Nordmarianerne: Central Statistics Division. Auckland Proposed Unitary Plan (Sep 2013) 55. Stats NZ (Statistics New Zealand) collects data about New Zealand’s environment, economy and society. Stats NZ is New Zealand's official data agency. The small numbers for Asian and Pacific peoples mean data may be more susceptib le to fluctuation. Salomonøerne: Solomon Islands National Statistics Office. Active Cases in New Zealand. Skjul. This index outlines how to access online data previously contained in the Key Statistics publication. Tokelau: Statistics Unit National population estimates: At 31 December 2020 – Infoshare tables. Population. using the search box in the top right corner. Ny Kaledonien: Institut de la Statistique et des Études Économiques. StatsGate is a site that has been developed so that registered users can send information to Statistics New Zealand over the Internet. Kontakt Adresse: Tordenskjoldsgade 25,1055 København K E-post: Telefon: 3346 … New Zealand Her finder du al statistik, vi har om New Zealand. From crisp spring days to long golden summer evenings and cosy winter nights, New Zealand has something unique to offer in each season. To ensure we meet our legal obligation to protect personal information, all totals in the explorer tool have been randomly rounded to base three using best practice adopted by StatsNZ. download your table in Excel (up to 100,000 cells) or CSV format (up to a million cells). New Zealand er en velstående nation af øer i Stillehavet. which means that might not display properly on your device. Rakyat New Zealand mempunyai satu paras kepuasan yang tinggi diukur oleh tinjauan antarabangsa; di sebalik paras KDNK se kepala yang rendah daripada banyak negara OECD yang lain. Prime Minister: Jacinda Ardern. Survey Administrator (Current Employee) - Auckland, Auckland - 18 May 2017. New Zealand, bersama-sama dengan Australia, berjaya melepasi kemelesetan awal 2000-an yang memberi kesan buruk kepada kebanyakan negara-negara Barat lain. In New Zealand, seasons officially begin at the start of certain months. Annual Monitoring of Reading Recovery: 2018 Data. Commons 4.0 International Licence, where we need roads, schools and hospitals. OECD.Stat. All new and revised data published by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand are released here. Birthplace (New Zealand/overseas) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by languages spoken (17 languages), 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses Ethnic group (detailed single and combination) by age and sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2013 and 2018 Censuses . Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) was detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. Befolkningen består hovedsagelig af to etniske grupper: urbefolkningen maorier og efterkommere af europæere. For everything you need to know about COVID-19, go to "Information obtained from Statistics New Zealand may be freely used, reproduced, or quoted unless otherwise specified. 17 February 2021. There are now more than one million people aged 60 and over living in NZ. The migration data explorer is a tool that lets you drill into immigration data, and also protects individual privacy. It was a new infectious disease and was caused by new type of virus SARS-CoV-2. Basic Information. Powered by NZ health statistics. Professional Workplace. Anderson County, Texas 14. / -41.277742; 174.784327. With a total population of 5.084 million, New Zealand has passed the 5 million threshold according to the provisional mid-2020 population estimates.. 2020-10-23. News. Adams County, Colorado 42. Police routinely releases data on the last working day of each month via an interactive reporting tool known as reports are designed to support partners and communities to access Police data to help inform their planning, decision-making and … Its purpose is to report significant and novel contributions in statistics, ranging across articles on statistical theory, methodology, applications and computing. 2018 and 2019 population estimates are published that are based on the results of the 2018 census.The urban areas Kumeu-Huapai, Lake Hayes, Pegasus, Pokeno and West Melton show a high population growth compared to 2013. Industry outputs from LEED are based on the industry code assigned to business locations. Statistics New Zealand ( maori Te Tari Tatau eller Tatauranga Aotearoa) er den statlege newzealandske statistiske organisasjonen med ansvar for landet sine offisielle statistikkar i medhald av statistikklova av 1975 (1975 Statistics Act). Papua Ny Guinea: National Statistical Office. Find Data . Atlanta Regional Commission 3. New Zealand lies around 1,600 kilometres from Australia's eastern coast (a three and a half hour flight) and 9,000 to 12,000 kilometres from all Pacific Rim destinations (10 to 16 hours' flight). Alameda County, California 4. 86.615 % … Stats NZ (Statistics New Zealand) collects data about New Zealand’s environment, economy and society. View all our statistics vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Today, 70 percent of Kiwis, a common term for the people of New Zealand after a native flightless bird, are of European descent. The information helps government, local councils, Māori, businesses, communities, researchers and the public to measure, and make decisions about such things as: Chief Executive and Government Statistician, Unless indicated otherwise, all content on is licensed for re-use under a Creative Statistik Selandia Baru (Te Tari Tatau) mangrupa lembaga pamarentah New Zealand, sarta sumber tina kantor statistik.Ti heula ngaranna Department of Statistics. Statistik New Zealand. NZSIOC06 (New Zealand Standard Industrial Output Categories) are based on ANZSIC 2006 (or Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification 2006). The information helps government, local councils, Māori, businesses, communities, researchers and the public to measure, and make decisions about such things as: where we need roads, schools and hospitals 5. 55.184 % of working-age population (2019) Urban Population. Niue: Statistics Niue. Plant & Food Research is a New Zealand-based science company providing research and development that adds value to the fruit, vegetable, crop and food sectors. NZ.Stat is a free web tool that allows you to: Please check the red i to get information, Enterprise Survival for 2020(started 2015 to 2018), Enterprises by business type and employee count size 2000-20, Enterprises by business type and industry 2000-20, Enterprises by control classification and employee count size 2000-20, Enterprises by control classification and industry 2000-20, Enterprises by industry and enterprise employee count size group 2000-20, Enterprises by institutional sector and employee count size 2000-20, Enterprises by institutional sector and industry 2000-20, Enterprises by overseas equity and employee count size 2000-20, Enterprises by overseas equity and industry 2000-20, Geographic units births and deaths by territorial authority and industry 2001-20, Geographic units by industry and statistical area 2000-20, Geographic units by region and enterprise employee count size group 2000-20, Geographic units by region and industry 2000-20, Highest Qualification, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Birthplace and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Languages Spoken (Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Occupation and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Status in Employment and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Work and Labour Force Status and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification, Work and Labour Force Status and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest School Qualification, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest School Qualification, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest School Qualification, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest School Qualification, Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest School Qualification, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Post-school Qualification Broad Field of Study, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Post-school Qualification Broad Field of Study, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Post-school Qualification Broad Field of Study, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Post-school Qualification Broad Field of Study, Work and Labour Force Status and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Age Group of Mother, Age Group of Father and Total Number of Children in Family, for Opposite-sex Couples with Dependent Child(ren) in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Age Group of Mother, Age Group of Father and Total Number of Dependent Children in Family, for Opposite-sex Couples with Dependent Child(ren) in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Age Group of Youngest Dependant Child in Family and Total Family Income, for Opposite-sex Couples with Dependent Child(ren) in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Family Type and Child Dependency Status, for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Household Composition and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses), for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Household Composition and Number of Motor Vehicles, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Household Composition and Tenure of Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Household Composition and Total Household Income, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Dependent Children and Total Number of Children, for Couples with Child(ren) in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Number of Dependent Children in Family and Total Family Income, for Opposite-sex Couples with Dependent Child(ren) in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) of Sole Parent, for One Parent with Dependent Child(ren) Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Number of Children, for One Parent with Dependent Child(ren) Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Number of Dependent Children in Family, for One Parent with Dependent Child(ren) Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Personal Income and Sex of Sole Parent, for One Parent with Dependent Child(ren) Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Sex of Sole Parent, for One Parent with Dependent Child(ren) Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses) for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Dwelling Type and Household Composition, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Dwelling Type and Number of Usual Residents in Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Dwelling Type for Private and Non-Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sector of Landlord, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Weekly Rent Paid, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Fuel Type Used to Heat Dwellings (Combinations) and Number of Rooms, for Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Fuel Types Used to Heat Dwelling (Total Responses), for Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Bedrooms and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Rooms and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Usual Residents in Household and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses), for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Usual Residents in Household and Number of Bedrooms, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Usual Residents in Household and Number of Motor Vehicles, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sector of Landlord and Dwelling Type, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sector of Landlord and Number of Bedrooms, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Sector of Landlord and Number of Rooms, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Sector of Landlord and Total Household Income, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Sector of Landlord and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Sector of Landlord and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses) and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household (Level 1), Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses) and Household Composition, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses), for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Tenure