Iranian Air Force - Iran-Iraq War. document.cookie = "__adblocker=" + (adblocker ? The Iranian people were demoralized by repeated Iraqi missile attacks on their cities. The Air Force, where virtually the entire fighting element - the combat pilots - was composed of officers, was especially hard hit. They certainly are the mainstay of the tactical transport fleet of the IRIAF. RWY 09L/27R, 09R/27L     POS 25°26'36"N 060°22'56"E     ELEV 24 ft. Only one squadron with F-4Ds remains in IRIAF service, this being 101 TFS at Chabahar. #ga-ad {display: none;} The Phantoms are said to be operated by 32 TFS and 32 TRS respectively. They are now operated from 10th Tactical Air Base, Konarak aka Kangan aka Chah Bahar (OIZC). An exception is this one that carries the arabic 2, depicting its home base Tabriz in the far north of Iran. var setNptTechAdblockerCookie = function(adblocker) { This may have been affected by the general disruption in the military establishment following the Shah's fall. var d = new Date(); Iran is an air power, relying on large numbers of heavily-armed warplanes to deter hostile neighbors and try to keep at bay the ships, stealth fighters and spy planes of the United States. Helicopters were the primary Iranian anti-armor system, and Iran scoured the international arms market for TOW missiles for its helicopter gunships. 09-07-2014 19:35:27 ZULU. Islamic Republic of Iran Regular Forces (Artesh): Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force (IRIAF), Khatemolanbia Air Defense Headquarters; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (Sepah-e Pasdaran-e Enqelab-e Eslami, IRGC): Ground Resistance Forces, Navy, Aerospace Force, Quds Force (special operations); Law Enforcement Forces.Active 523,000 personnel (Army 350,000 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps … The Iranian air force never fully recovered from the effects of the 1979 revolution. The F-4Ds of 101 TFS have been overhauled by IACI during 2008. A number of ex Iraqi Air Force Mirage F1 jets defected during the First Gulf War. After Khomeini seized power on 11 February 1979, the revolutionary regime regarded the Air Force as a waste of money that rightfully belonged to the mostazafin (poor oppressed masses). script.setAttribute("onerror", "setNptTechAdblockerCookie(true);"); One F-4 had been shot down by Saudi F-15s, and two pilots had defected to Iraq with their F-4s in 1984. Fires blazed out of control as firefighters struggled with low pressure from broken water mains. The S-68 is a locally built, reverse-engineered PC-7. Entries are listed below in alphanumeric order (1-to-Z). US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has sought to spotlight Iran’s air force in recent comments, claiming that if an arms embargo is ended, then Iran… Iran began the war with HAWK surface-to-air missile defenses, though these were largely for the defense of fixed military facilities. var script = document.createElement("script"); As a member you get access to all our premium content and benefits learn more. The IRIAF operates a single RC-130H and its origins are widely discussed. The Iranian Air Force received 40 Su-20/22s from Iraq in 1991. In response, Iraqi Mirage F-1EQ fighters flew high-speed, low-altitude profiles, well below the Tomcat's radar limits. This "new" Iranian air force largely inherited the equipment and structure of the former IIAF, even losing most of its leading officers in the course of post-revolutionary chaos, as well as due to the p… While Air Force commanders say moving functions to a different base was a long-held ambition enabled by new technology, it comes amid renewed tension with Iran, a … Iran Press/Iran News: According to Iran Press News Agency, Commander of Iran’s Air Force, Brigadier-General Aziz Nasirzadeh at the ceremony of handing over the various types of heavy transport military aircraft and helicopters, added: "The aviation industry is a dynamic, active, innovative and self-sufficient one that is completely reliable and trustworthy for operational departments." The ones that are still oparetional often use the Bell 214B. The aircraft, codenamed Kaman (Bow)-22, has been designed and developed in line with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force’s requirements, IRIAF Commander Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh announced on Wednesday. The plane’s settled down at Besat park in … } RWY 13L/31R, 13R/31L     POS 28°56'37"N 050°50'09"E     ELEV 112 ft. Seen landing at Tehran Mehrabad is this MiG-29UB multirole fighter. The Northrop F-5 is still widely used in te IRIAF. Flag images indicative of country of origin. Iran is once again showcasing its capability to manufacture fighter jets domestically. The F-1EQ would pop up directly beneath the Tomcat's orbit, briefly illuminate the F-14 with its radar, and fire one or two air-to-air missiles at it. Iran failed to use its HAWKs effectively during the war, failing even to mount an effective point defense of key oil facilities. There are a total