Maybe I need to give MP5 + M13 a chance! As you can see, the TTK on M13 is slower than most other ARs without headshots. and it has the 4th fastest TTK among ARs. Please feel free to ask for any clarification or about the build. Please go to r/CODLoadouts. It's TTK is descent, the range is also good. TimTheTatman’s COD: Warzone M13 Build. because the map on Warzone is quite big, The lighting is also quite strong, ADS +2 Frames (+ 0.2 ~ 4 Depends on the Optic). M13 Traits Weapon Traits Assault Rifle For All Situations. When you are engaging against an Oden, or a sniper for that matter, you can actually give them a ton of aim punch (their aim gets super shaky), letting you finish them off with relative ease. 6. There's a lot more to a weapon than the flat TTK, and all of the above weapons have their potential, so I wouldn't rule M13 out just for that weaker point. But M13, on the other hand. Beyond that M13s TTK is higher. As someone who tends to just play run&gun in multiplayer, I don’t really know what scopes are good, and my current warzone loadout has akimbo snakeshot .357’s for close range and an m13 for mid/long so what would you recommend for a mid range scope? But it's mobility is absolutely horrible! I'm a player who has a lot of experience on fps games, and also I've uploaded a lot of loadout guides on a Korean website a lot like Reddit that have helped people. Agreed I’ve just got back into this game been wondering about what guns I should be trying. While I'm trying to get a headshot, I can of course accidentally hit them in the legs, which would make the perk a little useful. Especially in Warzone, it can shine at longer distances because of its hardly existing recoil. I'm so sorry to people that love my posts, but I'm not good at dealing with a cruel, toxic comment. At range, and with sight advantage, that isn't going to be a problem. They're optics I usually run on guns that are for mid to long ranged combat. Thermal to check for targets, shift to slap. Aim Stabilization: Reduces shakiness while aiming down. With ten loadout slots to fill, adding one of the best Warzone M13 setups to your list ensures you always have a powerful gun to rely on, and the right attachment and perks to get the most from it. Really need to try this weapon to bully snipers. Press J to jump to the feed. Apart from actual recoil, when you areusing high magnification and on certain guns, the optic itself will be shakingback and forth a lot. Regarding M13, why do you prefer the CQ stock instead of Skeleton Stock? I test it by myself on a custom game. warzone tier list reddit season 6. by | February 19, 2021 | Uncategorized February 19, 2021 | Uncategorized sks warzone reddit On February 26, 2021, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With No Comments , Posted by , In Uncategorized, With No Comments Let's say you miss just one or two shots, which is really easy to do with the way players move. Or would you still be at a disadvantage at mid range? Sometimes when I'm too lazy to pull out my sniper I just spray them with my M4 and almost always get a kill. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Read more about Fara 83. Any critiques or questions are of course welcome, but please be respectful because I'm just trying to help. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Warzone is a battle royale, has a different loadout procedure. But it's just not for everybody, and the fact that it's a single shot weapon honestly puts it in a different category of weapons than M13 is to begin with. But, I didn't want to take up an attachment slot on a happy accident. Ah, yeah I totally get it. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. For instance, if you decide to go for only range on other ARs, massively reduce the range M13, or go for another extreme setup that sacrifices some aspect of the weapon to really maximize a specific trait of the gun. The BTK is a bit higher than other guns, but headshot efficiency is amazing! I'm maxed out, and it was awesome the first week or so but lately it's been taking half a mag to drop folks it seems like. I want more content/ discussion like this. I want to see this community grow stronger and better together! Have you tried Frangible Disabling with the M13 in wz? 22. It’s hard to make a bad MP5, just try out the various options. You can't really make it good with recoil control, range, and mobility all at once, and will have to make sacrifices somewhere. So even if you have decided which gun you want to use, getting the attachments right can be a brainstormer. Recoil Control: Reduces the amount of recoil. And worse than Oden, it's single fire. This sub is basically shit GIFs and gameplay videos of random plays. I felt like maybe I could do the same here! /r/CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. Naturally, this can be different depending on setups. This makes me think, could the AUG 556 60 rounds actually be a decent option in zombies? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'll edit it. I would argue, however, that once you get under 50m M4A1 or RAM7 will out TTK them, too. I felt like maybe I could do the same here! The downside to the M13 is how dependent it is on headshots. But if you want to use an AR that is adaptable, and has the option to even be okay at long ranges, you've only got a few choices. However, FAL is a weapon that is difficult to build in a way that is very adaptable. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Warzone gives an array of customizability of each gun as well. Grau and Kilo may have a higher flat TTK, which is a good quality. Beyond that M13s TTK is higher. They are reliable, effective at any range, and the backbone of the vast majority of Warzone loadouts out there. Range on M4A1 is 30m, and it on RAM7 is 26m. Ultimate M13 Guide for Warzone {Warzone} ABOUT ME. Great guides. In just those couple of seconds you will be mowed down by their faster weapons that may have needed more bullets to kill you, but were able to fire way more bullets than you could in the first place. COD Warzone M13 Loadout Guide By: Sorangkun. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. But, generally speaking, on a regular build this is the case. Want more discussion. That being said, when the distance is longer than 60m, which is outside of the ideal range for most ARs, M13 has the 8th fastest TTK in the entire game. This is exactly the kind of posts I want to see here. Find info on the Warzone / Modern Warfare best loadout, attachments, how To unlock, & setup for PP19 Bizon. However, you might actually be giving yourself a significant disadvantage in Warzone without even noticing, allowing other players to see you through walls. Beyond that, like Oden, FAL requires upper torso shots. actually rewards skilled players by greatly increasing its TTK without sacrificing mobility or range. This subreddit has been deprecated. Kilo vs M13 Warzone is something fans are debate back and forth as they look for an option outside of the Grau 5.56 and M4A1. I'm a player who has a lot of experience on fps games, and also I've uploaded a lot of loadout guides on a Korean website a lot like Reddit that have helped people. For sure. Ah, I get it for sure. A decent burst almost guarantees the kill. With .300 Blackout ammunition the range increases by roughly 17.5% and it becomes 40 meters, Against an enemy with 3 Armor plates equipped, 667ms, Guns that have faster TTK than M13 (Without headshots), - M4A1 (600ms / 9mm ammunition 551ms / Socom ammunition 500ms), Guns that have slower TTK than M13 (Without headshots). I'm going to compare M13 to them below. I kind of suck with snipers, but in general I prefer to have a shorter range AR like RAM. Both 4.0x hybrid and VLK 3.0x have the least penalty on ADS speed among optics with magnify. So why not use m13 skeleton stock instead of fad cqs? Which is to say that if you needed 7 shots to kill the enemy, after you get a headshot the total goes down to 6 instead. I've noticed a lot of people haven't realized how good m13 is, especially for Warzone, after it got buffed. SPR is the answer! None of this stuff means anything, because there is so fucking much of it. There's a lot more to a weapon than the flat TTK, and all of the above weapons have their potential, so I wouldn't rule M13 out just for that weaker point. The more headshots you can land, of course, the better. best ar in warzone reddit 2021. The recoil pattern goes to the right and up, but you can reduce it far enough that it's hardlynoticeable. On M13, because the headshot is so important, I always try to go to for that. So the bonus you get from the perk won't really work when you're trying to get that TTK boost from the headshot efficiency. I personally quit using the m13 a week or so ago. So you can see how good (and important) headshot efficiency is on this weapon. Thoughts? The base version of the Kilo 141 is a pretty solid weapon in Warzone, falling just shy of the M4A1 in Warzone in terms of DPS, but outpacing the ever popular Warzone Grau. Here is our list of the best SMG you can use to dominate your lobby. So you can see how good (and important) headshot efficiency is on this weapon. Just use the M4A1 and ignore all other guns. I have won a lot of games with it already, and just wanted to share my loadout and thoughts. But it's just not for everybody, and the fact that it's a single shot weapon honestly puts it in a different category of weapons than M13 is to begin with. Looks great! Thanks for this from another M13 dude! My favorite part of this series is the comparison you make with other weapons in their class. These guns objectively have faster TTKs than M13 once you get down to a distance that's closer than, say, 50m. Would M13 + shotgun be decent? Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Raven Software and published by Activision. and it has the 4th fastest TTK among ARs. Let's say you miss just one or two shots, which is really easy to do with the way players move. Devastating fire rate, high magazine size, and startlingly smooth recoil all combine to make this gun one of the all-time greats. I love a discussion, I love to hear an opinion from others. Our guide to the best AR in Warzone will walk you through the stats, attachments, and relative power of all 19 Assault Rifles in Season 7 of Warzone. The MP5 was the king of Verdansk until the recent Black Ops Cold War integration. Here are the best assault rifles to use in Call of Duty: Warzone at the start of the new year. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s battle royale format, Warzone, is all the rage these days.Casual gamers love it, hardcores love it, I love it, everybody loves it. I'm not going to post any guide on this subreddit anymore. That being said, when the distance is longer than 60m, which is outside of the ideal range for most ARs, M13 has the 8th fastest TTK in the entire game. Where are these stats found?? This gun is pretty renowned for its insane range and damage. In just those couple of seconds you will be mowed down by their faster weapons that may have needed more bullets to kill you, but were able to fire way more bullets than you could in the first place. In comparison to other ARs, however, the FAL's damage drop-off weakens its performance by a lot. That's not to say it's a bad weapon, because objectively it's great. But M13 has a much better headshot efficiency compared to Grau and Kilo, or most weapons for that matter. This time, ... M13 Warzone Reddit ; M13就是这配置。 the magazine size becomes bit more important, but the magazine size on AK 47 with 5.45mm ammo can't be extended up to 50 rounds or 60 rounds. Warzone: M13 Laser-Setup mit Visier. So mainly this is for players that like to use ARs. I think you accidentally included laser visible in the cons on the second load out though. M13 has a much more forgiving recoil, and has a way faster rate of fire. If you prefer Sniper Rifles or LMGs, the bonus of not losing out on long ranged damage that M13 gets is fairly minimal. Stealthy .300 Blackout Conversion Build / This build should always be with Ghost perk. This stat also helps to reduce that. actually rewards skilled players by greatly increasing its TTK without sacrificing mobility or range. The debate of which assault rifle is the best in Warzone rages on as Season 4 transpires. ADS +1 Frames, Enhanced Aim stabilization, Enhanced Recoil Control, Range + 17.6% (+ Range, - Bullet Velocity), No Death marker, No Bullet trail, - Recoil Control. Apples and oranges, if you will. Especially considering that aforementioned headshot efficiency, which is where the weapon truly shines. So mainly this is for players that like to use ARs. You won’t be killing people beyond 30ish meters, but it does ensure that anyone fighting up close will have a difficult time taking you down. Sometimes I’ll swap the grip for the clean reflex sight. I felt like maybe I could do the same here! The M4 is just the best weapon for Warzone imo. When people want to use an AR for long range, FAL is definitely an option. As you can see, the TTK on M13 is slower than most other ARs without headshots. M13 has a much more forgiving recoil, and has a way faster rate of fire. Recoil Stabilization: Reduces the randomness of recoil, making the bullet pattern more uniformand efficient. With .300 Blackout ammunition the range increases by roughly 17.5% and it becomes 40 meters, Against an enemy with 3 Armor plates equipped, 667ms, Guns that have faster TTK than M13 (Without headshots), - M4A1 (600ms / 9mm ammunition 551ms / Socom ammunition 500ms), Guns that have slower TTK than M13 (Without headshots). If you get those consistently, they drop like flies. I have won a lot of games with it already, and just wanted to share my loadout and thoughts. best ar warzone reddit season 5. So going for headshots is pretty universally important in all FPS games, and MW is no exception to that rule. Highly Customizable With Good Attachment Selection. Hey! I've been using socom eliminator, 20.3 takedown, a sight, field agent grip, and 50 fast mag. But M13 has a much better headshot efficiency compared to Grau and Kilo, or most weapons for that matter. The M13’s recoil handling and rapid rate of fire make it one of the best assault rifles in the game. :). I find your write ups to be well written and easy to understand. Beyond that, to maximize Oden's TTK you have to go for upper torso shots. However there are people who wanna tell me that I put all those efforts on nothing, and it breaks my heart. But it's mobility is absolutely horrible! That range seems extremely short for an assault rifle. Thanks for the posts, super helpful and informative. OOOOh, Thankies for telling me! Thank you. Apart from actual recoil, when you areusing high magnification and on certain guns, the optic itself will be shakingback and forth a lot. If you prefer Sniper Rifles or LMGs, the bonus of not losing out on long ranged damage that M13 gets is fairly minimal. Because I am a decent player can you Exprienced Players help me out? However, with just 1 headshot, the TTK is faster than gun and gets a similar TTK to gun. While their damage goes up on a headshot, M13s damage goes WAY up. However, when an enemy is in your face or moving around a lot, it can be extremely difficult to get the shots in that you need, when you need them, which takes its TTK from amazing down to nothing. M4 is a way more balanced weapon, but if you are able to take advantage of the M13's headshot efficiency, it'll do better at long range. Still, some people will feel that using the other guns is a better idea because of the higher close range TTK. However, FAL is a weapon that is difficult