DHSC is working with the social care sector to implement a similar approach. Employers can decide the hours and shift patterns of their employees – with the government continuing to pay 80 per cent of salaries for the hours they do not work. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will beRead more... Last chance to submit a new claim for the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Funerals of up to 30 people permitted. In a county where 70,000 people suffer mental health problems at any one time, 2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese and 16% of adults smoke, the NHS, alongside Somerset county and district councils and Public Health England are drawing on the skills and expertise of the voluntary sector and neighbourhood groups on a mission for people in Somerset to live longer, healthier and happier lives. Local Coronavirus testing sites are up and running across Somerset, but demand for slots is increasing with 7000 people tested in Somerset last week alone. Employees in Somerset will be able to continue with the furlough scheme until the end of March 2021. Visitors must take responsibility for keeping themselves and others safe. This allows you to use some funded hours in the Summer holidays. This decision was taken by Viridor, which operates the sites for the partnership, to ensure the safety of the public and staff with concerns about being able to maintain the required physical distancing. Latest Somerset County Council information on coronavirus
Spark is holding a series of free informal, networking forums for volunteers involved in the coronavirus emergency. The service will help identify, contain and control coronavirus, reduce the spread of the virus and save lives. The Government has announced that self-employed parents, whose trading profits dipped in 2018/19 because they took time out to have children, will be able to claim for a payment under the self-employed income support scheme (SEISS). Unfortunately, as we all know, coronavirus means that we need to approach such things differently this year. Recycling and rubbish pick-ups are continuing but SWP may be unable to make return pick-ups if recycling collections are missed. You will be contacted when it is your turn to be invited for your vaccination. Check if they’re eligible, and work out how much they can claim using the CJRS calculator and examples. As the UK responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, community pharmacies in Somerset are working tirelessly to ensure that everyone’s medicines and healthcare needs will be met over the coming days and weeks. If you do get bitten, remove ticks with fine-tipped tweezers or a tick-removal tool, grip the head as close to the skin as possible and pull upwards. The full programme of webinars and courses can be found here. Keep any records that support the amount of CJRS grant they claim, in case HM Revenues and Customs needs to check them. Since the initial outbreak of coronavirus, the County Council has worked tirelessly to source PPE for a range of users including schools, care homes, supported living settings, GP surgeries, dentists, at-home care providers, micro-providers, and County Council key workers. We are urging everyone who has booked a vaccine to keep to their appointment – despite being in a second lockdown government guidance does allow you to leave home for a medical appointment – it is safe to do so, with strict social distancing and hygiene procedures in place. Reporting helps build intelligence for law enforcement, which can aid investigations as well as informational campaigns to prevent others from becoming victims. • Level 2 (high) – this will see people prevented from socialising with other households indoors. Anyone who thinks they have coronavirus symptoms should book a test via the Government portal or call 119. Provision is varied from childcare providers opening in the summer to holiday playschemes that offer different activities, including sports, crafts and drama. Please don’t contact the NHS to seek a vaccine, we will contact you; when we do contact you, please attend your booked appointments; and please continue to follow all the guidance to control the virus and save lives. If you Those on lower incomes who cannot work from home and who have lost income as a result will be supported by a payment of £500. You can read our support for small and medium businesses page here. More specific guidance for food businesses. Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) is warning that the usual Easter activities of spring cleaning, DIY and extra gardening could put unbearable strain on collections which are struggling to deal with the impacts of Coronavirus. Somerset [ ˈsʌmərsɛt] (historisch auch Somersetshire) ist eine Grafschaft im Südwesten Englands. It’s important that people reread the letter that came with their bin sticker or check using the ‘My Collection Day’ button on the www.somersetwaste.gov.uk homepage. Show your business is COVID-19 secure by displaying notices in the workplace which you can download here. The details are still emerging but we are already assessing and progressing with that task here in Somerset. The Avon and Somerset Police enquiries desk in the Deane House Hub will remain open.