of [ 34 ] individual aircraft entries in the Active Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force Aircraft (2021) category in the Military Factory. This shows the determination and the skill-level of the IRIAF personnel. Su-24MKs, SU-25Ks, and a number of Il-76 were aquired in the same way. As an illustration of this, more than one million people fled Tehran during the second "War of the Cities" in 1988. RWY 17R/35L     POS 29°28'38"N 060°54'20"E     ELEV 4520 ft. Do you have updates? RWY 14L/32R, 14R/32L, 14/32H     POS 36°14'07"N 059°38'28"E     ELEV 3270 ft, RWY 12L/30R, 12R/30L     POS 30°50'07"N 049°32'06"E     ELEV 85 ft. document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); script.setAttribute("src", "//"); The Islamic Republic’s Air Force has been proven in the region so that no air force, whether fighter or otherwise, has the right to cross the country’s air sovereignty … A large portion of this facility is located undergrounds. This Air Base is located south-west of the famous Namak Lake. Iran is a large country so its perspective of defence and offense (air force only of course) is different than an invading air force seeking air dominance or air superiority or air supremacy even. RWY 12R/30L     POS 38°07'59"N 046°14'06"E     ELEV 4459 ft. Not many MiG-29 Fulcrum-A aircraft carry signs of the Tactical Fighter Base where they are stationed. It's 373. A failed coup that originated on Shahrokhi Air Base in Hamadan in June 1980 brought about another sweeping purge. On May 24, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) lost yet another young fighter pilot, Maj. Roozbeh Nazerian, in an accident involving a Russian-made MiG-29 jet on a routine training flight. This is a list of aircraft types operated by the Iranian Air Force, including those operated by the air arm of the Iranian Army prior to the foundation of the Air Force as a separate service in August 1955. For 2021, Iran is ranked 14 of 139 out of the countries considered for the annual GFP review.It holds a PwrIndx* rating of 0.2511 (0.0000 considered 'perfect'). Here, a number is lined up for take-off from Mehrabad to participate in a huge display held over Tehran in April 2008. The Iraqi Air Force's first real strategic bombing campaign was the so-called war of the cities, which aimed at breaking civilian morale and disrupting military targets. RWY 11L/29R, 11R/29L     POS 29°32'22"N 052°35'22"E     ELEV 4920 ft. The latter were hardest hit because maintenance posed special difficulties after the United States embargo on military sales. }, Page last modified: The main repair facilities of the Eastern Area Command are located here. The F-4E depicted here is ready to take part in a huge parade held during April 2008. Iran’s Army Commander Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said the country's Air Force has successfully fulfilled its assigned missions with full authority and high accuracy in its latest drills carried out in central Iran. As the war progressed, Iran increasingly relied on army aviation to support ground operations, while the air force concentrated on strategic countervalue targets. Beyond the war with Iraq, the ongoing contest with Israel and the GCC has played a key part in forming the approach of Iran’s air force … Iran lost several Tomcats to these tactics. Iranian F-14 Tomcats were also used like miniature AWACS, reporting Iraqi fighter operations to Iranian air defense commanders with their powerful radars. It is rumoured to be an ex-Royal Saudi Air Force example! The Ministry of Defense has delivered dozens of aircraft, helicopters, and jet engines to the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) in line with the plans to boost the force’s combat power. RWY 10/28     POS 35°11'59"N 048°39'23"E     ELEV 5524 ft, RWY 11/29     POS 34°59'01"N 050°48'27"E     ELEV 2943 ft. Of the 79 US-supplied F-14A Tomcat (locally nicknamed Persian Cat) a great number is still operational, despite the lack of spare parts and technical support of the West. The plane’s settled down at Besat park in … While non-operational for … The following represents an overview of the modern aerial fighting capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (2021).The service currently counts 343 total units in its active aircraft inventory.The WDMMA review takes into account specific categories of aircraft covering attack, logistics, special-mission, and general support types. Opposition from the Iranian Air Force was negligible to nonexistent, as the Iraqis hit air bases and military and industrial targets all over Iran (in Tabriz, Urmia, Rasht, Bakhteran, Hamadan, Tehran, Isfahan, Dezful, Ahvaz, Kharg, Bushehr, and Shiraz). TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s defense ministry delivered a number of aircraft, helicopters and jet engines to the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) as part of the plan to bolster the force… Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh, Commander of