Diverse civilian and military actors have worked closely together to enable the unimpeded deployment of forces by air, sea, road and rail. Exercising the largest deployment in decades of US and Allied forces, Defender-Europe 20 is demonstrating the durability of the trans-Atlantic bond, but also incentivising NATO Allies to regenerate institutional knowledge, supported by robust logistic capacity. To give an idea, this is the third-largest military exercise in Europe since the Cold War. Getting the ground ready for such deployments means being prepared and flexible to be able to exercise the logistics effectively. It demonstrates U.S. commitment to NATO and its resolve to stand by its European Allies and Partners. “Defender 2020” Military Exercises: US Aggression at the Russia-Belarus Border November 19, 2019 Ollie Richardson Comments 1 Comment A military contingent, comparable in size with a division of the United States Army, will be deployed across the Atlantic to Europe next spring to participate in “Defender Europe 2020” exercises and other operational-combat training activities. Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 is a U.S.-led multinational exercise, including NATO's participation. Whatever the long-term impact of the coronavirus, the Allies remain committed to improving their resilience through civil preparedness so that they are able to recover from strategic shocks and surprise, while maintaining the ability to continue to support NATO’s deterrence and defence posture. Despite the concerns over COVID-19, our service men and women are resilient and continue to carry out our Allied Command Operations (ACO) mission across all domains (air, sea, land, cyber, space) and participating in exercises. An infantryman with 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division guides vehicles at the port of Savannah, Ga., in preparation for DEFENDER-Europe 20 Feb. 11, 2020. Defense News.com Oct. 14, 2019: Fighting the bureaucracy: For NATO, the Defender 2020 exercise in Europe will test interoperability. © NATO, Most satellites serve multiple civilian, commercial or security functions. The views expressed are their own. Military drill will take place in Germany, Poland, Georgia and the Baltic States. This requires a whole-of-government approach, including through national plans, with cross-government cooperation of civil and military actors, in peacetime, in crisis, and in conflict.”. Between January and March 2020, US Army Europe deployed approximately 6,000 military personnel from the United States to Europe. This best practice will also help Allies to prepare to receive and support NATO forces of larger scales. The ongoing work to ensure Allies can support large-scale, rapid movement of troops and equipment is known in NATO-speak as the ‘Enablement of SACEUR’s (Supreme Allied Commander Europe) Area of Responsibility’. Nathaniel Gayle/Army) They may not easily relate to the importance of military and civilian preparedness and the part that all aspects of society played in our collective efforts to maintain peace and security. In the past, the infrastructure that was important to the military – such as railways, ports, airfields, national energy grids and hospitals – was mainly state-owned and consequently could easily be made available to the military. In response to the complex and rapidly evolving security environment with challenges from the east and south of NATO’s borders, in Warsaw in 2016 Allied leaders pledged to strengthen resilience, reaffirming that civil preparedness is a national responsibility and acknowledging its relationship with reinforcement. Belgium. It is not just a U.S. exercise. The US army said that the Defender Europe 20 "demonstrates the US military's ability to deploy a large force to support NATO and respond to any crisis." The national governments were responsible for maintaining such infrastructure, supported by sufficient civil resources. © NATO. NATO military medical staff remain vigilant. Throughout NATO’s history, Allies have devoted a lot of attention to civil preparedness, which is a requirement set out in Article 3 of NATO’s founding treaty. We continue to monitor any potential impacts to the health and readiness of NATO forces deployed on operations, exercises and missions and will react immediately when necessary. Będzie to największe od 25 lat europejskie ćwiczenie z udziałem amerykańskich jednostek bazujących na co dzień w ojczyźnie. Current estimates indicate that private companies transport around 90 per cent of NATO supplies and equipment and provide about 75 per cent of host nation support. Defender 2020 was billed as the third-largest military exercise in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a major test of the United States’ ability to move stateside forces to locations across Europe, including Poland, the Baltics, some Nordic nations and Germany. For example, the Belgian Army and Navy has provided security, refuelling facilities and driver rest accommodation in a Temporary Military Village built in the dock complex in the port of Antwerp. During the first phase of #DefenderEurope, 20,000 troops will deploy from the U.S. to Europe. U.S. officials are significantly reducing the size and scope of the long-awaited Defender 2020 exercise intended to test the Army’s ability to move a division-sized force from U.S. seaports to European training grounds this spring.. 7010 Mons Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 continues with … Rue Grande Defender Europe 20, which was to involve nearly 40,000 US and European troops in drills across Central and Eastern Europe in late spring, was cancelled in mid-March, about six … © Spri.eus. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, US Army Europe took a prudent decision to modify Exercise Defender-Europe 20 in size and scope to protect forces and local populations. Despite its adaptation, the exercise continues and is providing the United States, its Allies and NATO many valuable lessons on the movement of forces and equipment across the Atlantic and … In particular, the exercise is demonstrating Allies’ ability to provide support across multiple ministries in a whole-of-government approach, and tested arrangements to work closely with the commercial sector. The drills will be conducted in ten countries, but primarily in Germany and Poland, according to the press service of the United States European Command (EUCOM). How long would it take for a European country to fold once power, water, telecoms, fuel, banking and supermarket distribution systems were comprehensively disrupted? It has been vitally informative across many military and civil support functions, and lessons we have identified and are learning from the movement of the forces that arrived in Europe as part of this exercise will feed into NATO’s ongoing enablement efforts. Lessons learned will further strengthen Allied readiness and resilience in a challenging security environment. Gareth Thomas, Peter Williams and Yanitsa Dyakova work on Resilience, Enablement and Logistics in NATO’s Defence Policy and Planning Division. In coordination with Allies and partners, US Army Europe also moved soldiers and equipment from multiple European ports and airports to training areas in Germany and Poland. Creating the necessary conditions and providing the required support for an exercise like Defender-Europe 20 is clearly a much broader challenge and task than just military logistics, and goes well beyond just the military domain. In fact, COVID-19 demonstrated the vital role that our armed forces can play in support of civilian efforts in a health crisis, not just in a military one – from airlifting medical supplies and patients to setting up field hospitals and providing disinfection and decontamination teams. They knew the exact locations of their deployment positions, which pre-positioned stocks and equipment were available, how their echeloned support systems would function, and what support their host nations would provide for them based on clear strategic, operational and tactical level arrangements. Some Allied-led exercises have been cancelled as a precautionary measure. The robust host nation support that reinforcing Allies are relying upon for this exercise, such as that provided by Belgium, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, is a model we can follow for the future. It is the largest deployment of U.S.-based forces to Europe in more than 25 years with 20,000 soldiers deployed directly from the U.S. to Europe. The Defender Europe-20 exercise had just begun garnering increased attention in Western media when it was cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise, deploying military forces relies heavily on civil resources, such as communications, energy, transport, food, water and medical resources. Lt. Gen. We will need to look carefully at what our response to COVID-19 says about our enabled environment. Back then, we were particularly good at rapidly moving large numbers of troops and their equipment. The large military exercise dubbed as the Defender Europe 2020 will be held in Europe next year. NATO has continued with its operations within the constraints relating to COVID-19 and the health and safety of its personnel. The requirement for a balance between organic military capabilities and contracted support has been prominent in recent large-scale, high-visibility Allied and NATO exercises, and will be an important area of practice going forward. Strong and resilient nations maintain the capacity to support themselves in a crisis and, in addition, support a high level of mobility of military personnel and equipment. DEFENDER-Europe 20 will send a clear and unmistakable signal that the United States is committed to NATO and the defense of the European homeland. When considering the significance of Defender-Europe 20 to NATO, it is important for context to understand how we operated during the Cold War. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, US Army Europe took a prudent decision to modify Exercise Defender-Europe 20 in size and scope to protect forces and local populations. The exercise was aimed to demonstrate the US Army’s capability to deploy, move and sustain different operation areas, as well as redeploying back to the US. Although Defender-Europe 20 was constrained due to precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it has still provided Allies with a great opportunity to test their ability to receive and support large numbers of troops and equipment, including heavy armour (such as tanks, armoured personnel carriers and heavy military engineering equipment) and to move them through their territories. But in the last decades, the ownership of state infrastructure began to shift steadily into the hands of the private sector, which therefore began to play a much more crucial role in crisis management. It moved some 9,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment, many from prepositioned stock locations in Europe, and around 3,000 pieces of equipment across the Atlantic. What is published in NATO Review does not necessarily represent the official position or policy of member governments, or of NATO. US Army/Spc. It is the largest deployment of U.S.-based forces to Europe in more than 25 years with 20,000 soldiers deployed directly from the U.S. to Europe. In March, the pandemic forced the Army to cancel much of its Defender-Europe 2020 exercise, which would have sent thousands of soldiers and their equipment from the U.S. to Europe and was slated to be the largest Army exercise on the continent in more than two decades. The US Army is shipping 20,000 troops and their tanks to Europe in a major test of its ability to move bulk (relatively) quickly.
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