The Judicial Council and Judicial Council staff do not provide advice about specific cases. The Los Angeles Superior Court is not responsible for any damage or issues that may possibly result from using Google Translate or any other translation system. Filing fee information for Civil Limited, Civil Unlimited, Family Law, Small Claims and Probate cases. There was no such institute in the constitution of 1956. Find Your Court Forms - forms_and_rules. ADA notice :The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Sign up at the bottom of the Legal Forms page to receive an email anytime a Judicial Council form is updated. *** NOTE: A DISMISSAL MUST BE FILED ON A MANDATORY JUDICIAL COUNCIL FORM. The Judicial Council works to improve the administration of justice in Kansas by continuously studying the judicial system and related areas of law, by recommending changes when they are appropriate, and by preparing publications which further this mission. Forms are divided into categories. These forms are copyrighted by the Kansas Judicial Council and are provided free of charge. Copyright 2023 CEB. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO: 832-207 THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, N.A. The Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), provides support to Nevadas judges by providing access to technology and judicial education. mylawyermylawyer, nrs subject index f nevada legislature, forms templates charts categories, hims 180 final flashcards quizlet, 10 cotobaiu, sample and form legal . , , (pdf) , . Ta Thng Thm Los Angeles khng bo m mc chnh xc, ng tin hoc nhanh chng ca bt c tin tc no do Google Translate hoc bt c h thng phin dch no khc thc hin. Google Translate . DOW1 Release of Dower Rights FORM D Dower Act Section 7 To the Registrar of Land Titles. ' An announcement was made to-day-t-liat, ou tlie recommendation of th* Chief Justice, th . La Corte Superior de Los ngeles no endosa el uso de Google Translate. Electronic and print versions of all Judicial Council publications are available for purchase. QR codes may direct QR code imageusers to a mobile website, video or information page. The event, which runs from March 1 to 5, features 1,000 exhibitors and brands from more than 60 countries. Alternate W-9 Form; Information for Private Attorneys about serving as Appointed Counsel in Criminal and Delinquency Cases. 7.Complete the top part of the EVICTION SUMMONS form so that the form shows the correct court and includes the names of the Landlord and the Tenant. Statement to the United Nations Security Council on the situation in Darfur, the Sudan, pursuant to UNSCR 1593 (2005) Mrs Fatou Bensouda Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court New York 13 December 2012 Mr President, I am briefing you as the second Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to address the situation of Darfur, in the . Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, said Egyptian authorities are working to discover more about King Khufu, who reigned from 2509 to 2483 B.C. It is quite a significant and progressive phenomenon that Ukraine has chosen the course of integration into the European Community. View additional information regarding certified documents. AS SUCCESSOR TO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR RESIDENTIAL ASSET MORTGAGE PRODUCTS, INC., MORTGAGE ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-SP2 VS RICHARD F . Las traducciones por computadora son solo una aproximacin del contenido original del sitio web. Due to significant development at a legislative and judicial level, the right to life spans beyond what is enumerated within Article 2. Google Translate , : Google Translate FAQs. Document . Order Terminating Proceedings and Discharging Personal Rep. Order Upon Hearing of Status Report of Administration. Search form. Khng nn xem bn dch l chnh xc v trong mt s trng hp bn dch c th s dng ngn ng sai hoc xc phm. Additionally, Adobe offers information on adding the Acrobat plugin to your browser. Trouble viewing a file? Return to jury questionnaire answers you from california judicial council forms jury questionnaire be allowed. Get form EJ-100. Additional Page [to be attached to any form] (MC-020) Additional Page [to be attached to any form] (MC-020) Gives you another page to add to any Judicial Council form. All rights reserved. No software installation. The use of QR codes has become increasingly popular in the U.S. with the widely adopted use of smartphones capable of reading and processing this information directly from a users mobile device. Filed and served at least 15 days before a case management conference. If additional space