With the increased Cult presence I don't know if we'd make it. You will have to reach the top, look for the blue ropes, those your path to go ahead. Once again use the grapple to reach on top, and then you will get another one over the broken bridge. Head to the McClean Residence, which can be found just after you cross the bridge from Dutch's Island to Faith's Region. Sorry, Eli, but I have to think about what's best for my family. Look for a small brown shed outside of the cabin and the note is found there. You can obtain various perk points in Far Cry 5 by collecting collectibles. The Whitetail Militia is a Resistance faction in Far Cry 5. Reach the corpse that lies next to the crashed car near Ozhigwan Falls. This guide follows after our Henbane River walkthrough, liberating the region and defeating Faith. The first one is on the north side on a peak. Find the bunker: The bunker entrance is in the shelter at the back of the house. Swim up and return to the camp. Not sure what attacked us. In the room you will find two more enemies, kill them and keep moving forward. For more tips and updates on the game, you can read our Far Cry 5 Wiki guide. Look for a small guardhouse and the note is found below the sign that says "INFORMATION". Look for the control room, where you will talk to Eli for the first time and the note is found near one of the security TVs. Where to find Far Cry 5's special vehicles | PC Gamer For your next lighter, head down a way from Rae-Raes Pumpkin Farm. Two are near the high wall, one up on the balcony and another one at the higher level. When the mission starts with a cut scene, you will find yourself in his trap. Destroy the padlock (use any weapon), go inside the bunker and use the kitchen card to open the door to the treasure room. Then put a dead body in the feeding trough that is inside the cage to lure a judge. We also went out into the woods to do some backpacking and camping out in the wilderness. Whitetail Park Visitor Center is your next stop, and youll also be passing this way during a main storyline mission. Find the box with a Prepper's Note. Eliminate all cultists to complete the mission. We will resist, until we are free from tyranny. This region is mainly used for training of the cult . It is important to follow these steps when checking if an animal is good for conversion. One of the easiest lighters to find is at Rae-Raes Pumpkin Farm, as youll probably head here early in the game. Jacob will be positioned on top of the mountain with a sniper rifle, so use as much cover you can as you climb up to reach him. Climb to the lower roof and then walk through the opened shutter. If the injuries are relatively minor then treat with an antiseptic and continue to step 2. Find the box with a Prepper's Note. The lockbox is on the backside of the crashed car below. As you build your resistance meter in the Whitetail Mountains, you will encounter Jacob Seed. I have waited months to complete this game because of that . Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Wolf's Den. After gaining enough resistance points, you will hear the voice of Jacob on the radio, and you will be passed out. If the wounds are severe or could cause infection then the animal must be destroyed. 2006-2023 PlayStation Universe, All Rights Reserved. Once you liberate the camp and rescue all hostages, head ahead to a new location marked as a waypoint. Reward: 1973 Pygmalion SSR. The note is found outside the tent beside the trailer. Active (Far Cry 5) The McClean Residence can be found not far from the coast near to Dutchs Island. Collect all 12 and youll get the code to Wendells secret arsenal and who doesnt want a little extra firepower? Reach the cliff and use the Grappling Hook on the first interaction point. In the corridor, four enemies wait for you, followed by a room with a wolfs head where the last enemy is. Go north and reach the vantage point. You must reach a plane's wreckage that was shot down by cultists. Whitetail Mountains is one of the three large locations to explore in the game world. Remain in the bunker until the emergency is over. Kill and bring the supplies back to Wheaty in Wolfs Den. Kill them and find the second corpse on the stone ledge. One of the Far Cry 5 Vietnam Lighters in John's Region is in a bunker near Rae-Rae Pumpkin Farm. Center. The note is found at the very end of the ledge. Once again you have to fight with a few cultists in the area. Far Cry 5 guide: all Vietnam Lighter locations | AllGamers Look for the garage and a workbench. After you have slid down the tunnel, take the new gun on the table and kill the person heading towards you from the doorway. fly there in a helicopter if you don't want to lose too much time. The bunker door requires a key. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Whitetail Mountains are ruled by Jacob Seed, who is the brother of Joseph Seed. Hide somewhere, and wait for the judge to enter the cage. I tried to get it loose, but every time I touch the controls it just digs a deeper hole. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Watch out for the sniper on top of the tower. Next, go on the top floor and on the east side you will find a guard. Head northwest of the house to find a bunker. We have polluted our minds by letting the pathetic sycophants that run our government support those that can't help themselves. Take out the enemies without alerting anyone else and rescue the hostages. Get inside through the window. There are two guards on the top. After planting both of the bombs you get 15seconds time to escape. Get into the hangar and hit the red switch to open the door. It's been two days and still no sign of Howie. You don't have to find all these things on your first visit in this area. Once again there will be a grapple point, climb further up and use the grapple point on the broken bridge to swing to the other side. Rifle ammunition 4 skids, 12 boxes each skids. There will be a helicopter also, after dealing with the enemies you will find Ted. The key is on the floor. Let me know when the truck is here to pick it up and I'll unlock it for you. Reach Fort Drubman that can be located on the North side of this region on the map. To get to Jacob Seed you need to get 13000 resistance points. Get to the area where they are looking at and the note is found on one of the wooden shelves to the right. Go down towards a locked door with Sacrifice written over it. Cult members will then swarm and attack your position; you can add the support of Cheeseburger to attack the enemies. There will be four enemies as you come out of the room. The note is found on a red door. Center. Check out the shed, and enter another bunker through the hatch to find the lighter. Look on the east side of Baron Lumber Mill in the region and find Sarah Perkins to talk to her. We'll try to get to a hospital in the morning. I mean, who would come after a bunch of conservationists? So they turned to Prosperity to arm themselfs. Moving forward, you will get the option to pick up a rifle. Run to a safe distance and watch the explosion to complete the mission. This is one of the prepper stashes available in Whitetail Mountains. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in McNeill Residence. You can contact him by email if you need to know exactly how to leave his lawn. When you wake up you find yourself on top of the truck Pratt was talking about, also finishing this mission. I'll be out there, fishing in the peace, until I can't no more. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in F.A.N.G. The note is on the wall, the waypoint will appear on the right end. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You have to fight them as you come out. Once you have rid yourself of the shackes of your old life then you can open your heart to the Father's voice. When you reach back into Fort Drubman, talk to Hurk Sr. to end the mission. The treasure is inside of the locked metal chest. Close the gate to trap the judge, and head over to talk to Sarah Perkins. After taking that, you have to return to the house down. With having the truck destroyed the jammer gets destroyed with it too. While the Canis Lupis seems to be the best candidate for augmentation, I suggest testing our formula on other species to see if we can't get a similar result. You have to keep fighting unless all are gone. This is one of the prepper stashes in Whitetail Mountains. Here is my short list of potential candidates: The nearby FANG Center has a tamed bear we could use if we can get our hands on it. This site uses cookies to provide enhanced features and functionality. We were attacked last night by something. You will find your 14th magazine on a bench there. I've got a feeling that today is going to be the day that I come face to face with the squatch itself! Find Kyle's key presented in the picture and use it to open the chest. The note is on the workbench. Its the only island in the Lake, once you get there go to the old wooden house, inside on the shelf you will find the fourth magazine. Found during the mission "Casualties of War". You have to enter the hangar. Youll find the lighter on the floor. This guide follows after our Henbane River walkthrough, liberating the region and defeating Faith. Mobile versions of this guide will be available for download as soon as WWW version is ready. When you have gained enough resistance points, Jacob will send his hunters to get you. Background The Whitetails were once a small group of militiamen dedicated to protecting the Whitetail Mountains against any form of tyranny. In the cut scene he will push you from a balcony and black out. Examine the area west from Wolf's Den to start this treasure hunting mission. AndreasV you absolute legend. By using the site, you are consenting to this. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. advertisement The Whitetail Mountains is the Northern region of Hope County, and the cultists here answer to Jacob Seed. We found Cheeseburger as a young cub in the dumpster behind a local restaurant. Sarah Perkins will tell you to visit Breakthrough Camp to study the judges. This concludes our walkthrough for the Whitetail Mountains region of Far Cry 5. Follow the next waypoint, and you will reach a door that will lead you to Deputy Pratt. There will also be a sniper rifle that you can use to destroy beacons from a distance. You'll start searching for these following the mission called What They Carried, or when you accidentally stumble across a lighter. Eli, one of those Whitetail Militia, came by last night. One of the easiest lighters to find is at Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm, as you'll probably head here early in the game. a lot of money and 3 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point). It is one of the prepper stashes located in the Whitetail Mountains. | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Dumpster Diving | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Fire in the Hole | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Gone Squatchin' | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, Hangar Pains | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, High Tension | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Long Range Lockpick | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Man Cave | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Mayday | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, O'Hara's Haunted House | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Overwatch | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, Playing with Fire | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Pooper Scooper | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, Salvage Rites | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, Shipwreck | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, Side Effects | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, Swingers | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash, Sunken Funds | Dutch's Island | Prepper Stash, The Angel's Grave | Henbane River | Prepper Stash, The Holdouts | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, Unwelcome Guest | Whitetail Mountains | Prepper Stash, Vespiary | Holland Valley | Prepper Stash. There will be judges who will attack so keep an eye around. Swim through the sunken hall ahead of you, turning left and coming up out of the water in the dredges central hold. Look for a crashed car and near the dead body, you will get the note. Take the key. Check the shelf where you can see a yellow medkit and grab the collectible. Location: The sixth magazine is on the east of Cedar Lake, on top of a hill, inside a cave where you will find a couple dancing. Location: North of Clagett bay after you across the road, theres a base camp with a tree lookout, climb up the ladder and you will find your 18th perk magazine. If the wolf shows no aggressive traits then they should be destroyed. Shipwreck - Far Cry 5 Wiki Guide - IGN Once you are there, under the chair you will find the eight magazine. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in F.A.N.G. Eli will next tell you to go to Hawkeye Tunnel to rescue more hostages. Well, now's your time to give it to the man and put one of our own in power! Read the notes, then head inside to find the lighter on the shelf. Following the cut scene after you get control, there is a similar game play as We Must Be Strong mission. STUCK IN JACOB'S ONLY YOU MISSION BUNKER, GAME BROKEN :: Far Cry 5 It is not like that you swim down and instantly got in the house, you have to swim a bit to see the stairs. There is in a box front of the house at Elliot Residence south of F.A.N.G. Take a left from the dead body then a right through the door to the end where you will find the 19th magazine on a bed. Jump and quickly use a parachute. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I might not be good with a gun, but I can help Eli and his Whitetails another way. Location: Found in Whitetail Mountains in Elk Jaw Lodge. You need to get inside and take the map on the table next to a comic book. You need to approach with stealth as the enemy can kill the hostages. H. McCalkin - For someone who was supposed to join the 3rd marines, she sure didn't last long in the trials. In the end, you will reach the Lookout Point. The Whitetail Mountains is the Northern region of Hope County, and the cultists here answer to Jacob Seed. Stop by the new window shutter, go through it to get back on the roof and take an interest in the neighboring opened window from screenshot 2. That place is near, e.g. Inside, you can find, e.g. One the left of the door you will find the note. I'm taking my family and we're leaving tonight. Inside youve find the lighter on a chair and also a perk magazine for your efforts. Travel to the Fillmore Residence, East of Fall's End. I had a summer job as a counsellor at a nearby camp. N. Khavari - Completed the second trial but executed trying to escape the compound. As you open the door there will be a cut scene. Below we have detailed all story missions that you need to complete in the Whitetail Mountains region of Far Cry 5 in order to take out Jacob. a lot of money, ammo and 4 perk books (each one of them gives you 1 perk point). Go inside and find the lighter on the bed. Required Gear: NoneThis stash can be found in a bunker on the island to the west of the railway bridge connecting the Whitetail Mountains to the Henbane River. Below the bridge you will find a sewer pipe, go inside and walk to the end you will find the magazine on the floor. There is another note with the same content below the cabin, on a small shed near the lake. To begin the mission, talk to Hurk Jr. who will assist you in the mission and take you to the location in his car. It can be found north from the mission's starting point. Go to the back of the large house and get to the place from screenshot 1. The note is found on the room of the tower next to 2 piles of garbage bags. I heard it! The first one to destroy is on the right as you come out. Let's start off with the lighters in John's Region. Look for the cabins inside this area and the notes are found on the counter of each of these cabins. Now that you have all 12 lighters, you have the code needed to open Wendells secret cache. If they are too young or too old then they must be destroyed. You can contact him. How to find every Mars, Vietnam and Zombie Comic Book in Far Cry 5. In the quest you need to be in stealth mode at all times and rescue four hostages. Your email address will not be published. Location: On the south west region of Cedar Lake on top of the mountain, behind a sign board you will find the fifth magazine. Go outside. Due south of the F.A.N.G Centre you'll discover the Elliot Residence. Swim from below and you can enter inside. Helicopter A1 "Archangel" Follow the Moccasin River to Silver Lake, Helicopter B5 "Messenger" Patrol the main road, escort any prisoner trucks, Helicopter D2 "Holy Sword" Escort any Bliss shipments coming up from the south, Report any contact with Whitetail Militia immediately. He was brought to the FANG Center where he was bottle fed and nurtured back to health. Go back to the place where you have started your investigation. The note is on the table below the flag. At Rae-Rae's Pumpkin Farm, there's a hidden bunker. Simply climb down and pull the door shut. Check the shelf to grab the lighter. When he is done, use the zip line following Hurk to the next area. The first Chosen will be on the porch on the east of the building, and second will be inside armed with a bow. Find a Prepper's Note box from which you can get the information about treasure' location. The bunker is below the water, swim down, and then swim up to reach the other side. Head west. Whitetails gotta watch each others backs. If you're caught wanting, feel free to take what you need. Look for a lake, at the lake near a tent you will find the magazine. Go inside the trailer. Reach Frank's Cabin located in the south-west corner of Whitetail Mountains. This is one of the prepper stashes available in Whitetail Mountains. You can do that by using your own helicopter and landing it on the hangar. Simply, open the hatch and grab the lighter from the chair. Go inside the mini convenience store and the note is found near the green door. Kill him and play the deprogramming tape. 1) Injuries Check the animal for any visible open wounds or signs of distress. The note is located on the island, look for military cabinet near a shed. I miss being a SAR as much as you do but Joseph is the wrong person to take orders from. Maybe your brother, or mother? Howard's Hill | Far Cry Wiki | Fandom "2.save" is a backup savegame the game creates itself. The mission completes after the cut scene where Jacob dies and you take away his bunker keys. Check out our Prepper Stash guides.