"resetPassword": { Qui troverai fragili e affascinanti formazioni di sabbia e argilla scolpite da migliaia di anni di erosione. The Outback – ødemarken – i Australien er enorm og tom. Here, you can learn about ancient rock art dating back 20,000 years, take a scenic flight to get a view on this huge, remote site and be refreshed by natural waterfalls and swimming holes. Australia has a worldwide reputation for its rugged outback. There is an extensive list of activities and adventures to jump into in the Flinders Ranges, including mountain biking, delving into Aboriginal culture, soaking in thermal springs, four-wheel driving, or taking scenic flights over ​the breathtaking scenery. Un viaggio nell'outback australiano è un viaggio che non dimenticherai facilmente. The Outback is a vast, sparsely populated area of Australia.The Outback is more remote than the bush, which includes any location outside the main urban areas.. Nella cittadina mineraria di Coober Pedy, a meno di nove ore da Adelaide, la maggior parte degli abitanti vive sottoterra nel tentativo di combattere la terribile calura estiva. It was actually called Longreach as a reference to the length of the Thomson River it sits beside. Partecipa a un tour guidato da un ranger aborigeno fino al Walls of China, uno dei paesaggi più incredibili dell'outback australiano. Explore Outback South Australia holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. Viel Spaß :-). There is also the fauna and flora sanctuary where you can see unique Australian wildlife and get an insight into Aboriginal culture. There’s the Desert Cave (with an underground bar), three unique underground churches, museums, and Tom’s breathtaking Opal Mine if you want to find out more about how opal is excavated. The Outback Way is made up of seven interconnecting roads that take you from Winton, Queensland through to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory and finishes in Laverton, Western Australia. Per la migliore esperienza nell'outback, percorri su quattro ruote la Gibb River Road. Non perderti lo spettacolo dall'alto con un volo panoramico. 3,5 Autostunden von Cairns entfernt befindet sich die Mount Mulligan Lodge. Pagaia fino a luoghi in cui le imbarcazioni non possono arrivare e, se vuoi, trascorri la notte in un campeggio. There’s also the option of admiring a spectacular sunrise or sunset over the Painted Desert, an ancient inland seabed. Outback Contrasts - A Journey to the Centre Destinations Alice Springs, Tjoritja / West MacDonnell National Park, Watarrka National Park, Uluru +2 more Age Range 12 to 90 year olds Country Region Australia Northern Territory, Central Australia, Australian Outback, Red Centre +3 more Travel Style Adventure, Group, Partially Guided +1 more Operator | The area north of the Eyre Peninsula and the Flinders Ranges stretches into the vast, empty spaces of the South Australian outback â about 70% of the state, covering the … Die 660 Kilometer lange Strecke führt Sie durch das Herz der Kimberley, von Kununurra im Osten quer durch Derby bis in die kultige Outback-Stadt Broome an ihrem westlichen Ende. Alle australischen Sehenswürdigkeiten Australien ist ein Land mit dramatischen Landschaften und Kontrasten wie kein anderes. } Alles, was nicht in Küstennähe liegt, bezeichnen die Australier als Outback. Abenteuer Gibb River Road. Australien liegt auf der Südhalbkugel und wird aus europäischer Sicht als fünfter Kontinent gezählt. "taIdRetryLimit": 3 The Kimberley is one of Australia’s most enthralling destinations, with spectacular waterways, huge gorges, rock pools, ancient rock formations, and beaches. Das Outback gehört zu den Top-Abenteuern in Australien, wenn du auf der Suche nach faszinierenden Sehenswürdigkeiten bist, die du einmal in deinem Leben erleben möchtest. Una buona notte di sonno è più o meno garantita: le camere sono tranquille e il buio è garantito, quando si spengono le luci. Türkis-schillernder Ozean, das Great Barrier Reef und einer der ältesten tropischen Regenwälder weltweit locken im Nordosten. Wer an Australien