to build in a way that is very adaptable. ADS +1 Frame, Range +7.5%, Sound Suppression, ADS +3 Frames, Range +33% (Faster Bullet Velocity), Movement Speed -3%, Enhanced Recoil Control, ADS -2 Frames, Enhanced Aim stabilization, Laser visible to an enemy on Aim down, Even though the laser is visible to the enemy on Aim down. Now you might ask why that's a problem, and that's where the incredibly slow rate of fire the weapon has comes into play. Since the addition of Cold War guns into Warzone though, the MAC-10 has taken things by storm too, with its giant damage up close and fire rate that can shred the enemy with ease. The new Gunsmith tool in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare lets you truly customize your weapons — and some weapons can be transformed totally into entirely different weapons. on. Every player will have their preference between the two, and neither is wrong. Make sure to read the rules, especially #1 and #2, as they will help with posting/commenting. It’s perfect IMO since the M13 has such high ROF it procs extremely often and TTK is higher due to armor. But I'm tired of people that say my guides are a garbage, a false, wrong without any productice criticism nor any opinion. With overall balanced stats, the M13 is more than capable of handling encounters in most ranges. September 17, 2020. Before changing your loadouts immediately, please remember that as the meta of the game changes, so will TimTheTatman’s desired weapons. Awesome work! Without headshots it has the second slowest TTK among rifles. ABOUT ME. I've never askes anything for that. You can't really make it good with recoil control, range, and mobility all at once, and will have to make sacrifices somewhere. This stat also helps to reduce that. The MP5 is a remarkably consistent submachine gun thanks to its predictable recoil pattern, decent range for its archetype, and high rate of fire. But if you want to use an AR that is adaptable, and has the option to even be okay at long ranges, you've only got a few choices. But M13, on the other hand. While their damage goes up on a headshot, M13s damage goes WAY up. What do you think about the ak47 with 5.45 rounsds? Online. Despite having a generally underwhelming range stat, the MP7 is surprisingly accurate for an MP7. The reason why I started to post my guides on this subreddit, translating them from Korean to English, spending lot of time on replying to people is because I wanted to help people. I know what’s next, This is late but for me I’m able to get m13 with a nice optic beaming much easier than an m4, My native language is Korean, so I'm sorry about typos! These guns objectively have faster TTKs than M13 once you get down to a distance that's closer than, say, 50m. It is an amazing gun, but not the only option. I love to use Frangible Disabling on MP7 because, just like you said, it has really really fast rate of fire and good recoil. When you are engaging against an Oden, or a sniper for that matter, you can actually give them a ton of aim punch (their aim gets super shaky), letting you finish them off with relative ease. because the map on Warzone is quite big, The lighting is also quite strong, ADS +2 Frames (+ 0.2 ~ 4 Depends on the Optic), ADS +1 Frames, Enhanced Aim stabilization, Enhanced Recoil Control, Range + 17.6% (+ Range, - Bullet Velocity), No Death marker, No Bullet trail, - Recoil Control. In most situations, depending on distance and how many armor plates your enemy has, every time you land a headshot the BTK decreases by 1. I felt like maybe I could do the same here! ADS +1 Frame, Range +7.5%, Sound Suppression, ADS +3 Frames, Range +33% (Faster Bullet Velocity), Movement Speed -3%, Enhanced Recoil Control, ADS -2 Frames, Enhanced Aim stabilization, Laser visible to an enemy on Aim down, Even though the laser is visible to the enemy on Aim down. At range, and with sight advantage, that isn't going to be a problem. The Link to the Grau Guide is just linking to the M13, you should check that. At range, FAL's TTK is faster than any AR. Beyond that, like Oden, FAL requires upper torso shots. I'm truly happy to give my thoughts! The BTK is a bit higher than other guns, but headshot efficiency is amazing! March 1, 2021 by in Uncategorized by in Uncategorized The more headshots you can land, of course, the better. Die M13 macht vielleicht nicht den höchsten Schaden, doch aufgrund ihres nur leichten Rückstoßes, spielt sie sich schon ohne Aufsätze stark. best ar in warzone reddit season 1 . To make things easier for you, we have made the best loadout for MP7 and M13. I?m a player who has a lot of experience on fps games, and also I?ve uploaded a lot of loadout guides on a Korean website a lot like Reddit that have helped people. Went back to my OG m4 for midrange, and have been having great luck with my older mp5 setup. For instance, if you decide to go for only range on other ARs, massively reduce the range M13, or go for another extreme setup that sacrifices some aspect of the weapon to really maximize a specific trait of the gun. Discussion. Recoil Stabilization: Reduces the randomness of recoil, making the bullet pattern more uniformand efficient.
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