Furthermore, audio and video files can be managed! campaign_id. In the interview, Simone Harrer, Product Manager for Ladders and Steps at Zarges, talks about agile and media-neutral data management and how Viamedici prepared the company for the introduction of the new Product Information Management with training sessions. Fax: +49 7243 9498-99. Phone. flyer_url. With this comprehensive solution, you have your product data under control, in all languages and throughout the entire process chain. An integrated Media Asset Management module enables easy administration of the most diverse image, graphic, and document formats as well as audio and video files. What are the greatest benefits for you? It was particularly important for us to build up know- how for the solution internally, so that someone in-house could help with possible problems or questions. Message. Flexible import interfaces, easily operated data administration and tools for consolidating and synchronizing your product data make Viamedici EPIM the ideal environment for perfect product data management. Street/No. Using an integrated publication and channel management module with powerful filter, rule and conversion tools, all output channels can be directed centrally and data can be targeted for supply to print, online and mobile applications.With only a few clicks, you can create target group-specific catalogs for diverse media from your central product portfolio by steering product lines, markets and languages. In future, we will offer a self-service in order to make more product data such as images, technical data sheets or machine-readable product catalogues available to our customers and partners, and we will also be able to use these in various ways and more easily for our own purposes. In this manner the availability of text blocks can be assigned for certain product groups, publications or business areas. A big advantage is that adapted or new product data are automatically updated on-line. Zip Code. After successfully replacing the PIM system with a media-neutral database: which other steps will Zarges take with regard to digitalization? Country. EPIM is a very comprehensive solution and supports our data management with multi-language functionality, terminology and text management as well as ease of use. Safety, durability and ergonomics are essential in light metal construction. About Viamedici. The management panel can, of course, be personalized and is available not only online, but also via mobile devices. Viamedici solutions help companies market their products and services more efficiently and successfully. ZARGES is the first light metal construction company in Europe to operate internationally from its headquarters in Weilheim/Obb. Message. url. Viamedici PIM offers an integrated Media Asset Management module which enables lots of vital improvements. team_id. Viamedici EPIM is a real enterprise application designed for company-wide use, large numbers of users and maximum amounts of data. In specially optimized trainings, we prepare you comprehensively for your daily work with Viamedici-EPIM (Enterprise Product Information Management). Just take a look on the left side, there you can see the Market … redirect_url. In addition, standard interfaces are available to established Translation Memory Systems (TMS). Management Panel for Maximum Transparency. flyer_url. The award was given for outstanding product leadership, high customer and partner quality, entrepreneurial vision and foresighted preparation for the technological developments of the future. As the support for the previous PIM system was discontinued, we started looking for a new solution. We are The Group of Analysts. Hey there, Nice to meet you! Intelligent Terminology and Text Management. Viamedici EPIM wurde von Frost & Sullivan mit dem "Product Leadership Award 2018" im Segment der europäischen Best Practice PIM-Lösungen für die Fertigungsindustrie ausgezeichnet. Company. Deutschland. Request. Translation workflows and language comparison templates facilitate controlled online translation. assigned_user_id. Frost & Sullivan Product Leadership Award 2018. A highly flexible data model and an integrated product configurator allow you to reproduce even the most complex product structures. You can direct actions centrally, identify problems quickly and be constantly informed about the current status in your company. redirect_url. Last Name. team_id. They discussed general conditions such as the program architecture, relevant interfaces and data structure. We are The Group of Analysts. In small groups of three to six participants, the practical basics of the current version EPIM4 are taught in line with standard use scenarios. Viamedici is one of the leading providers of Enterprise Product Information Management solutions (PIM). Request. We develop state-of-the-art software and shape the digital transformation with our customers. Viamedici provides world-class software and cloud solutions for Product Information Management (PIM), Product Master Data Management (MDM) and B2B-Commerce. Telefon: +49 7243 9498-0 Telefax: +49 7243 9498-99 Viamedici specializes in product master data and media asset management along with high-quality marketing techniques. Viamedici Software GmbH receives the Frost & Sullivan Award for outstanding customer benefits. D-76275 Ettlingen, Fon: +49 7243 9498-0 Here an important focus was to not only define and structure the system using a single export channel, but to serve several channels as well. Company. After we had compiled these requirements in a specification, we researched potential PIM solutions through various channels. Viamedici Software GmbH | 375 followers on LinkedIn. EPIM has the great advantage that it is very easy and comfortable to use so that users accepted it very quickly. url. To this end, we first broke down the entire project into sections. With the help of this tool, you can flawlessly take care of the most diverse image, graphic, and document formats. In specially optimized trainings, we prepare you comprehensively for your daily work with Viamedici-EPIM (Enterprise Product Information Management). The Produktkulturmagazin, issue Q3 2018. We develop state-of-the-art software and shape the digital transformation with our customers. Request Flyer PIM & MAM. In this article, we show you all the features and innovations in EPIM4. - with around 800 employees and three production facilities in Europe. The IDC analysts even classify the Viamedici as a major player after a strict audit, right next to Informatica, a US provider with over 3,000 employees. Viamedici EPIM is fully web-based, highly configurable standard software that can be flexibly adjusted to your requirements. Viamedici Software GmbH EPIM4 - Next Generation Enterprise PIM. EPIM also convinced us when it came to cross-media publishing, and so we opted for Viamedici in the end. Optimum Ease of Use for Quick Acceptance. By installing Improved Import and Export for Magento 2 along with the Viamedici PIM add-on you turn any data transfer into a form of a simple rule — a job. At the same time, direct storage in Viamedici EPIM as well as the referencing to third-party systems is supported. Fast Implementation and Efficient Operation. Viamedici Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Its Digitalization Platform, with EPIM4 and the Smart Product Configuration Software Suite. The award was given for outstanding product leadership, high customer and partner quality, entrepreneurial vision and foresighted preparation for the technological developments of the future. Hertzstrasse 14 The 2020 training program for future users of Viamedici’s PIM system has been scheduled. Hertzstrasse 14 You can make the adjustments yourself without programming knowhow. In addition, the translations of content are saved in the system so that our translation costs have decreased continuously. This enabled us to carry out crucial tasks such as data maintenance, internally which led to more efficient work processes. EPIM offers us even more than we currently use for print, web and electronic customer catalogs; Viamedici supports us in our further development and optimization of processes as well as increasing data quality; PIM is an important component in our internationalization and digitalization. That way you can always count on your product data. How easy is it to learn to work the system? (Datenschutzerklärung) E-Mail. Germany. I have read the privacy policy and would like to be contacted by Viamedici Software GmbH at the above mentioned e-mail address. Email. Just take a look on the left side, there you can see the Market Performance Wheel (MPW) – the result of our deep… The division of the overall project into several sub-projects allowed for a very structured and detailed introduction to the system. The Viamedici Improved Import & Export Add-On is inseparable from the Improved Import & Export extension since it’s based on the extension logic. City. State-of-the-art architecture and comprehensive scalability ensure best performance and operating security even under high load. Lerne die Vorklinik online: wähle zwischen Kurz- und Langtext oder wiederhole schnell die IMPP-Fakten. Ich möchte Informationen von Advellence erhalten, zu Produkten, Diensten und Events, einschliesslich aktuellen Lösungen, Tipps und Exklusivangeboten. In addition to numerous studies and analyses, the Market Performance Wheels of The Group of Analysts AG provided us a very good orientation in our search for potential providers. The Central Communication Platform for Your Product Information. When there were only five vendors left in the race, we created use cases to check the feasibility of our requirements. Simone Harrer has already been working at Zarges for 13 years and has been product manager for ladders and steps since 2015. req_id. In the end, we selected Viamedici, worked with them to review the system requirements, and then customized the solution until it met our needs. Modern software architecture and future-forward technologies in connection with Viamedici’s established and “TÜV” certified quality assurance process provide for the highest quality and investment security. EPIM4 includes