Locatit in the Islamabad Caipital Territory, the population o the ceety haes increased frae 100,000 in 1951 tae 1.21 million in 2009. view of Blue Area, the commercial hub of the city. Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge. The beige-coloured edifice is trimmed with blue tile works in Islamic tradition, and is one of Islamabad's tallest buildings. This tourist attraction represents the patriotism and sovereignty of Pakistan. Il Pakistan, ufficialmente Repubblica Islamica del Pakistan, è uno Stato dell'Asia meridionale, il quinto Stato più popoloso nel mondo, con una popolazione superiore ai 233 milioni di persone ed è il 35º paese più esteso con 803 940 km². The course leads to the point where it goes up to the Viewpoint and is about a 30 – 50 minutes track. [57] Islamabad city is divided into five major zones: Zone I, Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, and Zone V. Out of these, Zone IV is the largest in area. [23] Many great armies such as those of Zahiruddin Babur, Genghis Khan, Timur and Ahmad Shah Durrani crossed the region during their invasions of the Indian Subcontinent. The National Park includes of picturesque valleys and scenic hills that include various wildlife such as Himalayan goral, Barking deer and leopards. [6] Em 1959 o urbanista grego Constantinos Doxiadis, foi comissionado para desenvolver o plano diretor da nova capital, prevista para uma população de 2,5 milhões de pessoas em duas gerações. Islamabad International Airport (Urdu: اسلام آباد بین الاقوامی ہوائی اڈہ ‎; IATA: ISB, ICAO: OPIS) is the main international airport serving the Islamabad-Rawalpindi metropolitan area and its suburbs. For other uses, see, Capital city in Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan, Universities and colleges in Islamabad Capital Territory, Butt, M. J., Waqas, A., Iqbal, M, F., Muhammad., G., and Lodhi, M. A. K., 2011, "Assessment of Urban Sprawl of Islamabad Metropolitan Area Using Multi-Sensor and Multi-Temporal Satellite Data. [24] Items of pottery and utensils dating back to prehistory have been found. [99] There are seven teacher training institutes in Islamabad with a total enrolment of 604,633 students and 499 faculty.[99]. islāmābāda pākistāna kī rājadhānī hai. Work is being done to keep it along the Kashmir Highway.[111]. Islamabad's micro-climate is regulated by three artificial reservoirs: Rawal, Simli, and Khanpur Dam. [46] The highest monthly rainfall of 743.3 mm (29.26 in) was recorded during July 1995. An Islamabad (/ɪsˈlɑːməˌbɑːd/; Urdu: اسلام آباد‬‎ Islāmābād [ɪsˌlɑːmɑːˈbɑːd]) an kapitolyo kan syudad nin Pakistan, asin federal na pinamamahalaan na parte kan Islamabad Capital Territory.Tinugdok bilang planadong syudad kan 1960 para maribayan an Karachibilang kapitolyo nin Pakistan. The hottest month is June, where average highs routinely exceed 38 °C (100.4 °F). The entire F-9 sector is covered with Fatima Jinnah Park. [74] Islamabad has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan, at 88%. Kahuta lies on the southeast, Taxila, Wah Cantt, and Attock District to the northwest, Gujar Khan, Rawat, and Mandrah on the southeast, and the metropolis of Rawalpindi to the south and southwest. Other examples of intertwined Islamic and modern architecture include Pakistan Monument and Faisal Mosque. One of the landmarks for tourists is the Pakistan Monument built in 2007 located in Islamabad. [55][56] Islamabad Capital Territory is divided into eight zones: Administrative Zone, Commercial District, Educational Sector, Industrial Sector, Diplomatic Enclave, Residential Areas, Rural Areas and Green Area. Other universities include Air University, Bahria University, Center for Advanced Studies in Engineering, Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology, Hamdard University, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Capital University of Science & Technology, National Defence University, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, National University of Modern Languages, Iqra University, International Islamic University, Virtual University of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah University The University of Lahore, Abasyn University and The Millennium University College. [7] However, to date only two highways have been constructed: Kashmir Highway (the former Murree Highway) and Islamabad Highway. On 23 July 2001, Islamabad received a record-breaking 620 mm (24 in) of rainfall in just 10 hours. [41][42] The modern capital and the ancient Gakhar city of Rawalpindi form a conurbation, and are commonly referred to as the Twin Cities.