View Comic Book Value Guide. Recently a Tomb of Dracula #10 CGC 9.8 sold for $48,000 in September of 2021. Cover by John Romita. But it's also a very rare find being from 1941. There are, however, a few exceptions wedged into your longbox of Gen 13 variant covers. The cover for "Daredevil" No. Chris Claremont begins here and that should be enough to make this sought-out by fans. The first issue of Captain America not only introduces all of us to Steve Rogers but his sidekick Bucky too. The 1st appearance and 1st cover appearance of Morbius is definitely a classic Marvel Bronze Age comic. At his start, Deadpool was nothing more than a lazy ripoff of DC's Deathstroke, with none of the history, style, or charm. (Image courtesy Bixentro via CC BY 2.0) The Silver Surfer, a pivotal Silver Age comic book, was first published in August 1968. The first issue of Motion Pictures Funny Weekly didn't see a lot of issues hit the shelves in the theater, but the book was still notable for being the debut of Namor, The Sub-Mariner, who was eventually ret-conned into being Marvels first mutant. Johnny Blaze is Marvel's first published Spirit of Vengeance and is one of the many horror/supernatural characters that Marvel produced during the Bronze Age horror revival when the Comics Code Authority relaxed some of their bans on the horror genre. Captain Marvel #17 isn't the first appearance of the new Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan; Marvel confirmed that she actually appears in a panel in issue 14. 1 with an incredible 9.8 grading sold for over $490,000 in July 2012. An issue of X-Men #94 with a CGC grade of 9.8 sold for $58,000 in April 2021. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. There are six stories in this comic: the aforementioned "Ageless Orientals" tale, "Trapped in the Nazi Stronghold," "The Wax Statue That Struck Death," "Short Circuit," "The Valley of the Mist" and "The Devil and the Green Plague." I remember loving to hate on the villain and constantly rooting against him whenever the two went toe-to-toe. Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship / Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip / Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship / On your way to a world that others might have missed. Don't get me wrong. Incredible Hulk #181. As mentioned prior in the Star Wars #1 listing in this article, this issue is not the regular 30 Cent Price edition but the more limited and rare 35 Cent Price Variant. Hailing from Gary, Indiana, Pete Petruski created a paste gun and instead of using it for good as a research scientist turned to a life of crime. However, this is not the regular Star Wars #1. A few months prior on Mar 13, 2021, a 9.6 copy sold for $3,200.00 on eBay. Not much is known about the sale, only that it occurred in 2001. In the U.S., Marvel's Transformersran for 80 issues, but Marvel U.K.'s version included all-new stories in addition to reprints, and ran for an amazing 332 issues. The debut was a three-chapter story which featured Soviet spies and flying bugs. Amazing Fantasy 15 graded CGC 9.6 holds the record for the 2nd highest-selling comic book of all time (recently beaten by Superman 1 CGC 8.0 at 5.3 million dollars). Kirby created or co-created Captain America, Black Panther, X-Men, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Nick Fury, Eternals, Fantastic Four, Inhumans, Darkseid, Thor, Loki, Baron Zemo. A few months later in issue #12, the first epic clash between Marvels two top titans, the Thing, and the Hulk took place, which to this day is one of the House Of Ideas great rivalries. Dr. Curt Connors as a villain seldom gets the respect he's deserved as far as comic book baddies go. However, they do have very high grades like 9.9s or 10s that are extremely valuable. Marvels take on the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde paradigm begins right here when brilliant scientist Bruce Banner is caught in a gamma ray explosion and is forever altered by becoming a giant rage monster whenever anyone pisses him off. However, who doesn't know Storm amongst Marvel Comics fans? Unlike early DC issues, early Marvel books weren't necessarily anthologies, but chaptered features and FF # 3 was no different. storyline). With a seemingly endless supply of mutants and various X-Books that have come and gone during the years, it might be conceivable that you could paper the entire Earth in X-Men comic books and it all started right here with this comic valued at 492 thousand. Copies of Human Torch Comics are hard to come by, especially early issues like this one, currently valued at 92k. He was similar to Superman perhaps a little bit too similar. Well, if you're gonna have a great hero representing mutant kind, you gotta have the hero's arch nemesis or most popular villain. 