of Household and Dwelling Type, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household and Number of Rooms, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Tenure of Household and Number of Usual Residents in Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Household Composition, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Household Composition, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Number of Bedrooms, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Number of Dependent Children in Household, in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Number of Usual Residents in Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses), for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Ethnic Group in Household (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Total Household Income, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Tenure of Household, Fuel Types Used to Heat Dwelling (Total Responses) and Number of Bedrooms, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Household Composition and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses) for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Number of Usual Residents in Household and Number of Bedrooms, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses) and Number of Motor Vehicles, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses) and Total Household Income, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, Tenure of Household, Sources of Household Income Support (Total Responses) and Total Household Income, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Total Household Income and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses) for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Tenure of Household, Total Household Income and Number of Usual Residents in Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, Tenure of Household, Total Household Income and Number of Usual Residents in Household, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 1996 and 2001, Total Household Income and Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses), for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Household Income and Number of Motor Vehicles, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Household Income and Tenure of Household , for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Total Household Income and Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Unoccupied Dwelling Status for Unoccupied Dwellings, 2001, Weekly Rent Paid by Household and Total Household Income, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Weekly Rent Paid by Household, for Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Family Type and Sources of Family Income (Total Reponses), for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Family Type and Total Family Income, for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Dependent Children in Family and Total Family Income, for Families with Children in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Number of Dependent Children in Household and Total Household Income, for Households with Children in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sources of Family Income (Total Reponses) and Total Family Income, for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Social Marital Status and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Work and Labour Force Status and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses), Work and Labour Force Status and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Highest Qualification and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Industry and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Occupation and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Occupation and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Status in Employment and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Work and Labour Force Status and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Work and Labour Force Status and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Age Group and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991and 2001, Birthplace and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Birthplace and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Highest Qualification and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Highest Qualification and Work and Labour Force Status, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Sex, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Household Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses) and Sex, for Maori Ethnic Group Usual Residents in Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Industry and Age Group, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Industry and Status in Employment, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Iwi (Total Responses) and Sex, for the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Language Spoken (Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Language Spoken (Total Responses) and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Legal Marital Status and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Legal Marital Status and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Number of Motor Vehicles Available to Household and Sex, for Maori Ethnic Group Usual Residents in Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001, Occupation and Age Group, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation and Sex, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation and Status in Employment, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation and Total Personal Income, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Official Language Indicator and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Official Language Indicator and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Religious Affiliation (Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Religious Affiliation (Total Responses) and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Social Marital Status and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Social Marital Status and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Status in Employment and Age Group, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Tenure Holder and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Tenure Holder and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income and Status in Employment, for the Employed Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income and Work and Labour Force Status, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses) and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Usual Residence 5 Years Ago (1996) and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Usual Residence 5 Years Ago (1996) and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Years at Usual Residence and Age Group, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Years at Usual Residence and Sex, for the Maori Ethnic Group Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Night Population Count, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Birthplace and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1996, 2001, Birthplace and Years Since Arrival in New Zealand, for the Overseas Born Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses), Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses), Birthplace and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Ethnic Group (Level 3 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Language Spoken (15 Most Commonly Spoken Languages) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Language Spoken (Total Responses), Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Legal Marital Status, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Number of Languages Spoken, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Official Language Indicator, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Religious Affiliation (Total Response) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Single Year of Age and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Social Marital Status, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sources of Personal Income, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Total Personal Income, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Usual Residence 5 Years Ago (1996), Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001, Years at Usual Residence, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991, 1996, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work and Total Personal Income, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Industry, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Occupation, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Status in Employment, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work and Total Personal Income, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Industry, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Occupation, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Main Means of Travel to Work, Work Status and Status in Employment, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Hours Worked Per Week in Main Job, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Hours Worked Per Week in Main Job, Occupation and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Hours Worked Per Week in Main Job, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Industry, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Industry, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Industry, Work Status and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2001, Industry, Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2001, Job Search Methods (Total Responses), Age Group and Sex, for the Unemployed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Work Status and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Occupation, Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Hours Worked per Week in Main Job and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Sector of Ownership (Employer), Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses), Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses), Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses), Hours Worked in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses), Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses), Work and Labour Force Status, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1991, 1996 and 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment, Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment, Highest Qualification and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment, Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status and Status in Employment, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Work and Labour Force Status, Status in Employment, Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Work Status and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Industry, Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Highest Qualification and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Industry and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Status in Employment and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Work Status and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Occupation, Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Work and Status in Employment, Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Work and Status in Employment, Ethnic Group (Level 1 Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Work and Status in Employment, Total Personal Income and Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Workplace Area, Work and Status in Employment, Total Personal Income and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001, Age by Sex for 1996, 2001 and 2006 Censuses, Dwelling Type by Number of Usual Residents, 2006 Census, Dwelling Type for Occupied Dwellings, 2006 Census, Family Type by Family Income, 2006 Census, Income (Household) by Household Composition, 2006 Census, Income (Household) by Tenure of Household, 2006 Census, Phone, Internet and Fax (Household Access), 2006 Census, Qualification (Highest) by Age, 2006 Census, Qualification (Highest) by Sex, 2006 Census, Travel to Work (Main Means of) by Age, 2006 Census, Travel to Work (Main Means of), 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Birthplace