Try not to tell both of your truths first and then the lie because that makes it easier to guess (see below for some more game strategies). This list is geared toward the nonsecular holidays. 9. Two Truths and a Lie is a fun group-based game you can play at parties or use as ice breakers. Your truths and lie statements can be very basic. Age: 9 to adult. I left a rubber snake halfway out of the toilet at my best friends place, and waited outside the building as she called the city exterminators to deal with the problem. For the last three years, I have never dated anyone. Whatever the case, Two Truths and a Lie is a unique game that's useful for getting to know other peopleand for seeing how good you are at lying! ), 99. What Makes Two Truths And A Lie A Perfect Party Game? 3. During my college time, I run from the live presentation because I was terrified. I am unable to swim underwater without pinching my nose , 88. 15. When your goal is to initiate the conversation and make a stronger connection, such ideas and examples are good choices. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. Examples: #1 "My uncle studies beetles and named one after me." #2 "Over seven summers in high school and college, my father and I hiked the entire Appalachian Trail." #3 "Two summers ago my family took our vacation to Ohio for a family reunion. I had read around twenty articles about dating before going on my first date. There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. 6. I graduated at the top of my class in college. 78. I speak Spanish (or another language). You can also award a point to the good liars who managed to deceive everyone! When you dont have any friends around but are interested in playing this fun game with someone online, be sure to make it exciting, overall. To be honest, Im a thief. 7. as an Asperger this was ultimately helpful, thanks! 10. But separating everyone in a group can make the game much more enjoyable. If you want to play this game at your office party or during free time, then check out the following list. Open this template to view a detailed example of a 2 truths and a lie that you can customize to your use case. 146. 51. When I was young, my baby dolls eye popped out. Ive become vegetarian to attend the new church I like. During the travel, I was mistakenly taken as a terrorist and spent a night in prison. 5. I loved using this game in language classrooms in my former career. I once wrote a play about hard-boiled eggs. I've been arrested but never put in jail. In the workplace, sometimes I listen to Justin Beibers songs. 6. 9. I dream of driving a monster truck across my old schools front lawn. . I was my schools spelling bee champion. Take turns and ensure each person gets a chance to tell two truths and a lie about themselves. When it is your turn, tell the group two things about yourself that are true and one thing that is untrue (this is your lie). Ask questions; get answers. Every time I go on travel I stay at five-star hotels. Likes and Dislikes I hide in the basement anytime when our uncles visit home. I dont like seeing or talking about blood. Its for this reason that, long statements are more likely to be true. 94. I can hold my breath underwater for 1 minute. Well, I have tried every position with you in my fantasies. 12. Ive decorated and designed my entire house, by myself. I hate cleaning so much that I hide stuff when people come over. 99 Two Truths and a Lie Game Examples and Ideas, 43 Romantic Date Night Ideas for Married Couples at Home or Outside, 325 Personal Questions to Ask a Guy to Start a Deep Conversation. 10. Ive never gotten ice cream from a truck before. What is something unique you own that your family hasnt seen? It's one of the most popular ice breaker games that works well with people you know well and people you hardly know. I phoned my boss, pretending to be a mental healthcare worker, and I told him that I had been put on mandatory suicide watch for 24 hours so I could go watch the Super Bowl. If youve never played this game before, then adding it to your bucket list is a must. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. The other members then try to guess which statement is the lie. Sometimes it's hard to keep coming up with ideas if you play this game for a while. When youre chatting on a dating site (like hinge or bumble) or talking to your crush, you need some flirty topics to discuss. In the last three years, I have at least changed four jobs. 8. 18. I always check my horoscope before going for an interview. 10. I have paid off all my college loans. Games you can play in the car or at family get-togethers are the best, and two truths and a lie definitely fits the bill. Which one do you think is the lie? I was promoted twice at work last year. 31. When the meeting happens, it is natural to want to jump straight to the main topic. I share(d) a room with my brother or sister. I have read every book in a multi-book series. 13. For those who have never played, its a game where you make three believable statements, one of which is a lie. 58. I get up before 6:00 am to practice my sport. Everyone in the group has an opportunity to try to guess which statement was the lie. I won the state-level chess championship. I used to be deathly afraid of elevators. 13. Also known as Two Truths, One Lie or Two Truths and One Not, it is ideal for 10 to 15 people. I accidentally drove into my friends living room one evening. Even though I work in the sales field, I am more passionate about accounting. I have a selfie with Taylor Swift on my phone. 28. 9. I love working out. The sand kicks up and bellows like a pale wave, almost annilating you. 5. This can be a load of fun, depending on how straight you can keep your face. I have been stalking you on social media for the last two months. Dont over-explain your lie. ), 60. My favorite type of date is one that is unplanned. 19. What is your favorite subject in school? In this post, we are going to share the ultimate list of the best ideas and examples of truths and lies statements depending on who you are playing with. 1. Plus, you can use such perfect statements as. Im a ____________ (MMA fighter, team mascot, pilot, or any other fun job). You are the first person that I have matched on tinder. They all have to look similar, though. I still own a huge collection of Beanie Babies. 43. Last time, I stole something from the hotel, which is toilet paper. As its name suggests, an icebreaker helps break the ice and creates positive energy before beginning a team activity. How many siblings do you have and how many of each? I once ate a week-old hamburger as a student at college. It is very important that everyone can participate in the session. I struggle to drive because of my fear of getting a speeding ticket. I am addicted to Lady Gagas styles and dresses. I attended a foreign school in high school. 6. Check out these simple tips to trick your friends, family, and classmates. 16. To help you prepare for a 2 truths and a lie game, consider these example facts: I speak three languages. After some guessing, the player reveals which one it is. "Two Truths and a Lie" is a fun game to play at the beginning, when the group members are all just meeting each other. I own something special (a ring, book, etc.) For example, don't say, "I can speak . I had an imaginary friend when I was seven years old. When I was younger, I wanted to be a famous singer (rockstar, actor, etc.). ), 135. So fun any day! Im into multiple dating and also have a profile on tinder and hinge. I have seen a whale in the ocean (or dolphin, shark, etc.). 16. Keep rearranging your truths and a lie. Of course, the wilder statements may be best left for a game of two truths and a lie with your closest friends instead of your soon-to-be-shocked colleagues. I was part of a semi-professional Counter-Strike team . 52. A good lie is one that's ultimately believable: it'll sound like something you might've done or might want to do (but haven't actually done). I dont have any cousins. In the morning, I work out at home for almost two hours. Make it funny and entertaining by choosing wacky and random examples. Photo by cnicbc from Getty Images Signature; Canva. Like from the above list of two truths and a lie ideas and examples, you can see that there arent any long sentences. A few years ago, I fainted on Halloween and was taken to the hospital. What's a completely new activity that you have started (or want to do)? My favorite flavor of ice cream is __________ (mint, vanilla, cookie dough, etc. This statement is just plausible enough to make people doubt whether you're telling the truth or not. 9. That makes the game more entertaining and competitive. To play, one person writes down three statements about him/herself. 14. When playing the two truths and a lie game, you should use categories to help players decide on statements and keep similar statements grouped together. I learned to drive a car from no one else, but my mom. 40. 20. In this example, I made my lie a little boring and the truths a little unbelievable. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 147. Pick a few or use them for inspiration as you make your own! I calculate all the energy intake of my meals, 66. 15. These types of personal facts allow you to express some of your favorite aspects of your historyjust don . I'm a Dungeon & Dragon Game Master . Once I won the competition for tying a maximum tie in a min. Sometimes you can through in a ridiculous-sounding truth to confuse . Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. The home alone scene happened to me in real life. And, the same goes for formal interactions at work. 22. Additionally, such statements need to be complicated and probably private that no one but the person himself knows. 81. 22. To play, everyone sits or stands in a circle. 9. 6. My great grandfather was a fighter pilot in World War 2. My biological dad disappeared while spying for the army in the Vietnam War. 4. But did you know that starting that meeting with a 5-15 minute icebreaker will help you build psychological safety within the team? 9. Plus, you can use such perfect statements as clever tinder bio lines for girls to leave better impressions. that has been passed down in my family. I always arrive at work without taking a bath. If you are really devious and a skilled liar and manipulator, you would use your position in your company to create a false bias to win votes and keep people guessing about what is true and what is not. Even today, I watch cartoons after returning home from the office. 