elements such as Total Quality Management, Data Governance, and Channel Management. Viamedici Software GmbH Hertzstrasse 14 D-76275 Ettlingen. Viamedici EPIM was awarded the "Product Leadership Award 2018" by Frost & Sullivan in the segment of European Best Practice PIM solutions for the manufacturing industry. campaign_id. Throughout the entire project, we made sure that we always kept an eye on the big picture and not to lose sight of the requirements. City. In addition, in connection with the Viamedici Data Store, the transfer of product data to specific channels such as sales, e-commerce and publishing is extremely accelerated. The Viamedici Cloud currently offers the only comprehensive worry-free package for every PIM project - with the rating limitless security, limitless flexibility", says CEO Jürgen Müller. The entire cooperation was characterized by regular meetings during which the current status and further steps were coordinated. Product information management (PIM) is the process of managing all the information required to market and sell products through distribution channels.This product data is created by an internal organization to support a multichannel marketing strategy. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteOur Privacy Policy. How The Viamedici PIM Add-On Works. Modern MDM/PIM solution for a dated company — Global PIM Specialist in the undefined Industry We did not expect how dated we were until we scouted for a vendor that can provide our requirements of … Viamedici provides world-class software and cloud solutions for Product Information Management (PIM), Product Master Data Management (MDM) and B2B-Commerce. How did you notice the need for new solutions in your company and how did you proceed in your search for suitable technologies? In doing so, Viamedici makes a valuable contribution to the success of a business in an increasingly international and highly competitive market environment. Position. Hey there, Nice to meet you! PIM is the central organization and maintenance of all product data available in the company. Enterprise Product Information Management, Viamedici Software GmbH The award was given for outstanding product leadership, high customer and partner quality, entrepreneurial vision and forward-looking preparation for the technological developments of the future. Which factors were important to you for implementing the project? In the interview, Simone Harrer, Product Manager for Ladders and Steps at Zarges, talks about agile and media-neutral data management and how Viamedici prepared the company for the introduction of the new Product Information Management with training sessions. Our data management is much more agile and information retrieval has become much faster. First Name. Descriptions can be composed dynamically from text blocks and product attributes. Basically, our entire data management has improved, from storage of various assets to exporting data to various output media. Right from the start, the focus of the redesign of the website with integrated e-catalog, service portal, product finder, and extensive information center was on the processes and use cases of the most important target groups. Zarges relies on Product Information Management (PIM) from Viamedici. With the epim system from viamedici you get a well thought-out system that is constantly being expanded and meets all safety ..... Read Full Review. What is new and what are the advantages of media-neutral databases in general? Find out more: www.viamedici.com The 2020 training program for future users of Viamedici’s PIM system has been scheduled. lead_source. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteOur Privacy Policy. What has improved for you? Last Name. By means of a management panel containing analysis, reporting and visualization functions and efficient zoom-in mechanisms, Viamedici EPIM provides for continuous transparency and control throughout the entire process. First Name. Kontakt zulassen via: Absenden. lead_source. Based on its recent analysis of the European product information management (PIM) market for manufacturing, Frost & Sullivan recognizes Germany-headquartered Viamedici Software GmbH (Viamedici) with the 2019 European Customer Value Leadership Award for … Naturally, this leads to just a short training period that then allows to better focus on actual data maintenance. For each sub-project, there was a more detailed workshop, during which we were shown and taught the respective functions, so that we built up important internal know-how right from the start. Viamedici Software GmbH Hertzstrasse 14 D-76275 Ettlingen. Viamedici is an important partner for us, because the company provides holistic support for the group with all its regional companies. EPIM: Product finder in eight languages. The Enterprise Product Information Management suite Viamedici EPIM offers the utmost reliability and convenience in maintaining, administering and supplying product data, marketing information and media assets. The media-neutral product database we have implemented now makes it relatively easy for us to open