by Language Spoken, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Unpaid Activities by Sex, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Age and Sex, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Cigarette Smoking Status, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Occupation (ANZSCO Major Group), 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Qualification (Highest), 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Religious Affiliation, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Sources of Personal Income, 2006 Census, Asian Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Total Personal Income (Grouped), 2006 Census, Birthplace (Broad Geographic Areas) and Years Since Arrival in New Zealand by Sex, for the Overseas Born Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Birthplace (Broad Geographic Areas) by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Birthplace (Detailed) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Birthplace and Occupation (ANZSCO Major Group) by Sex, 2006 Census, Birthplace and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, 2006 Census, Birthplace by Qualification (Highest), 2006 Census, Birthplace by Sources of Personal Income, 2006 Census, Birthplace by Total Personal Income (Grouped), 2006 Census, Birthplace by Years Since Arrival in New Zealand, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group (Detailed Single and Combination) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Ethnic Group (Single and Combination) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Ethnic Group (Single and Combination) by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Ethnic Group (Total Responses), for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Ethnic Group and Occupation (ANZSCO Major Group) by Sex, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group and Qualification (Highest) by Sex, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group and Unpaid Activities by Sex, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group by Sources of Personal Income, 2006 Census, Ethnic Group by Total Personal Income (Grouped), 2006 Census, Iwi (Total Responses) and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, for the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Iwi (Total Responses) for the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2001 and 2006, Iwi and Tenure Holder by Sex, 2006 Census, Iwi and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, 2006 Census, Iwi by Cigarette Smoking Status, 2006 Census, Iwi by Industry (ANZSIC06 Division), 2006 Census, Iwi by Occupation (ANZSCO Major Group), 2006 Census, Iwi by Official Language Indicator, 2006 Census, Iwi by Qualification (Highest), 2006 Census, Iwi by Religious Affiliation, 2006 Census, Iwi by Total Personal Income (Grouped), 2006 Census, Languages Spoken (Number of) by Ethnic Group, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Birthplace by Language Spoken, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Unpaid Activities by Sex, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Age and Sex, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Cigarette Smoking Status, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Occupation (ANZSCO Major Group), 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Qualification (Highest), 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Religious Affiliation, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Sources of Personal Income, 2006 Census, Pacific Ethnic Groups (Selected) by Total Personal Income (Grouped), 2006 Census, Religious Affiliation by Age, 2006 Census, Religious Affiliation by Ethnic Group, 2006 Census, Age Group by Sex, for the Census Night Population Count, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Maori Descent by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Legal Marital Status and Social Marital Status by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Legal Marital Status by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Maori Descent by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Number of Children Born Alive and Highest Qualification by Age Group of Mother, for the Female Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Number of Children Born Alive and Work and Labour Force Status by Age Group of Mother, for the Female Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2006, Number of Children Born Alive by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) of Mother, for the Female Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996 and 2006, Social Marital Status by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Territorial Authority of Usual Residence Five Years Ago (2001), for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged Five Years and Over, 2006, Usual Residence Five Years Ago (2001) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Years at Usual Residence by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count, 2006, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Occupation (NZSCO99 V1.0 Major Group) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week and Status in Employment by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Hours Worked in Employment Per Week by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division) and Status in Employment by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division) and Work Status by Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division) and Work Status by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Sub Division) and Work Status by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Industry (ANZSIC96 V4.1 Division) and Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Industry (ANZSIC96 V4.1 Division) by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Job Search Methods (Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Unemployed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Major Group) and Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Major Group) by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Sub Major Group) and Total Personal Income by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Sub Major Group) and Work Status by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (NZSCO99 V1.0 Major Group) and Work Status by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Occupation (NZSCO99 V1.0 Major Group) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses), for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Occupation (NZSCO99 V1.0 Sub Major Group) by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Sector of Ownership (Employer) and Total Personal Income (Grouped) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Status in Employment by Work Status and Total Personal Income, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Unpaid Activities (Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Work and Labour Force Status and Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Work and Labour Force Status and Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Work and Labour Force Status and Highest Qualification by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Workplace Address and Industry (ANZSIC96 V4.1 Division) by Work Status, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 1996, 2001 and 2006, Workplace Address and Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Major Group) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses), for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sources of Family Income (Total Responses) by Family Type, for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Sources of Household Income (Total Responses) by Household Composition, for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) and Work and Labour Force Status by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) and Work and Labour Force Status by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses), for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Family Income (Grouped) and Family Type by Number of Dependent Children, for Families with Children in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Total Family Income by Family Type by Child Dependency Status, for Families in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2001 and 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) and Highest Qualification by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) and Hours Worked in Employment Per Week by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) and Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division) by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) and Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Sub-Major Group) by Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) and Work and Labour Force Status by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) by Industry (ANZSIC06 V1.0 Division), for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income (Grouped) by Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Major Group), for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Highest Qualification by Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Hours Worked in Employment Per Week by Age Group, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Hours Worked in Employment Per Week by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses), for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0 Major Group) by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Status in Employment by Age Group and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income and Work and Labour Force Status by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Total Personal Income by Age Group and Sex for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2001 and 2006, Total Personal Income by Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Access to Telecommunication Systems (Total Responses), for Usual Residents in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Maori Electoral Districts, in Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Age Group by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 2006, Age Group by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Employed Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Cigarette Smoking Status by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Dwelling Type, for Usual Residents in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Maori Electoral Districts, in Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Employment Status, Work Status and Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Employed Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 15 Years and Over, 2006, Ethnic Group (Grouped Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 2006, Family Type by Number of Children, for Usual Residents in Families in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Families in Maori Electoral Districts, in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Highest Qualification by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Household Composition, for Usual Residents in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Maori Electoral Districts, in Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Industry (ANZSIC06V1.0 Division) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Employed Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 15 Years and Over, 2006, Language Spoken (Total Responses) by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 2006, Maori Descent and Age Group, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts, 2006, Number of Children Born Alive by Age Group, for the Female Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Female Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 15 Years and Over, 2006, Occupation (ANZSCO V1.0) by Sex, for the Employed Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Employed Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sector of Landlord, for Usual Residents in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Maori Electoral Districts, in Households in Rented Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Social Marital Status by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Sources of Personal Income (Total Responses) by Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Tenure of Household, for Usual Residents in General Electoral Districts and Usual Residents of Maori Descent in Maori Electoral Districts, in Households