(pronoun) you and - used before ko followed by people's names. Although, following what I’ve written above in the blog post, it should be “Kia ora, e ngā tamariki” which I think sounds a bit odd, to be honest. You often indulge in fried foods, processed meat, dairy, gluten, processed foods, refined sugar or fast food I guess what has helped me in recent times is having the knowledge deep down that a major change is good for me, it may still come with some emotional pain (this is natural) but I know from previous experience and a whole lot of learning – change is good. Why reduce your chances of landing that dream job? Maori. This works by connecting with other people in your industry and setting up ‘groups’ and meetups where you and your collaborators can invite your networks to share their details with a group or even attend a meetup. Of course, it also means being a lot more responsible with your personal image and you will have to be aware of what this means for both your personal social media accounts and professional ones. I always advise clients to get professional photos (portraits) and if you live where I do we have some excellent photographers who can help. Find a personal coach to guide you so you accelerate your plan and navigate through those first years of whatever it is you decide to do. It pays to drink water throughout the day and avoid getting thirsty. 2): 13, 31-32, 52-56, 64-65;) See also tā koutou. But don’t let that deter you from taking the steps needed to create a presence that reflects who you are either as a business owner or the perfect candidate for that next career move. Yes, gain knowledge so at least you have the baseline to understand great from the good. Tony Cutting As for contractors and business people, the same thing applies. Your health and happiness is now the number 1 priority. You catch colds and viruses easily and/or are often on medication From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. 5. However, in February 2015 at the age of fifty-two, I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. The world is so connected and the impossible is becoming more possible every day. Maori. You’re not at your ideal weight Once you have your professional portrait up and online, often this will become the first contact people have with you, especially when we rely so heavily on our digital/social media presence these days. Once you get your head around this, you will start to see how powerful personal branding can really be. You have skills and experience others should be interested in. kia ora koutou katoa meaning . Kia Ora Koutou. No one can predict the future, but we can learn how to deal with change and understand that it is always coming. Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist Spend your time learning your craft, and learning how to manage these assets, that is how to ensure you have the essential skills that build your personal brand and respect from your customers and staff. But what is more important these days is getting your customers to know YOU! Forget about the ‘number 8 wire’ attitude and get great at what you do. What we tend to be is poor at thriving. The sooner you take this step, the sooner you will get to a place that you love, dealing with people who are also passionate about living a life they love and designing the life you have always dreamed of. By being grateful. Here are some that are commonly used. The big change she made for me was to show me how to walk into the health store and body test the different options. Englisch . I struggle for the next three years but finally in 2018 after shifting to a new GP and meeting the lady who runs the Diabetes Clinic I found my self on the journey to solving this issue. That’s how it was discovered – I was going blind fast. both ewa and keith the owners of fletcher lodge would like to acknowledge the co-operation of all we have worked with over the last 20 years - a big thank you to all our amazing guests it has been a wonderful journey. February 8, 2021 PressRelease. However, there is something else looming that is even better than LinkedIn. The key to the power of intention is the understanding that ‘shit’ happens and it does not matter, no stress just start over. As I have aged I found I needed more than just this very good diet to correct things. People do business with people so take advantage of the fact. Web. What I hope you take out of this article is DO NOT GIVE UP! The daily briefings from Dr Ashley Bloomfield, the director general of health, have become a staple in many people’s lives, especially under lockdown. I have become a better person with every change. for people who want to be kept in mind for new employment opportunities is simple. Waiting till you feel thirsty is too late. This was immediately helpful as it helped me get to sleep but in my case, unfortunately, I did not help me stay sleeping and often I would wake about 2-3 am. . On a basic level, most people know how to search Google and they may even have a LinkedIn account that enables them to reach several people every month. You have the knowledge and there are plenty of peers out there you can tap into for support. Start to read positive books that inspire you to learn and go for your goals. It was time to change my ways. The kids should have left home or at least be earning, freeing up some cash for you. However, six months after surgery I still had not had a proper night sleep even after dropping powerful sleeping pills given to me by the doctor. Then follow the instructions. I have always had a busy mind and throughout my forties battled with insomnia from time to time. Die Wendung hat Eingang in das Neuseeländische Englisch