denkt, sieht zuerst den Ayers Rock mitten in der zentralaustralischen Wüste vor sich. The sheer volume of highlights not to be missed is almost dizzying in this expansive, remote region. Il terreno qui risale a milioni di anni fa e i visitatori spesso provano la sensazione di trovarsi su un altro pianeta. "registration": { Le prime due notti ci sono mercatini ovunque, con intrattenimenti, stand gastronomici e spettacoli di didgeridoo. Un'altra esperienza incredibile nell'outback è ammirare l'arte rupestre risalente a oltre 20.000 anni fa attribuita alla più antica cultura vivente al mondo. Ma se davvero vuoi vedere la straordinaria gola da vicino, il modo migliore è in kayak. Outback Facts Es gibt nur 100 Berge in Australien Der höchste Berg Australiens ist nur gerade mal 2228 Meter hoch 80% der giftigen Tiere der Welt leben in Australien Die Vier Gebiete Australiens Bäume mit einem Alter von bis zu 2500 Jahren Bedckt fast die Hälfte Australiens Il Warrumbungle National Park, nei pressi della città di Coonabarabran nella regione centro-occidentale del New South Wales, è il primo Dark Sky Park dell'Australia, dove è possibile contemplare il cielo senza inquinamento luminoso. "event": "taCustEvent", Das Outback in Australien steht für endlose Weite, Menschenleere und Abgeschiedenheit. Le tariffe sono indicative e si basano su prezzi minimi e massimi dei relativi prodotti e servizi. The Outback i Australien består af øde landskaber, bizarre klippepartier og andre steder flad slette, der så langt dit øje rækker er dækket af det samme monotone pindsvinegræs og måske mulgatræer, som du har set de foregående 200, 500 eller 700 km. Australien Outback Sehenswürdigkeiten. Wer an Australien denkt, hat sofort das Bild vom Ayers Rock, der heute Uluru genannt wird, im Sinn. Aufgrund der atemberaubenden Landschaft, die zu drei Vierteln aus dem Outback besteht, den Kängurus, Dingos und Koala Bären und einer Vielzahl von Sehenswürdigkeiten, sollte man für eine Australien-Reise sehr viel Zeit einplanen. From the Ackaringa homestead, you can admire a landscape of varying slopes in brilliant oranges, yellows, and whites, which has been revealing itself for more than 80 million years.​. Viel Spaß :-). You think of taking a campervan and making up your itinerary as you go. Positioned at one end of the Birdsville Track, which runs 517km to Maree in South Australia, the town enjoys both the ruggedness of the Simpson Desert and the picturesque beauty of the Diamantina River. Allerdings die Wenigsten davon noch traditionell als Nomaden. Weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Australien und Wissenswertes dazu gibt es natürlich auch. Le gallerie sono meravigliose da esplorare, ma visitarle con un'esperta guida locale permette di comprendere le storie dei dipinti e i significati che nascondono. Alice Springs, the so called Outback capital, sits astride the highway, nearly exactly half way: 1690 km from Adelaide, and 1525 km from Darwin. Per la quintessenza dell'esperienza australiana, dirigiti verso l'outback del Queensland. Eine der üblichen Fragen ist, wohin überhaupt! eBay-Garantie Ein echtes Australien-Abenteuer können Sie im Outback von Queensland erleben. Michela of Rocky Travel. Das Outback … Goditi l'ospitalità dell'outback soggiornando al Wilpena Pound Resort, che si trova all'interno dell'Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park. Plonked in the middle of Queensland, Longreach is a fair distance from any other town, but that is not what inspired its unusual name. "screenSet": "Aus-ProfileUpdate", Mount Mulligan Station, Mount Mulligan, Queensland © Mount Mulligan Station. Your Trip to Australia's Northern Territory, The 14 Best Parks to Visit in Australia's Northern Territory, The Top 11 Destinations in Australia's Northern Territory, Best Things to Do at Uluru / Ayers Rock, Australia, Central Australia's Largest Town Is An Essential Stopover on Your Way to the Outback—Here's Why, 13 Things You Need to Do in Darwin, Australia, 15 Top Things to Do in the Northern Territory, The Best Time to Visit the