in Private Occupied Dwellings, 2006, Total Personal Income by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, Aged 15 Years and Over, 2006, Years at Usual Residence by Age Group and Sex, for the Census Usually Resident Population Count in General Electoral Districts and the Maori Descent Census Usually Resident Population Count in Maori Electoral Districts, 2006, Age by sex (census night population), 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Age by sex, 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Legally registered relationship status and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Census, Legally registered relationship status and partnership status in current relationship by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Legally registered relationship status and partnership status in current relationship by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Legally registered relationship status by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Number of children born alive and highest qualification by age of woman, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Number of children born alive and work and labour force status by age of woman, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Number of children born alive by age and ethnic group (grouped total responses) of woman, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Partnership status in current relationship and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Census, Partnership status in current relationship by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Regional council of area usual residence five years ago (2008) by regional council area (2013), 2013 Census, Territorial authority area of usual residence five years ago (2008) by territorial authority area (2013), 2013 Census, Usual residence five years ago indicator (2008) by age group and sex, 2013 Census, Years at usual residence by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace and work and labour force status by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace by highest qualification, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace by sources of personal income, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace by total personal income (grouped), 2013 Census, Birthplace by years since arrival in New Zealand, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace by occupation, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace and years since arrival in New Zealand by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Birthplace and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by languages spoken, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed single & combination) by age and sex, 2013 Census, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) and Maori descent indicator by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) by number of ethnic groups specified, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) by number of languages spoken, 2001, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (single & combination) by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (single & combination) by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (total responses) by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Ethnic group (total responses), 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and cigarette smoking behaviour by sex, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and languages spoken by age, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and status in employment by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and study participation by sex, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and unpaid activities by sex, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Iwi and work and labour force status by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by highest qualification, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by occupation, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by religious affiliation, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by sources of personal income, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by tenure holder, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Iwi by total personal income, 2013 Census, Languages spoken by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Languages spoken by birthplace, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Maori descent indicator by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Number of languages spoken by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Official language indicator by age, 2013 Census, Religious affiliation by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Religious affiliation by birthplace, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) and cigarette smoking behaviour by sex, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) and study participation by sex, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) and unpaid activities by sex, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) and work and labour force status by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by age, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by birthplace, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by highest qualification, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by language spoken, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by occupation, 2006 and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by religious affiliation, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by sources of personal income, 2001, 2006, and 2013 Censuses, Selected ethnic groups (total responses) by total personal income, 2013 Census, Fuel types used to heat dwellings (single and combination), 2013, Fuel types used to heat dwellings (total responses), 2001, 2006 and 2013, Number of bedrooms, for occupied private dwellings, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Number of rooms by occupied dwelling type, for occupied private dwellings, 2013, Number of rooms, for occupied private dwellings, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Number of usual residents in household by number of bedrooms, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Occupied dwelling type by age group of usual residents, 2013, Occupied dwelling type by number of usual residents in household, 2013, Occupied dwelling type, for occupied private dwellings, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Occupied dwellings, unoccupied dwellings, and dwellings under construction, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Occupied private and non-private dwellings, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Sector of landlord by number of bedrooms, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Tenure holder and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Tenure holder and total personal income (grouped) by sex, 2013, Tenure holder by age group and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Tenure of household by number of bedrooms, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Tenure of household by total household income (grouped), 2013, Weekly rent paid by household, by number of bedrooms, 2013, Weekly rent paid by household, by total household income (grouped), 2013, Weekly rent paid by household, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Number of sources of personal income by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Sources of family income by family type, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Sources of household income by household composition, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Sources of personal income and work and labour force status by age and sex, 2013, Sources of personal income by age and sex, 2001, 2006 and 2013, Sources of personal income by ethnic group, age and sex, 2013, Sources of personal income by ethnic group, 2013, Total family income (grouped) by family type, 2006 and 2013, Total family income and family type by number of dependent children, 2013, Total household income (grouped) by household composition, 2006 and 2013, Total household income by tenure of household, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and ethnic group by sex, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and highest qualification by sex, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and hours worked in employment per week by sex, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and industry by age and sex, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and occupation (ANZSCO sub-major group) by age, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) and work and labour force status by age, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Total personal income (grouped) by industry, 2013, Total personal income (grouped) by occupation (ANZSCO major group), 2013, Total personal income and ethnic group by age, 2013, Total personal income and highest qualification by age, 2013, Total personal income and hours worked in employment per week by age, 2013, Total personal income and hours worked in employment per week by ethnic group, 2013, Total personal income and status in employment by age and sex, 2013, Total personal income by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Total personal income by age and sex, 2013, Total personal income, occupation (ANZSCO major group) and ethnic group by sex, 2013, Total personal income, work and labour force status and ethnic group by sex, 2013, Age group and sex of sole parent, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of mother, age group of father, and total number of children in family, for opposite-sex couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of mother, age group of father, and total number of dependent children in family, for opposite-sex couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of parent in families with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of people in couples without children, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of people in same-sex couples, 2013, Age group of sole parent, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of youngest dependent child in family, for couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Age group of youngest dependent child in family, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Extended family type, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Family type by child dependency status, for families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Family type with type of couple, for families, 2013, Family type, for families with dependent young people, 2013, Family type, for grandparents in a parental role in families, 2013, Family type, for people in families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Household composition by child dependency status, for households, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Household composition by number of dependent children in household, for households, 2013, Household composition by tenure of household, for households with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Household composition, for households, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Household composition, for people in households, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Legally registered relationship status of people in same-sex couples, 2013, Number of children, for same-sex couples, 2013, Number of dependent children and total number of children, for couples with child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Number of dependent children and total number of children, for one parent families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Number of usual residents in household, for households, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Sex and age group, for people in one-person households, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Sex of sole parent, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status and sex of sole parent by age group of youngest dependent child in family, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status and sex of sole parent, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status of father, for opposite-sex couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status of mother and work and labour force status of father by age group of youngest dependent child in family, for opposite-sex couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status