insulate electrical wires. Multipolar neurons are all of the neurons that are not unipolar or bipolar. Neurons are important, but without glial support they would not be able to perform their function. The insulation for axons in the nervous system is provided by glial cells, oligodendrocytes in the CNS, and Schwann cells in the PNS. Slide 66a View Virtual Slide shows a section of thoracic spinal cord. At the end of the axon is the axon terminal, where there are usually several branches extending toward the target cell, each of which ends in an enlargement called a synaptic end bulb. Despite their differences, they all have one thing in common; specialized elongated muscle cells, called muscle fibers. Ana 211 (Histology of Nervous tissue).pptx sunday godwin obaje Read Now Download Free PDF Related Papers Cancer Registry Report 2000 2002 Robina Greaves Download Free PDF View PDF Identification of OTX2 as a Medulloblastoma Oncogene Whose Product can be Targeted by All-Trans Retinoic Acid Timothy Parrett Download Free PDF View PDF Get instant access to this gallery, plus: Introduction to the musculoskeletal system, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the abdomen, Nerves, vessels and lymphatics of the pelvis, Infratemporal region and pterygopalatine fossa, Meninges, ventricular system and subarachnoid space, keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, Cellular membrane, cytoplasm, organelles, nucleus. Bone tissue is a specialized type of connective tissue that contains cells (osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts), fibers (collagen type I) and mineralized extracellular matrix. While their origin is not conclusively determined, their function is related to what macrophages do in the rest of the body. This is why doctors must take extra caution when prescribing medication to these people. It is named after the anatomist who discovered it (Jan Evangilista Purkinje, 17871869). They are responsible for the computation and communication that the nervous system provides. ("3" in the orientation figure) a molecular layer containing dendrites of the pyramidal cells. Nervous tissue. The name means cell of a few branches (oligo- = few; dendro- = branches; -cyte = cell). Neurons can also be classified on the basis of where they are found, who found them, what they do, or even what chemicals they use to communicate with each other. The kidneys clear waste products and control plasma pH, electrolytes and extracellular fluid volume. Sertoli cells prevent the immune system from attacking and destroying the spermatozoa. The name glia comes from the Greek word that means glue, and was coined by the German pathologist Rudolph Virchow, who wrote in 1856: This connective substance, which is in the brain, the spinal cord, and the special sense nerves, is a kind of glue (neuroglia) in which the nervous elements are planted. Today, research into nervous tissue has shown that there are many deeper roles that these cells play. The product is the magnifying power of the objective (4x, 10x, 20x, 40x or 100x) multiplied by the power of the ocular lenses (10x). Pancreatic serous acini secrete digestive enzymes which break down fat, carbohydrates and proteins. Some neurons are named on the basis of those sorts of classifications (Figure 3). Neurons in the dorsal horn are essentially interneurons that project to other regions of the CNS (e.g. Name the part of the central nervous system that isdisplayed in this tissue section. Nervous tissue is made of cells (neurons and glial cells) and extracellular matrix. Review the organization of gray and white matter in cerebral cortex vs. spinal cord. The endocrine system is a set of tissues that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Tissues are routinely visualised using microscopy. 2023 Nervous tissue is made up of just 2 types of cells: Neurons. Cerebellar . Cerebral cortex 3. Lymphatic vessels drain lymph (interstitial fluid) from all the extracellular spaces in the body. The tissue is sectioned thinly enough so that light can pass through it. Skin glands include sweat glands (apocrine and eccrine) and sebaceous holocrine glands, both are important in regulating body temperature. thyroid, ovaries, suprarenal) and individual hormone-secreting cells found in many organs of the body (e.g. Depending on the type of cells present (fibroblasts, osteocytes, erythrocytes) and the ECM arrangement, connective tissue can be classified as connective tissue proper or specialized connective tissue. Kind of like border police, it controls everything that comes in or out of the cell. Bipolar cells have two processes, which extend from each end of the cell body, opposite to each other. Like the spleen and lymph nodes, the immune cells in this tissue can mount an immune response against foreign invading material. Once urine is formed from the ultrafiltrate, it travels through the excretory pathway of tubes, all of which are lined by transitional epithelium with the exception of some parts of the urethra. Unipolar neurons have only one process emerging from the cell body which causes them to appear T-shaped. Four of them are found in the CNS and two are found in the PNS. Those processes extend to interact with neurons, blood vessels, or the connective tissue covering the CNS that is called the pia mater (Figure 4). Read more. . The neuronal type is found throughout the entire human nervous system except in dorsal root/sensory ganglia. The PNS is all neural tissue outside of the CNS, i.e. The cells are laid down on top of dense irregular connective tissue, the basement membrane (BM). They are responsible for the computation and . Hair follicles are invaginations of the epidermis that contain rapidly proliferating and keratinizing cells responsible for the production and growth of hair. Controls and integrates all body activities. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Afferent, efferent, visceral and more. These vibrate to produce sound as air passes through them. The ependymal cell is a glial cell that filters blood to make cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid that circulates through the CNS. DiFiores atlas of histology with functional correlations. It houses information about each and every structure and process of the cell and organism, in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Light microscopes (or optical microscopes), use a combination of visible light and lenses to create a magnified image. 3. Table 2 outlines some common characteristics and functions. Like a few other parts of the body, the brain has a privileged blood supply. The dendrites receive neural input from other neurons viasynapses (or they are specialized to receive sensory stimuli), and they transmit neural information toward the perikaryon (Law of Dynamic Polarization). One or more cell processes may also be seen emerging from the neuronal perikaryon. Primary lymphoid organs (bone marrow and thymus) produce lymphocytes (B and T cells) while secondary lymphoid organs (diffuse lymphoid tissues, lymphatic nodules, lymph nodes and spleen) help to rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted material. For now, focus just on the morphology of these regions and observe the presence of three distinct layers rather than the six layers found in the cerebral cortex (evolutionarily speaking, the three-layered organization is considered to be "older," so this type of cortex is also known as "archicortex" whereas the "newer" six-layered cerebral cortex is "neocortex"). The CNS consists of nervous tissue that is protected within bony structures the brain within the cranium and the spinal cord within the vertebral column. Since tissues are normally colourless, applying a dye to the tissue section allows the cells and their components to be seen under a microscope. Examine the boundary between molecular and granule cell layers. White matter consists of myelinated axons. During development, the glial cell is loosely or incompletely wrapped around the axon (Figure 6). NERVOUS TISSUE Nervous tissue consists of two groups of cell types: Nerve cells (Neurons) Neuroglia. Nicola McLaren MSc The spinal cord contains a butterfly-shaped area of grey matter surrounded by an outer layer of white matter. These layers of myelin are many times thicker than the diameters of the axons. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices.