New Zealand changes border exception criteria for critical workers 11th September 2020 The Minister of Immigration has announced changes to border exceptions for critical workers, following on from similar changes to border exceptions for temporary work visa holders . On 21 December 2020, a New Zealand shipping agent representing the owners of Le Laperouse contacted Immigration New Zealand (INZ) for the first time, seeking information about the immigration … Immigration New Zealand (INZ) had only invited 639 people to apply, an additional 312 were awaiting a decision. The Government has established a new category that will allow 250 international PhD and postgraduate students to enter New Zealand and continue their studies, in the latest set of border exceptions. Immigration New Zealand will always try to help in these situations and cases will be assessed on a case by case basis. by ... Partners and dependent children can be included in an exception request if they currently hold a dependent visa, or held one at the time they departed NZ. Let’s keep you all up to date on what has been happening and what the current status is at the New Zealand border. For the full list of travel exception criteria visit the INZ website. ABOUT New Zealand Immigration Law is based in Henderson, Auckland. New Zealand Immigration Update - Further border exceptions announced . The Government is creating a new border exception category to enable the return of some temporary work visa holders who are overseas and have strong, ongoing links to New Zealand. We offer expert legal counsel to clients seeking immigration advice. Between March last year and January 18, Immigration New Zealand received 55,225 requests for a border exception across all exception categories. If you get a job in an occupation on the LTSSL and meet the list requirements, you may be granted a Work to Residence visa under the Long Term Skill Shortage List work visa . No more information needed – Immigration New Zealand can make a decision on the basis of the information you’ve provided, and don’t have to seek out any further information before deciding. Exceptions to NZ border closure, Centre of Immigration Service in New Zealand. We … Background. See if Bookkeeper is on one of Immigration New Zealand's skill shortage lists. An application can be submitted with a request of the application to be approved as an “exception to the policy”. There is no way to appeal a decision made under the exception request process. If it is and you meet the requirements, getting a work or resident visa will be easier. The Government is insisting a cruise ship must be crewed with New Zealand workers before it enters domestic waters, scuppering the plans of 700 Kiwi holidaymakers. Contact. From Thursday, 18 June, partners and dependents of New Zealand citizens and residents who are deemed ordinarily resident in New Zealand, or hold a visa on the basis of their relationship, will no longer need to travel with their New Zealand citizen or resident family member to New Zealand to be granted an entry exception. Many migrant workers currently in New Zealand will be able to stay and work here for longer, following adjustments to visa settings announced by Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) have set new priorities for visa processing.Rules for migrant workers assisting with essential services have also been relaxed, and an exception process has been put in place for the travel ban. Kris Faafoi said that New Zealand was now in a position to be able to make adjustments to border entry settings, and the small changes for the critical worker exception category follow other changes to immigration settings announced recently, which: For a full eligibility assessment or help with a border exception request please get in touch with the team. New Zealand's exception criteria is very strict, if you believe you may meet the criteria for travel exception you can submit a request here or contact our New Zealand Immigration Director, Arno Nothnagel today. 1) Up to 1000 degree and post-graduate international students who already completed some of their study in NZ but can't return due to border restrictions will be able to return to NZ. Immigration Act 2009, s 58. New Zealand Immigration Adviser The Long Term Skill Shortage List (LTSSL) identifies occupations where there is a sustained and on-going shortage of highly skilled workers both globally and throughout New Zealand. Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi said the new RSE border exception would also help New Zealand’s Pacific Island neighbours whose economies have been hit hard by COVID-19, as their seasonal workers provide important remittances to their homelands. 2 were here. “The health, safety and wellbeing of people in New Zealand remains the Government’s top priority. New Zealand's Refugee Quota Programme is about to resume after being on hold for nearly a year, due to the country's Covid-19 response. An Immigration New Zealand spokesperson confirmed with RNZ Pacific that Tonga had not signed an agreement to participate in this border exception and send workers over. Immigration New Zealand has announced that from April 2021, up to 1,000 priority returning degree and post-graduate international students and their families will be able to return to New Zealand … As at 2 September, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has received 34,947 requests for a border exception (across all exception categories) since the process was put in place. The number of successful visa applicants was not yet known. This includes partners, dependent children (aged 24 years and under) and legal guardians of New Zealand citizens and residents, and Australian citizens and permanent residents who normally live in New Zealand. New Zealand Immigration Services. Background. To immigrate to New Zealand, you must first choose a method of immigration, and then get a resident visa.You can apply for a visa online using a RealMe account, but in some cases it will also be necessary to send a passport to the visa center in your country upon request. Updates. NZ Government approves Border exception to some international students stuck overseas during COVID-19. Home. EDGE Immigration Limited is 100% NZ owned and operated. Immigration NZ estimates that, as of May 27, there were 10,062 people with a current work visa who may be "ordinarily resident in New Zealand", but who were stuck outside New Zealand. Departed New Zealand on or after 1 December 2019; and Held either a work to residence or essential skills visa (mid-skilled or higher) which will not expire before the end of 2020. More. For the full list of travel exception criteria visit the INZ website. New Year border exception for seasonal workers in the horticulture and wine industries November 26, 2020 A group of 35 refugees are set to arrive this month … About. Services. There are a limited number of exceptions for other travellers who should seek approval from Immigration New Zealand before travelling. New Year border exception for seasonal workers in the horticulture and wine industries From January next year, up to 2,000 experienced seasonal workers from the Pacific will be able to travel to New Zealand to address labour shortages in the horticulture and wine growing sectors. To be eligible for the border exception pilot for international students, students need to have been enrolled prior to the border closures and have or have had a visa to study in 2020.Students approved to enter New Zealand will need to stay in a government-led managed isolation and quarantine facility for 14 days before returning to campus. Of the more than 3100 that have been decided, 80 percent have been refused. Business or investment – You’ve established a business here or have invested in New Zealand (see Immigration New Zealand’s Operational Manual for more details). If the essential skills work visa is expiring before the end of 2020, the visa holder must have applied for a new visa to remain in the same job when they left, and before 10 August 2020. The exception will allow students to return to New Zealand in stages from April 2021. It is expected that only about 850 individuals will meet the specific exception criteria under this new policy. New Zealand's exception criteria is very strict, if you believe you may meet the criteria for travel exception you can submit a request here or contact our New Zealand Immigration Director, Arno Nothnagel today. English proficiency is one of the basic requirements for all immigrants, except candidates for a spouse visa. Immigration New Zealand (INZ) have set new priorities for visa processing.Rules for migrant workers assisting with essential services have also been relaxed, and an exception process has been put in place for the travel ban. Our passion is to use our skills and expertise in immigration law to help make your dreams a reality. Immigration Act 2009, s 72(3) Immigration New Zealand has so far received almost 3500 exemption requests. Getting a Permanent Resident Visa as an exception to residence policy. 7,843 of those requests have resulted in an Invitation to Apply being issued. Offers a free immigration advice and help. *Border exception for some returning international tertiary students* The Government has approved an exception class for 1000 international tertiary students, degree level and above, who began their study in New Zealand but were caught offshore when border restrictions began. New Zealand: New Zealand immigration update - further border exceptions announced 13 October 2020 . ; Immigration Act 2009, s 45.
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