Im November gibt es 22 Tage Niederschlag mit insgesamt 131 mm und es gibt 8 trockene Tage in die Malediven . Sun, 22 November. Das Malediven-Magazin gibt die Antworten auf Fragen rund ums Klima auf den Malediven. Le climat des Maldives est tropical. Klimadiagramme und Klimatabellen für Malediven im November. The climate is burning there in the month of november. Rainfall 232 mm. The average heat index, that combines relative humidity and air temperature, in November is estimated at 38.6°C (101.5°F). Sat, 31 October. Sea temperature remains at 29 degrees, creating welcoming conditions for water sports as long as the skies are clear and rain isn't expected. tolerable weather across 89% of the territory good weather across 12% of the territory. Perfect for families with children and couples on a budget, the hotel offers four types of accommodation to suit any budget. Temperatures are up to 85°F. Das optimale Wetter für den reinen Strandgenuss mit praller Sonne und heissen Temperaturen habt ihr auf den Malediven in den Monaten Januar bis März.Durchschnittlich acht bis neun Sonnenstunden am Tag, Temperaturen von 30 bis 32 Grad Celsius und ein mässiger Wind bieten die perfekten Bedingungen für entspannte Ferien am Strand. © 2014-2021 Des Clics Nomades SAS - All right reserved, tolerable weather across 89% of the territory, more information about the climate in Male in november, more information about the climate in Addu Atoll in november, more information about the climate in Dharavandhoo in november, more information about the climate in Dhidhdhoo in november, more information about the climate in Gan in november, when is the best time to go to the Maldives. Mit dem Klima in Malé im November wissen, wie warm es wird. Prévisions du lundi 01 mars pour la ville Malé. You can arrange a private dinner by the sea or just spend some quality time in the less crowded southern side of the island. In november, maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 28°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). The climate is very hot in this location in the month of november. is dé actuele weersite van Nederland met gedetailleerde neerslagradar, plaatsverwachtingen en het laatste weernieuws. With 180mm over 18 days, rain may occur during your stay. Wetter auf den Malediven im Dezember 2021. Die Temperaturen ändern sich im Jahresverlauf kaum und liegen meistens zwischen 28 und 31 °C. Does It Rain In November In The Maldives? Entdecken Sie Privatzimmer Wetter-ruhr (Deutschland), Wohngemeinschaften, möblierte Zimmer. The Anantara Dhigu in south Male is a quiet and romantic beach that is much favoured by newlyweds on their honeymoon. The resort's underwater spa is one of a kind as are numerous other services that often seem too good to be true. The situation is deteriorating compared to the previous month since in october there is an average of 5.7in of precipitation over 18 days. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Each of the resort's superb bungalows has its own glass floor and sparkles turquoise from the waters below. In november, maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 28°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). The Dhiggiri Tourist Resort is a large all inclusive complex that welcomes families with children and large groups of tourists, taking care of all their needs while visiting Maldives. Ces données sont des probabilités pour février à partir de relevés météo effectués depuis plus de 6 années. Unlike that of Dhidhdhoo, the climate in Gan is deteriorating and there are several rainy days compared to the beautiful days with clear sky. Namely the Baros resort, the Viceroy hotel and spa and the Park Hyatt hold daily yoga classes for visitors and non-hotel guests alike. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 21℃ or 69℉ on Thursday 4 th March at around 11 pm.. How are weather conditions in Maldives in november? Météo Malé - Prévisions météorologiques à 14 jours. The attempted coup failed and since then the nation celebrates its freedom with public parades, large feasts and parties. Male Wetter, Maale, MV Time in Male is Sun 21 st Feb 7:09 am | Stündlich History Averages Widgets . Wann ist die beste Reisezeit? As in Gan, Malé is experiencing an increase in precipitation, which means that showers can occur at any time of the day - especially at the beginning and end of the month. So geht Urlaub – typisches Resort auf den Malediven, aufgenommen Ende November. Wir wünschen tolles Wetter für den Urlaub auf den Malediven im November … The Symphony Restaurant is an artsy restaurant where paintings, music and fine dishes make up a kaleidoscope of sensations. Wetter Malediven November. Remember to bring rain clothes.With proper weather, november is okay (but not the best month) for traveling in this locality. Perfectly situated on a secluded islet, the Residence boasts minimalist design and a very attractive atmosphere. Visitors will enjoy six hours of daily sunshine. Ci-dessous, retrouvez les prévisions météo pour le mois de février aux Maldives dans différentes villes. Wir wünschen tolles Wetter für den Urlaub auf den Malediven … Mit dem Klima in Malediven im November wissen, wie warm es wird. Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Male, Male, Maldives. Am Abend gibt es wechselnd bewölktes Wetter. Temperature 27 °C 81 °F. The climate throughout November in the Maldives changes depending on the abundance of rain. In Male, in November, during 13.3 rainfall days, 201mm (7.91") of precipitation is typically accumulated. In this section, find the the weather forecast for the month of november for most popular cities in Maldives. These celebrations are focused on the day that a terrorist group from Sri Lanka attacked the Maldives government in 1988. Das optimale Wetter für den reinen Strandgenuss mit praller Sonne und heißen Temperaturen habt ihr auf den Malediven in den Monaten Jänner bis März.Durchschnittlich acht bis neun Sonnenstunden am Tag, Temperaturen von 30 bis 32 Grad Celsius und ein mäßiger Wind bieten die perfekten Bedingungen für einen entspannten Urlaub am … NEWS BULLETIN. November weather for Male, Maldives. Expected precipitation falling is 0.50 mm. Das optimale Wetter für den reinen Strandgenuss mit praller Sonne und heißen Temperaturen habt ihr auf den Malediven in den Monaten Januar bis März.Durchschnittlich acht bis neun Sonnenstunden am Tag, Temperaturen von 30 bis 32 Grad Celsius und ein mäßiger Wind bieten die perfekten Bedingungen für einen entspannten Urlaub am … Kann man auch im Juli und August auf Sommer hoffen oder nur im Südhalb-Kugel-Sommer im November, Dezember oder Januar? The Maldivian Republic Day is another nation wide event that takes place in November and celebrates the freedom and prosperity of the modern state of Maldives. Im Durchschnitt beträgt die Temperatur im November in Malediven maximal 28° und mindestens 28° Grad. The climate is very hot there in the month of november. Von Januar bis April bestimmt der Nordostmonsun das Wetter… How Warm Is The Sea In The Maldives In November? 28°. Les données sur la météo: température, pluie/neige, vent, humidité, pression,... pour Malé Current weather in Male and forecast for today, tomorrow, and next 14 days In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie die Wettervorhersage für den November für die beliebtesten Reiseziele in Malediven. Hier gibt es alle Infos zum Wetter für Euren Urlaub für die Malediven für alle Reisemonate. Wie ist das Wetter auf dem Atoll übers Jahr verteilt? Hier gibt es alle Infos zum Wetter für Euren Urlaub für die Malediven für alle Reisemonate. It's ideal for a holiday if you want to experience the transition of seasons and don't mind the occasional tropical rainstorm. Le pourcentage indique la … There is a margin of error and these forecasts are to be considered as general information only. The beach is very tranquil and often feels deserted, especially during off season months. Beste Reisezeit für einen Badeurlaub auf den Malediven. Die Malediven, Inbegriff für tropische Strände, haben durch ihre Äquatornähe das ganze Jahr über ein wahrhaft tropisches Klima mit gleichbleibenden, warmen Temperaturen. visit this page.for the Maldives weather forecast. November marks the end of Southwest monsoon and beginning of Northeast monsoon. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances. The climate is very warm in that area in november. Envoyer. Sun, 15 November. The atmosphere is warm and the decrease in the frequency of precipitation favors pleasant climatic conditions especially as the hot waters of the lagoon will be the source happiness to diving amateurs. Sunshine Hours 7 hours. Here, tourists can find a Four Star Resort that offers a number of tourist amenities as well as many different facilities that will allow you to spend a lot of time by the beach without hassle. There are numerous spas in Maldives but only a handful offer noteworthy yoga classes for the body and health conscious. Le climat est donc tout à fait agréable autour de cette ville ce mois-ci. Les informations recueillies ci-dessus sont destinées à notre Société pour assurer la création et la gestion de votre compte … The on site restaurant is worthy of a mention for its delicious dishes and very fine atmosphere. Maldives Weather December Averages, Maldives. Climat et météo, quand partir Maldives. Day Temperature 28.6 °C 83 °F. Beste Reisezeit für Badeferien auf den Malediven. Weather for the week in Male, Maldives. High Temperature 29 °C 84 °F. provides a tool to help you decide on your next holiday destination. But this is pretty moderate and you will not be too bothered by it.With a good climate, the month of november is a good month to go in this city in Maldives. Night Temperature 27.5 °C 82 °F. Mon, 01 March. The Hive is also popular for its hearty English breakfast and its delicious desserts, including fresh ice cream that is much loved by young tourists. Wetter ☀ ⛅ Malediven ☀ ⛅ November ☀ ⛅ Infos zu Temperatur, Sonnenstunden, Wassertemperatur & Niederschlag im November für die Malediven. Here you will find the single largest selection of stores that stock local as well as international merchandise. The resort is remote and secluded, offering fine luxury away from the well beaten tourist track. November is still classed as the rainy season in the Maldives. Even though November is still a rainy month, it marks the end of the wet season and the advent of the dry monsoon season in the Maldives. Emphasis is given on traditional elements of hospitality, which have been infused with modern conveniences to create an unsurpassed experience of luxury and style. The month of November is a good time to visit the locality of Dhidhdhoo and its surroundings as well as to relax here. The Nautilus II ventures across the Maldivian archipelago each night, allowing its patrons to experience majestic vistas as they sip their drinks. Have a look at our datas and informations here. Météo des Maldives au mois de février 2021. Das Malediven Wetter hat wenig mit europäischen Verhältnissen gemeinsam: ... Mit dem Einsetzen des Nordostmonsun stabilisiert sich das Malediven Wetter, sodass ab Ende November vor allem blauer Himmel und beste Bedingungen für einen entspannten Badeurlaub herrschen. Weather data for Maldives in november is derived from an average of the weather forecast since 2009 in Maldives. In this part of the archipelago alone,midday still knows a weather in the Maldives throughout October that is still acceptable. The climate in november in Male is wet (with 7.1in of rainfall over 18 days). Total precipitation for November often hits the 200 mm mark and typically reaches up to 201 mm, with clouds expected to rain over the Maldives during 14 days of the month. The State Trading Organisation maintains the largest shopping centre in Males known as the STO Trade Centre. The resort is located on the tiny Felidhe Atoll and gives a feeling of remoteness that is envious even by Maldivian standards. These predictions are statistics for the month of november from weather reports for many years. Indien ist eine Bundesrepublik, die von 28 Bundesstaaten gebildet wird und außerdem acht bundesunmittelbare Gebiete umfasst. Vous souhaitez faire suivre les prévisions. Klima Malediven. The Jumeirah Dhevanafushi is an enchanting luxurious resort that stretches across two different islands, 400km from the capital Male. The destinations are displayed with objective criteria (climate, budget, activities ...) and are not related to any commercial offers. Indien (Aussprache [ˈɪndi̯ən]) ist ein Staat in Südasien, der den größten Teil des indischen Subkontinents umfasst. Vorhersage für heute, Mittwoch 03.03. By second week of November the weather is more pleasant and sunny. Is it the perfect time to go to Dhidhdhoo and Hulhulé? With 170mm over 21 days, you will experience some showers during your holidays. Located 42 km away from Male, the Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo is a fine four star hotel that offers excellent accommodation at very inviting prices. But this is pretty reasonably and it is only of temporary showers.With a correct weather, november is okay (but not good time) for traveling in this city. Wetter in Male, 07.02.2021 - Am Montag ist es tagsüber sonnig. 13.0 km/h) 0.0 mm Regen. Au mois de janvier, la température maximale est de 30° et la température minimale de 28° (pour une température moyenne de 29°. Today’s and tonight’s Male, Maldives weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and So you can pack your bags and check when is the best time to go to the Maldives. In the month of november, maximum temperature is 85°F and minimum temperature is 83°F (for an average temperature of 83°F). Diese Vorhersagen basieren aufStatistiken für den Monat Dezember von Wettermeldungen vvielen Jahren. 