Northern Territory, The Top Indigenous Travel Experiences in Australia, The Top 12 Wine Regions in Australia Australia, Your Trip to Brisbane: The Complete Guide, Tripsavvy uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Das weite Land, die vielen Naturspektakel, die artenreiche Flora und Fauna, aber auch die verschiedenen Großstädten mit gigantischer Architektur sind nur einige der Reize, weshalb jedes Jahr über sechs Millionen Menschen den 5. }, Wer schon einmal in Down Under war, der weiß, dass der 5. Eine Reise ins Outback von Australien ist für jeden Australienurlauber eine Pflicht. "startScreen": "gigya-reset-password-screen" Qui potrai immedesimarti nel ricercatore d'oro, pescare il barramundi e arrampicarti su per un terreno roccioso prima di fare un picnic privato o partecipare a una degustazione preparata da uno chef locale. Das zivilisationsarme Landesinnere nimmt fast drei Viertel des Kontinents ein und zeigt entsprechend unterschiedliche Landschaften in den … Birdsville, Qld. Between the east and west coasts, there are thousands of kilometers of rural landscapes to explore – including everything from tropical rainforests and cascading waterfalls, to huge expanses of red desert that stretch on for hours at a time. Getty Images/Southern Lightscapes Australia, unique and diverse landscapes for yoursel. Es umfasst etwa 6,5 Millionen Quadratkilometer und hat so viele fernab Attraktionen für den abenteuerlustigen Reisenden. Most people living in Australia live on the coastline, leaving the Outback … An isolated old mining town, Broken Hill offers beautiful landscapes and taste of classic outback hospitality. Tweet. Probably not – so get ready to have your world flipped! Tourism Australia non è responsabile degli altri siti web a cui si accede attraverso questo sito web. Kontinent stark vom Outback geprägt wird. Il termine outback si riferisce, in modo generico, alle semi-desertiche e più remote aree interne del continente australiano.L'outback viene anche indicato con espressioni come "il cuore rosso dell'Australia", o "il centro rosso" (the Red Centre), a causa del terreno ricco di ferro e quindi di colore rossiccio. Die Outback Regionen, die ca. Potrai anche sorvolare il vasto Lake Eyre, famosa salina che si colora di rosa quando viene sommersa dalla pioggia. "profileUpdate": { "screenSet": "Aus-RegistrationLogin", Insider-Tipps. Seine bizarre Schönheit und die absolute Leere … Made famous for its annual races and classic outback pub, Birdsville sits amongst some of southern Queensland’s most starkly beautiful wilderness. 25.01.2021 - Hi, ich bin Nadine und blogge über Australien. Una delle esperienze nell'outback più magiche del Western Australia avviene solo dopo che il sole tramonta. Sehenswürdigkeiten im Outback und im Süden Australien lässt sich vom Norden zum Süden hervorragend durch das Outback durchqueren. Hier findest du die schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten inkl. Dovrai volgere gli occhi verso il cielo per ammirare uno dei panorami più magici dell'outback nel New South Wales. Si tratta di un fenomeno naturale generato dal riflesso della luna piena sulle maree crescenti di Roebuck Bay: sembra davvero una scalinata che porta sulla luna. Pagina in Revisione . The Outback Australia Travel Guide A Guide To The Real Australian Outback. Scopri le cascate, le limpide piscine naturali e la natura selvaggia ed incontaminata. Mentre il sole tramonta potrai ammirarlo in tutte le sue sfumature di colori. Noleggia un kayak presso il Visitors Centre e non perdere l'occasione di fare un tuffo rinfrescante in una delle tante piscine naturali. A journey into the Australian outback is one you'll never forget. Un'altra esperienza nell'outback del South Australia è la sensazione di libertà degli spazi aperti sconfinati. 