3s value comes singularly from its Alex Schomburg cover, which depicts a tied-up damsel in distress surrounded by sinister robed figures bearing swastikas. A 9.8-graded copy, the highest-graded copy extant, sold for $132,000 in January 2021, 55 years after it originally hit newsstands. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Anyway, the one panel teaser of the popular Marvel mutant at the end of this story has seen monumental gains in the last two years a lone for CGC 9.8s: Wowza! This week we take a look at the Top 10 most valuable, highly collected and historically important Marvel Comics of the year 1969. Okay, over-all the Bronze Age Comics listed below aren't on the high-end scale like those above. Theyre the Fantastic Four, a Stan Lee and Jack Kirby creation that quickly became a fan favorite. You know you're a '90s kid if the word 'chromium' still gives you tingles. It is, however, the first appearance of Ms. Marvel on a comics cover if you waited for the second printing. Highest known CGC 9.8 sale was $50,000 at Comic Link back in February of 2019. Either one of these is worth your time and effort to find if you're hunting down issues to invest in. So far this is the only sale of an X-Men #141 CGC 9.9 recorded. Soon after, he became a prime antagonist for everyone's favorite mutie runt and the rest his history. Its also noted to be the first comic to usher in the Silver Age. The character was originally Captain Marvel but became Photon and then Spectrum in the Marvel comic books . A lot of this issue actually deals with John Jameson and NASA-related stuff, but it ends with a massive showdown between Spider-Man and the Rhino. For many years Action Comics #1 was consistently the most expensive comic book. Another great Steve Ditko cover, this time depicting four full panels of action between Spidey and the Sandman, a villain who was hiding out from the police at Peters school. As of 1/17/2022 this comic lost it's space to Star Wars #1 35 Cent Variant. This is the issue that is the basis for so much of what the Marvel universe came to be, as far as the Avengers go as it is the first appearance of Captain America in the Silver Age. Through Namor, they can link a whole heap of characters and locations. These are the most valuable comic books in the world. "Detective Comics" No. So it should come as no shock that the most famous book in Marvel history is the most valuable at 1.1 million dollars at its highest. If you stuck around long enough to pick up this later release, ungraded copies sell for an average of $125 today. From early issues of Superman to rare variants of modern classics, these comics represent some of . Just saying. I am definitely surprised that this is not higher on the list and more valuable. Usually, it also has to tie in with a comic that they're tied to historically. One issue from 1961 that was graded a 9.4 sold for $300,000 cash. It's the most recent and highest known sale that I could find at the time of this writing and publication. Its still for sale. I bought my copy for $35 bucks back in the day, and it graded a CGC 7.0 without a press and clean. Incredible Hulk 181 is essentially the most valuable comic book from the 1970s as it features the first full appearance of Wolverine which comic fans can't get enough of. Therefore, they selected a few certain regions to test this out, and it just wasn't with this particular Star Wars comic. Again with the mutants. A 9.0 grading may have also been the 80-year-old comics selling point when it sold in 2011 at auction. It definitely has a lot going for it, and Wolverine's gruff, violent but loyal nature has caught on with many comic fans. If you can afford the splurge, either of these issues carries a fairly lofty price tag of 90K at their highest grade and record sale. This second issue at its most expensive is still just a years salary at 47K, which is kind of a steal for any collector. I have little doubt that Disney and the MCU will overlook this character, but I am a bit nervous as to who they cast and which direction they'll take. In 2014, a 9.0-graded copy sold for $3,207,852 on eBay, with a portion of the proceeds going to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation. Yes, comic investing is still a thing despite all the backlash. In many ways, Amazing Spider-Man #300 was the turning point in Spider-Man's history, making it a book beloved not only for its value, but also its story. The comic features the first appearance of the bat plane, batarang, Julie Madsen and the Monk. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for FANTASTIC FOUR COMICS LOT 66 BRONZE AGE COMICS MOST VG-VF at the best online prices at eBay! I am surprised and thought that the 1st appearance of Wolverine would've taken the number #1 spot. It was Wolverine prior, and I'm not gonna say why the Punisher slid into first place during this time. It also is not all-inclusive and only includes the most valuable comics from the 90s (we tried not to include anything worth less than $15). Action Comics #1 - About $3.2 Million. Ultra-Humanite was Supermans greatest antagonist until Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created Lex Luthor in 1940. Never mind the fact that some other flag bearing hero, the Shield debuted a year earlier, Cap, of course, became a hero for the ages. The first appearance of Moon Knight has been in demand and sought-out for a good while, but I do remember a time when this comic was under the radar. Sabretooth needs to be ruthless and savage yet cunning. Definitely a comic to own for any X-Men fan, and it's no surprise that this comic is quite valuable. Illustrated by Dale Keown (who'd go on to create the Hulk-like Pitt for Image Comics), it's not even the first printing of this comic that's worth big bucks, since the standard green cover is worth about a dollar. The last recorded sale of a 9.8 on GoCollect is back in 2016 and for only $1,800.00 bucks. 10. This issue of "All-American Comics" from 1940 features the first appearance of Alan Scott as the Green Lantern. The Luke Cage Netflix show was not that bad, not like Iron Fist. As if the Canadian White version of Marvel Mystery Comics 128 Special wasnt special enough, then how about different issues being reprinted within the pages of the issue. The Bronze Age of Comics was a great and creative time in comics and produced many iconic characters, stories, and works of art. "Sensation Comics" was a 109-book series by DC Comics that mainly featured Wonder Woman stories. Whether you think Incredible Hulk #180 should or shouldn't more valuable than Incredible Hulk #181, the first cameo appearance of Wolverine is absolutely gaining a lot of momentum in demand among comic collectors and comic investors. CGC 9.8 sold for $16,800 in Sept 2021, and three days prior (Sept 9th) for $7,999.99. The creator of all that is Marvel got his grand start within the pages of Captain America #3, writing that story, Captain America Foils The Traitors Revenge, it was also the first time Lee and Jack Kirbys names were both in the same comic. It was a near-mint 9.2-graded copy and is said to be one of the highest-graded versions known to exist. We may see Frank Drake appear in the Disney Plus Blade series, and if so, his first appearance in comics is in this issue of Tomb of Dracula #1. The book that sold for $116,513 was a 9.4-graded copy. Then, in 2019, a 9.4-graded version sold for a very patriotic $915,000. Lou Ferrigno, Eric Bana, Edward Norton, and Mark Ruffalo all pale in comparison however to Hulk Hogan himself, who took his name after Marvels own Hulk. If you have The Incredible Hulk #1 without the chipping, you have a very rare comic from 1962. Did an extremely rich person decide to shop at Heritage for a bunch of high grade Bronze Age key comics in September of this year or something? Also, Drax the Destroyer has been a prominent character in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. Despite readers suffering from mutant fatigue, Marvel powered on through multiple books tangential to the X-Men. We'll have to see, but I bet it will definitely be quite a bit. Three other stories not including Superman are included in the 64-page book from 1939. This comic is definitely loaded with a lot of key comic goodness. Going down a grade to CGC 9.6, the most recent sale of that was $5,760 on Aug 23, 2021. Since the book was only distributed in New York City, researchers have found only five known copies to exist, which puts it in the kind of rarity that might even be fewer copies than Action Comics # 1. 2. For the purposes of this list, we're using values based on recent auctions and assuming that your closet isn't some Narnian portal that opens up into a 1960s comic store; we're going to assume that everything you can find in your closet could be purchased at your local comic shop, and was published during the late '80s and beyond. Naturally, that doesn't go as planned and Ol Webhead finds a way to defeat the man made of hardened sand. Pretty rare for Marvel Spotlight #5s at 9.8 grades! A 9.0-graded copy sold for $281,001 in 2012. The 9.6-graded copy of this 1956 comic sold for $179,250 at Heritage Auction in 2009. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and please share this if you're a comic collector or investor. Many legendary comic artists and writers started their careers in this era or rose to prominence. It's probably no surprise to '90s kids that Venom is in the top three most valuable books on this list. It's a Skrull double feature for this entry! It sold in September of 2021. Someone bought a rare copy of Action Comics #1, printed in 1938, for $3.2 million in 2014. One current listing on eBay is graded a 9.2, but it couldnt sell at $531,000 less than half the price of the 9.8 copy so the bidder cut the price to $414,180. Special Marvel Edition #15 - 1st Shang-Chi and 1st comic appearance of Fu-Manchu. Three debuts are of extremely popular X-Men characters and the three being Storm, Colossus and Nightcrawler. By the way, the Wolverine limited series was also written by Chris Claremont. There is even an attempt to water down the sinophobia that Fu Manchu personified, and even most fans of the comic (non-Asians) don't see the racism in the comic because Anti-Asian sentiment of the west is so normalized. This is the 2nd Ghost Rider for Marvel. The press materials also tout that the book was penned by William Moulton Marston, a psychologist who would later invent the prototype to the modern-day lie detector. A 1981 comic that also holds what most deem a classic cover by John Byrne and Terry Austin to go a long with this classic story line by Chris Claremont. Mail-away incentives, super-limited editions, and graded copies have no place among your sweaty socks and fifth grade art projects anyhow. Avengers #1 - $274,000 The 1963 comic book, Avengers #1, features Thor, Iron Man, the Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp. If you're one of the nine or ten people that still have a copy are also sitting on almost 200 thousand, the book has been sold for 193K. All of the little green mayhem started way back with their debut in FF #2, where they impersonate the Fantastic Four to frame them for crimes and try to take over the world with the real team out of the way. It continues her origin story and also includes the first appearance of Wildcat and Mister Terrific. Demand may rise but the value may not. Enter Sabretooth. When they return, theyre imbued with powers that will help them fight the Mole Man. Strange Master Of Black Magic! The first appearance of the Sorcerer Supreme, and his ancient foe, Nightmare are also within the pages of ST #110, which will certainly go up in value, which is currently at 60K if and when Nightmare is announced as the villain of the eventual Strange sequel. to own this issue, consider yourselves lucky hold onto the book and you probably will have doubled or tripled your investment soon. The large amount of copes that have been graded may be one of the reasons why. 1 with the same 5.5 grade sold for only $214,000 in 2011. Thanks to the big guy being all over the place since the Lou Ferrigno, this issue has always been a decent seller. This character was created for the 1960s "Batman" television show, after producers noticed how popular Julie Newmar's Catwoman became with audiences. It's only fitting that two of Spideys greatest foes, Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin not only debuted within a year from one another and both are valued at the same amount, 54,000 dollars. 39, which featured the first appearance of Iron Man. Once the robot was to break free, he adopted a human identity and cover of NY policeman, Jim Hammond. 2, but it was believed to be too gruesome. Even worse-for-wear versions of the Caped Crusaders first appearance can go for big bucks. This comic is pretty much all origin story, with Abin Sur of the Green Lantern Corps crashing into the middle of a desert, and while on the throes of death, finds a worthy successor to the Green Lantern in Hal Jordan. In the Fantastic Four #5, we are introduced to the grand villain, Dr. Doom, who has been a thorn in the FFs and entire MCUs side for over 50 years. Notable Sales $3.4 million (CGC 6.0, private sale, 2022) $3.25 million (CGC 8.5, ComicConnect, 2021) $2.1 million (CGC 9.0, ComicConnect, 2011) $1.5 million (CGC 8.5, ComicConnect, 2010) CAPTAIN AMERICA COMICS #1 73 features the origin and first appearance of Aquaman, which has become one of DC's most-loved superheroes. 1, and the cover art is by Craig Flessel. But he wasnt green, at least not on the cover. To be honest, I am a bit surprised this comic is not up there a long side Marvel Spotlight #5 at this grade. So it's no wonder that one with a 9.4 grade sold for $138,000 in 2021, a record-setting price for this prized possession. Also, the highest known grade of this comic, a CGC 9.9, sold in February of 2021, for a whopping $106,350 at ComicLink. The comic book has skyrocketed in value, possibly because of Wonder Woman's resurgence in film and popular culture. There are a few Marvel Mystery comics that are worth a bit more, but the very first Amazing Spider-Man still deserves a spot on this list. It was called the Justice Society of America, and its members included memorable heroes like Green Lantern, Hawkman, Flash, Atom, Sandman and Spectre, along with not-so-memorable heroes Doctor Fate and Hour-Man. Here is no different, as Spideys second Amazing adventure has been known to go for 72K. Although it may not have been the best deal. When a 9.9-graded copy sold for an astonishing $150,000 in 2011, it became the first comic book from the 1970s to sell for more than $100,000. I debated pretty hard about even mentioning these, but here they are: Wolverine #1 CGC 10. Also has first appearance of Yukio. 