the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) made the comments during an interview online on the latest achievements in the airforce field. There were only a few confirmed Iranian HAWK kills of Iraqi aircraft. Note: What a pleasurable opportunity, stepping on the delicate wings of this 77 year old Dakota of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. d.setTime(d.getTime() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 * 1000); The capability of the F-14s and F-4s was enhanced by the earlier acquisition of a squadron of Boeing 707 tankers, thereby extending their combat radius to 2,500 kilometers with in-flight refueling. Iran Air Force Lockheed C-130H Hercules (L-382) Teheran Mehrabad International (THR / OIII) The senior command echelon of the IIAF had been decapitated in 1979 and early 1980 by arrests, imprisonments, executions, purges, and forced exiles. The 7th Tactical Fighter Base is home to a a Transport Wing that is equipped with C-130E/H Hercules transport aircraft. By 1987, the Air Force faced a new problem, one of an acute shortage of spare parts and replacement equipment. A heavy engine (e.g. "true" : "false") + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; By 1993, five years after the end of the Iran-Iraq War, the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force was down to just 15,000 personnel; a quarter of its strength in 1976. Iran's national will was decisively engaged by Iraqi missile attacks on Tehran and other large Iranian population centers during the "War of the Cities." This Air Base was due to be transferred completely to the Iranian Revulutionary Guard Corps Air Force (IRGCAF) in 2008 and the F-7s transferred to Esfahan since mid-2008. The status of the SAR detachments on the Tactical Fighter Bases across Iran is quite unclear. The Iranian air force operated aggressively at the beginning of the war, providing both close air support and battlefield interdiction in support of Iranian ground forces. Iran's most powerful military commander, Gen Qasem Soleimani, has been killed by a US air strike in Iraq. You can help us and other spotters with your information. Iran husbanded the few air assets it had for strategic missions at the expense of tactical and operational fires. The commander of the Air Force of the Iranian Army Brigadier-General Aziz Nasirzadeh on Saturday said that the country’s Force has operational dominance over the region. Even Iraq's lumbering old Tu-16 bombers were getting through, presumably with MiG-25 and Mirage F-1 escorts, as the Iraqis hit targets as far away as Kashan, more than 360 miles from their own bases. The IRIAF came into being when the former Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF) was renamed following the Islamic Revolution in Iran, in February 1979. As a consequence, Iran responded by doing the only thing it could - mining the waters of the Persian Gulf and risking international ire by attacking neutral shipping. Tehran's hospitals overflowed with casualties. In March 2009 however, the Chinese licence built MiG-21's returned to Omidiyeh, forming three squadrons again. RWY 11L/29R, 11R/29L     POS 35°41'21"N 051°18'48"E     ELEV 3962 ft. This base houses besides the main F-14A Overhaul facilities also facilities of Iranian Aircraft Industries (IACI) as well as the Iranian Helicopter Support and Manufacturing Company (IHSMC). The Islamic Republic's Air Force has been proven in the region so that no air force, whether fighter or otherwise, has the right to cross the country's air sovereignty without Iran’s permission and coordination, Nasirzadeh pointed out. The units here are part of the Flight Academy Center. (function(src){var a=document.createElement("script");a.type="text/javascript";a.async=true;a.src=src;var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)})("//"); The Iranian air force never fully recovered from the effects of the 1979 revolution. In the "Tanker War", Iran proved unable to protect Kharg Island and its other oil facilities from attack by the Iraqi air force. With the onset of Desert Storm in 1991, reports suggested that more than 350 advanced aircraft were bought or made operational including, Russian Mig-27s, -29s, -31s, Tu-22M3 Backfires, Russian Su-24s, -25s, -27s, Il-76 transports, and French Mirage F-1s. The ex Iraqi Air Force Mirage F-1's have moved from TFB 14/141 TFS Imam Reza to TFB 10 during 2011/2012. Iraq's two efforts early in 1985, from 14 March to 7 April 1985 and 25 May to 15 June 1985, were reportedly very effective. @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) { Updated as of December 11, 2012. The result of these actions was an Iranian air force which faced considerable problems maintaining its planes and combat capabilities. To make matters worse, Iran's best combat pilots had been trained in the United States and Israel, making them particularly suspect. The British publishing company Orbis' Warplane partwork magazine seems to indicate the renaming did not actually take place until after the Iran-Iraq Warhad broken out. *Each nation is assessed on individual and collective values processed through an in-house formula to generate a 'PwrIndx' score. The clerics purged a large part of the conventional military structure after the 1979 revolution leaving the military broken and barely able to defend Iran from the initial Iraqi ground invasion in 1980. RWY 08/26, 10/28     POS 32°53'36"N 059°17'10"E     ELEV 5041 ft. When the Iran-Iraq War started in 1980, Iran's F-14s, equipped with Phoenix missiles, capable of identifying and destroying six targets simultaneously from a range of 80 kilometers or more, inflicted heavy casualties on the Iraqi air force, which was forced to disperse its aircraft to Jordan and Oman. Note: What a pleasurable opportunity, stepping on the delicate wings of this 77 year old Dakota of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. The IRIAF operates three types of the McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II, namely the F-4E, RF-4E and the F-4D. While suffering from poor maintenance and lack of spare parts, the Iranian Air Force was able to launch a surprising counterattack just days after Iraqi preemptive strikes on Iranian air fields. Perhaps 35 of the 190 Phantoms were serviceable in 1986. The SAR sq might have been decommissioned. At the beginning of the war, pilots were in short supply and flying proficiency was markedly lower than before the revolution. The daily toll was reckoned "in the hundreds," and there were frequent emergency radio appeals for blood donors. script.setAttribute("async", true); U.S. technicians who left Iran during the days preceding the fall of the Shah succeeded in erasing inventory records, ripping avionics packages out of F-14 aircraft, and destroying caches of repair parts at bases around Iran. Iran Air Defense Force unveils 'Bahman' radar system, 'Nejat' Mobile operating room February 20, 2021 - 1:01 PM News Code : 1117040 Source : Mehr News Link: Some 21 TFS F-5s have transferred to TFB 14/Mashhad. The F-7s used to be at Omidiyeh but they moved to Esfahan in mid-2008. The Iranian Air Force, equipped with Maverick missiles, proved critical during the initial defense by attacking Iraqi ground forces. According to local residents, conditions in Tehran during the Iraqi bombings were very difficult. While most NATO air forces have been for years focused on counter insurgency (COIN) operations, Iran has faced primarily a peer threat since 1979. The Chinese-built Chengdu F-7 Thunderbolt is still widely used in Iran. Iran's doctrine emphasized active air defense using aircraft like the F-14. Iran purchased a number of Mig-29s (Mig-29A and Mig-29UB trainers) from what was then the Soviet Union, and aquired a number of others impounded after fleeing Iraq during Desert Storm. An example of this level of support occurred on October 3, 1981 when Iranian planes hit a large Iraqi armor formation massing in central Khuzistan. The exact number of F-5s supplied to the Iranians is a bit ambiguous because of deliveries from and to Ethiopia but it is a fact that a lot of them remain in operational service. This form requires a Javascript enabled browser. They also launched a major airlift using Boeing 747, 707, and C-130 aircraft to move conventional forces to the front. RWY 14R/32L     POS 32°26'04"N 048°23'52"E     ELEV 500 ft, RWY 08L/26R, 08R/26L     POS 32°45'03"N 051°51'42"E     ELEV 5072 ft. Iran also made effective use of attack helicopters. In a speech, he elucidated at length on the rationale behind the weapon’s nomenclature by comparing it to Russian surface-to-air missiles.“Its number is between 300 and 400. Please let us know! The ex Iraqi Air Force Mirage F-1's have moved from TFB 14/141 TFS Imam Reza to TFB 10 during 2011/2012. The number of F-5s dwindled from 166 to perhaps 45, and the F-14 Tomcats from 77 to perhaps 10. Return to the Modern Aircraft Index. Or is something not listed correctly? On August 22, Iran unveiled to much fanfare its Bavar-373 mobile long-range air defense system in a Defense Industry Day event attended by President Hassan Rouhani. One of the new government's first acts was a purge of the armed forces, particularly the officer corps, which was (probably correctly) thought to be a hotbed of monarchist sentiment. document.cookie = "__adblocker=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/"; Throughout the 1970s, the Iranian military was armed with U.S.-made equipment from M16 rifles to M60 Patton tanks, while the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF), which was established in 1920, became the only military force other than the United States Navy to be equipped with the F-14 Tomcat and the AIM-54A Phoenix air-to-air missiles. Some of the dual-seat FT-7N trainer versions are painted in a very colourful manner. Many IIAF personnel were shot or jailed for suspected or real complicity in the coup attempt, and the purge of personnel whose ultimate loyalty was suspect continued at a faster pace. 
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