Flames tore through the fishing boat, which began taking on water and... Cannabis-infused food is definitely Thailand’s biggest... It’s not all sad news for cinephiles in Bangkok While... A singer-turned-activist whose sharp verses have been chanted at... Six weeks from now, will Thailand be ready to return to packing the... 1. They need to be kicked out of Thailand,” Anutin said while giving an interview to the media at BTS Siam, where the media had been invited to film him personally hand out masks to commuters. i will uploads different videos about Thailand, and other countries, will be about the life style, the food, the culture, and the night life DO NOT FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. Thai News website for foreigners in Thailand and international fans of Thailand - Online Thai News, Daily Thai News or Breaking Thai News – Honest, Balanced online newspaper and News from Thailand Thai giant-killer stuns world No 1 to book place in last 4 of World Tour Finals. Nation Thailand reports that Mae Sot Hospital is now closed to visitors until Monday. Welcome to My Channel. Border officials have stepped up patrols in recent weeks, amid fears that Burmese nationals fleeing the violence in Myanmar may attempt to cross illegally into Thailand, bypassing health checks and quarantine. Don't have a Coconuts user? First, the virus is small enough to penetrate the fibers of any mask that you buy from a pharmacy. Thailand’s unheralded Pornpawee Chochuwong stunned world No 1 Tai Tzu-ying to book a place in Saturday’s semi-finals of the $1.5-million BWF World Tour Finals on Thursday. Not only that, but 90% of Thais are wearing masks. DER FARANG - Magazin für Urlauber und Residenten in Thailand “These fucking farangs. UPDATE: The Thai Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, has had a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease since this morning, after being panned in social media for his comments at a government PR gathering to promote the wearing of face-masks following the coronavirus outbreak in China. As hosts we have to be very careful.”. It’s hoped this will make international travel easier, as well as boosting the public’s confidence and helping life return to some kind of normality. In his online apology, he said the foreigners “showed disgust at Thais.”. Second, none of the masks you buy provide an air tight seal around your nose and mouth. Tears and heartbreak as flight ban keeps farang-Thai families apart. Jan 29. If you have story ideas, a restaurant to review, an event to cover or an issue to discuss, contact The Thaiger editorial staff. We are giving away the masks, but they refused to take them. “Today I visited Chiang Mai and noticed that there are almost no Chinese tourists. No new posts here. Keep in contact with The Thaiger by following our Facebook page. Get his e-mail address’s and keep in … Required fields are marked *, Government cancels cancellation of visa-on-arrival, visa-free travel, China says US military may have brought virus to China. It is unclear how the woman managed to evade the mandatory 14-day quarantine. “The Chinese, Asian people, they all take the masks. The Tourism Authority of Thailand is also pushing for a vaccine passport policy, while the Tourism Ministry has urged the Health Ministry to approve one. Before traveling or moving to Thailand, please read the do’s and the don'ts. Save your favorite stories for easy reference. Ausland Newsticker. Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul on Friday afternoon apologized for his enraged comments during a photo op this morning at which he was handing out face masks and noticed some foreigners refusing them. Phuket Smart Bus stellt Betrieb ein. All he did was prove that Asians have a herd mentality. The minister should actually know that the masks don’t really help. “All farangs, those tourists… that’s something the embassies should be notified about and the public as well that are not wearing masks.”, “We’re handing them out and they still refuse. He told reporters that “farangs,” a catch-all term for white tourists, should be deported for not wearing masks during the current coronavirus outbreak. DER FARANG, Chonburi, Chon Buri, Thailand. 