(12, 283 feet) high. Also, some of the mountains … It measures 3, 684 meters NZ is developing at about the same speed as your fingernails grow. Santa Clause’s reindeer have a hard time delivering presents in New Zealand because it’s summertime during Christmas. Two large islands called the North Island and South Islands are the main islands of New Zeland, but there are many surrounding smaller islands of which the combinedland area is 270,534 sq. Approximately 60% of the South Island is covered by mountain ranges. 2. Mount Cook is the highest peak in the 23 named peaks over 3,000 metres high 2. more than 3,000 glaciers or permanent snow patches 3. many lakes of glacial origin (including seven of the 10 largest lakes in the country) 4. ice-carved fiords 5. the deepest and longest cave systems in the Southern Hemisphere and the best example of glaciated karst terrain (with limestone formations such as fissures… 1. Those are part of the Misty Mountains. Aoraki/Mt Cook, at 3,724 metres high, is New Zealand’s tallest mountain. To celebrate International Mountain Day we have collated this list of interesting facts about the South Island mountains. New Zealand is about the same size as the UK or Japan. 15 fun facts about New Zealand to inform your next holiday to our wonderful country. This amazing geography has made New Zealand a popular location for tourists as well as the production of television programmes and films, including The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy. Approximately 60% of the South Island is covered by mountain ranges. These are all the mountains over 2,400 m with a topographic prominence (drop) of at least 300 m (985 ft), closely matching those on the list of mountains of New Zealand by the New Zealand Alpine Club.Five peaks overlooked on that list are indicated with an asterisk. New Zealand Facts for Kids. The North Island's highest peak is Mt Ruapehu which is 2, 797 metres Sort out the facts about islands across the globe. This rich blend of cultures, combined with geologically fascinating landscapes and unique flora and fauna, make New Zealand an exciting country to explore. Queenstown is one of the most popular destinations in New Zealand. It is also one of the last places where humans settled which makes its history a very recent one and also inspires a sense of newness. 3. Learn some interesting information about New Zealand while enjoying a range of fun facts and trivia that's perfect for kids! No New Zealand native animal list would ever be complete without mentioning the country’s most famous bird. The Southern Alps are by far the highest, longest and most glaciated chain of mountains in the country. Southern Alps as well as Australasia. kilometres (104,454 sq. They are as follows: Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Read more →. 70 Interesting Facts about New Zealand. Providing a credit or link is appreciated.Our content: logos, site names, text, photos, and website design are protected by international copyright law.Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions. So there we have it! New Zealand’s highest mountain outside of the Mt Cook region, Mt Aspiring (3,033 metres or 9,951 feet), is part of the Te Wahipounamu World Heritage Site. Try our Google Map of New Zealand with Search →, Aoraki/Mount Cook - 3, 755 m (12, 319 ft), Mount Elie de Beaumont - 3109 m (10, 200 ft), Mount Aspiring/Tititea - 3, 033 m (9, 951 ft) [2]. The Southern Alps are by Mount Tasman is nearby at 250 metres shorter than Aoraki/Mt Cook. 1. Aoraki/Mt Cook is New Zealand's tallest mountain at 3,724 metres (12,218 feet) high. Please recommend us. It’s also one of best-known adventure destinations in the world. Discover some interesting facts about New Zealand below. New Zealand (Māori: Aotearoa [aɔˈtɛaɾɔa]) is an island country in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. New Zealand is a welcoming, diverse country with a history of Māori, European, Pacific Island, and Asian immigration. Also in this area are the Southern Alps, which is the highest and longest mountain range in New Zealand. New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific ocean, between latitude 34'S and 47'S. We hope you’ve found it enlightening and that it may even encourage a few more of you to make the trip down under! of New Zealand's ski fields are located in the South Island however. Read about New Zealand's tallest mountain, its population, major cities, islands, exports, animals, popular sports and much more. Without a doubt, it is a very dramatic setting! The Southern Alps are a mountain barrier to the moist westerly winds of the Southern Ocean, this causes the rainfall on the West Coast. or 9, 175 feet high. Lake Mapourika is a kettle lake that was formed from a large block of ice was left behind by the Southern Alps Franz Josef Glacier over 14,000 years ago. Situated on two techtonic plates, the Australian Indian plate and the Pacific Plate, New Zealand is a land lifted high. Mt Aspiring National Park is best accessed from Wanaka, a small lakeside resort town just an hour from Queenstown in the South Island. Let me know if this resource is updated. When it was determined by Dutch explorers that New Zealand was not attached to the South American continent, they changed its name from Staten Landt (South America) to Nova Zeelandia (New Zealand), after the Dutch province of Zeeland. The North Island of New Zealand has a 'spine' of mountain ranges running through the middle, with gentle rolling farmland on both sides. New Zealand is a land of great contrasts