Case 187: Peter & Joan Porco 21,138 views Sep 4, 2021 505 Dislike Share Save Casefile Presents 54.3K subscribers DESCRIPTION In the early hours of Monday, November 15 2004, husband and wife Peter. This is a carousel. He notedthat there were no lights on Brockley Street, where the Porcos lived, castingsome doubt on aneighbors account of spotting Christophers yellow Jeep in the driveway the night of the ax attack. For example, Porco lied to obtain both a car and tuition payments. Christopher Porco, who remained free on bail after his arrest, was taken into custody immediately after his conviction. "Don't be a fool," Joan Porco wrote to him on Oct. 20, 2004. But she was alive and conscious. I'd never heard that. In 2006, a jury in Goshen walked into an Orange County courtroom and convicted Christopher Porco of murdering his father, Peter, and attempting to kill his mother, Joan, in their Bethlehem home. And its not like he was having a minor disagreement with his parents that disproportionately spiraled out of control. Spotlight News, The Spot 518 and Capital District Family Now are divisions of Community Media Group, LLC. After the trial, jurors commented that this testimony helped to explain the fact that police did not find blood in Porco's vehicle after the attack. It is their belief it was too dark to see the assailant in the middle of the night, and both Joan and Peter Porco could have been asleep before the attack occurred. Shanks paused often, asking Joan Porco to describe her state of mind at the time she wrote certain e-mails. It was snipped about two hours and 45 minutes after the home's alarm was deactivated by someone who used the master code, according to earlier testimony. The interview aired on News 10 ABC on January 12, 2023 during its 6:00 PM ET newscast. Thats all for this weeks post, but Id like to continue next Thursday with a look at some of the other interesting parts of the Christopher Porco drama, including the way hisdoomed father woke up after the attack, the conflicting tales about whether Christopher deserved the Romeo Killer nickname a made-for-TV movie gave him, and his recent efforts to exithis maximum-security residence. [20], Christopher Porco is incarcerated at Clinton Correctional Facility. The movie got passing marks from reviewers, but the reader comment section was where thereally interestingcritiquing was going on. "I did not think that he was mentally ill," Joan Porco said, when asked about an e-mail she'd written to Christopher days before the attack questioning his mental stability. she also initially claimed it was their son, then after getting out of coma, claimed it wasn't son who attacked them. Omg i can't imagine this, this is beyond sad. [15] During videotaped testimony submitted to the grand jury in December 2004, Joan testified about her family, but did not identify her son as an attacker. She answered questions by both the prosecution and defense concerning her memory of the attacks and her relationship with Chris. He stumbled through the house before he collapsed in his foyer and died. Apparent burglary. petitioner sustained a serious injury and then applied for and was granted disability retirement under Education Law 511. READ MORE: Pick up a copy of tomorrow's Times Union for full coverage of today's Porco trial testimony. Unresolved: Release in which this issue/RFE will be addressed. [7], Professor Frank Perri has argued that police interviews with Christopher Porco were seriously flawed because police questioning procedures seemingly failed to account for Porco's probable psychopathy. On November 15, Peter Porco, who worked at the Albany County courthouse, did not show up to work. Christopher Porco was a 21-year-old student at the University of Rochester when he attacked his parents. "[14] The email concluded: "We may be disappointed with you, but your mother and I still love you and care about your future. Porco will be eligible for parole in December 2052. He is not eligible for parole until 2052 when hell be 69 years old. Blaming the community college's registrar, he wrote, "[B]ut obviously they are incorrectMy lowest grade that I got on anything was a B on a physics testDon't jump to conclusions, I'm fine. Christopher was in severe debt and he later forged documents to secure a loan in his father's name to pay for his tuition and for a yellow jeep. Joan survived, but continues to have severe facial disfigurement. The was blood everywhere - a medical examiner later determined that 52-year-old Peter sustained massive head injuries causing his death. [2] Despite Peter's catastrophic injuries, he survived for several hours after the attack. The lawyeralso noted that Peter Porco sometimes deactivated the burglar alarm whenletting the dog out at night and then forgot to turn it back on another challenge to the prosecutions assertionthat Christopher punched in the code the night of the murder and attempted murder. It starred Lolita Davidovich as Joan Porco and Eric McCormack as "Detective Sullivan" presumably a composite character representing police who worked on the case. Surveillance cameras captured the Jeep leaving a Rochester college the night of the attacks. Mothers love. The trial was moved from Albany County to the Orange County town of Goshen. They had two children Christopher and Johnathan. At this point, I have little confidence that they will ever be caught.. In March 2004, eight months before the attack, Joan and Peter Porco had learned their son was flunking his classes at Hudson Valley Community College when he was supposed to be earning high marks in order to return to the University of Rochester, which had kicked him out two months earlier for poor grades. Albert grows up thinking that his father died fighting for France in World War I. Joan Porco was soon discovered by police officers. The Walkthrough of the CREEPIEST, CRAZIEST Crime Scene Ever. In 2011 the reboot series of Great Crimes and Trials made an episode about the case. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 8: 4157 (2011) DOI: 10.1002/jip.128, Forensic Files, Season 13, Episode 25: "Family Ties. Bowdish said that when he asked Joan if a family member had committed the crime, Joan used her head to indicate "yes". Peter's wife, Joan, was found on a bed that was completely covered in blood. He suffered blows to the face, jaw, hands, arms, and forearms. Porco has served his time in silence, offering little insight into what his life behind bars has been like. Uncle Frank had served in the New York City Fire Department. Still, therewere noeyewitnesses placing Christopher directly at the crime scene inside the house. `You certainly didnt ask Mrs. Porco any questions,` continued Shanks. Thats all for this week. Flights of fancy. I'm calling Citibank this morning to find out what you have done and am going to tell them I'm not to be on it as a co-signer. 358, P.C 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman. If only the parents are killed, the case may also be referred to as a parricide.Where all members of a family are killed, the crime may be referred . And he neglected to tell his parentsthat the universityhadsuspended him because of poor gradesand he had wasted his $30,000 in tuition money. "[13], The following day, Peter Porco was notified that Christopher had also obtained a line of credit from Citibank to finance the Jeep Wrangler, again using his father's name as a cosignatory. [14], After Joan Porco emerged from a medically induced coma, she stated that she was unable to remember the attack and asserted that she believed her son Christopher to be innocent. A couple typical ones: Leah Blodget: Romeo? His appeals have been exhausted. The injuries were extensive involving multiple skull fractures, said Spurgas during testimony on Thursday, July 6. Some thoughts with regard to Joan's brain injury: "[15], Porco's brother, Johnathan, testified at his trial. She too suffered the same grievous injuries to her face and head that her husband had endured - - a portion of her brain was actually exposed - - but she was conscious. He alsocommitted a number of financial crimes against his parents. What a trip. Joan Porco survived the attacks that murdered her husband, Peter, and for which her son, Christopher, 22, is now on trial. As the publication notes, nothing bad ever happened in Bethlehem; a crime like this was inconceivable. In Peter's email, he noted that he was going to be "forced to file forgery affidavits" if Christopher pulled a stunt like this again. It's horrible, isn't it? [6], Christopher Bowdish, a Bethlehem Police detective, stated that, as medical personnel attended to Joan Porco at her home, he took a moment to ask her whether she could identify her attacker. . That means he was standing in front of a mirror and his brain still couldn't process something was wrong. He was also a troubled young man with a pension for burglarizing and lying. Contact him at or 518-454-5465. `It is not uncommon for patients after neurosurgery to have changes or lapses in their memory,` Spurgas testified. `You are not a doctor,` said . She accused police of spreading vicious rumors about Christopher and our family, and challenged assertions that she and her husband had a poor relationship with their younger son over finances. His parents never knew about the forged transcripts, and the judge in the case has refused to let prosecutors tell the jury about it. [6] The grand jury would field more testimony before handing up an indictment against Christopher in November 2005, one year after the attacks. Peter Porco was murdered, his wife left for dead.. ABC News explains that the Porcos discovered their son's actions. It was updated on March 28, 2009. Christopher Porco is charged with murder and attempted murder and is free on bail. Oh and this murder which is where the worst repercussions of spoiling end up. A firemans ax that was used in the attack was lying in the couples blood-drenched bedroom. Brains are extremely weird. Nothing was stolen from the house. According to CBS News, Christopher Porco was charged with his father's murder and the attempted murder of his mother in November 2005. Afterbeing struck 16 times with an ax and lying unconscious ashis son sneaked away from the suburban charnel house, Peter Porco arose from bed, put on clothing, ambled downstairs to get breakfast, went outside to retrieve the newspaper, realized hed locked himself out, found aspare key in its hiding place, let himselfback inside, and died of blood loss. According to ABC News, Peter Porco did not immediately die after being ambushed by the ax-wielding assailant. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. Until next Thursday, cheers.RR, A College Kid Turns Homicidal In 2005, Bethlehem Police detectives traveled to San Diego, California, to retrieve a laptop computer that Christopher Porco had stolen from his parents in a break-in on July 21, 2003. AsForensic Filesexplained it, an injury can damagethe brains neocortex, which controls reasoning, but leave intact the underlying paleocortex, which guides second-nature habits. It was a cold November night in 2004 when police responded to a disturbance at a suburban home in Delmar, New York. (In fact, a number of reader comments posted to the aforementioned website articles blasted Terence Kindlon and Laurie Shanks for defending Christopher so vigorously in court.). The movie depicted those events along with the trial. Joan Porco wrote in an e-mail in October 2004 that she was angry with Christopher because he had not returned more than 40 telephone calls from his brother, a Naval officer who was trying to iron out the eBay scandal. He used ill-gotten loans to pay for a $16,450 yellowJeep Wrangler and whatever other accoutrementsoneneeds to impersonateascion of landed gentry. There is no doubt in my mind, Porco told correspondent Peter Van Sant in an Albany County jail interview conducted after Porcos August conviction. The corporate entity was filed on July 31, 2020 in the jurisdiction of Florida. According to the Times Union, despite his devastating injuries, Peter Porco didn't die immediately. The authorities wouldlater determine Porcohad been struckwith an ax 16 times. After the vicious attack of 16 heavy blows to head with an ax that penetrated his skull and took off his jaw, Peter Porto starts his day like nothing ever happened. Shortly after, the Porcos were attacked. Peter, per ABC News, was in a pool of his own blood near the home's entrance. The tall, nice-looking21-year-oldhad hoped to bail himself out of his financial problemsand cadge some disposable income via his mother and fathers life insurance payout. But then he took out a high-interest loan, forging his father's signature on the application for $31,000 to cover his tuition. 21-year-old Christopher Porco killed his father, Peter, and badly injured his mother, Joan, on November 15, 2004 in Bethlehem, New York. Christopher Porco is seen during his trial in the Orange County Courthouse in Goshen on July 20, 2006. Theme images by, Investigating the Atlanta Child Murders of 1979 - 1981, The Murderous Assaults of Peter and Joan Porco, The Porco family in the 1980s; Christopher is on the left, Joan and Chris, heading into court together. Good Lord, the human body is capable of some amazing things with the assistance of adrenaline. This week, Id like to focus on threeof the intriguing aspects of the case. Miraculously, she was clinging on to life when investigators and medics arrived at the crime scene hours later. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. She did break her silence briefly in a letter sent to the Times Union in August 2005. The children were sent to Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Plymouth. Per the Times Union, Peter behaved as if nothing had happened to him or his wife. CARMODY CONSTRUCTION FL INC. (Corporate #P20000060210) is a Domestic Profit in Naples, Florida registered with Florida Department of State (DOS). Heres a recap of the Forensic Files episode plus some additional facts about the Porco case drawn from Crime Library, 48 Hours, and Albanys Times Union newspaper. The darkest aspects of humanlifeandnature. Nine of Christophersfraternity brothersrefuted his story that he was asleep in the lounge atRochester, and a neighbor driving by the Porcos house claimed he glimpsedthe Jeep in the driveway on the night of the attacks. Defense Attorneys Shanks and Terence Kindlon are trying to poke holes in that theory. Joan and Peter Porco, who died from his injuries, were found on Nov. 15, 2004, setting in motion an intensive 21-month investigation and the most widely followed murder case on record in this region. The assaulthad broken her jaw, destroyed one of her eyes, and penetrated her skull deeplyenough to expose her brain. Windfall expected. amnesia.". But, ironically, the lack of diligence that sulliedChristophersscholarly pursuitsalso hinderedhis get-rich-quick plan. I implore the Bethlehem police and the District Attorneys Office to leave my son alone, and to search for Peters real killer or killers, so that he can rest in peace and my sons and I can live in safety, she wrote. In 2012, when Porco learned Lifetime was producing "Romeo Killer: The Chris Porco Story," he filed a temporary restraining order to stop it from airing. During his opening remarks to jurors on June 27, 2006, Kindlon described the Bethlehem Police as unfamiliar with a serious crime investigation, describing them as a department "that chases skateboarders away from the 7-11This is not the FBI. Currently Reading. Police found that someonehad smashed the houses burglar alarm, snippedthe phone line, and opened a window and cut a hole in the screen. All That's Interesting reports that he tried to pack his lunch and wrote a check to his son, Christopher. Investigators found surveillance video of ayellow Jeep that supported their contention that Christopher traveled 232 miles from Rochester to the Porcoshouse the night of the attack, assaultedhis mother and father with an ax, and high-tailed it back to Rochester. In other words, Peter Porcos fleetingtransformation into a real-world ghost washaunting but not particularly mysterious. Seeing pics of her and him walking to the courtroom together after shes been fucked up by him and an ax is creepy. In a 2010 appellants brief to the New York State Court of Appeals, lawyer Terence Kindlon seemed to make some reasonable points in defense of Christopher. In this July 10, 2006 file photo, Christopher Porco, right, and his attorneys Terence Kindlon, left, and Laurie Shanks, center, are shown during his trial in the Orange County Courthouse in Goshen, N.Y. It's a strategic gamble, prosecutors said later, to soften the effect of her testifying for the defense if they didn't call her to the stand first. But other jurors did not smile, and their eyes remained fixed on the woman whose still-visible injuries they have heard about in graphic detail for the past month. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Then I finally quit breathing. Mrs. Porco still lives here and shes so nice. Before paramedics took her to the hospital, Detective Christopher Bowdish questioned her about the attacker. In November 2004, the unthinkable happened to Peter and Joan Porco. Lindsay was taken to South Shore Hospital in Weymouth with broken bones in her back and ribcage - these injuries have left her paralyzed below the waist. She said police never asked her about the incidents or for a description of the person. As a result of her poor eyesight, Shanks asked to read a series of e-mails to the jury that Joan had exchanged with her son in the 11 months preceding the attack. Defense Attorney Laurie Shanks questioned Roberts' assessment of Joan Porco because of her poor physical condition at the time due to her injuries from the attack. [11], Prior to the attack, there had been tension between Christopher Porco and his parents about money, including over loans Christopher had taken out to pay his tuition and to finance a new Jeep Wrangler. Shanks noted that Frank Porco's nickname with the mob was "The Fireman," which could have had something to do with the type of murder weapon found (an axe that he and his wife had dubbed a "fire axe"). Joan Porco could not communicate for a period of time after surgery because her jaw was wired shut and she was fed through a feeding tube. He needed another $30,000 once Rochester let him back in. [8], Christopher Porco told investigators that on the night of November 14, he retired to a dormitory lounge to sleep and awoke the following morning. Many jurors sat stone-faced as they listened to Joan Porco's testimony, which included anecdotes about her boys' childhoods that made some jurors laugh, along with Christopher. [21] Nine months later, she wrote a letter for publication in the Albany Times Union in which she urged authorities to leave Christopher alone and "to search for Peter's real killer or killers, so that he can rest in peace and my sons and I can live in safety. Strange functionality. Porco, 23, is charged with the Nov. 15, 2004, attack that killed his father, law clerk Peter Porco, 52, and left Joan with disfigurement and partial blindness. Christopher Porcos been in prison for 16 years: Heres what to know about the case, Union leaders say New York state workforce could see mass exodus, Vincent Riggi suit seeks $27.1 million from brother's estate, Tour of Utica-area restaurants feels like trip around the world, Glenville Police ID