of mother, for opposite-sex couples with dependent child(ren), 2001, 2006, and 2013, Household access to phone, internet and fax by tenure of household, 2006 and 2013, Household access to phone, internet and fax by total household income (grouped), 2013, Household access to phone, internet and fax, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Main means of travel to work and work status by status in employment, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Main means of travel to work by age, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Main means of travel to work by industry (ANZSIC06 division), 2006 and 2013, Main means of travel to work by occupation (ANZSCO major group), 2006 and 2013, Main means of travel to work by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Main means of travel to work, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Number of motor vehicles by tenure of household, 2006 and 2013, Number of motor vehicles by total household income (grouped), 2013, Number of motor vehicles, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Hours worked in employment per week and occupation (ANZSCO major group) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Hours worked in employment per week and status in employment by age and sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Hours worked in employment per week by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 division) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 division) and status in employment by sex, 2006 and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 division) and work status by age, 2006 and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 division) and work status by sex, 2006 and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 division) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Industry (ANZSIC06 subdivision) and work status by sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO major group) and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO major group) and work status by sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO major group) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO major group) by ethnic group (grouped total responses), 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO sub-major group) and total personal income by sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO sub-major group) and work status by sex, 2006 and 2013, Occupation (ANZSCO sub-major group) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Sector of ownership (employer) and total personal income (grouped) by sex, 2013, Status in employment and work status by total personal income, 2013, Unpaid activities by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Unpaid activities by ethnic group (grouped total responses) and sex, 2006 and 2013, Unpaid activities by hours worked in employment per week and sex, 2006 and 2013, Unpaid activities by status in employment and sex, 2006 and 2013, Unpaid activities by total personal income (grouped) and sex, 2006 and 2013, Unpaid activities by work and labour force status and sex, 2006 and 2013, Work and labour force status and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Work and labour force status and highest qualification by age, 2013, Workplace address and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by work status, 2006 and 2013, Workplace address and main means of travel to work, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Workplace address and occupation (ANZSCO major group) by ethnic group (grouped total responses), 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age, 2013, Highest qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification and occupation (ANZSCO major group) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification and status in employment by age, 2013, Highest qualification and status in employment by sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification by age and sex, 2013, Highest secondary school qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age, 2013, Highest secondary school qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest secondary school qualification by age and sex, 2013, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and work and labour force status by sex, 2001, 2006, and 2013, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) by age and sex, 2013, Study participation and birthplace by sex, 2006 and 2013, Study participation and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age, 2013, Study participation and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Study participation and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006 and 2013, Study participation and status in employment by age, 2013, Study participation and status in employment by sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour and ethnic group (detailed total responses) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013 (DHB), Cigarette smoking behaviour and ethnic group (detailed total responses) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour and highest qualification by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour and total personal income (grouped) by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour and work and labour force status by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Cigarette smoking behaviour by age and sex, 2006 and 2013, Highest qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age and sex, 2006, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Highest qualification and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Highest qualification and occupation (ANZSCO major group) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Highest qualification and status in employment by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Highest secondary school qualification and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Post-school qualification field of study (broad) and work and labour force status by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Study participation and birthplace by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Study participation and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Study participation and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Study participation and industry (ANZSIC06 division) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Study participation and status in employment by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Study participation and work and labour force status by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (broad geographic areas) and work and labour force status by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (broad geographic areas) and years since arrival in New Zealand by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (broad geographic areas) by highest qualification by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (detailed overseas born) and years since arrival in New Zealand by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (detailed), for the census usually resident population count, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Birthplace (New Zealand/overseas) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by languages spoken (17 languages), 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed single and combination) by age and sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and cigarette smoking behaviour by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and highest qualification by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and languages spoken by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and occupation by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) by religious affiliation (total responses) by sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and sources of personal income by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and total personal income (grouped) by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and unpaid activities by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) and work and labour force status by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) by age and sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 3) by birthplace (detailed NZ/overseas born) by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (detailed total response - level 4), by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) and number of ethnic groups specified by age group and sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (grouped total responses) and number of languages spoken by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Ethnic group (single & combination) by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Languages spoken (total responses) and birthplace (broad geographic areas) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Number of languages spoken and birthplace (broad geographic areas) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Official language indicator and birthplace (broad geographic areas) by age group and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Religious affiliation (total responses) and birthplace (broad geographic areas) by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Religious affiliation (total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household access to phone, internet and fax by tenure of household, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household access to phone, internet and fax by total household income (grouped), 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Age group and sex of sole parent, for one parent with dependent child(ren) families, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Age group and sex, for people in one-person households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Age group of youngest dependent child in family by family type, for families with dependent children, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Extended family type, for extended families, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Family type by child dependency status, for families, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Family type, for people in families, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household composition by age group, for people in households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household composition by child dependency status, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household composition by number of dependent children in household, for households, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Household composition by tenure of household and access to telecommunication systems, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household composition by tenure of household, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Household composition, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Main types of heating used (total responses) by household composition, for households, 2018 Census, Number of dependent children and total number of children, for couples with child(ren), 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Number of motor vehicles by tenure of household, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Number of usual residents in household by number of rooms, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sources of family income by family type, for families, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sources of household income by household composition, for households, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Total family income (grouped) by family type, for families, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total household income (grouped) by household composition, for households, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Cigarette smoking behaviour and ethnic group (detailed total response - level 4) by age group and sex, for the census usually resident population count aged 15 years and over, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Cigarette smoking behaviour and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, for the census usually resident population count aged 15 years and over, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Cigarette smoking behaviour and highest qualification by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Cigarette smoking behaviour and total personal income (grouped) by age group and