1, the first appearance of Superman, and in turn, the origination of comic book superheroes as we know them today. 3 is a coveted item among collectors because of its amazing cover by Lou Fine, which depicts a giant named Samson beating iron monsters to death with a spiked flail. This comic was mostly distributed in cities when it was first printed in 1939, which may have resulted in a higher rate of destruction because of a lack of storage space. In 2019, that record was absolutely smashed when a 9.4 graded copy sold for $1.26 million on Heritage Auctions. It's actually the 35 Cent Price Variant, as the regularly distributed version was 30 cents. He storms all the way from Mexico to kidnap John Jameson in New York. The 2nd Wolverine sequel was even based off this limited series, and the first headlining Wolverine comic. SILVER AGE Marvel Comics 1969 Top 10 key issues by Terry Hoknes. When he used the shrinking serum, the brilliant mind carelessly left the growing serum on a counter, now light years away. Case in point: the Amazing Spider-Man #300 edition of Marvel Collectible Classics. After she became a fan favorite, her big comic-cover debut shot up to around $230. The comic does first see his famous mask redesigned from his previous look in Incredible Hulk #180, #181 and #182 (this comic some are arguing is the real 2nd appearance of Wolverine and not simply a cameo). Captain Marvel was originally created not by Marvel, but by the comic publisher M.F. The very first "Archie Comics" appeared 77 years ago for 10 cents, and sold in 2012 for $167,300. There are a few creators that can drive up the value of a comic. Spider-Man has always been a popular superhero (arguably the most popular), and the prices as of late reflect his popularity. In reality, that isn't a super amount of copies at that grade, even with the extra 7 Blue Label 9.8s that CBCS has graded. Published ten years after the original, and with a fancy chromium cover, ASM #300 was popular enough to warrant a reprint that was probably available at your local comic shop for a slightly premium price. 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The comic that arguably started the entire Marvel Comics Universe arc that dominated the box office for years, "The Avengers" No. Captain America got his start during WWII America, and the first comics were basically beautifully drawn pieces of American propaganda (note the "Ageless Orientals Who Wouldn't Die!!!" Only up until recently did Marvel put their creative juices behind their second-tier characters to craft new stories. Marvels First Family came back in 2018 after a three-year hiatus from the comic book pages, and Disney recently purchased the franchise rights back from Fox. According to Bleeding Cool, the first "Superman" comic book is rare to begin with and then notoriously difficult to find in good shape. 14 Amazing Spider-Man #41 $28,000 This issue brings us the first appearance of the bulky brute, the Rhino. A 9.4-graded comic sold for $243,000 in 2017. 1 Fantastic Four #1: $20,000-$25,000 Well it's about time we formally addressed the first issue. 11/06/2022: $90,000 Heritage Auctions sale. A Chinese hero against the oppressive Opium Wars, Unequal Treaties, and colonization of China against British powers would've been more historically truthful and accurate. Today, it's worth about $1,000. Was a quick initial shock. While this comic may have seemed like a step up since the main protagonist is Chinese and a hero of the book, it was more like a back-handed compliment. During World War II, comic books like Captain America were definitely morale-filling feel-good comic books. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. But in 2008, a copy sold for around $450,000 in a cash/trade deal, according to Bleeding Cool. Thankfully, it did happen that way, otherwise, we would have just had a litany of Spidey and X-Men movies and instead of characters like Black Panther and the Guardians of the Galaxy getting their own movies, Iron Man and Cap wouldve been the second-tier characters getting their own movies. Another comic that a movie was based off of, and this one is none other than the fan-favorite X-Men story arc, Days of Future Past, starting in X-Men #141. A near-mint 9.6 copy of "Flash Comics" sold for $450,000 at auction in 2010. How do you know what's valuable? 