and diversity. Stewart Island and many smaller islands lie offshore. The best example of glaciated karst terrain with limestone formations such as fissures, sinkholes and underground stream can be found at the Oparara Arches in Kahurangi National Park. Its nearest neighbour is Australia which is around 1,600 kilometres (995 miles)away. These mountains are an impressive 650-kilometre's long on an island that is only 840 km/522 mi long. Its two main islands (North and South) cover 266,200 square kilometres (103,735 square miles), about the size of Japan or California and slightly larger than Great Britain. Twinkl » New Zealand » Years 0 - 3 » Social Sciences » New Zealand. Sir Edmund Hillary gained his mountaineering experience on The South Island also has: 1. There are more than 3,000 glaciers or permanent snow patches in the South Island, including Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier that extend down to the floor of the valley. A very odd thing to imagine for people living in the Northern Hemisphere. It is 230 metres higher than its nearest rival, Mt Tasman. The Hector Dolphin, native to the southern island has two protruding ears, giving it a funny look. The 100 highest mountains. Average psnz May 03 20 135 plays 2. Most Take a tour with Franz Josef Glacier Guides and Fox Glacier Guiding to see both of the glaciers. New Zealand is an exciting, dynamic country in a constant process of change. New Zealand has 24 peaks above 3000 metres. These mountains rise abruptly near the western coast and only reach the east coast of the island in the small town of Kaikoura. The South Island has 23 named peaks over 3,000 metres high. New Zealand facts to remember for your next visit! The Cook… MOUNTAIN AIR - Ruapehu : New Zealand Tourism Guide …spectacular lakes on the mountains, the Emerald Lakes, the Blue Lake and the Tama Lakes. The mountains are made of schist on the West Coast. claire68938959 - Verified member since 2020 . A handy set of fact sheets featuring key information about the biggest mountains in New Zealand. This has given New Zealand its most spectacular natural feature, the mighty Southern Alps. * Map * Directions * Contact Get directions to and from MOUNTAIN AIR - Ruapehu. mountain before becoming the first man in the world to climb the highest peak on Earth, Mount Everest. On the 11th of December 2003, the world celebrated the first International Mountain Day, to help create awareness and pay tributes to the incredible natural formations that have always inspired us to reach the peak. The Southern Alps contains all of the névés (large high snowfields) . 25 New Zealand Animals and Where You Can See Them; 17 Souvenirs Your Friends Back Home Will Love; … One Day in Auckland 10 questions … The third-largest is Stewart Island (or Rakiura), located 30 kilometres (19 miles) off the tip of the South Island across Fove… That’s right, New Zealand isn’t just all about the sheep… Learning about how wildlife evolves on an isolated set of islands in the South Pacific is just an added bonus to backpacking around New Zealand. One of the best ways to get up close to the peak of Aoraki/Mt Cook is with Air Safaris, Franz Josef. On the West Coast the mountains end steeply and abruptly at the line of the Alpine Fault. The southern Alps as seen from Lake Matheson. This … Fun Facts About Wildlife in New Zealand. By Tayja Kuligowski, Junior Writer. The two main islands by size are the North Island (or Te Ika-a-Māui) and the South Island (or Te Waipounamu), separated by the Cook Strait. At its heart lies Christchurch, with a settled charm and lively cultural scene that was disrupted in 2010 and 2011, when the region experienced a swarm of earthquakes that redefined its physical and cultural landscape. It consists of two main landmasses—the North Island (Te Ika-a-Māui) and the South Island (Te Waipounamu)—and more than 700 smaller islands, covering a total area of 268,021 square kilometres (103,500 sq mi). And if you didn’t know that Queenstown makes a perfect stunt-double for many Middle Earth locations in Lord Of the Rings, get out from under your rock. How would people fare if common place names are translated? Lying in the south-west Pacific, New Zealand consists of two main islands - the North Island and the South Island. In the North Island one plate is slipping under the other which has created one major stretch of mountains from the East Cape down to Wairarapa and Wellington on the southern coastline. ... Two of New Zealand's three official languages are English and Maori, the other being NZ Sign Language. New Zealand is an exciting country in the South Pacific. Mt This mountain is a volcano, and had some eruptions back in 1995 and 1996. The capital of New Zealand owes its name to the first Duke of Wellington , who emerged victorious from the Battle of Waterloo against the Napoleonic troops. It consists of a large number of islands, estimated around 600, mainly remnants of a larger land mass now beneath the sea. New Zealand enjoys varied landscape and dramatic geographical features - from cascading glaciers, to active volcanoes, from placid lakes, to vast mountain ranges. Most people's image of New Zealand is a country filled with snow capped mountains. The central North Island is dominated by the Volcanic Plateau, an active volcanic and thermal area. Ruapehu is also the location for the best skiing in the North Island. Published November 10, 2016. Yep, the bunjy jump was born here in 1988 at the Shotover River’s Kawarau Bridge.
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