12 of the 14 imported infections were quarantined arrivals from Russia, The United Arab Emirates, The United States, Slovenia, South Africa, Germany, Libya and Italy. Your email address will not be published. Thai health minister has a slash at ‘dirty farang’. Read more about the difference between Users and Members here. Sonntag 28.02.2021 3:05 - Der Farang (Thailand) Schlemmermeile über dem Meer, Thailand HUA HIN: Gute Nachricht für Street-Food-Fans: Seit der Lockerung der Coronavirus -Beschränkungen in … 3. DER FARANG - Magazin für Urlauber und Residenten in Thailand The other 2 imported cases were that of Thai women, who ellegedly returned from Myanmar illegally through a natural border crossing in Tak province, despite the government closing off natural border crossings after the February coup by the military in Myanmar. All you see are ‘farang’. Pathum Thani reported 8 new cases, with 3 being found at hospitals, and 5 in the community. As hosts we have to be very careful.”. None has involved any tourists of European descent. We’re talking about day-to-day life in the Land of Endless Shocks and Riddles, of Blur, Befuddlement and the Bizarre. The French were the first foreigners doing business in Siam, today Thailand. A hospital in the northern province of Tak has had to shut its doors to visitors after 2 patients treated at the facility subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. Gleichzeitig zeigt die Umfrage, dass das Vertrauen der Öffentlichkeit in die … Now, thanks to a Facebook community naming and shaming venues that apply “farang prices” to foreign visitors, those days are, well, numbered. It’s understood the woman developed symptoms prior to entering Thailand at the border town of Mae Sot on March 1, before taking a bus to her home in order to attend her grandfather’s funeral. Nachrichten aus der Sportwelt am Freitag. Hospital director Thawatchai Setsuppana says the closure is to facilitate a deep clean of the facility and confirmed that a number of medical workers are self-isolating. “On March 2, she took a Covid-19 test at Sukhothai Hospital and went shopping in Muang district before heading home. Bike rider killed after crashing motorbike into parked truck in Chon Buri, Police investigate reports of women’s underwear stolen from Phuket homes, Cannabis could generate 8 billion baht for Thai pharmaceutical industry by 2025, expert says, Japan asks China to stop anal Covid-19 tests after travellers report “psychological distress”, Covid-19 vaccine registration to begin in May, Vaccine rollout underway in Phuket as province receives 4,000 doses, Covid-free Samui, Phangan, Tao offer tourism discounts until end of April, Thai navy sailors rescue adorable cats from ship fire, File Photo: Thailand's Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul. 10,000 Homeless Farang's or Farang in Thailand - Fake News? 2020. If you're gonna share your opinions for free on the Internet, why not do it for a chance to win some exciting prizes? My current travels will also be posted on the new blog and the old ones will systematically be updated to my new blog. Of the 50 cases found in the province, 38 were found in communities and 12 were found at hospitals. Bad enough that he is lacking in proper grammar and communicative English, but it is a tragedy that he knows nothing about the medical science behind wearing a surgical face mask. Meanwhile, Anutin says the public must continue with the practice of mask-wearing, noting that the number of Thais doing so has recently slipped. The Thaiger is a deep resource for people looking for news, information, properties, lifestyle and travel articles about Thailand and our nearby region. Meanwhile, in the northern province of Sukothai, the provincial Public Health Office has confirmed that a Thai national who returned from working at a casino in Myanmar has also tested positive for Covid-19. EU: Orbans Fidesz-Partei verlässt die EVP-Fraktion Ungarn: Orban zieht Fidesz-Abgeordnete aus EVP-Fraktion zurück Österreich: Ermittlungen : Verdachts des Betrugs bei FFP2-Masken Deutschland: Deutsche AfD wird rechtsextremistischer Verdachtsfall Panorama: Neues aus dem Ausland am Mittwoch Sport Ausland: Nachrichten aus der Sportwelt am Mittwoch “I apologize that today I kinda ‘lost myself’ to some Europeans who showed disgust at Thais who wear masks and refused to cooperate to wear the masks,” he wrote on Facebook. Samut Sakhon province, the source of the second wave of Covid in the Kingdom, reported 77% of the new cases. There’s no denying that the press, and the expat population of Thailand, are fascinated with the sheer number of foreigners that die in the country, many under weird, suspect or simply inexplicable conditions. Thailand says no new cases as Singapore hotel probed for evidence of ‘much larger outbreak’. PHUKET: Der Phuket Smart Bus hat einmal mehr seinen Betrieb auf der Strecke vom Flughafen nach Rawai eingestellt, weil zu wenig Menschen auf der Insel den Service nutzen. That is what surgical masks were designed to do. She was admitted to Ban Dan Lan Hoi Hospital on March 3 after her test came back positive.”