[43][32]. [23] In 2015–16, the Federal Department of Archaeology and Museums, with the financial support of National Fund for Cultural Heritage, carried out initial archaeological excavations in which unearthed the remains of a Buddhist stupa at Ban Faqiran, near the Shah Allah Ditta caves, which was dated to the 2nd to the 5th century CE. Islamabad holds some of Pakistan's most prestigious museums such as Lok Virsa Museum, Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage Shakarparian Park and prominent galleries such as the National Art Gallery and Gallery 6. The airport is the largest in Pakistan and is located outside Islamabad in Fateh Jang. [10][20], The name "Islamabad" means "City of Islam". Islamabad also has various rock climbing spots in the Margalla Hills. [67] The architecture of Faisal Mosque is unusual as it lacks a dome structure. [98] A large number of public and private sector educational institutes are present here. [65] Islamabad is the hub all the governmental activities while Rawalpindi is the centre of all industrial, commercial, and military activities. Coordinate. [73], The majority of the population lies in the age group of 15–64 years, around 59.38%. The H sectors are numbered H-8 through H-17. People use private transport like Taxis, Careem, Uber, Bykea, and SWVL for local journeys. Islamabad has the lowest rate of infant mortality in the country at 38 deaths per thousand compared to the national average of 78 deaths per thousand. This page wis last eeditit on 17 Januar 2021, at 15:53. The higher education institutes in the capital are either federally chartered or administered by private organisations and almost all of them are recognised by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Islamabad (en urdú اسلام آباد que significa: Habitat per l'Islam) és la capital del Pakistan.Se situa al nord-est de l'estat, dintre del Territori de la Capital Islamabad i té una població aproximada d'1.900.000 habitants (estimació del 2014).Forma part de la regió de la plana de Potwar, la resta del qual formant administrativament part de la província del Panjab. [25], Excavations by Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Lone reveal evidence of a prehistoric culture in the area. It is located near the Shakarparian hills and boasts a large display of embroidered costumes, jewellery, musical instruments, woodwork, utensils and folkloristic objects from the region and other parts of Pakistan.[94]. Islamabad Capital Territory, located on the Pothohar Plateau of the northern Punjab region, is considered one of the earliest sites of human settlement in Asia. islāmābāda kī phaizala masjida. PIMS functions as a National Reference Center and provides specialised diagnostic and curative services. Christianity is the second largest religion is with 4.07% of the population following it. Finns även en liten grupp jainister och hinduer som utgör cirka 1,0 procent (åren 1998–2001). [112] M-1 Motorway connects Islamabad with Peshawar and is 155 km (96 mi) long. It has tennis courts, a basketball court with fibre-glass boards and a Futsal ground which introduced artificial turf to the people of Islamabad. [35] As the capital city it has hosted a number of important meetings, such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit in 2004. [36], In October 2005, the city suffered damage due to the 2005 Kashmir earthquake which had a magnitude of 7.6. Islamabad is the capital city of Pakistan, and is federally administered as part of the Islamabad Capital Territory. The shrine of Sufi mystic Pir Meher Ali Shah is located at Golra Sharif, which has a rich cultural heritage of the pre-Islamic period. [32] The newly selected location of Islamabad was closer to the army headquarters in Rawalpindi and the disputed territory of Kashmir in the north. [64], Initially, it was proposed that the three areas would be connected by four major highways: Murree Highway, Islamabad Highway, Soan Highway, and Capital Highway. Este foarte bine organizat, fiind împărțit în mai multe sectoare, în funcție de facilitățiile pe care le oferă, precum moschei sau piețe, pentru a deservi o populație inițial estimată la circa 530.000 de locuitori. [85], Islamabad has seen an expansion in information and communications technology with the addition two Software Technology Parks, which house numerous national and foreign technological and information technology companies. [21] According to a history book by Muhammad Ismail Zabeeh, Abdur Rehman Amritsari − a school teacher from Arifwala − proposed the name of the city.[22]. "Ministry of Population | Population Projection (In Millions) By Provinces, Pakistan (2007-2030)", http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/the-newspaper/editorial/poor-police-performance-460, "Islamabad, a town planning example for a sustainable city", "Islamabad, Seoul to be made sister cities", https://archive.is/20120729005443/www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010%5C01%5C23%5Cstory_23-1-2010_pg11_2, https://sco.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Islamabad&oldid=826913, Airticles wi deid fremmit airtins frae January 2021, Union cooncils o Islamabad Caipital Territory, Pages uisin dupleecate arguments in template caws, Pages uisin infobox settlement wi unkent parameters, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Pakistan needed a capital that was easily accessible from all parts of the country. Islamabad (urdu اسلام آباد, 'islam-byen' eller 'fredsbyen') er hovudstaden i Pakistan, oppretta i 1961.Han ligg i hovudstatsterritoriet Islamabad ved foten av Margalafjella, nær Rawalpindi.Sør for byen ligg ei slette som elva Kaurang skjer gjennom. [30] Karachi was also located at the southern end of the country, and exposed to attacks from the Arabian Sea. Minangka administrative, kutha iki papané ana ing Islamabad Capital Territory utawa "Laladan Ibu Kutha Islamabad". Major sports in the city include cricket, football, squash, hockey, table tennis, rugby and boxing. [72] Similarly according to 1998 census, the total migrant population of the city is 1 million, with the majority (691,977) coming from Punjab. The seven star hotel was designed by WS Atkins PLC.The newly built Islamabad Stock Exchange Towers is another example of modern architecture in the city. Islamabad je glavni grad države Pakistan.Leži u predgorju Himalaje (ravnjak Potwar) na visini od 450 do 600 metara, Gradnja je započeta 1961., oko 14 kilometara od privremenog glavnog grada Rawalpindija.Planski se gradi; uz suvremenu arhitekturu zastupani su elementi islamske arhitekture. [48][49] The city has recorded snowfall. Islamabad tin un aria di 906 kilometer kuadra, i den 2014 tabatin 1.900.000 habitantes. Islamabad birni ne, da ke a yankin Babban birnin tarayyar, a ƙasar Pakistan. [89][90] Rawat Fort in the region was built by the Gakhars in 16th century and contains the grave of the Gakhar chief, Sultan Sarang Khan. It includes Liaquat Gymnasium for indoor games, Mushaf Squash Complex and Jinnah Sports Stadium for outdoor games, which is a venue for regular national and international events. [66] The Shah Faisal Mosque is a fusion of contemporary architecture with a more traditional large triangular prayer hall and four minarets, designed by Vedat Dalokay, a Turkish architect and built with the help of funding provided by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. The latter is located on the Haro River near the town of Khanpur, about 40 kilometres (25 mi) from Islamabad. E páginá aki a wòrdu kambiá ultimo biaha riba 1 desèmber 2020, ora 16:42. Smaller populations emigrated from Balochistan, and Gilgit–Baltistan. With the exception of I-8, which is a well-developed residential area, these sectors are primarily part of the industrial zone. [57] G sectors are numbered G-5 through G-17. Fréier huet déi Regioun zum Punjab-Territoire gehéiert. Oktober 2005 ass Islamabad vun engem schwéieren Äerdbiewe vun enger Stäerkt vu 7,6 op der Richter-Skala getraff ginn. Built as a planned city in the 1960s to replace Karachi as Pakistan's capital, Islamabad is noted for its high standards of living, safety, and abundant greenery. Islamabad (urdu: اسلام آباد) – stolica Pakistanu od 1966 roku, położona w północno-wschodniej części kraju. [91] The region is home to a small Hindu temple that is preserved, showing the presence of Hindu people in the region. Islamabad este un oraș modern și curat, în special în comparație cu alte orașe din Pakistan. [12] The city is home to several landmarks, with the most notable one being the Faisal Mosque − the largest mosque in South Asia[13] and the fifth largest in the world. [57] Zone III consists primarily of the Margalla Hills and Margalla Hills National Park. [3][4] The Rawalpindi/Islamabad Metropolitan Aurie is the third lairgest in Pakistan wi a population o ower 4.5 million indwallers.[5]. To the northeast of the city lies the colonial era hill station of Murree, and to the north lies the Haripur District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. [62][63] However, Islamabad city is part of the Islamabad Capital Territory, while Rawalpindi is part of Rawalpindi District, which is part of province of Punjab . Islamabad ta e kapital di Pakistan. It contains six major facilities: Surgical and Allied Specialties, Medical and Allied Specialties, Diagnostic Facilities, Operation Theatre, Critical Care (NICU, PICU, Isolation & Accident Emergency), and a Blood Bank. info) (Punjabi, Pashto, Urdu: اسلام آباد ‬ ‎) Islām ābād (Meanin "Abode o Islam") is the caipital o Pakistan an the tent lairgest ceety in the kintra. Według spisu powszechnego z 2017 roku, Islamabad jest dziewiątym miastem Pakistanu pod względem liczby ludności [2] . As Islamabad is situated on the Potohar Plateau, the remains of civilization descending from stone-age era include the Acheulian and the Soanian traditions and these are tourist landmarks. De stad heeft hete zomers met moessonregens in juli en augustus. Se sijaitsee Potoharin tasangolla, Margallakukkuloiden juurella Punjabin ja Luoteismaakunnan rajalla. In total, it is approximately a one-hour and thirty minute walk. [102] PIMS is divided into five administrative branches. Anyi gyaran ƙarshe na wannan shafi a ranar 9 ga Janairu, 2019, da ƙarfe 12:03. Islamabad es li cité capital de Pakistan. [9][18], The city is home to twenty universities, including Bahria University, Quaid-e-Azam University, PIEAS, COMSATS University and NUST. High schools and colleges are either affiliated with the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education or with the UK universities education boards, O/A Levels, or IGCSE. The sectors are lettered from A to I, and each sector is divided into four numbered sub-sectors.