18.01.2019 - Begebe dich auf eine atemberaubende Reise auf dem Roten Kontinent und entdecke Australiens Outback!. Facendo clic su qualsiasi link in questa pagina, si acconsente all'impostazione dei cookie. This historic opal-mining town should be on every quirky traveler’s hit list, as it’s an outback destination with one very unusual twist: the lion’s share of the town is actually situated underground. Esperienze uniche e indimenticabili dell'outback. How big is the Outback of Australia? Living Desert Reserve is a must-see attraction, with sculptures framing the skyline. Where is the Aussie Outback located? Der rote Berg im Uluru Nationalpark von Australien ist eine der berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten von Australien. By Leah Dobihal. Hier teilen wir, was wir bei unserem Roadtrip durchs Outback gelernt haben. Discover (and save!) Sehenswürdigkeiten in Australiens Outback. drei viertel Freiflächen des Kontinents umfassen, bieten schillernden Wüsten-Farben, zerklüfteten Bergen, Wasserfällen und anspruchsvollen … Una delle attrazioni più ultraterrene è Wilpena Pound, un anfiteatro accerchiato dalle montagne. Einzigartig und unbedingt sehenswert ist auch das australische Outback, das natürlich in keiner Tipps-Übersicht zu Australien fehlen darf. Riesenauswahl an Markenqualität. Tutti i prezzi sono espressi in dollari australiani (AUD). SIGN UP FOR TIPS AND NEWS. Empfohlene Lebensmittel und lokalen Produkten in Queensland; Lamingtons. Tourism Australia non è responsabile dell’uso dei siti web gestiti da terzi e non si dichiara garante di questi, né promuove o garantisce sotto qualsiasi aspetto prodotti o servizi in virtù di qualsiasi informazione, materiale o contenuto accessibile da o collegato a questo sito. 2. Empfohlene touristischen Routen in Westaustralien jetzt Puoi anche giocare nel campo da golf più lungo del mondo: un incredibile spazio di 1.365 km con una buca in ogni città o roadhouse lungo la strada. Travel to the heart of Central Australia on an authentic Uluru (Ayers Rock) tour with Wayoutback Australian Safaris. Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge può essere esplorata in diversi modi. Si estende per 660 km attraverso il territorio del Kimberley. "validationFavouritesUrl": "/bin/australia/favourites/sanitycheck", In Australien gibt es noch rund 300.000 Aborigines, von denen rund 20 Prozent im Outback leben. In dieser Outback-Station werden Luxus und Abenteuer geboten. Sounds of Silence, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory © Tourism Australia. Die Gibb River Road gilt als eine der aufregendsten Roadtrips in Australien. qui, Domande frequenti su visto, dogana e quarantena. "startScreen": "gigya-login-screen" Between the east and west coasts, there are thousands of kilometers of rural landscapes to explore – including everything from tropical rainforests and cascading waterfalls, to huge expanses of red desert that stretch on for hours at a time. The Outback refers to a remote and dry region of Australia that takes up most of the continent. }, {"PageInfo":{"component":"PageInfo"},"Hero":{"component":"Hero","subTitle":"","title":"Esperienze nell'outback australiano","playerId":""}}, avventura self drive lungo la Eyre Highway, scalinata verso la luna (Staircase to the Moon), percorri su quattro ruote la Gibb River Road. L'outback del South Australia è pieno di sorprese. Uno dei momenti più magici da vivere nell'outback australiano te lo regala Uluru, un imponente monolite rosso. Where else can you escape the desert heat in underground buildings, or ‘dugouts’ as they’re called locally? Da… All of inland Australia and most of north and north-west Australia is generally known as Outback Australia. A few days can be well spent enjoying the food, meandering around museums and taking in all the charms of this outback town. Weiter westlich freuen sich Entdecker in der Kimberley-Region über Ursprünglichkeit, wilde Natur, malerische Flusstäler und beeindruckende Wasserfälle. Mungo National Park, New South Wales © Tourism Australia. +49-2041-7657733, Fax +49-2041-7657732, Email: info@australien-karten.de) bestellt werden. Watch the sunset on the back of a camel in Broome, drive along the Gibb River road, cruise along Lake Argyle, explore the beehive structures of the Bungle Bungles range in Purnululu National Park and