. In light of the recent downturn in reported cases, Samut Sakhon has recently reopened 22 of its wet markets. But those Europeans… how frustrating,” he continued. The embassies should be notified and the public should be informed too. Writing in two Twitter posts on Thursday night, which were later deleted, the account said farangs – a slang for Caucasians – “never shower” and pose health risks to Thai population. Take our 2021 Coconuts Reader Survey now! video screenshot. Daily news is short, to the point, sourced originally and easy to find and read. The provincial health office has issued a statement to confirm the timeline of the woman’s movements. It’s understood 17 people had contact with the woman, with 7 of those considered “high-risk”. The minister and his staff, all wearing face masks (except the minister who had his hanging around his neck), were handing out free paper face masks. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols. BANGKOK: Thailand hat in einem aktuellen Länder-Ranking des US-amerikanischen Magazins CEOWORLD um den Einfluss des Kulturerbes 2021 den fünften Platz beleg. The embassies should be notified and the public should be informed too. We are giving away the masks, but they refused to take them. In the process you also touch your face mask. This time he’s warned his fellow Thais about the foreigners fleeing their own countries for the ‘safe haven’ of Thailand. Beste WM-Platzierung für Dufter: Über 500 Meter auf Rang neun HEERENVEEN: Joel Dufter ist mit Platz neun über 500 Meter zu seinem besten Einzel-Ergebnis bei Eisschnelllauf-Weltmeisterschaften... Überblick. Kulturerbe-Ranking. Ergebnisse 1 - 25 von 44 News auf Deutsch - aktuellste Ergebnisse zuerst. If you want respect then give respect also. The Thaiger Pte Ltd is registered in Singapore. A number of groups and industry representatives have added their voices to growing calls for a vaccine passport policy. Thailand’s Public Health Minister, Anutin Charnvirakul, will chair a meeting on Monday, in which a vaccine passport scheme and potential travel bubbles will be discussed. But those Europeans… how frustrating,” he continued. Endlich kann ich mal wieder einem Sinnspruch uneingeschränkt beipflichten. Video: "Farang's" motorcycle accident and rant causes much comment online. The newest Thai (and western) keto recipes will be posted on my new keto recipe blog. “3 doctors, 11 nurses and 5 patient assistants have been ordered to undergo 14-day quarantine.”. Last month the gaffe-prone Public Health Minister, and deputy Prime Minister, lost his cool during a media stunt being held at Bangkok’s busiest Skytrain station. At Monday’s meeting of the National Communicable Diseases Committee, the Anutin-led panel will also discuss the idea of travel bubbles. But “IF” you are coughing and sneezing, then by all means…wear a mask. He says that recent data shows the number of people wearing masks has dropped below 80%, compared to 90% last month. Your email address will not be published. The embassies should be notified and the public should be informed too. Latest posts. Yes, bars and clubs are still open | VIDEO, Phuket Thai food treats you need to try | VIDEO, In search of Cat & Dog Cafés in Phuket Town | VIDEO, Flying high and fine dining in a re-purposed old jet in Bangkok | VIDEO, DUMBO the rooftop bar in Bangkok, a hidden gem | VIDEO, Many farang dress dirty and don’t shower. 2021. Mittwoch 24.02.2021 3:00 - Der Farang (Thailand) Mitteilung an Abonnenten der Druckausgabe in D-A-CH, Thailand. Thailand’s top health official apologized for using a vulgarity to disparage white tourists Friday morning and demand they should be kicked out of the country. Muay Thai / Kick Boxing NEWS Website - find us on Google Play Store - Twitter / Instagram @MuayFarang Wearing a surgical face mask does not prevent any virus from entering your respiratory system. Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul is at it again making public disparaging and xenophobic comments about ‘white’ foreigners (farang). Thailand Way of Life Online. Surgeons don’t wear a mask to protect themselves. It’s understood that 19 staff members have had contact with 2 patients who tested positive for the virus. The new infections, which are now in the double-digits, shows Thailand’s Covid situation as improving according to the assistant spokeswoman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration, Panprapa Yongtrakul. DER FARANG - Magazin für Urlauber und Residenten in Thailand Eins: „Thailand ist das rassistischste Land weltweit. We should be more careful of the farang than Asians.”, “At the moment it is winter in Europe and farang come to Thailand to hide from the disease. The CCSA reports that 43 of the 65 local infections were found in communities with 22 of the 65 found in hospitals across 4 provinces. “The two-digit level of new cases found at hospitals and communities shows that the local Covid-19 situation is under control.”