pedestrian struck and killed Wednesday, DEC finds 14-foot python in New York suburb, Churchill: Antonio Brown partnership is a massive risk, Samantha Humphrey case being treated as homicide, It's weekends in jail for ex-guard who sexually abused prisoner, Ex-teacher in Schenectady gets prison for exploiting student, was a crucial part of the prosecutions case, accused police of spreading vicious rumors. Build a custom email digest by following topics, people, and firms published on JD Supra. "What are you hiding. They found Joan in the blood-drenched bedroom, lying in bed and, remarkably, still alive. GOSHEN -- Less than two weeks before she and her husband were brutally attacked in their Delmar home, Joan Porco briefly lost her composure in an e-mail she wrote to her younger son, Christopher. Bethlehem Police soon focused their investigation on Christopher Porco, the younger of the couple's two sons, who was a student at the University of Rochester 230 miles away. She has been her son's staunchest supporter, accusing police of bungling the investigation and charging the wrong person. A key piece of evidence in the prosecutions case against Christopher Porco is that police and paramedics at the scene of the crime on Nov. 15, 2004 testified later that Joan Porco nodded `yes` when asked whether her son Christopher had attacked her. ALBANY, N.Y. (WRGB) - Friday marks 15 years since the infamous murder of a father and mutilation of a mother in Delmar by Christopher Porco, who attacked his parents with an axe. A familicide is a type of murder or murder-suicide in which one kills multiple close family members in quick succession, most often children, spouses, siblings, or parents. Joan Porco wrote to her son, who received the e-mail on his cellphone. Peter Porco was murdered with an ax on Nov. 15, 2004, and Joan Porco survived severe . Joan was lying in the bed with severe head and facial trauma. Four months later, on July 22, Joan Porco wrote to Christopher again as debt notices for him were received at the Porcos' Delmar home. The segment was expected to air on Thursday, Jan. 12. Surveillance cameras. Christopher Porco, now 39, is pictured here in a prison mugshot taken at state prison in November 2009. Of the 40 comments posted towriter Nellie AndreevasDeadline Hollywood reviewof the movie, more than a dozen came from readers who identified themselves as neighborsorclassmates of Christopher Porco and disputed the notion of hispopularity. But prosecutors said outside court they intend to call a telephone company official to the stand to refute the assertion that they had visited the house in September or that the line had been mysteriously cut then. She was lying in the couple's blood-drenched bed and had suffered severe head and facial trauma. He had re-enrolled there using forged transcripts from Hudson Valley college that showed he scored very high marks that spring. Police believe Christopher cut the hole in the window to make it look like a burglary. I avoid that task WITHOUT the excuse of a head injury. McDermott asked if she could recall anything about the attack, and about her last memory before waking up in a hospital after she'd spent several days in a coma. `There is no notation that ever indicated Joan Porco was given a mental status exam when she came to the emergency room,` Shanks said. "[22], Defense attorney Terence Kindlon emphasized that the Bethlehem Police Department had no physical evidence linking Christopher Porco to the attack on his parents. There was also a theory involving organized crime. [18], On December 12, 2006, Judge Jeffrey Berry sentenced Porco to 50years to life on each count, totaling a minimum of 50years in prison. Back home in Delmar, Joan and Peter Porco kept receiving notices from credit agencies indicating Christopher was not paying his bills, and a notice came from the school saying his tuition had not been paid. I changed my toddlers diaper, got in bed. Spotlight News states that Peter was extensively maimed and had a deep cut from his skull to his brain. On November 15, 2004, Peter Porco, a 52-year-old state Appellate Division court clerk, was found dead of massive head injuries in his home in Delmar, New York. They smiled and talked, looking every bit like a close-knit mother and son. Exclusive: Convicted murderer Christopher Porco sits down with John Gray to talk about new motion in case. 8:30 a.m. Jeep returned to campus. The current status is active. I suffered a major TBI some years ago after a major fall and spent a week in a coma, plus years regaining function. Photo taken of Joan Porco after the attack Photo Source: Times Union (website) The amount of forensic and circumstantial evidence was over whelming. Investigators theorized he wore scrubs from the veterinary office during the assault and then destroyed or hidthem. 