new channels and to offer product data to specific target groups. Viamedici EPIM offers direct storage as well as enables integrations with third-party systems. Fax: +49 7243 9498-99. Workshops and training before and during the implementation of the single sub-projects were very helpful in working the system consistently and error-free right from the start and while building up internal know-how. In the dictionary - an integrated terminology database - text blocks that can be qualified with categories and meta data are managed. For over 80 years, ZARGES has stood for uncompromising quality combined with continuous innovations in the areas of climbing, packaging and transport as well as special solutions. Both systems bring their strengths to bear and offer data suppliers an easy, automated and reliable integration of product data into the worldwide GDSN. A powerful API, web services, certified interfaces to the most important business applications and the consistent use of standards allow an easy integration into the existing IT infrastructure.You therefore profit from short implementation time, minor administration effort and low operating costs. Which benefits can be observed in your own company and how was media-neutral data management implemented? Request Flyer . In small groups of three to six participants, the practical basics of the current version EPIM4 are taught in line with standard use scenarios. Viamedici PIM. Your company-specific terminology can be managed consistently using an integrated dictionary. Phone. The Viamedici Portfolio. Logical tags control the layout in publications. Position. At the beginning there was a workshop lasting several days with both representatives of Viamedici and Zarges employees. Request Flyer. Telefon. Zip Code. Viamedici is one of the leading providers of Enterprise Product Information Management solutions (PIM). Special workflow, analysis and validation functions allow for the individualized definition of your Total Quality Management und Data Governance strategies, including continuous monitoring. The latest platform is now available for the Enterprise Product Information Management Suite EPIM. After detailed presentations of the software solutions, we were able to further reduce the number of providers. If you choose our Improved Import/Export extension, you get several vital benefits over competitors. This also reduces the error rate and the entire data management is less complex, of course. Although the extension doesn’t provide the desired integration out of the box, you can easily configure it in accordance with any platform requirements. First, we had to define requirements for the new system which should be able to efficiently manage the data concerning our wide range of products. Carmen Melone interviews Simone Harrer. She introduced the EPIM system in Weilheim, and since then has been responsible for the expansion and further development of the system. The above consent … Viamedici provides world-class software and cloud solutions for Product Information Management (PIM), Product Master Data Management (MDM) and B2B-Commerce. That serves for quick acceptance and the highest degree of efficiency. With such a wide range of different products and solutions, comprehensive product data management is particularly useful in order to provide customers, partners and employees with all the information necessary at all times. Our philosophy: Market Research Re-engineered. With a PIM, the company avoids classic redundancies and incomplete product information. Street/No. EDEN Studie kostenlos anfragen: Telefon. Viamedici EPIM was awarded the "Product Leadership Award 2018" by Frost & Sullivan in the segment of European Best Practice PIM solutions for the manufacturing industry. More than 200 leading companies trust Viamedici solutions to manage and market their products and services more efficiently and successfully. As a software developer specializing in product information management (PIM), product master data management (PMDM), and business-to-business commerce for the manufacturing industry, Viamedici focuses greatly on customer satisfaction and customer benefits. Agility Multichannel PIM. Email. Analogously, this also applies to the data access itself. A powerful image engine offers you everything you need for image editing and creating arbitrary image derivatives for differing output media. Fon: +49 7243 9498-0 Fax: +49 7243 9498-99 A major advantage of media-neutral databases is the central data storage and output option via different channels. Complete PIM solution — Marketing in the undefined Industry. Let’s compare both approaches and then list the best Magento 2 PIM services and integrations. Country. We talked to Zarges product manager Simone Harrer about the challenge of finding a suitable PIM solution and how to implement such a project successfully. D-76275 Ettlingen, Fon: +49 7243 9498-0 The IDC report PIM for Commerce MarketScape (for a fee) analyses exclusively PIM solutions, the core business of the medium-sized company from Ettlingen.
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