28°C. Lovers of international cuisine should not miss the Hive Restaurant situated inside Male's Beehive Nalahiya Hotel. But this is reasonably and it will not be continuous.With a correct weather, the month of november is okay (but not the best time) for traveling there. Male Aktuelle Wetterbericht. Weiter unten sehen Sie die Wettervorhersage für den Dezember für die beliebtesten Reiseziele in Malediven. Beste Reisezeit für einen Badeurlaub auf den Malediven. In the month of november, maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 28°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). Luxurious accommodation is at its best here at the Huvafen Fushi. But this is a relatively surprise-free month temperature-wise. This is the best place to buy unique souvenirs, locally made handicrafts and imported goods from Asia, Australia, Europe and America. Morgen. The Residence Maldives is a fine spa boutique resort that focuses on quality rather than quantity. Partager la prévision. Doch auch Wassersportler erfreuen sich an den guten Wetterverhältnissen! At the beginning there are some rain that clears off after few hours and affects some regions of the country, not the whole Maldives. Looking at the weather in Male, Maldives over the week, the maximum temperature will be 29℃ (or 84℉) on Tuesday 9 th March at around 5 pm. The nation has seen numerous rulers oppress it through the years but it is currently standing strong and very prosperous thanks to its modern democratic republic. Der Charakter der Jahreszeiten richtet sich jedoch nach den Monsunwinden, die für die Region typisch sind. The restaurant offers an attractive a la carte menu that includes a fusion of local and international dishes. Sun, 08 November. In the morning the temperature drops to 83°F. It is a welcome to the dry season in the Maldives. Klimadiagramme und Klimatabellen für Malé im November. The weather in Maldives can vary slightly from year to year, but these predictions should limit surprises. Rainfall and Temperature Outlook over Maldives for March 2021. Every year on November the 3rd the nation of Maldives celebrates the Maldives' Victory Day. Wetter auf den Malediven im November 2021. On the other hand in mid-November, one can have a few days of sun and suitable climatic conditions for sea diving. Hotels for Maldives in November Teilweise bewölkt leichter Wind (ca. 27°. The climate pleasant in this city the month of november. Low Temperature 25 °C 77 °F. Wetter Malediven aktuell . Wie verhält sich das Wetter auf den Malediven im Jahresverlauf? This is a very festive and positive event that celebrates the freedom and prosperity of Maldives. With 64mm over 10 days, you will experience some showers throughout your stay. Wetter ☀ ⛅ Malediven ☀ ⛅ Dezember ☀ ⛅ Infos zu Temperatur, Sonnenstunden, Wassertemperatur & Niederschlag im Dezember für die Malediven. މިއަހަރު (2021) މާރިޗު މަހު ހއ.އަތޮޅުން ފެށިގެން ލ.އަތޮޅާއި ހަމައަށް އާންމުކޮށް މިދުވަސްވަރު ވާރޭވެހޭ މިންވަރު 10% އަށްވުރެ އިތު� But … The staff here are very polite and discreet, helping create the perfect atmosphere for an unforgettable holiday or honeymoon. Avec à peine 32mm sur … The percentage indicates the probability of having the weather indicated. Diese Prognosen basieren aufStatistiken für den November von Wettermeldungen vüber 10 Jahren. With 179mm over 18 days, you may find yourself often in the rain during your stay. Get the monthly weather forecast for Male, Male, Maldives, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. The climate is very warm there in this month. There are more than a dozen exclusive beaches for visitors to enjoy here and the resort's award winning Talise Spa with its suspended over-water treatment rooms is something that visitors will not soon forget. Republic Day celebrations include armed forces parades, school parades and public feasts where tourists are invited to partake in the celebrations for the nation's prosperity. In the month of november, maximum temperature is 29°C and minimum temperature is 28°C (for an average temperature of 28°C). This laid back eatery puts great emphasis on how its patrons feel when they eat and creates an excellent and immersive mood where people can experience food through all their senses. Auf den Malediven kein Problem! There are three restaurants, two bars, a spa and a disco at the Meedhupparu. But this is pretty moderate and it will not be continuous.With proper weather, november is okay (but not the best time) for traveling in this locality.
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