camp, snorkel and visit local communities in the Dampier Peninsula. Australien er et gigantisk land, hvor temperaturen varierer meget fra sted til sted. Welcome to Tourism Australia {{firstName}} {{lastName}}. Auf Deinem Weg durchs Outback begegnest Du abgelegnen Orten, aufgeschlossenen Menschen und besonderen Tieren. La Gibb River Road è una delle strade più emozionanti del paese, promette le migliori avventure in fuoristrada. Wir denken, wir haben eine gute Liste für dich! Australia, formally the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country and sovereign state in the southern hemisphere, located in Oceania.Its capital city is Canberra, and its largest city is Sydney.. Australia is the sixth biggest country in the world by land area, and is part of the Oceanic and Australasian regions. Nella cittadina mineraria di Coober Pedy, a meno di nove ore da Adelaide, la maggior parte degli abitanti vive sottoterra nel tentativo di combattere la terribile calura estiva.Qui potrai visitare case, chiese e caffè scavati sotto terra, ma forse il modo più coinvolgente per sperimentare come si vive a Coober Pedy è dormire sottoterra. Landesinnere (Outback) Toowoomba (Queensland, Australien) Hughenden (Queensland, Australien) Gympie (Queensland, Australien) Mareeba (Queensland, Australien) Longreach ... (Queensland, Australien) Street View Queensland: Suchen auf der Karte Historische Punkte (1). There are also 130-million-year-old dinosaur footprints to be seen at Gantheaume and if you come at the right time, you have the chance to see the ‘Staircase to the Moon’, an illusion created by the full moon on the water of Roebuck Bay. Die berühmteste Sehenswürdigkeit im Outback ist ganz klar der Uluru, der auch oft Ayers Rock genannt wird. Per maggiori informazioni sull’emergenza coronavirus: clicca There’s also the option to try and absorb the vastness of the Australian outback with scenic flights taking you over iconic landscapes including Kakadu and Uluru. Der Outback-Guide tritt dabei nur als Mittler auf (weiter Kontaktdetails siehe Impressum). Support Rocky Travel. Jul 1, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Jenni Misdale. }, If you want to discover the Australian Outback and have little time then Alice Springs is the place to start. Puoi sorvolare la zona in elicottero, fare una gita in barca all'alba o al tramonto per ammirare la roccia rossa che assume ogni tonalità di malva o seguire uno dei tanti percorsi per escursionisti. Whether you want a budget camping tour to Uluru which takes in the highlights, or a 4WD tour with a higher level of comfort, we have an Outback tour to suit all styles of travel. This massive World Heritage site of almost 20,000 square kilometers offers great ecological and biological diversity, from estuaries in the north to billabongs and arid landscapes. 3. Scopri di più. Auf dieser Pinnwand findest du die Highlights & Top Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der langen, aber schönen Route von Darwin nach Alice Springs oder Alice Springs nach Darwin - inkl. A very long way from anywhere, Birdsville is perhaps the ultimate outback icon, a remote, storied settlement on the fringe of the Simpson Desert, in the very inland corner of outback Queensland. Auf dem roten Kontinent gibt es unfassbar viel zu entdecken. Insider-Tipps. "startScreen": "gigya-register-screen" Si prega di visitare il sito web dell'operatore per maggiori informazioni. You can’t visit The Outback without visiting Uluru, an iconic symbol that’s been depicted on countless postcards and travel brochures for decades, considered one of the top places to visit in Australia. But do you think of luxury? (Westaustralien, Australien) Reiseziele Westaustralien: Suchen auf der Karte Inseln und Inselgruppen (12) , Küstenstädte (36) , Parks (8) , Seen (4) , Städte (46) , Weinstraße (12) . Alcuni siti web collegati al sito web di Tourism Australia sono indipendenti dall’ente stesso e non sono sotto il suo controllo. Highlights, Tipps zum … L'antico paesaggio è un punto di osservazione non solo della geologia