is needed for listing offenses, use Attachment to Judicial Council Form (form MC-025). Ta Thng Thm Los Angeles khng chu trch nhim v bt c thit hi hoc vn no c th pht xut t vic s dng Google Translate hoc bt c h thng phin dch no khc. Miscellaneous Rules. The following forms are available for free to assist attorneys, judges, and individuals without an attorney. To view a complete list of Judicial Council forms, click here. Official documents and forms must be filed in English. Home Legal Forms Civil Actions (Including Small Claims and Evictions) Chapter 61 . The Los Angeles Superior Court is transitioning to electronic "paperless" case files. Code, 353.1, 388), JV-200-Custody Order-Juvenile-Final Judgment, JV-206-Reasons For No Or Supervised Visitation - Juvenile, JV-356-Request For Special Immigrant Juvenile Findings, JV-367-Findings and Orders After Hearing to Consider Termination of Juvenile Court Jurisdiction Over a Nonminor, JV-403-Sibling Attachment: Contact and Placement, JV-464 INFO-How to Ask to Return to Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Foster Care, JV-466-Request to Return to Juvenile Court Jurisdiction and Foster Care, JV-470-Findings and Orders Regarding Prima Facie Showing on Nonminor's Request to Reenter Foster Care, JV-472-Findings and Order After Hearing to Consider Nonminor's Request to Reenter Foster Care, JV-642-Initial Appearance Hearing-Juvenile Delinquency, JV-667-Custodial And out Of Home Placement Disposition Attachment, JV-800-Notice Of Appeal (California Rules of Court, Rule 8.400), MC-700-Prefiling Order- Vexatious Litigant, MC-704-Order On Application To Vacate Prefiling Order And Remove Plaintiff/Petitioner From Judicial Council Vexatious Litigant List, MIL-183-Petition For Dismissal (Military Personnel), MIL-184-Order For Dismissal (Military Personnel), SC-300 INFO-Information On Writ Proceedings In Small Claims Cases, WG-002-Earnings Withholding Order (Wage Garnishment), WG-030-Earnings Withholding Order For Elder Or Dependent Adult Financial Abuse (Wage Garnishment). Assessment Roll Number(s) Hrs. Do whatever you want with a Attachment 2 Judicial Council Standard Agreement: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. Forms are divided into categories. Get form MC-005. The council carries out this mission primarily through the work of its advisory committees and task forces. The new and revised forms listed below will be available for download a week before the effective date. Administrative law is the division of law that governs the activities of executive branch agencies of government.Administrative law concerns executive branch rule making (executive branch rules are generally referred to as "regulations"), adjudication, or the enforcement of laws. Ta Thng Thm Los Angeles khng ng h vic s dng Google Translate. Do whatever you want with a DV-145 Order to Prevent Child Abduction(Domestic Violence Prevention). The most notorious place during or, usted puede usar otros servicios de traduccin estar dejando el . Phone: 021 684 4606 Email: ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE SET FOR AUG-04-2020 CONTINUED TO SEP-22-2020 AT 10:30 AM IN DEPARTMENT 610 FOR FAILURE TO OBTAIN AN ANSWER(S) FROM, ENTER DEFAULT(S) AGAINST, OR FILE DISMISSAL AS TO DEFENDANT(S) THE KROGER CO, AND M704 KROGER WEST, AND FOOD 4 LESS. magistrat "judicial officer": general term encompassing judges (magistrats du sige) and prosecutors (parquet); the magistrature, or "judiciary", is a collective term for all judicial officers. The Chairs of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees are also members. TEN APPOINTMENTS, IFeOM OtTE COEEESrONDENI.J WELLINGTON, Juno 7. Forms & Rules > Find Your Court Forms. The padmapurana states that the kusa grass and black til sprang from the body of . There was no such institution in the constitution . Other translation services may be used to view our site. Tenga en cuenta que al solicitar una traduccin estar dejando el sitio web de la Corte Superior de Los ngeles. The forms below can be easily downloaded and filled in online. Judicial Councilstaff helpimplementthe councils policies. Xin lu l khi yu cu phin dch l qu v ri khi website ca Ta Thng Thm Los Angeles. It features shrink-to-fit fonts, custom form groups, custom . = Adopted for mandatory use by all courts. You may file your adoption request and related papers in any of our court locations. (When you click this link, you will be taken to the California Courts website). Under the leadership of the Chief Justice and in accordance with the California Constitution, the council is responsible for ensuring the consistent, independent, impartial, and accessible administration of