Funding is available through a number of different organisations both nationally and locally. But it is vital everyone remembers the public health guidance about hand washing and social distancing so that Somerset stays a safe place to live in, work in and to visit. The new number won’t cover medical advice, for which people will need to continue to use the 111 NHS online service and only ring 111 if they cannot get help online. Eleven of Somerset’s 16 recycling centres reopened yesterday (Monday 11 May), for essential visits only, in line with updated Government guidance. You can only visit on certain days depending on your number plate: Temporary restrictions also apply to materials being accepted, again to ensure social distancing. As the route out of lockdown is on everyone’s minds this week,… Read more 26 February, 2021. On Friday 14 August at 8am you can join the County Council’s social media shout out in support of our local businesses. Accommodation providers may also need to refer to guidance for Restaurants, Pubs, Bars and Takeaway Services, guidance for Small Marriages and Civil Partnerships, and guidance for Outdoor Playgrounds and Gyms, depending on the facilities and services available at their sites. Check if your employer can use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Shielding and other advice to the clinically extremely vulnerable has been and remains advisory. “Both Musgrove Park Hospital and Yeovil District Hospital, as well as all of our General Practices, remain open and continue to follow strict infection control guidelines to protect staff, patients and visitors. They also work with the local energy distributors in Somerset – Western Power Distribution (WPD) and Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) to ensure their customers receive priority support. This is asRead more... Somerset’s recycling sites will accept more materials from next week. The order-and collect request form is available on the Somerset Libraries website or by contacting librariesmail@somerset.gov.uk. Somerset County Council will launch the service in Taunton Library on 6 July. The NHS test and trace service will help to control the rate of reproduction (R), reduce the spread of the infection and save lives. Headlines include: • a one-off payment of £1,000 to UK employers for every furloughed employee who remains continuously employed through to the end of January 2021, • a new Kickstart Scheme – a £2 billion fund to create 6-month work placements aimed at those aged 16 to 24 who are on Universal Credit and are deemed to be at risk of long-term unemployment, • an additional £111 million this year for traineeships in England, to fund work placements and training for 16 to 24 year olds, • a new payment of £2,000 to employers in England for each new apprentice they hire aged under 25, and a £1,500 payment for each new apprentice they hire aged 25+ from 1 August 2020 to 31 January 2021, • a reduced (5%) rate of VAT will apply to supplies of food and non-alcoholic drinks from restaurants, pubs, bars, cafés for example, • Stamp duty reduced to zero on properties from £125,000 to £500,000. The results of a large county-wide survey about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on local businesses will be used to shape Somerset’s response and economic recovery planning. The Community Chest Fund has been launched to support groups who are helping us to recover from the effects of COVID19. • https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/face-coverings-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own. Birth registration appointments are currently unavailable. The Government is advising that people should avoid using public transport where possible and opt for walking and cycling instead. Indoor entertainment closed. The Oak Partnership comprises West Monkton, Ruishton CofE and Blackbrook Primaries, along with Selworthy School, which caters for pupils with special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) and is continuing to provide a service for vulnerable pupils at its Hazlebrook Campus site. People in sudden hardship, with less than £1,000 in savings as an individual, or £2,000 as a couple, can now apply for grants of £500, which are funded by donations and do not need to be paid back. Maria Heard, Covid-19 Incident Director, Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, said:Read more... As announced by the Prime Minister on 31 October 2020, there will be a new national lockdown commencing from Thursday 05 November in response to a rise in cases of Coronavirus. Local Coronavirus testing sites are up and running across Somerset, but demand for slots is increasing with 7,000 people tested in Somerset last week alone. Detailed Public Health information dashboards are available on our website www.somerset.gov.uk/coronavirus just scroll down to ‘Covid-19 dashboard’. Wash your hands with soap and water often and at least 20 seconds, wear a face covering if you can and please keep your distance from others.”. The Government has updated safer transport guidance for both operators and passengers to reflect new legislation on social contact and the requirement for passengers to wear face coverings in taxis and private hire vehicles. Registration Service managers are working with key partner agencies such as the Coroner, funeral homes, doctors and Health Trusts to ensure a joined up approach. The service is offering Peer Support Group sessions via Zoom. Schools in Somerset are working hard to keep open or find alternative provision for children of key workers and vulnerable children. The restrictions are designed to stem the rise in coronavirus infections. Please use the online system for booking an appointment wherever possible. These include Popham Court in Wellington and Acacia House in Yeovil, both due to open doors soon. In order to apply for the loan, small businesses will be required to fill in a two-page self-certification form online. This approach will reduce the impact of COVID-19 on people facing homelessness during this public health emergency. Children in Somerset have the technical support to help ensure the impact of coronavirus on their education is minimised thanks to a dedicated team delivering innovation in online learning. Information on the new national restrictions is available at the links below. There’s really important information available to help Somerset residents, businesses and visitors take all-important precautionsRead more... There’s really important information available to help Somerset residents, businesses and visitors take all-important precautions. Subject to a review, it will then be introduced in Bridgwater, Frome, Minehead and Yeovil on 13 July. The government has updated its guidance for people who are shielding taking into account that coronavirus COVID-19 infection rates have decreased significantly over the last few weeks. Details for upcoming sessions are: Thursday 4 June 7pm to 8.30pm, Monday 15 June 2pm to 3.30pm. A case study published nationally documents the innovative online support developed by the Somerset County Council service during lockdown – a time when face-to-face appointments were no longer possible. The changes affect collections of recycling, refuse and garden waste, as wellRead more... No collections on the Summer Bank Holiday Monday, 31 August, mean recycling and rubbish services are one day later all week, including Friday pick-ups on Saturday 5 September. Following emergency legislation passed by government, changes to the process will further protect staff and members of the public during the Covid-19 social distancing period. If you need medical treatment or advice for a minor injury you can call: 01278 436555 or visit the unit.
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