australiana, ma anche della storia dei primi australiani. Hier eine Auswahl der schönsten Sehenswürdigkeiten: Sehenswürdigkeiten von Australien At the Flinders Ranges, you can experience the color and character of outback Australia from the comfort of modern, luxury villas. Now, tourists come to visit the Stockman’s Hall of Fame, the QANTAS Founders Outback Museum, or to take in the expansive views with a river tour. 0 Condivisioni. By using Tripsavvy, you accept our. "homePagePath": "/content/australia/it_it.html", It has been the feature of thousands of postcards and travel brochures and for good reason, as you’ll discover during your visit! 22.10.2020 - Hi, ich bin Nadine und blogge über Australien. Hier zeigt sich Australien … A tre ore e mezza di auto da Cairns, troverai il Mount Mulligan Lodge, un lodge dell'outback tra lusso e avventura. Kauf auf eBay. Scopri la vastità dell'outback su due ruote e scorgi cammelli selvatici e canguri, avvista le balene da un punto panoramico sulla scogliera ed esplora le grotte nascoste. Gibb River Road, il Kimberley, Western Australia © Tourism Western Australia. No trip to Australia is really complete without a visit to Uluru, the monolith sitting near the center of Australia. Ein echtes Australien-Abenteuer können Sie im Outback von Queensland erleben. Die hier aufgeführten Hema Maps Landkarten können über den Online-Shop der Firma Australien-Karten.de (Magellan Buchversand, Nesselstrasse 20, 46240 Bottrop, Deutschland, Tel. This luxury train expedition begins in Darwin and in four days and three nights takes you through the red heart of Australia and to Adelaide. Wenn Sie zum ersten Mal eine Reise planen, ist es schwierig, sich bei der Auswahl nicht überfordert zu fühlen. Hema Maps. Kostenloser Versand verfügbar. "custAction": "event2" Das Outback in Australien verkörpert die Essenz des Landesinneres von Australien. "campaignIntegrationUrl": "/bin/create/recipient", Il migliore dei modi è con una cena indimenticabile al Sounds of Silence. Many Outback Australia tourist attractions you have heard of are close to Alice Springs. "custEvent": "FYASignUp", Hier unten finden Sie eine vollständige liste der besten australischen Sehenswürdigkeit. Outback is a term that is used for any sparsely populated regions of Australia. Neben dem faszinierenden Felsen gibt es aber noch zahlreiche weitere Sehenswürdigkeiten im Outback, die man sich während eines Work & Travel-Aufenthalts nicht entgehen lassen sollte. Outback Australia. }, { Sehenswürdigkeiten in Australien Entlang der Ostküste, im Süden, im Outback oder im Westen: In Australien gibt es unglaublich viel zu entdecken! Day 4 Following a hearty breakfast, take a 90-minute Charter flight to Bamurru Plains.. Bamurru Plains is located just to the west of Kakadu National Park on the Mary River floodplains. Inside Australia: The Outback - Before you visit Australia, visit Tripadvisor for the latest info and advice, written for travellers by travellers. Flip. Il Kimberley è spesso considerato una delle ultime grandi frontiere australiane. { Der Kings Canyon befindet sich im Bundesstaat Northern Territory und ist Teil des 71.000 Hektar großen Watarrka Nationalparks.Der Nationalpark ist seit mehr als 20.000 Jahren die Heimat der Luritja-Aborigines und zeichnet sich durch mehr als 600 heimischen Pflanzen- und Tierarten aus.. Hier können Sie nach Gold suchen, Barramundi angeln und durch felsiges Gelände wandern und klettern. }, The name ‘Coober Pedy’ is an anglicized version of the Aboriginal ‘kupa pitithe which means ‘white man in a hole’. Here, you can wander through some 14 museums including the Bruce Langford Visitors Centre at the Royal Flying Doctor Service, and the Pro Hart Gallery. There’s also the opportunity to learn about the natural wildlife and about the culture of the Anangu people, the traditional custodians of Uluru that have lived in the area for about 22,000 years. Rocky Travel is free to use. Sehenswürdigkeiten in Australien: Tipps für interessante Orte Australien vereint viele Sehnsüchte von Touristen und Einheimischen