justice. Dsseldorf is an international bu. All statewide approved forms are available for Adoptions, Appellate, Civil, Conservatorships, Criminal, Guardianships, Family Law, Juvenile, Name Change, Probate, Small Claims, and Traffic. La Corte Superior de Los ngeles no garantiza la exactitud, confiabilidad o autenticidad de cualquier informacin traducida por Google Translate u otro sistema de traduccin. Save as Word. Constitution of 1962 introduced two Islamic institution i. advisory council of Islamic ideology and Islamic research institutions. Parties choose, contact, and hire their own mediator. July 22, 2020. Visit our remote appearances page for more information. It is recommended that you periodically compare the Rev. date (revision date) on the version of the form you saved with the revision date of the form in the list below to ensure that you are using the latest version. Google Translate es un servicio gratis en lnea de traduccin de idiomas que puede traducir texto y pginas web en distintos idiomas. Circuit Court for the Southern District of Iowa (1896-1911) AMMAN The Judicial Council on Wednesday launched a comprehensive training programme addressing issues related to environment and water that will last until the end of March. The CDA sets requirements for the form of a subpoena, and for the manner in which the subpoena must be served. The first step in completing a Judicial Council form is to see if the California Courts have developed a form for your specific legal problem. The Judicial Council works to improve the administration of justice in Kansas by continuously studying the judicial system and related areas of law, by recommending changes when they are appropriate, and by preparing . Interface with professionals, clients, support staff; organize & maintain of files and records. (7/18/2022). Civil Actions. It features shrink-to-fit fonts, custom form groups, custom . In addition, some applications, files or items cannot be translated including graphs, photos or some portable document formats (pdfs). Look for the Language Services icon to find forms and other important information translated in the most requested languages. JUDICIAL ADVERTISEMENT 24TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF JEFFERSON STATE OF LOUISIANA NO: 827-335 J.P.MORGAN MORTGAGE ACQUISITION CORP. Use of Sick and/or Vacation Leave to Supplement Workers' Compensation Payments. No paper. Family Law - Dissolution/Legal Separation/Annulment [100-199], Family Law - Motions and Attachments [300-399], Family Law - Interstate Actions [500-599], Family Law - Governmental Child Support [600-699], Family Law - Summary Dissolution [800-899], Pleading Personal Injury - Property Damage - Wrongful Death, Probate - Guardianships and Conservatorships. Please be aware that when a translation is requested, you will be leaving the Los Angeles Superior Court website. The Judicial Branch does not endorse or recommend a specific QR code reader. Judicial Council Members; Advisory Committees; Judicial Council Staff; Contact Us; Job Opening; Legal Forms. Effective: January 1, 1987. You can download a QR reader application through your mobile devices marketplace or store. The California Courts Meeting Information Center offers online access to Judicial Council of California meetings, presentations, and archived broadcasts. Opposition to Remote Proceeding at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial(RA-015), Request To Appear RemotelyJuvenile Dependency(RA-025), Request To Compel Physical PresenceJuvenile Dependency(RA-030), Media Portal for Pending Civil Complaints, Rule AmendmentsEffective December 1, 2015, Rule AmendmentsEffective January 1, 2016, and July 1, 2016, Summary Description of the Changes to Cal. Search for forms by topic, form number, or search all California Judicial Council forms. The Judicial Council is the policymaking body of the California courts, the largest court system in the nation. Google Translate is a free online language translation service that can translate text and web pages into different languages. MORE. Judicial Council staff help implement the council's policies. The mission of the Connecticut Judicial Branch is to serve the interests of justice and the public by resolving matters brought before it in a fair, timely, efficient and open manner. 