[58]. [57] The I sectors are numbered from I-8 to I-18. The southern portion of the city is an undulating plain. [39], Construction of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus, the region's first mass transit line, began in February 2014, and was completed in March 2015. [119], The most famous and oldest hiking track of Islamabad is Trail 3. National University of Sciences and Technology covers a major portion of sector H-12. Pakistan har även en icke-muslimsk befolkning, bestående bland annat av kristna [55], animister i det nordligaste delarna, Bahá'í [56], parser, judar, zoroastrier och kalash religion. În Islamabad … Later the area was an early settlement of the Aryan community which migrated into the region from Central Asia. - Grad: 524 500 - Područje utjecaja: 799 000 : Vremenska zona: UTC+5 - Ljeto UTC+6 Poštanski broj: 44 000 Karta Islamabad (Basa Urdu: اسلام آباد tegesé "Kutha Islam") iku kutha krajan Pakistan.Kutha iki papané ana ing dhataran dhuwur Potohar ing sisih lor-kulon nagara iki. The hospital has 70 qualified consultants in almost all specialties, 150 IPD beds and OPD facilities in 35 different specialisations. [75] 9.8% of the population has done intermediate education (equivalent to grades 11 and 12). [93], The Lok Virsa Museum in Islamabad preserves a wide variety of expressions of folk and traditional cultural legacy of Pakistan. Bisa ga ƙidayar jama'a a shekarar 2017, jimilar mutane miliyan ɗaya. The Centaurus complex is a major landmark of the F-8 sector. De stad ligt in het noordoosten van het land, zuidelijk van het Margallagebergte in de provincie Punjab. [99] There are 16 recognised universities in Islamabad with a total enrolment of 372,974 students and 30,144 teachers. It has reduced the time consumption by reducing the route. Islamabad ta un siudad moderno. The city is known for the presence of several parks and forests, including the Margalla Hills National Park and the Shakarparian. Si läit dezentral am Nordoste vum Land an huet eng Populatioun vun 810.000 Awunner. Portal: Pakistan Den islamske republikken Pakistan اسلامی جمہوریت پاکستان Islami Jamahuriat Pakistan Flagg Riksvåpen Nasjonalt motto: Iman, Ittehad, Nazaam (urdu: Tro, enhet, disiplin) Innbyggernavn Pakistaner, pakistansk‌ Grunnlagt 14. august 1947 Oppkalt etter renhold Hovedstad Islamabad Tidssone UTC+5 Areal – Totalt – Vann Rangert som nr. [14][15][16], Islamabad is a Gamma + city as rated by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Den 8. [17] The city has the highest cost of living in Pakistan, and its population is dominated by middle and upper middle class citizens. [78], Islam is the largest religion in the city, with 95.53% of the population following it. ", "New Capital City With an Industrial Twin", "Timeline of Suicide Blasts in Islamabad", "Islamabad saw four terror attacks last year", "Shahbaz to inaugurate work on Metro Bus Service on Feb 28", "Urban growth monitoring along Islamabad Highway", "Average Conditions, Islamabad, Pakistan", "Severe Storms on dated 23rd July 2001 Islamabad, Pakistan", National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "70% CDA employees to be transferred to Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation", "Myanmar's New Capital City of Naypyidaw", "Environmental Geology of the Islamabad-Rawalpindi Area, Northern Pakistan", "Margalla Avenue to benefit commuters of KPK, traffic on Kashmir Highway", "PML-Q opposes Hindu temple in Islamabad", "Faisalabad best place to do business in Pakistan", "Rs 371bn revenue target: FBR hails LTU Islamabad's performance", "Punjab tops in infant mortality, poverty, income inequality", "Quaid-i-Azam Postgraduate Medical College", "Hospitals/Dispensaries and Beds by Province", "ARY Digital Network President Salman Iqbal congratulates Islamabad United over winning PSL", "Ronchi, Shadab seal Islamabad's second PSL title", http://www.sports.gov.pk/SportsFacilities/sportsfacilities.htm#cycling, "Faisal Mosque Historical Facts and Pictures | The History Hub", "Pakistan National Monument Historical Facts and Pictures | The History Hub", "KONI DKI Jalin Kerja Sama "Sister City" dengan 21 Kota Dunia", "Islamabad declared sister city of Minsk", "Islamabad, Seoul to be made sister cities", Territorial Highways of Islamabad Capital Territory, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Islamabad&oldid=1006201343, Union councils of Islamabad Capital Territory, Populated places established in the 1960s, Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments, Articles with dead external links from July 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Wikipedia pages semi-protected against vandalism, Pages using infobox settlement with possible nickname list, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Pages using infobox settlement with possible demonym list, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2012, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with default search, Articles with Encyclopædia Britannica links, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 February 2021, at 16:21.
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