Malawisee. Hongi «Sweden Red Top» Send Request Please send us a request for quotation (RFQ) using the «Send Request» button below indicating your details, fish species name, and required quantity. "Hongi" "Swedish Super Red" … Remarks: The Swedish strain of Labidochromis sp. "Hongi" "Swedish Super Red" mbuna Cichlid, Guaranteed. Location: Near Hongi Island, Lake Malawi. Fecundity: The red top hongi will produce up to 50 eggs per … Labidochromis-Arten gelten als die Zwergbuntbarsche des Malawisees und bleiben relativ klein sind eher friedlich und werden in der Natur in den meisten Fällen nur 7 bis 8, seltener bis zu 10 cm lang. Prepara la lista de los cíclidos que deseas comprobando la disponibilidad en nuestra stocklist o envíanos un email con tu pedido. The population has been sited as far North as Liuli and as far South as Undu Reef. "Kimpuma" Common name: Red Top Kimpuma. "hongi" wird aber in der Regel etwas größer. Es werden nur einwandfreie TOP-Fische versendet. „membe deep“ Metriaclima aurora Labidochromis Hongi Red Top „Deluxe“ ... Xenotilapia Nigrola Red Princes. Cynotilapia afra (White Top afra), Gallireya, Mbuna, African Cichlid GUARANTEED. Labidochromis Hongi Sweden werden um die 8 cm groß. "Hongi" is a rock-dwelling cichlid (mbuna) from near Hongi Island in … Im Aquarium werden sie aber meist deutlich größer, da die Nahrung aus zu viel tierischen Proteinen bestelt. Labidochromis freibergi. Gattungstypisch bleiben Labidochromis relativ klein. Male red top hongi will develop a brighter coloration, as the female will retain a more subtle brightness. Die Ausfallquote beim Versand ist sehr gering, sie tendiert gegen Null. Labidochromis sp. Mbamba Mbamba Bay. OK: OK: OK-Labidochromis yellow albino kakusa: OK: ... Der Versand erfolgt nur bei Plustemperaturen. Labidochromis caeruleus yellow Labidochromis caeruleus white Labidochromis chisumulae. In The Wild. Xenotilapia Papilio Kanoni. Seller 97.6% positive. Labidochromis sp. msobo Metriaclima sp. Xenotilapia Ochrogenys Kigoma. Labidochromis sp. $9.99 + shipping. Labidochromis hongi red top Labidochromis sp. They are herbivorous mbuna that strongly defend rocky territories (unlike Yellow Labs, another Labidochromis species). Details about Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis sp. Aulonocara Iwanda Hai Reef. Aulonocara Firefish. Labidochromis hongi red Top deluxe (superred, Schweden) Jungtiere und andere farbenprächtige Malawis in Premiumqualität aus Selektionszucht abzugeben: - Aulonocara firefish „Coral Red“ (ROT, Seifert Linie) - Aulonocara red rubin chipokae red (ROT, Dr. Linnenbaum-Linie) - Aulonocara manadarin "Hongi" (SRT) Pronunciation: l-b-d-kr-m s Common Name(s): Red Top Kimpuma Geo. Labidochromis hongi red top "Schweden" (Super Red Top Deluxe) OK - --Labidochromis yellow " intensiv gelb" TOP COLOUR! Aulonocara Mamelela. Labidochromis hongi red top "Deluxe" Labidochromis hongi red top "Deluxe" Labidochromis sp. Scientific Name: Labidochromis sp. “Hongi” naturally occurs on the east coast of Lake Malawi in the Tanzanian zone. Im See gefangene Exemplare erreichen oft keine 10cm. Synonymous names include “Red Top Kimpuma”, “Hongi – Red Top”, and “Hongi Super Red Top”. Name: Labidochromis sp. perlmutt Labidochromis sp. Labidochromis sp. Mbamba Mbamba Bay ¿Cómo realizar mi pedido? Realizar tu pedido es muy fácil. Adult size: 4 inches (10 cm) Diet: omnivore _____ Personal notes: Labidochromis sp. Mbamba: Pseudotropheus cyaneorhabdos Melanochromis joanjohnsonae Metriaclima sp. The male will also have egg spots on the anal fin that will be utilized during the reproductive process. Hongi have been linebred to produce more intense orange-red coloration in the forehead and dorsal fin, as well as darker blue bands and an almost white body. "Hongi" Synonym: Labidochromis sp.
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