sex, 2006,2013, and 2018 Censuses, Cigarette smoking behaviour and work and labour force status by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Access to basic amenities (total responses) by sector of landlord, 2018 Census, Access to basic amenities (total responses) by tenure of household, 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator and dwelling mould indicator by total household income (grouped), 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator by dwelling mould indicator, 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator by ethnic group (grouped total responses), age group and sex, 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator by main types of heating used (single and combination), 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator by sector of landlord, 2018 Census, Dwelling dampness indicator and tenure of household, 2018 Census, Dwelling mould indicator by ethnic group (grouped total responses), age group and sex, 2018 Census, Dwelling mould indicator by main types of heating used (single and combination), 2018 Census, Dwelling mould indicator by sector of landlord, 2018 Census, Dwelling mould indicator and tenure of household, 2018 Census, Individual home ownership and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Individual home ownership and total personal income (grouped) by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Main types of heating used (total responses) by occupied dwelling type, 2018 Census, Main types of heating used (total responses) by sector of landlord, 2018 Census, Main types of heating used (total responses) by tenure of household, 2018 Census, Number of basic amenities available by ethnic group (grouped total responses), age group and sex, 2018 Census, Number of basic amenities available by tenure of household, 2018 Census, Number of bedrooms by occupied dwelling type, 2006, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Number of rooms by occupied dwelling type, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Occupied dwellings, unoccupied dwellings, and dwellings under construction, for private and non-private dwellings, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sector of landlord and weekly rent paid by household, by number of bedrooms, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Tenure of household by number of bedrooms, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Tenure of household by total household income (grouped), 2018 Census, Weekly rent paid by household, by number of bedrooms, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Weekly rent paid by household, by total household income (grouped), 2018 Census, Maori descent indicator and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Maori descent indicator and languages spoken (official and common) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Maori descent indicator and Maori ethnicity indicator by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Maori descent indicator and religious affiliation by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Maori descent indicator by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Age and sex by ethnic group (grouped total response), 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses (urban rural areas), Age and sex by ethnic group (grouped total responses), for census night population counts, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses (RC, TA, SA2, DHB), Age and sex by ethnic group (grouped total responses), for census usually resident population counts, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses (RC, TA, SA2, DHB), Legally registered relationship status and partnership status in current relationship by age and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Number of children born by age and ethnic group (grouped total responses) and birthplace (New Zealand/overseas) of woman, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Partnership status in current relationship and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Regional council area of usual residence five years ago (2013) by regional council area (2018), 2018 Census, Regional council area of usual residence one year ago (2017) by regional council area (2018), 2018 Census, Territorial authority area of usual residence five years ago (2013) by territorial authority area (2018), 2018 Census, Territorial authority area of usual residence one year ago (2017) by territorial authority area (2018), 2018 Census, Usual residence five years ago indicator (2013) by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Usual residence one year ago indicator (2017) by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Years at usual residence by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Main means of travel to education and educational institution address by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Main means of travel to education by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Main means of travel to education by study participation, 2018 Census, Main means of travel to work and work status by status in employment, 2018 Census, Main means of travel to work and workplace address by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Main means of travel to work by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Hours worked in employment per week and occupation (major group) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Hours worked in employment per week and status in employment by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Industry (division) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Industry (division) and status in employment by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Industry (subdivision) and work status by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Number of sources of personal income by age group and sex, 2018 Census, Occupation (major group) and industry (division) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Occupation (major group) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Occupation (sub-major group) and total personal income (grouped) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Occupation (sub-major group) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sector of ownership (employer) and total personal income (grouped) by sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sources of personal income and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Sources of personal income and work and labour force status by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Status in employment and work status by total personal income and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income (grouped and median) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income (grouped) and industry (division) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income and highest qualification by age group and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income and occupation (major group) by age group and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income by age group and sex, for the census usually resident population count aged 15 years and over, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Total personal income, work and labour force status, and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2013 and 2018 Censuses, Unpaid activities (total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Work and labour force status and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by age group and sex, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses, Annual Community Sentence Offender Population for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Completed Community Work Offender Population for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Post-prison Offender Population for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Remand Prisoner Population for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Sentenced Prisoner Population for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Community Sentence Offender Population for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Completed Community Work Offender Population for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Post-prison Offender Population for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Remand Prisoner Population for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Sentenced Prisoner Population for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Apprehensions for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Annual Recorded Offences for the latest Fiscal Years (ANZSOC), Apprehensions for the latest 24 Fiscal Months (ANZSOC), Recorded Offences for the latest 24 Fiscal Months (ANZSOC), Annual Apprehensions for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Annual Recorded Offences for the latest Calendar Years (ANZSOC), Apprehensions for the latest 24 Calendar Months (ANZSOC), Recorded Offences for the latest 24 Calendar Months (ANZSOC), Table 1: Disability status by place of residence, age group, sex and ethnic group, 2006, Table 2: Adults with disability, by disability type, age-group, sex and place of residence, 2006, Table 3: Adults with disability, by disability cause, age-group, sex and place of residence, 2006, Table 4: Children with disability, by disability type, age-group, sex and unmet need for health service, 2006, Table 5: Children with disability, by disability cause, age-group and sex, 2006, Average American Crowding Index: Average Number of People per Room for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Average Crowding Index Using Canadian National Occupancy Standard for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Household by Crowding Categories of Canadian National Occupancy Standard as a Percentage of All Private Occupied Dwellings1991, 1996 and 2001, Households by American Crowding Index Category As a Percentage of All Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Occupancy Rate for Usually Resident Households, Households Usually Resident in Multi-Unit Permanent Private Dwellings by Number of Storeys in Building as a Percentage of Households Usually Resident in Private Occupied Dwellings 1996 and 2001, Percentage of Households Usually Resident in Each Dwelling Type for Households in Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Percentage of Population in Each Age Group for the Population Usually Resident in Temporary Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Percentage of Population in Each Ethnic Group(s) for the Population Usually Resident in Temporary Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Population Usually Resident in Temporary Private Occupied Dwellings as a Percentage of the Population Usually Resident in All Private Occupied Dwellings 1991, 1996 and 2001, Population Usually Resident in Temporary Private Occupied Dwellings by Age Group as a Percentage of the Population Usually Resident in All Private Occupied Dwellings by Age Group 1991, 1996 and 2001, Population Usually Resident in Temporary Private Occupied Dwellings by Ethnic Group(s) as a Percentage of the Population Usually Resident in All Private Occupied Dwellings by Ethnic Group(s) 1991, 1996 and 2001, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Disposable Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Equivalised Household Disposable Income, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Equivalised Household Disposable Income and Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Equivalised Household Disposable Income and Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Equivalised Household Disposable Income and Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Tenure Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Median Equivalised Household Residual Income for Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Median Number of People Living in Crowded and Non-crowded Households, Median Number of People Living in Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Ethnic Group, Median Number of People Living in Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Household Type, Median Number of People Living in Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Tenure Type, Number of Crowded and Non-crowded Households, Number of Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Ethnic Group, Number of Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Household Type, Number of Crowded and Non-crowded Households by Tenure Type, Number