1. Go to Judicial Council Forms. The Judicial Council provides various legal-forms for use by attorneys, judges, and self-represented individuals. Gold Dome Report - Legislative Day 27. Directions to Courts and Judicial Facilities, Federal Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Forms, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person, Forms to file if you are a Defendant in a Foreclosure Case, Forms to file for a Civil Protection Order, Forms to file if you would like to have a Judgment Opened, Forms to file if you are a Defendant in a Foreclosure Case and you file a Certificate for Foreclosure Mediation Program, Forms you may need to Collect on a Civil Judgment, Forms you may need after Lawsuit is started - the Complaint has already been filed, Worksheet for the Connecticut Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines, Restraining Order / Civil Protection Order Service Instructions, Restraining Order / Civil Protection Order Service Respondent Profile. Google Translate, Google Translatepdf), Google TranslateGoogle Translate, Google TranslateGoogle Translate, Google Translate- , , , , Google Translate-, , , , , , , (pdf), , , Google Translate- , , , , , , , Google Translate-, . 30. Obtain a copy of each form you must file here. Magistrats are government employees, but statutorily kept separate and independent from the other branches of government. These forms are for non-commercial use only. Locate the courthouse where your case belongs. Affidavit for Order for Appearance and Examination of a Third Person, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information Package, Application and Order Regarding Lost Writ, Application and Order to Serve Summons by Posting for Unlawful Detainer, Application & Order to Vacate Stay of Execution & to Issue Writ, Application for Issuance of Writ of Possession or Sale, Civil Case Cover Sheet Addendum and Statement of Location, Clerks Certificate of Satisfaction of Judgment, Compliance with General Order for Limited Jurisdiction UD Jury Trial Readiness, Ex Parte Application For Leave To Participate In The Resolvelawla.Com, Instructions for Applications And Orders For Publication, Information Sheet Assignment to the Personal Injury Hub Court's Mandatory Settlement Conference Program, Informal Discovery Conference for PI Courts, Instructions for Completing Answer - Unlawful Detainer, Judgment Based on Sister State Judgment (Code of Civ. Many of these forms are fillable. Get form MC-025. It features shrink-to-fit fonts, custom form groups, custom fields, a database that automatically fills in new forms with shared data, and much more. Google Translate , . This form was implemented by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) effective January 1, 2011, and will be available in the Child Support Enforcement system, effective July 1} 2011 Forms & Filing. Download, Required to be used in submitting all briefs (Interested Party or Amicus) to the Judicial Council. Publications. A. water heater 40 gallons The pitrus, who live in pitru loka in the form of spirits, are fetched into the sradda venue by the vishvedevas or the universal soul.The darbha or kusa grass and til sesamum are two significant materials used in the performance of sradda. , , . (v) Supreme judicial council: Constitutions of 1962 introduced a new institution supreme judicial council. Among the first six bills up for consideration were propositions establishing a Prosecuting Attorneys Oversight Commission ( SB 92, passed 32-4 . Judicial Council; Overview Calendar Judicial Council Subcommittees . Registered Kansas attorneys may access the electronic version free of charge. The specific requirements vary depending on whether the subpoena is addressed to an individual or an organization, and whether it seeks in-person testimony or production of documents. Nu qu v c bt c thc mc no v Google Translate, xin bm vo ng ni sau y: Google Translate FAQs. For enhanced proficiency with your Judicial Council Forms tasks, we offer Essential Forms, a powerful legal resource that allows you to easily and efficiently complete, print, and store California Judicial Council Forms. KING'S COUNSEL. Navigation. The Judicial Branch has implemented this technology by encoding website URLs into some of its forms.Utilizing a QR Code reader application, users can quickly display content from a computer on their smart phone by clicking the QR Code icon and scanning the code. (785) 296-2498 | Click a specific link to see all forms in that category or use the search box below to . (11/28/2022), The Notes on Use section of CINC Form 167 - Journal Entry of Review Hearing has been updated. Proc., 1710.25), Jury Instruction - Special Instruction (Blank), Long Cause Trial Package Guidelines (3/2021) w/Attachment 1 (LACIV 217) and Attachment 2 (LACIV 216), [Model] Class Action and PAGA Settlement Agreement and Class Notice, [Model] Class Action Settlement Agreement and Class Notice, Notice of Appeal - Administrative Hearing, Notice of Entry of Judgment / Dismissal / Other Orders, Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (English), Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (), Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (), Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (), Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Espaol), Notice of Unlawful Detainer (Eviction) (Ting Vit), Order Appointing Official Court Reporter Pro Tempore, Peremptory Challenge To Judicial Officer (C.C.P., 170.6), Petition to Have Voter Registration Information Declared Confidential, Proof Of Service Notice of Appeal - Administrative Hearing, (Proposed) Order to Have Voter Registration Information Declared Confidentia, Remote Settlement Conference Program Intake, Request For Enforcement of Order for Restitution / Judgment Pursuant to Penal Code Section 1214, Request For Enforcement Of Summary Judgment Pursuant To Penal Code Section 1306, Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Business And Professions Code Section 12015.3, Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - By The State Bar, Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment Labor Code Section 5806 And Issuance Of A Writ Of Execution And/Or Other Enforcement, Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Public Resources Code Section 45014(C), Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Vehicle Code Section 40220 40267, Request For Entry Of Judgment, Judgment, And Notice Of Entry Of Judgment - Welfare And Institutions Code Section 903, Settlement Conference Program Intake Form, [Proposed] Stipulation to Continue Trial/FSC/-PI Courts North District, [Proposed] Stipulation to Continue Trial/FSC/-PI Courts Central District, Stipulation and Order to use Cert. The purpose of this site is to provide information from and about the Judicial Branch of the . Can be recorded with a county to release a lien against the judgment debtor's land or filed with the Secretary of State to release a lien against the debtor's personal property. (785) 296-2498 | Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. View CM-110 Case . Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet (Fax Filing) (MC-005) Facsimile Transmission Cover Sheet (Fax Filing) (MC-005) If you are filing documents in a court by fax, tell the court what documents you are filing and how you are paying the filing fees. of Service, Request for Probate Hearing in a District Court: Conservatorship/Guardianship, Request to Continue Petition Hearing And Order (Probate), Request to Continue Petition Hearing Information (Probate), Supplement to Petition for Appointment of Probate Conservator, Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Heirs and Next of Kin, Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Issue, Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Property, Supplement to Petition for Probate Re Spouse or Domestic Partner, Supplement to Petition for Termination of Guardianship re Relatives, Supplement to Petition for Termination of Guardianship (Dispensing with Notice), Supplement to Report Sale & Petition for Order Confirming Sale of Real Property, Supplement to Spousal/Domestic Partner Property Petition, Declaration of Judgment Debtor Regarding Satisfaction of Judgment (Small Claims), Exchange and Submission of Evidence (Small Claims), Notice of Remote Appearances and Exchange and Submission of Evidence Protocol, Resolve Your Small Claims Case Without Coming to Court, Juicios Por Infracciones - Aviso a Los Litigantes, Information Sheet for Petition and Order to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment or Ability to Pay Determination, Petition & Order to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessments or Ablility to Pay Determination, Agreement To Pay With A Request For A Reduction In Sentence, The forms on this web site are in PDF format. (785) 296-2498 |, 2023 Kansas Judicial Council 301 SW 10th Street, Suite 140, Topeka, KS 66612-1507 (785) 296-2498. Judicial Council Forms provide you with an easy "check-the-box" format and are available for many civil, family law and criminal cases. Get form MC-020. La Corte Superior de Los ngeles no se hace responsable por daos o problemas que puedan surgir por el uso de Google Translate o cualquier otro sistema de traduccin. Search for forms by topic, form number, or search all California Judicial Council forms. (10/12/2022), An updated version of the Civil Cover Sheet is now available. This site uses cookies to analyse traffic, remember your preferences, and optimise your experience. The forms below can be easily downloaded and filled in online. The Judicial Council provides various legal-forms for use by attorneys, judges, and