01:18:45 - We hear almost daily about mothers and fathers killing their children, sometimes their entire family. Chris has a small group of peer supporters all female many younger- who seem to have had relationswith him. [4], During the course of their investigation, authorities determined that Porco had a history of anti-social behavior that included burglarizing his parents' home. He was able to remember the location of the spare key and made it back inside. Christopher is the youngest child and was 21 in 2004 when this happened. Eventually, Peter collapsed and died. I grew up in the small town of Delmar, NY and the guy was a clown., Josh: I live [in]Delmar and go to Bethlehem High School [and] teachers who had him said he was insane. Joan lost her left eye, a portion of her skull and was disfigured. No fingerprints were recovered from the ax (which had previously been stored in the Porco's garage) found at the scene of the crime. However, an extensive amount of blood was strewn across the home including the walls and doorways. He walked into the kitchen, packed a lunch, signed a cheque to cover his sons parking tickets and attempted to unload the dishwasher. She maintained that while Christophers financial misdeeds angered her and Peter, theyall loved one another and wanted to workon their relationship. In the message, Joan and Peter complained to their son, "You just left and (we) can't believe (our) eyes as I look at your interim grade report. "[10] Porco earned readmission to the University of Rochester with a forged transcript from Hudson Valley Community College. Bowdish has maintained that when he asked her whether it had been her older son Johnathan, a Naval officer stationed in South Carolina, she shook her head to indicate "no". He was away at college, and had broken off contact with his family at a time when he was flunking out of school, drowning in debt and becoming exposed for a series of lies he'd told his parents. One, an unhappy litigant in a custody case, had vowed revenge against Peter. In December 2005, Joan Porco, badly disfigured and suffering from brain damage, gave a videotaped deposition, saying she had no memory of the attack and believed her son was innocent. A ShowboatingAx Murderer Joan Porco's alleged identification of her son Christopher may explain why Bethlehem Police pursued her son soon after the incident, rather than conducting a broader investigation of potential suspects. He told an investment professional he was coming into some money, investigators discovered. When I woke up finally from the coma, I did not understand that just because I thought something didnt mean the nurses could hear me. At one point, Peter locked himself out of his home while grabbing the newspaper (per All That's Interesting). His wife Joan Porco (ne Balzano), a children's speech pathologist, was discovered lying in the couple's blood-drenched bed with severe head trauma; she survived with loss of one eye and part of her skull, and severe facial disfigurement. "Get your head out of the clouds and pay your bills.". Apparently, I told my kids we should go take a nap together. We can take the truth," she wrote. "Peter and Joan Porco are found after being bludgeoned with an axe as they sleep, Peter Porco was discovered dead from massive blunt head trauma at his front door. . I took them upstairs. It's crazy a huge amount of crimes against other people don't be strangers but your own family. Porco, who was convicted of murdering his father and maiming his mother with an ax 16 years ago. On November 15, 2004, Peter Porco, a 52-year-old state Appellate Division court clerk, was found dead of massive head injuries in his home in Delmar, New York. In 2006, Christopher Porco of Bethlehem, New York was convicted of murdering his father with a fireman's axe and attempting to murder his mother in the same manner. Despite the shrill tone of many of the e-mails, Joan Porco said she and her husband, who died from his injuries, believed they would be able to straighten out the issues once Christopher came home and talked to them. In 2006, the Porco case was the subject of an hourlong episode of CBS's 48 Hours. [17], On the morning of August 10, 2006, the jury began deliberations. Both parents wrote emails to Christopher discussing their concerns. As promised, McDermott's questioning lasted only a few minutes. WTEN anchor John Gray recently interviewed Porco in prison. During the. Joan Porco Identified Killer Then Recanted - YouTube 0:00 / 30:26 #survived #solved SOLVED? Update: Read Part 2of the Christopher Porco story. Joan would lose her left eye and a portion of her skull. At the sentencing, Orange County Judge Jeffrey G. Berry cast aside Porcos request for leniency and also his plea for police to find the real killers, telling Porco he had violated one of lifes most sacred bondsby attacking his parents with an ax as they slept in the bedroom of their suburban home.