4, DC revitalized the Flash with a whole new look and character. Batgirl made her debut in this January 1967 issue of "Detective Comics" (although it actually hit stores in late 1966). However, the first Ghost Rider was part of the western genre and isn't considered a superhero. . Luke Skywalker seemingly loses two incredibly valuable items that could forever doom the Jedi -- and the entire galaxy -- in Marvel's Star Wars #32. For just about any comic line, the first issue is almost always the rarest and most valuable. Since his debut, the not-so-jolly green giant has been in all kinds of media, making fanboys go nuts. Superman #1 - About $507,000 . I wouldn't be upset if Colter's version of Luke was carried over into the Disney/MCU stuff. Unfortunately for Marvel, their printers had a heck of a time getting all their fancy covers right, and the era is littered with printing errors. To do so, Odin temporarily wipes Thor's memory and turns him into a nerdy scientist while Earth is under attack by the stone men from Saturn. If you are interested in investing in comic books, these . Even with a flooded market of over 800 thousand copies, obviously, a lot of those have been lost to the sands of time. Because of the selected area of distribution, these 35 Cent Price variant comics are more rare than the regular 30 Cent versions that were distributed. 9.8s are popping in-and-out of the $1,000 range, but an actual 9.9 sale did make history back in 2009. Prior recent and highest known sale of an X-Men #94 CGC 9.8 was for $63,000 in April of 2021. This comic has quite a bit of important firsts, including Thanos and Drax the Destroyer. Most examples feature "Marvel chipping," which means the edges of the comic have lost color. A $7,200 sale of a CGC 9.8 of X-Men #101 dropped back in September of this year, 2021. Also, what X-Men fan doesn't know Colossus and Nightcrawler? A little over a month later on September 10th, another copy sold for $11,000 at eBay. Or at least a family structure. However, after looking at the CGC Census, it did make more sense. The Spawn 227 McFarlane sketch is well in demand and has become one of the most valued ones to date. "In a recent poll of child readers, 80 percent chose 'Wonder Woman' as their favorite over seven male characters," reads one letter. Another investment type of comic book, FF #4 can only skyrocket in price once the character is finally introduced to a nationwide film going audience and is currently a little under the average years salary of 44K at its highest to bring home. White is right and West is good/East is bad typical rhetoric that is still pervasive today. The second most expensive sale of the iconic comic book occurred in 2018, when an 8.5-graded copy sold for $2,052,000 in 2018 at Comic Connect. I wouldn't be upset if they recast as well. This time was to go around the Comics Code and publish more mature-themed stories. An ever-growing allegory for Civil Rights started with Charles Xavier standing for Martin Luther King looking for peaceful coexistence pitted against Magneto and his more militant any means necessary approach. Much of the Hulks origins are told right here in this issue. The first appearance of the Punisher in Amazing Spider-Man #129 is absolutely one of my most prized comics in my personal comic collection. Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1 - 1st appearance and origin of Luke Cage. The other is also a mad scientist, this one who travels around on a glider and looks like a goblin. The 1964 comic is also the first Silver Age appearance of Cap, who had been frozen since World War II. Cool! So, the first appearance of Thanos, a well-known baddie in the Marvel Universe of comics and the main baddie of the fan-favorite classic event series The Infinity Gauntlet that inspired the Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: End Game. Well, the first Black superhero was Black Panther, but the first Black superhero to star in his own headlining comic title was Luke Cage. Aug 17, 2021 saw a sale of a CGC 9.8 for $9,000.00 and an Aug 31, 2021 sale of $7,500.00 smack-a-roos. Iron Fist #14 35 Cent Price Variant. Sounds familiar, doesnt it thats because, besides the first Avengers movie, it is also the plot of the first Avengers issue. A 9.2-graded copy of the 1944 comic sold for $292,900 in 2017, shattering the previous record of $173,275 for a 9.0-graded copy that sold in 2015. While Nyx only lasted seven issues, its third issue introduced X-23 to the Marvel Comics universe (after first appearing in the animated series X-Men: Evolution). Cover by Dave Cockrum, Al Milgrom and Danny Crespi. The Avengers #1 Pacific Coast pedigree (Marvel, 1963) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white pages.. Auction amount: $274,850 . Nearly all of them were drawn, inked and written by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. I am surprised and thought that the 1st appearance of Wolverine would've taken the number #1 spot. A brilliant scientist who lost his arm, he decides to try and replicate the gene in reptiles that allows them to regenerate lost limbs. The massive superhero team up saw them do battle with Namor who fled to the Northern Seas where a super soldier from Brooklyn was knocked out of his block of ice and began to thaw. Two marquis issues not just in the history of the Fantastic Four, but in Marvel are both currently tied as 65K at their highest value.