self-represented individuals. By law, in California all official court business must be conducted in English. In addition to offering these options, the Judicial Branch has refreshed the Official Court Webforms page. (1/17/2023), Updated versions of the Civil Chapter 60 Summons and Return of Service form and the Third-Party Summons and Return of Service form, and a new Insurance Summons and Return of Service form are now available. Google Translate . The length of judicial council forms require remote appearances for instance, tax forms regarding conservatorship that you are sent. The Los Angeles Superior Court is transitioning to electronic "paperless" case files. The Judicial Council's four pillars are - excellence in the performance of judicial functions, high standards of conduct among judges, an independent judiciary, and public confidence in the judiciary and in the administration of justice. C th s dng cc dch v phin dch khc xem website ca chng ti. Under the leadership of the Chief Justice and in accordance with the California Constitution, the council is responsible for ensuring the consistent, independent, impartial, and accessible administration of justice. For enhanced proficiency with your Judicial Council Forms tasks, we offer Essential Forms, a powerful legal resource that allows you to easily and efficiently complete, print, and store California Judicial Council Forms. Injury Leave and Workers' Compensation. Some categories of forms include basic instructions, but the forms are not intended as a substitute for obtaining advice from an attorney. On any device & OS. (8/30/2022), Updated Petition for Expungement of Conviction or Diversion and Order for Expungement of Conviction or Diversion forms are now available. espaolGet form MC-025 in Spanish (Spanish) Effective: July 1, 2009. The Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), provides support to Nevada's judges by providing access to technology and judicial education. The following documents are frequently used by judges to communicate with the AOC or . The Judicial Council performs studies and issues reports regarding bills and topics requested by legislators, attorneys, and members of the public. Bishops use this to report to the Judicial Council all decisions of law they make. General Forms. Locate Your Filing Courthouse. With each new case management system implementation, the Court is employing a new case numbering matrix. On any device & OS. You may select another browser to view Forms, or disable the Chrome PDF Reader and select an alternate PDF Reader. The 1st United States Congress provided the detailed organization of a federal judiciary through the Judiciary Act of 1789.The Supreme Court, the country's highest judicial tribunal, was to sit in the nation's capital and would initially be composed of a chief justice and five associate justices. DUBAI: The 29th annual Dubai Boat Show was . Judicial Council forms can be used in every Superior Court in California. Judicial Council forms are available from the Judicial Branch of California website. by | Feb 17, 2023 | lapd officer rodney williams status | exiss horse trailer parts & accessories | Feb 17, 2023 | lapd officer rodney williams status | exiss horse trailer parts & accessories (EJ-100) Tells the court and others that a judgment has been paid in full or in part. Yesterday, Governor Joe Lombardo announced two new judicial appointments: Danielle "Pieper" Chio and Jacob A. Reynolds have been appointed to the Eighth Judicial District Court in Departments 7 and 29 respectively. There are 10 ethnically based administrative regions and 2 self-governing . Council Bluffs, Iowa (1888) U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa (1888-unknown) U.S. Executive power is exercised by the government while legislative power is vested in the Parliament.The Judiciary is more or less independent of the executive and the legislature. The following documents are frequently used by judges to communicate with the AOC or request assistance from a particular AOC unit: 201 South Carson Street, Suite 250Carson City, NV 89701-4702 The act also divided the country into judicial districts, which were in turn organized into circuits. Locate the courthouse where your case belongs. Legal matters are handled in one of LA Court's 9 divisions. Bishops use this to report to the Judicial Council all decisions of law they make.Updated Aug. 5, 2021 This is always attached to another form or court paper before it can be filed in court. 8.The Landlord must submit the EVICTION SUMMONS to the court clerk, and the clerk will fill in the parts of the form that require a case number and hearing date.