11. 8. I have hurt myself while being distracted on my phone. 12. I pretend to love other peoples pets, but I hate them. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. 20. 50 great examples for Two Truths and a Lie Experiences I've been in a hot air balloon I've flown in the cockpit of a plane I've played soccer with Manchester United I've been in a submarine I've climbed Kilimanjaro I've never been abroad I've not tasted champagne I've never played in the snow I was in a commercial/have been on TV The other players need to figure out which statement is the lie. 15. Read next:21 Things To Do Alone In Your Room On Weekend. Its not about debating anyone's assumptions, but it is instead about quickly choosing what the lie is. 57. I have an elder sister who is ten years older than me. I have never played the two truths and a lie before. 129. Before marriage, I went to visit Bangkok secretly. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a hockey player. Your clean shaved beard is actually what makes me attracted to you. My sister has tattooed our family name on her neck. He aims to deliver practical guides to 20-somethings who feel stuck in life, career, and relationship. As a child, I dreamed of becoming an influencer, 13. 86. I have a boat license but unfortunately, I also get seasick . This game can be used in many scenarios ranging from a fun party game for young adults to a kids game or a learning tool employed by teachers in the classroom. Another great conversation starter is to talk about your favorite and worst sports. I keep calling the local bar to ask if they know when its happy hourthey get very unhappy after the 10th call. Thank you! 2 Once you've made sure everyone has come up with their two truths and one lie, invite a random participant to reveal their three statements. 24. I have given a speech to the college from where I dropped out. Two Truths and a Lie: 35 Good Lies for Tricking Others. When you were a child, what did you want to become when you grew up? H ighly recommended for getting to know each other in a new group. . Check out these free coupons! This game is also called Two Truths, One Lie or Two Truths and One Not. I am an orphan, so I dont attend family gatherings. A good lie is one that's ultimately believable: it'll sound like something you might've done or might want to do (but haven't actually done). Get ideas for what to say while playing Two Truths and a Lie! If I could, I would wear pajamas as day clothes every day. 5. While talking over the phone, I run into a poll, and someone filmed that. For information on how to play the game, check out the rules below the examples. I can blow a gigantic bubble of bubble gum. Murdaugh, 54, faces the possibility of life in prison after being found guilty of two counts of murder and other charges related to the shooting deaths of Maggie Murdaugh, 52, and her son Paul, 22 . Have you witnessed anything extraordinary? 20. 3. 18. I've traveled to over 30 countries. Im the only one with the highest degree in my family. Mix up the order of your lie and your truths. At 4, I decided I was a hairdresser and cut my little sister's hair. 19. I heard about this game in my English lesson. That would be great fun if you could trick everyone with your expressions. 20. I was adopted when I was eight years old. Instead of two true statements and a lie, each person says two true statements and a dream or wish - something that is not true but the player wishes it was. 17. Your second truth can be a common statement. Below are some examples of truths or lies if you're already familiar with the game and just need to get some ideas. I dream of being in the professional league (NFL, NBA, WNBA, etc.). 18. Read next:68 Welcome Messages For New Employees. Doing this for a English class and this gave me a lot of useful ideas from high school and other things also. I prefer having my cereal without milk. There are hundreds of drills you can effectively practice with your team. I'm a die-hard Battlestar Galactica fan. And how do you play? Introduction to the Agile Retrospective: the Why, the What, and the How, Top 100 Icebreaker Questions for your next meeting, The Complete Guide to Run a Remote Retrospective, Foster psychological safety in your retrospectives with these 4 tips. 48. Each of us has a range of experiences we have had during our lives, and most people dont know that weve collected these memories. 37. i love tomatos i love cheese i love chocolate, Gratitude this is so helpful and I am playing this game with my frnds, This is very good I have tried some with my friends they were so embarrassed but it all fun. 22. 20. Im a masculine guy whose favorite color is not blue, but orange. I never had a toy as a child because we were too poor. 3. Read next:10 Things To Do With Cousin At Home When Bored. When I was fourteen, I started my first company. I dont have a tv in my living room/family room. 3. I gave my voice to one of the Disney movies. My favorite place in the world is New York City. 