of Households by Equivalised Household Residual Income, Number of Households by Equivalised Household Residual Income and Ethnic Group, Number of Households by Equivalised Household Residual Income and Household Type, Number of Households by Equivalised Household Residual Income and Tenure Type, Number of Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Number of Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Number of Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Number of Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Number of Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio, Number of Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Ethnic Group, Number of Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Household Type, Number of Low Income Households by Housing Cost to Income Ratio and Tenure Type, Migrants' Current Occupation by Wave and Immigration Approval Category, Migrants' Current Occupation by Wave and Occupation in Previous Country, Migrants' Current Occupation by Wave and Region of Origin, Migrants' Labour Force Status by Wave and Immigration Approval Category, Migrants' Labour Force Status by Wave and Region of Origin, Migrants' Perception of Safety in New Zealand by Wave and Immigration Approval Category, Migrants' Perception of Safety in New Zealand by Wave and Region of Origin, Migrants' Satisfaction with Life in New Zealand by Wave and Immigration Approval Category, Migrants' Satisfaction with Life in New Zealand by Wave and Region of Origin, Migrants' Satisfaction with their Main Job in New Zealand by Wave and Immigration Approval Category, Migrants' Satisfaction with their Main Job in New Zealand by Wave and Region of Origin, Exports for Overseas Cargo (fob NZ$): New Zealand Port by Country of Destination, Commodity (HS2) and Period, Exports for Overseas Merchandise Trade (fob NZ$): Country of Destination by Commodity (HS2) and Period, Imports for Overseas Cargo (cif NZ$): New Zealand Port by Country of Origin, Commodity (HS2) and Period, Imports for Overseas Merchandise Trade (cif NZ$): Country of Origin by Commodity (HS2) and Period, Earnings for people in paid employment by region, sex, age groups and ethnic groups, Earnings from main wage and salary job by industry (ANZSIC 2006), sex, age groups, and ethnic groups, Earnings from main wage and salary job by industry (ANZSIC 2006), sex, and highest qualification, Earnings from main wage and salary job by occupation (ANZSCO 2006), sex, age groups, and ethnic groups, Earnings from main wage and salary job by occupation (ANZSCO 2006), sex, and highest qualification, Earnings from wage and salary jobs by sex, age groups, ethnic groups, and full-time and part-time status, Earnings from wage and salary jobs by sex, age groups, region, and full-time and part-time status, Earnings from wages and salaries and self-employment, by sex, age groups and ethnic groups, Earnings from wages and salaries and self-employment, by sex, region and ethnic groups, Gender pay gap by age groups (based on median hourly earnings), Household income by region, household type, and source of household income, Income by disability status, age groups and income source, Income by region, sex, age groups and ethnic groups, Income by sex, age groups, ethnic groups and income source, Income by sex, region, ethnic groups and income source, Count of fatal and serious non-fatal injuries by sex, age group, ethnicity, cause, and severity of injury, 2000-19, Table 1: All claims for work-related injury by territorial authority 2002 - 2018, Table 2: All claims for work-related injury by district health board 2002 - 2018, Table 3: All claims for work-related injury by territorial authority 2019 PROVISIONAL, Table 4: All claims for work-related injury by district health board 2019 PROVISIONAL, Table 5: All claims for work-related injury by industry and territorial authority 2009 - 2019(P), Adults convicted in court by sentence type - most serious offence calendar year, Adults prosecuted in court - most serious offence calendar year, Charges prosecuted against adults by offence type calendar year, Children and young people charged in court - most serious offence calendar year, Children and young people given an order in court - most serious offence calendar year, Adults convicted in court by sentence type - most serious offence fiscal year, Adults prosecuted in court - most serious offence fiscal year, Charges prosecuted against adults by offence type fiscal year, Children and young people charged in court - most serious offence fiscal year, Children and young people given an order in court - most serious offence fiscal year, Table 4: LEED measures, by industry (based on ANZSIC06), Table 37: LEED measures, by territorial authority, Table 8: LEED measures, by age and sector, Table 9: LEED measures, by age and industry (based on ANZSIC06), Table 10: LEED measures, by age and region, Table 11: LEED measures, by age and firm size, Table 12: LEED measures, by sex and sector, Table 13: LEED measures, by sex and industry (based on ANZSIC06), Table 14: LEED measures, by sex and region, Table 15: LEED measures, by sex and firm size, Table 16: LEED measures, by sector and region, Table 17: LEED measures, by sector and firm size, Table 18: LEED measures, by industry (based on ANZSIC06) and region, Table 19: LEED measures, by industry (based on ANZSIC06) and firm size, Table 20: LEED measures, by region and firm size, Table 21: LEED measures, by age, sex, and sector, Table 22: LEED measures, by age, sex, and industry (based on ANZSIC06), Table 23: LEED measures, by age, sex and, region, Table 24: LEED measures, by age, sex, and firm size, Table 25: LEED measures, by age, sector, and region, Table 26: LEED measures, by age, sector and firm size, Table 27: LEED measures, by age, industry (based on ANZSIC06) and region, Table 28: LEED measures, by age, industry (based on ANZSIC06) and firm size, Table 29: LEED measures, by age, region and firm size, Table 30: LEED measures, by sex, sector and region, Table 31: LEED measures, by sex, sector and firm size, Table 32: LEED measures, by sex, industry (based on ANZSIC06) and region, Table 33: LEED measures, by sex, industry (based on ANZSIC06) and firm size, Table 34: LEED measures, by sex, region and firm size, Table 35: LEED measures, by sector, region and firm size, Table 36: LEED measures, by industry (based on ANZSIC06), region and firm size, Table 1.3: Source of taxable income, by proportion, Table 1.401: Main source of taxable income, by secondary source of taxable income (person counts), Table 1.402: Main source of taxable income, by secondary source of taxable income (median income), Table 1.5: Main earnings source, by industry (ANZSIC06), Table 1.6: Main earnings source, by industry (NZSIOC), Table 2.1: Flows Between Main Taxable Income Sources 1-year, Table 2.10-01: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2005), Table 2.10-02: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2006), Table 2.10-03: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2007), Table 2.10-04: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2008), Table 2.10-05: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2009), Table 2.10-06: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2010), Table 2.10-07: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2011), Table 2.10-08: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2012), Table 2.10-09: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2013), Table 2.10-10: Flows between earnings deciles 5-year (2014), Table 2.11: History before a transition onto benefit - sex and recipient status, Table 2.12: History before a transition onto benefit - region and recipient status, Table 2.13: History before a transition onto benefit - age and recipient status, Table 2.14: Average number of months employed and off benefit before a transition onto benefit - sex and recipient status, Table 2.15: Average number of months employed and off benefit before a transition onto benefit - region and recipient status, Table 2.16: Average number of months employed and off benefit before a transition onto benefit - age and recipient status, Table 2.17: Outcomes following a transition off benefit - sex and recipient status, Table 2.18: Outcomes following a transition off benefit - region and recipient status, Table 2.19: Outcomes following a transition off benefit - age and recipient status, Table 2.2: Flows between main taxable income sources 5-year, Table 2.20: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit - sex and recipient status, Table 2.21: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit - region and recipient status, Table 2.22: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit - age and recipient status, Table 2.23: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit - sex and recipient status, Table 2.24: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit - region and recipient status, Table 2.25: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit - age and recipient status, Table 2.26: Outcomes following a transition off benefit to employment - sex and recipient status, Table 2.27: Outcomes following a transition off benefit to employment - region and recipient status, Table 2.28: Outcomes following a transition off benefit to employment - age and recipient status, Table 2.29: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit to employment - sex and recipient status, Table 2.3: Flows between taxable income bands 1-year, Table 2.30: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit to employment - region and recipient status, Table 2.31: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit to employment - age and recipient status, Table 2.32: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit to employment - sex and recipient status, Table 2.33: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit to employment - region and recipient status, Table 2.34: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit to employment - age and recipient status, Table 2.35: Outcomes following a transition off benefit with work reason code - sex, Table 2.36: Outcomes following a transition off benefit with work reason code - region, Table 2.37: Outcomes following a transition off benefit with work reason code - age, Table 2.38: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit with work reason code - sex, Table 2.39: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit with work reason code - region, Table 2.4: Flows between taxable income bands 5-year, Table 2.40: Average number of months employed and off benefit following a transition off benefit with work reason code - age, Table 2.41: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit with work reason code - sex, Table 2.42: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit with work reason code - region, Table 2.43: Percentage employed and off benefit in all months following a transition off benefit with work reason code - age, Table 2.5-01: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2001), Table 2.5-02: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2002), Table 2.5-03: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2003), Table 2.5-04: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2004), Table 2.5-05: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2005), Table 2.5-06: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2006), Table 2.5-07: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2007), Table 2.5-08: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2008), Table 2.5-09: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2009), Table 2.5-10: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2010), Table 2.5-11: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2011), Table 2.5-12: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2012), Table 2.5-13: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2013), Table 2.5-14: Flows between taxable income deciles 1-year (2014), Table 2.6-01: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2005), Table 2.6-02: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2006), Table 2.6-03: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2007), Table 2.6-04: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2008), Table 2.6-05: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2009), Table 2.6-06: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2010), Table 2.6-07: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2011), Table 