gleichermaßen. "screenSet": "Aus-RegistrationLogin", }, Although the town itself carries a certain cachet, for many it's the journey to get here that gives Birdsville its charm. Outback ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit in Australien. Se a questo aggiungi uno spettacolo di didgeridoo e i racconti sul cielo stellato, avrai tutti gli ingredienti per una serata nell'outback a dir poco incredibile. "startScreen": "gigya-update-profile-screen" When you think of Australia’s outback you probably imagine tumbleweeds and sweaty bushwalks. This desert landscape has been supplying the world with opals since 1915 and now, despite a dry and dusty landscape, it offers tourists a number of memorable experiences. Sehenswürdigkeiten im Outback. 1. The track cuts right through the middle of Australia and totals 2,800km. A staircase to the moon, rock art that comes alive with the help of an Aboriginal ranger, luxury accommodation buried deep underground, and made-by-nature swimming pools are just some of the unbelievable experiences that you'll find only in outback Australia. "login": { Australia's population is very much concentrated in and around a few cities on the eastern, southern and south-western coast. Se sei alla ricerca di un'esperienza spirituale nell'outback, non esiste posto migliore dell'Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Per tre notti al mese, tra marzo e ottobre, la città costiera di Broome nel remoto Kimberley celebra uno degli eventi più spettacolari da vedere dell'outback australiano: la scalinata verso la luna (Staircase to the Moon). Weitere Ideen zu australien, kontinente, reisen. You can explore the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park by helicopter, get up close on foot or ride a camel around the monument. Entra nel Mungo National Park per un'esperienza nell'outback che ti darà l'impressione di stare più su Marte che sulla Terra. L'outback del South Australia è pieno di sorprese. Una cena di tre portate prevede un menu a base di carne e altre specialità locali come coccodrillo, canguro, barramundi e quandong (un frutto locale). Angaben zur Lage, Höhe sowie eine Karte findet ihr hier. Share. This is one of the most luxurious ways you can experience the outback and it’s also one of the most comprehensive, as the tour includes a number of off-train excursions, including a trip to the Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge, a cruise on the Katherine River, and a tour of Alice Springs, Coober Pedy, and Adelaide. A profusion of bird and wildlife are on the doorstep of a unique bush lodge that exudes 'Wild Bush Luxury' and brings a touch of style to the discovery of a remote and beautiful wilderness It neither has a specific size, nor a specific location. Pin. Und obwohl die Menschen es weitestgehend meiden, ist dieser Ort aufgrund seines Rohstoffreichtums zu einem Großteil für den Wohlstand des Landes verantwortlich. Auf dieser Pinnwand findest du die Highlights & Top Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der abenteuerlichen Route von Broome nach Darwin oder Darwin nach Broome - inkl. Sie soll dich bei der Planung deines Roadtrips im weiten Norden & Roten Zentrum von Australien unterstützen! Outback Australien Reiseroute, Tipps und Sicherheitshinweise für eine selbst geplante Rundreise durch das Zentrum Australiens. Du bist auf der Suche nach den besten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Australien? All Around Australia: Australien Sehenswürdigkeiten & Reise-Tipps | Hi, ich heiße Nadine und blogge über Australien. Australia has a worldwide reputation for its rugged outback. Qui potrai visitare case, chiese e caffè scavati sotto terra, ma forse il modo più coinvolgente per sperimentare come si vive a Coober Pedy è dormire sottoterra. BILDER: Outback, Australien Das Outback – die zentrale Wüste Australiens – umfasst fast Dreiviertel des gesamten Kontinents. Wilpena Pound, Flinders Ranges, South Australia © South Australian Tourism Commission, Adam Bruzzone.
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