'Breaking Points' Saagar Enjeti breaks down how the lab leak coverup compares to the lies surrounding the WMD's in Iraq. When I was little, I dreamed that I was flying, and I woke up and found myself floating under the ceiling. Sea turtles are big, and when you're lying on the beach, careless, that's when they attack. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. All content on Healthy Happy Impactful is for educational and informational purposes only. I know how to play the clarinet (or any other instrument), 36. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Read next:How Much Do You Love Me? Then, you can continue sharing in a circle, or let the person who guessed correctly go next. Find other great icebreaker questions HERE >>, 74. 73. I havent felt romantic feelings, not even once? I have a collection of over 1,200 Pokemon cards (or other types of cards), 43. Two of them must be facts about yourself, or truths, and the third should be a believable lie. My girlfriend proposed to me at the Paris Eiffel Tower. 22. All rights reserved. What do you love doing at school/work that your immediate family doesnt know about. As a child, I was terrified of dogs (or other animals) , 10. 120. 13. 4. 23. I did not need to take out a student loan. Play at home, in the classroom, or as the perfect ice breaker at work or church. My first childhood poem was published in an award-winning book. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. With the Neatro team, we offer an exciting remote retrospective experience that draws all its strengths from our fun and accessible remote work mode. Read next:54 Best Bumble Bios for Girls for Quality Matches. Me and mom are the only left-handed in our family. You can adjust these statements to better reflect your life, your experiences, and more effectively manipulate the other players. Check out35 Best Online Games to Play with Friends25 Best Browser Games20 Drinking Games26 Classic Online Board Games25 Best Board Games for Adults12 Zoom Games for Kids. In my life, I have never been to KFC ever. Do not hesitate to use an extraordinary truth to camouflage it as a lie. Even further you can use such statements and confessions to. I am a great-great grandniece/grandnephew of Abraham Lincoln. Below are some examples of truths or lies if you're already familiar with the game and just need to get some ideas. Making outrageous claims as your wishes or dreams can really have people do a double take and consider what they know about you. 21. 76. My sister is afraid of heights, so she always wanted the bottom bunk bed when we were kids. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? After guessing all of the lies, have the group share the best two truths and a lie with the rest of the class. On Bumble, Im actually searching for friends, not a relationship or a date. 74. If the person guesses correctly, they get one point, if not, the other team gets an equal point. If you do this, chances are that your friends will suspect the outrageous fact is the lie. I was ranked 1st on my tennis team (or any other ranking from another sport), 25. Whichever way you paint it, two truths and a lie is a fun game to play, and it brings out your inner creativity as you think up the most plausible lies imaginable. Moreover, you can play as individual players no matter how many people are there. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. You can also wow people with some little-known facts about your family. Do you have any special talents that people don't know about? I love playing basketball. After youre finished, everyone should guess which statement they think you made up. I was the first person in my family to go to college. I went to circus school when I was young , 24. 65. An example could be: Next, share your three statements. I love to play practical jokes on people. I would rather be a standup comedian than work here. 14. Ive fostered 10 kittens in the last 2 years. My __________ (grandmother, uncle, etc.) Doing any of these is also great in the classroom when you are working on specific vocabulary! Tell your partner three things about yourself . 4. We'll kick. Me and my sis love this game! One direction is still my favorite band. Playing a great social game like Two Truths and a Lie is an ideal opportunity to discover more about people, see their devious side and show yours. 22. Consider these questions when you are playing with people you know well, Related Post: The Best 21 Questions Game (Great for family night!). 