. Nach einer Meinungsumfrage der Suan Dusit Rajabhat Universität oder der Suan Dusit-Poll sehen die Mehrheit der Menschen, dass die thailändische Politik nach der Kritik-Debatte unverändert bleiben wird. Der Phuket Smart Bus war... Dossier / 21.01.21. They need to be kicked out of Thailand,” Anutin said while giving an interview to the media at BTS Siam, where the media had been invited to film him personally hand out masks to commuters. Then you unconsciously touch your face or nose because of an itch. You must be logged in as a Coconuts User to comment. Your hands touch door handles, escalator hand rails, elevator buttons and host of other germ laden items during the course of your day. Apology not accepted by this “farang” Thai health minister ‘sorry’ for saying ‘f*cking farangs’ without masks should be kicked out. Platz für Thailand. 30,855 likes. Today, the Thai government is reporting 79 new cases of Covid-19, with 65 locally-transmitted, and 14 imported, raising the total to 26,241 since the pandemic began. Verfolge auf Udon-News die aktuellen Nachrichten und Schlagzeilen aus Thailand. To read unlimited Coconuts content and get other great benefits, please sign up to become a COCO+ Member here. 30,854 likes. Bangkok reported 6 new cases at hospitals and Chon Buri reported 1 infection found at a hospital. Thailand News Today | Changes to quarantine, ‘adult content’ ban continues | March 5, Pattaya announces plans to hold Songkran Festival, Pro-democracy group to reach outskirts of Bangkok after almost 250 kilometre walk, Early morning drug busts in Phuket yield 9 arrests, Pornhub and other sites to remain blocked as they conflict with good morals for upstanding citizens, Cambodian dog slaughterhouse shut down, owner says he is “ashamed”, Thai Health Minister to chair panel on travel bubbles, vaccine passports, Hospital in northern Thailand closes to visitors after 2 patients test positive for Covid-19, Thailand to introduce “area quarantine” for international visitors from April, Thai Air Asia urges government to re-open the country to foreign tourism, Phuket’s nightlife. Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul is at it again making public disparaging and xenophobic comments about ‘white’ foreigners (farang). They need to be kicked out of Thailand!”. The US still has the most cases at 29.53 million, rising by 68,321 over the past 24 hours, and the most deaths at 533,636, rising by 1,993 over the last 24 hours. The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking is urging the government to implement the scheme without further delay, while also calling for private companies in Thailand to be allowed purchase and distribute vaccines. Anutin is the head of the Bhumjaithai Party, which came to power by backing legal cannabis and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-cha. Now you have transferred those germs to a warm, moist environment where they can grow and you will be inhaling them into your respiratory tract. Submit free Events and Venues to the Coconuts Directory. Click here to create one. 30,860 likes. As hosts we have to be very careful.”. If customer go home, it’s not the end of your work with them. Türken in Deutschland haben es da viel besser.“ Der Satz soll hängen bleiben: „Der Farang ist der letzte Dreck“. “The Chinese, Asian people, they all take the masks. Laut Anuphong Anont vom Open Zoo hatte das Baby am... 28.02.21. Stop listening to the medical supply industry that just wants to sell their products or to so-called health experts who don’t have a clue about who should actually be wearing a mask. On this registration page you can sign up to become a free Coconuts User, which does not grant you unlimited access to Coconuts content. May 22. However, the seafood market where the second wave of the Covid outbreak began, is not one of them, and it is not yet known when that might reopen. The 9 Kinds of Farangs In Thailand I Hate Even though no one asked me this question, I thought I would make a video on it. 9 talking about this. Um unseren Besuchern einen schnellen und einfachen Überblick zum aktuellen Geschehen in Thailand zu ermöglichen, fassen wir auf Udon-News die Nachrichten und Schlagzeilen der deutschsprachigen Thailand-Portale und Presse kurz und auszugsweise zusammen. New website: www.noekedens.com. “The Public Health Ministry is making preparations to bring life back to normal, restore businesses and revive the Thai economy.”