2.6-08: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2012), Table 2.6-09: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2013), Table 2.6-10: Flows between taxable income deciles 5-year (2014), Table 2.7: Flows between earnings bands 1-year, Table 2.8: Flows between earnings bands 5-year, Table 2.9-01: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2001), Table 2.9-02: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2002), Table 2.9-03: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2003), Table 2.9-04: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2004), Table 2.9-05: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2005), Table 2.9-06: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2006), Table 2.9-07: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2007), Table 2.9-08: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2008), Table 2.9-09: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2009), Table 2.9-10: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2010), Table 2.9-11: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2011), Table 2.9-12: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2012), Table 2.9-13: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2013), Table 2.9-14: Flows between earnings deciles 1-year (2014), Table 3.1: Source of taxable income, by months received, Table 3.2: Median annual earnings, by months received, Table 3.3: Source of taxable income, by continuous spell length, Table 3.4: Length of continuous job tenure (ANZSIC06), Table 3.5: Length of continuous job tenure (region), Table 3.6: Length of continuous job tenure (NZSIOC06), Table 4.1: Number of jobs held and earnings, Table 4.2: Workers with multiple jobs, by industry (ANZSIC06), Table 5.1: Main earnings source, by average firm size, Table 5.2: Wages and salaries as main source of taxable income and self-employment as secondary source (ANZSIC06), Table 5.3: Self-employment as main source of taxable income and wages and salaries as secondary source (ANZSIC06), Table 5.4: Firms with employment (ANZSIC06), Table 5.5-01: Comparison of employee jobs in firms with and without working proprietors (industry) (ANZSIC06), Table 5.5-02 Comparison of employee jobs in firms with and without working proprietors (region), Table 5.6: Comparison of employee jobs in firms with and without working proprietors (NZSIOC06), Ability to speak te reo Maori and ability to understand te reo Maori, by age group, Ability to speak te reo Maori and highest level of te reo Maori spoken at home, by age group and sex, Ability to speak te reo Maori and importance of culture, by age group, Ability to speak te reo Maori and level of education, by age group, Ability to speak te reo Maori and Maori medium education, by age group, Ability to speak te reo Maori, by first language, by age group and sex, Ability to speak te reo Maori, by sole Maori ethnicity, by age group, Ability to understand te reo Maori, by first language, by age group, Amount of te reo Maori spoken at home, by people in the household, by sex, Highest level of te reo Maori spoken at home and importance of culture, by age group, Highest level of te reo Maori spoken at home and Maori medium education, by age group, Highest level of te reo Maori spoken at home, by sole Maori ethnicity, by age group, Importance of culture, and participation in modern cultural practices, by age group and sex, Importance of culture, by tribal identity, by age group and sex, Whanau well-being and face-to-face contact, by age group and sex, Estimated components of subnational intercensal population change (RC, TA), 1981-2018, Estimated Maori descent resident population, at 30 June 2001, 2006, 2013, and 2018, Estimated resident population (ERP), adjustments to derive ERP at 30 June 2013 (from census usually resident population), Estimated resident population (ERP), adjustments to derive ERP at 30 June 2018 (from census usually resident population), Estimated resident population (ERP), national population by ethnic group, age, and sex, 30 June 1996, 2001, 2006, 2013, and 2018, Estimated resident population (ERP), subnational population by ethnic group, age, and sex, at 30 June 1996, 2001, 2006, 2013, and 2018, Subnational population component changes and median age (RC, TA), at 30 June 2018-20 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (DHB, DHB constituency), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2020 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (RC, constituency), by age and sex, at 30 June 2018-20 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (RC, SA2), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2020 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (TA, community board), by age and sex, at 30 June 2018-20 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (TA, SA2), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2020 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (TA, subdivision), by age and sex, at 30 June 2018-20 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (TA, ward), by age and sex, at 30 June 2018-20 (2020 boundaries), Subnational population estimates (urban rural), by age and sex, at 30 June 1996-2020 (2020 boundaries), Area unit population projections, by age and sex, 2013(base)-2043 update, Area unit population projections, characteristics, 2013(base)-2043 update, Area unit population projections, projection assumptions, 2013(base)-2043 update, National ethnic population projections, by age and sex, 2013(base)-2038 update, National ethnic population projections, characteristics, 2013(base)-2038 update, National ethnic population projections, projection assumptions, 2013(base)-2038 update, National family and household projections, population by living arrangement type, age, and sex, 2013(base)-2038 update, National family projections, by family type, 2013(base)-2038 update, National household projections, by household type, 2013(base)-2038 update, National labour force projections, by age and sex, 2017(base)-2068, National labour force projections, characteristics, 2017(base)-2068, National population projections, by age and sex, 2020(base)-2073, National population projections, characteristics, 2020(base)-2073, National population projections, projection assumptions, 2020(base)-2073, Subnational ethnic population projections, by age and sex, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational ethnic population projections, characteristics, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational ethnic population projections, projection assumptions, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational family and household projections, population by living arrangement type, and age, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational family projections, by family type, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational household projections, by household type, 2013(base)-2038 update, Subnational population projections, by age and sex, 2013(base)-2043 update, Subnational population projections, characteristics, 2013(base)-2043 update, Subnational population projections, projection assumptions, 2013(base)-2043 update, Urban area population projections, assumptions, 2013(base)-2043 update, Urban area population projections, by age and sex, 2013(base)-2043 update, Urban area population projections, characteristics, 2013(base)-2043 update, Industry Productivity Statistics ANZSIC06, Productivity Statistics - Growth accounting for labour productivity ANZSIC06, Productivity Statistics - Growth accounting for output ANZSIC06, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by broad region, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by household composition and number of dependent children, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by household income group, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by number of people in household, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by principal source of income, Household expenditure for group and subgroup by tenure of household, Household expenditure for group, subgroup and class, Material Standard of Living - Social Participation, New Zealand Household Travel Survey: Regional results (3-year moving average), New Zealand Household Travel Survey: Travel to work, by main urban area results (3-year moving average), Safety and Loneliness by Gender, Age and Family Type, 2008, Safety and Loneliness by Gender, Age and Family Type, 2012, Safety and loneliness, by gender, age and family type, 2010, Housing Problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Age Group and Family Type, 2008, Housing Problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Age Group and Family Type, 2010, Housing Problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Age Group and Family Type, 2012, Housing problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Ethnicity, 2008, Housing problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Ethnicity, 2010, Housing problems, Housing Satisfaction and Tenure by Ethnicity, 2012, Civic participation by ethnicity, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2008, Civic participation by ethnicity, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2010, Civic participation by ethnicity, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2012, Civic participation by family type, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2008, Civic participation by family type, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2010, Civic participation by family type, age, and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand, 2012, Institutional trust, voting and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand by migrant status and regional centre, 2008, Institutional trust, voting and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand by migrant status and regional centre, 2010, Institutional trust, voting and strength of feeling of belonging to New Zealand by migrant status and regional centre, 2012, Overall Life Satisfaction by Housing Satisfaction and Housing Problems, by region (2008, 2010, and 2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Housing Satisfaction and Housing Problems, by region (2010), Overall Life Satisfaction by Housing Satisfaction and Housing Problems, by region (2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Income Adequacy, by region (2008), Overall Life Satisfaction by Income Adequacy, by region (2008, 2010, and 2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Income Adequacy, by region (2010), Overall Life Satisfaction by Income Adequacy, by region (2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Self Rated Health, by region (2008), Overall Life Satisfaction by Self Rated Health, by region (2008, 2010, and 2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Self Rated Health, by region (2010), Overall Life Satisfaction by Self Rated Health, by region (2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Social Isolation, by region (2008), Overall Life Satisfaction by Social Isolation, by region (2008, 2010, and 2012), Overall Life Satisfaction by Social Isolation, by region (2010), Overall Life Satisfaction by Social Isolation, by region (2012), Overall life satisfaction by family type, age group and sex, 2014, Overall life satisfaction by highest qualification, age group, and sex, 2014, Overall life satisfaction by selected ethnic groups and migrant status, 2014, Overall life satisfaction, by labour force status and personal income, 2014, Self-rated well-being, by age group, and sex, 2014, Sense of purpose by family type, age group, and sex, 2014, Sense of purpose by highest qualification, age group, and sex, 2014, Sense of purpose by selected ethnic groups and migrant status, 2014, Sense of purpose, by labour force status and personal income, 2014, International Visitor Survey - Main accommodation used, International Visitor Survey - Visitor expenditure, International Visitor Survey: Place visited (RTO), International Visitor Survey: Place visited (TLA), Regional Tourism Estimates - regional visitor spend, Detailed industry by region for geographic units- (ANZSIC06) 2000-13, Employment size groups for geographic units (ANZSIC06) 2000-13, Key Labour Force Measures by Qualification, Age and Sex, Area Unit Population Projections by Territorial Authorities, Age and Sex, 2006(base)-2031 update, Detailed industry for enterprises (ANZSIC06) 2000-13, customise the table by selecting the variables you want and changing the layout.
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