6. One of my cousins is a movie star , 5. The lie is that I have a brother and a sister. If so, then dont forget to share this list of the best two truths and a lie ideas and examples with your connection. Im officially the winner of the watermelon eating competition. A lie that's too farfetched will clearly sound fake, so try to think of lies that are similar to truths to make them as plausible-sounding as possible. The goal of the game is for everybody to pick out which of the statements is the lie. Ive never had a cavity before. Start your 30-day free trial. It was love at first sight when I saw you in school. Once every player has a team or group, its time to start the game. I have a birthmark that looks like something (an animal, cloud, star, etc.). , 15. Such are some nice statements or confessions that might trick everyone. Want to give it a shot? My dad let our dog bite me as a kid so I am terrified of dogs now. 21. I can easily eat an entire double-size pizza all by myself. No credit card required. This is a fun game and everything is fair when there is fun involved in there. Are there any things you wish were true about yourself but aren't? Are you known for something like sports that would make it not seem obvious that you liked something else like poetry? I got a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. I almost saved myself from being caught by the police by running hard. Two Truths And A Lie can be played with a group of people as an icebreaker activity. - Learn more about your team members. 87. 11. 14. You can paint yourself as the warrior or the villain, and see which version your friends believe. The College Entrance Examination BoardTM does not endorse, nor is it affiliated in any way with the owner or any content of this site. 2. I love the smell of chili (pie, etc. I regularly publish heroic fantasy news, 57. I can eat tomatoes catch up with anything and everything. Congratulations! 145. Your friends will assume that the two wild statements can't both be true and pick one of them as a lie. 50. Sometimes, though, its essential to play a game or do an activity that involves everyone. If you think you have it down, go out and play with your friends! There is no doubt you want to set the date, but if you want to make your dating profile more interesting, add something unique to it. I have invested in many cryptocurrencies , 33. A List of the Best Two Truths and a Lie Examples. During one date, a girl fainted and then I was sued by her parents. easyguyevo from Barbados on October 31, 2016: I enjoy playing this game with my spouse. 5. A dedicated, inspiring and mindful blog for 20s, By 20s. My favorite subject is Math (reading, art, etc.). 10. I cant be with more than four people. Also, you can put the written 2 truths and a lie into a hat and try to guess which person in the group wrote the statements before guessing the lie. 19. My mother has worked for the same company for 30 years. 29. One month, I eat strictly vegan and the next, I eat everything non-veg. Because there are more is coming for you. I always check for sushi at the restaurant before ordering anything else. I can do a magic trick that you wont be able to figure out. 101. I'm colorblind. Regaling people with funny pranks youve pulled can be entertaining and may also challenge their belief of what you tell them. 68. What Is The Game of Two Truths and a Lie? I can sleep anywhere, and with my eyes open. In the playground, I was by far the best at bungee jumping, 14. If you're game to try something else that requires a little bit of writing or drawing, don't worrywe have you covered. Thats because competition is what makes the whole thing fun. I took ballet lessons last year to try to become more graceful. You know very little about your colleagues, and bonding at the company retreat can be equally challenging unless you find a great way to have fun, get to know each other and josh while youre at it. I always sleep with the lamps on because Im afraid of the dark. The harder it is to predict, the funnier the game will be. Have students say their names first (so that others can associate a name with the details). Every four years, I change my place and keep moving. 1. I once asked for a McBurger at Dominos. I have been a top student in my high school every year. With my group of friends, we play board games every weekend! 24. hbspt.cta.load(360031, '4efd5fbd-40d7-4b12-8674-6c4f312edd05', {}); Have any questions about this article or other topics? I broke my arm while playing beach volleyball. Im lactose intolerant, so my mom kept a pet goat to nurse me as a baby. I once ate an entire medium pizza by myself. Good Two Truths and a Lie examples and ideas about your childhood/family 1. I was in a commercial when I was little. I don't sleep more than 6 hours a night. And if youre jazzed, keeping reading about more great bucket list ideas for Spring. Funny Answers. I have over 100k followers on Instagram. Resort to mind games. I go to yoga class with my mom once a week. interesting and funny most likely to- Questions list, Not-so Chessy But Funny Tinder Pick up Lines for Guys, 10 Things To Do With Cousin At Home When Bored, Best Bumble Prompt Answers For Girls (Perfect Responses), Best Hinge Profile Ideas for Guys and Girls, 68 Good Bumble Bios for Guys To Get Inspired, 54 Best Bumble Bios for Girls for Quality Matches, what to talk about with your tinder match, First Questions To Ask On Bumble After Matched, Tinder Pick Up Lines For Girls To Use On Guys, 21 Things To Do Alone In Your Room On Weekend, Relax, When You Dont Want To Do Anything (Its Fine!