. Farang Deaths is the grimmest website we can’t stop reading. O’Halloran is stranded in Ireland. The ban on international flights is stopping Michael O’Halloran from returning to his three daughters and wife in Chonburi. Footage that appeared on Facebook showed what happened to a foreign motorcyclist out for a ride along Route 3309 in Muang district of Pathum Thani north of Bangkok. Thai officials have been playing down the extent of the outbreak which has led to at least 25 confirmed infections in the kingdom, an increasing number of which are locally transmitted as the virus spreads. They do sometimes wear a face shield to protect against blood or bodily fluids from splashing into their eyes. In days gone by, a foreigner visiting a national park or tourist site could often expect to be charged several times the price charged to a local. “Sitjemam-Muay Farang Norther Thailand” is a traditional Muay Thai Camp, in which the Thai trainers are coordinated by the Italian Training holiday with your partner We won’t turn you into a full Muay Thai essence in a few weeks, however we plan to teach You Der Farang ist der letzte Dreck. Anutin says those who’ve been inoculated against Covid-19 will be issued with a book to confirm their vaccination. They need to be kicked out of Thailand,” Anutin said while giving an interview to the media at BTS Siam, where the media had been invited to film him personally hand out masks to commuters. Farang Deaths relies largely on aggregating, translating and documenting cases reported on in both local and international media, however, it also gets submissions from the public. However, none of the farang are wearing masks This is the reason our country is being infected all around. 1 new death has been reported, raising the total amount of deaths to 85. By Laurel Tuohy Sep 5, 2016 | 4:56pm Bangkok time. Whether it is the travel tips or the best food to try in Thailand, we cover every aspect that influences your life in Thailand. PHUKET: The Ministry of Farang Affairs is a one-stop shop where foreigners in Thailand can learn all they need to know about living here. Even if you can speak no other words of Thai, most European and American visitors to Thailand will quickly become familiar with the Thai word farang (often mispronounced (even by Thais) as falang - farang with a slightly trilled 'r' is the correct pronunciation.) Never miss out on future posts by following The Thaiger. Password must be at least 7 characters long. How did this medically inept fool ever become the Health Minister? Many farang dress dirty and don’t shower. The Thai education system teaches that the British and the French stole Thai land – the Shan States that are now part of Burma, Laos, the Northern Malay states, and Western Cambodia. Tak province is on the border with Myanmar, which has had 142,000 cases of the virus, with 3,200 deaths. THAI-Präsident: Kauf neuer Flugzeuge... BANGKOK: Der Präsident der Thai Airways International (THAI), Chansin Treenuchagron, hat Berichte dementiert, die bankrotte Fluggesellschaft wolle im Jahr 2025 20 bis 30 neue Flugzeuge für bis... Dossier / 25.02.21. The minister sort of apologised the next day for his ill-informed comments but dug a deeper hole by re-iterating that the ‘farang’ should be wearing face masks. Stay tuned for weekly insights from Minister Stephff. They also have their critics, primarily among rights’ groups and doctors, who argue that there is not yet enough evidence that vaccination prevents transmission. No, we’re not talking about work permits, visas or taxes. Also, to understand Thai hesitancy towards farang and land rights, one has to look at the history of European imperialism and colonialism in Thailand. DER FARANG, Chonburi, Chon Buri, Thailand. These farang tourists. Officials are now questioning both patients, in an effort to trace others who may have had contact with them. A surgeon wears the mask to protect you in case he or she coughs or sneezes during surgery. Exhaling warm, moist air into the mask creates a perfect environment for bacterial growth. They are just good to appease an increasingly hysterical public. We have a team of travel enthusiasts that ensures you know ins and outs of staying in Thailand to … These farang tourists. The worldwide death toll rose by 9,955 to 2.58 million. We are giving away the masks, but they refused to take them. These farang tourists. Facebook group names and shames “farang prices”. 5. Thailand’s mercurial Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul has slammed foreign tourists who aren’t wearing face masks, or refuse to wear them when offered a free one offered by the government, says they “should be kicked out.” He was handing out government freebies at the Siam BTS station in Bangkok.
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