gefunden und ist heute selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der Alltagssprache. Gold Coast’s Heartfelt Message For Kiwis: Kia Ora Koutou, We Miss You! KIA ORA KOUTOU 4 March 2021 # 5 Kia Ora Koutou Katoa Rāpare 4 Poutū-te-rangi ~Thursday 4th March 2021 Setting the Scene: Unfortunately, we were not able to hold our parent/student/teacher meetings this week due to the move to Alert Level 2 this week. You often feel emotionally drained, unmotivated or lack energy and enthusiasm for life may you all live meaning. If however, for whatsoever reason you are approaching 50 or clicked over this mark and you still have not leveraged yourself for a better life then here are my tips for you. In time you will wish the change had happened earlier. I did my research and found another local lady who was selling high-quality essential oils and would help me understand what would help me best. Kei te pai - Good; Tino pai - Really good; How do you say goodbye in Māori? Info. Luckily it was benign, unluckily I had to have surgery to remove (this golf ball size stow away) which was wrapped around my pituitary gland and pressing against my optic nerve. So, now I also use Lavender essential oil either as drops on my pillow or a rubbing a small amount on the bottom of my feet. Anei te pōro mā koutou ko Poia, ko Hirini. How do you say thank you in Māori? Fit bleiben und das Leben genießen. Allerdings ist die eigentliche Bedeutung dieser zwei kleinen Worte mehr als nur eine Grußformel im Vorbeigehen. 4. Kia Ora ist ein warmer und einladender Gruß, der in ganz Neuseeland verbreitet ist, und der ursprünglich aus der Sprache der Māori, Te Reo, stammt. By either building your own personal website or working with someone like me through http://www.jobcafe.co.nz we can help you create an online footprint that anyone using Google (or any other search engine) can use to find you. If not, seriously consider downsizing, you will need some cash-flow while you redesign your future. 1. Values. You’re exposed to common environmental toxins – including artificial fragrances and household chemicals You possibly already know people who would appreciate your skills. It is more than just a great photo. I hope this information is helpful to others who have experienced chronic insomnia. Welcome to another informative and lively edition of the School's alumni newsletter. With websites like LinkedIn now dominating as online ‘talent pools’ or ‘marketplaces’ finding great people from all over the globe has just got easier. w. tonycutting.com. Hi, I have decided to share my journey to a consistent peaceful sleep. I have recently worked with the very talented Karolina Stus (Images examples below). Some will find that a bridge too far. E. tony.cutting@peoplenet.co.nz. Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou - Hello everyone Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people) Nau mai, haere mai - Welcome. If you have been good and saved heaps of money you might buy a lifestyle business. Knowledge, as we all know, is a powerful thing. You have trouble sleeping through the night. Those that provide services for clients are often called ‘Digital Marketers’. I also laugh at the number of business people who proudly say that get all their business from referrals, yet when you dig a little deeper they just don’t understand how to make the digital world work for them. Add a translation. Start to have conversations and making plans. However, invest in knowledge and skills from specialists and significantly increase your business’s chances of thriving. Gold Coast targets New Zealand with ‘Kia Ora Koutou’ tourism campaign February 9, 2021 6:24 am in Gold Coast , The Loop Post by Monique StClair WANT TO … Te hunga wairua moe mai, i roto i te kāhui wairua Te hunga ora Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. (Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. Here are the ten top reasons why we need to drink more water. I  think there is something about the combination of things that makes it work for me, maybe, just maybe it will also work for you. Although I do not have diabetes, due to the drugs I am on after major surgery a few years ago I was back to being obese verging on Pre Diabetes and I knew enough that I certainly did not want to end up with Type 2 Diabetes and all the issues complications and early departure from this earth that can mean. tonycutting.com. Māori and Pacific Island Job Board, contains Māori Pacific focused employment opportunities. Rebuild a life that makes sense the next 50 years should be the best of your life. Money is not more important than your health. tonycutting.com. If however, I intend to keep to a keto based diet and walk every day in January, I give myself the option to take a days break if I need. Kia ora Koutou, Here are some of the highlights from the Eel platform blessing this morning down at the Turitea Stream. I feel human again and are ready to take my health to the next level. Personal Coach m. https://m.me/tonycuttingdigital w. tonycuttingdigital.com KIA ORA KOUTOU. Hi, I have decided to share my journey to a consistent peaceful sleep. Greetings – Mihi There are many greetings or mihi used in Māori. Tony C What scares me about that is the number of people I chat with who have been made redundant, hit a health issue, or are still raising a family and struggling to make it week by week. 8. Kia ora koutou Hello to all (in Maori New Zealand native language), I welcome you all to this first blog of Immigration Law Advice NZ Ltd. Getting immigration advice is very important, but whom are you taking that advice from is more important.
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