Page Transparency See More. - Fous-moi la paix Black, c'est à moi et c'est hors de question que t'y touches! 1. personnage/licence. I think you were better off with the old one... the new one looks weak." Before Snape killed Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore. À partir du troisième tome[S 12], le lecteur est un peu plus éclairé sur la raison qui pousse le personnage à agir durement envers le héros : la ressemblance physique de ce dernier avec son père, James Potter, qui était en conflit avec Rogue durant leur jeunesse[S 12]. Rogue surprend alors Harry dans la pensine, le réprimande violemment, puis met définitivement fin aux leçons d'occlumancie[20]. His first potion class with Harry and the rest of the students, where he lecturers Harry in front of the class for "not paying attention" when he was taking notes. After returning to Hogwarts with the Slytherin Locket, Harry and Dumbledore flew to the school's Astronomy Tower. Sa voix est généralement douce (« à peine plus élevée qu'un murmure »[6]). Though he asked Voldemort to spare Lily, Snape still feared for her safety, as he knew that Voldemort could not be relied on to grant this small favour. Jenny Sawyer, de The Christian Science Monitor, commente le développement du personnage, affirmant que Rogue est le seul protagoniste qui ait véritablement un choix à faire et qui a des difficultés à faire ce qui est juste, et donc le seul à faire face à une « crise intérieure absolue »[S 34]. classes. Par ailleurs, il est le seul à qui Rogue accepte « d'offrir » ses souvenirs avant de mourir ; le seul à savoir ce qu'il a réellement ressenti pour sa mère, et fait pour lui[S 29]. [7], Shortly after that, Snape was visited by Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy at his home in Spinner's End. De dégoût. Another aspect of Snape's highly visible, almost cartoonish mistreatment of Harry is that he knew all his actions might one day be reported to Voldemort by Death Eater spies. Severus Snape was born 9 January, 1960 to Eileen Prince, a pure-blood witch, and Tobias Snape, a Muggle, making him a half-blood wizard. [42][43], Snape saving Harry's life during a Quidditch game, When Quirrell made his first attempt on Harry's life by jinxing his new broomstick during the boy's first Quidditch game, Snape intervened again by performing a counter-curse to prevent Harry from being hurled off. Albus Severus Potter, the second son of Harry, and the only one of Harry's children to have inherited Lily's bright green almond-shaped eyes, is named after Snape. [63] It is possible that Harry gave his corpse a proper burial after the war ended. Snapes große, dünne Gestalt wirkt schon wegen seines schwarzen Umhangs von Kopf bis Fuß düster und bedrohlich. Narcissa's son Draco had been given a difficult task by Voldemort, and Narcissa swore Snape to an Unbreakable Vow, on pain of death should he break it, that he would protect Draco, help him complete Voldemort's task, and finish the task himself if Draco failed. De nombreux élèves répandent également une rumeur selon laquelle le professeur de potions souhaiterait obtenir le poste de professeur de défense contre les forces du Mal, non pas pour apprendre aux élèves à se défendre, mais parce qu'il vénère ces forces obscures[S 2]. Interestingly, they were their generation's Marauders, map and all, and as such Snape may have viewed them as a reincarnation of his childhood bullies. 9 More Insight Into Muggle/Wizard Interaction This could be seen through his request that a portrait of Snape be hung in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts, which was not done immediately after Snape's death since he had abandoned his post. Quelques heures plus tard, alors que l'école est assiégée par les mangemorts, Rogue retrouve Voldemort dans la cabane hurlante. It is possible that Petunia's interactions with Snape exacerbated her already growing disdain for the Wizarding world and eventual estrangement with Lily. $49 99. — Harry et Rogue, leçon d'occlumancie,Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Phénix, chapitre 24. exams, even if they were not intending to try for his N.E.W.T. Snape was not particularly gracious towards Nymphadora Tonks, probably because she was so close to Remus Lupin. Severus's memories, recorded in the Pensieve, suggest that he was an introverted and studious individual, whereas James was arrogant, popular and athletic. In addition, both Riddle and Snape were Sorted into Slytherin, and were known for their intelligence. Snape's relationships with some members of the Order of the Phoenix have already been established: Lily Evans, the Marauders, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall. However, it was revealed in the last book and movie of the series that Snape had a much more complex relationship with Harry and his history than anyone could have anticipated. Avant le début de l'année scolaire que relate Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-mêlé, Rogue prête un « Serment Inviolable » avec Narcissa Malefoy, jurant de « protéger son fils Drago, de l'arrêter dans sa mission si le danger devenait trop grand et d'accomplir sa mission à sa place s'il venait à faillir », Voldemort ayant confié au garçon une mission dont on ignore encore la nature[14]. Sirius Black would later remark that, when they first arrived at school, Snape knew more curses than many of the seventh-year students. Snape as he appears in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Severus Snape as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Severus Snape as illustrated by Owen Davey on Pottermore, Snape as a LEGO minifigure (2007 edition), Snape as a LEGO minifigure (2010 edition), Snape as a LEGO minifigure (2018 edition), Snape as a LEGO minifigure (2020 edition), Snape (in his Yule Ball robes) as a POP! — Alors, vous deviendrez une proie facile pour le Seigneur des Ténèbres ! Snape had cut off the letter and took the page, which contained Lily's signature and love. But because the boy suspected Snape of plotting to steal the stone and of attempting to kill him, it seemed to him that the Potions professor was trying to intimidate Quirrell into handing over information regarding the artefact. Dates are very important in the Harry Potter universe, especially given that Rowling eventually made a timeline fans mapped out canon. Testé sur MAC. hpxreader, harry, potter. Narcissa Malfoy, on the other hand, begged Snape to assist Draco in his task to assassinate Dumbledore, fearing that her son was being set up to fail. In spite of their mutual trust in each other, Dumbledore never allowed Snape his coveted position as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. He was subsequently sent on a secret mission by Dumbledore to rejoin the Death Eaters and spy on the Dark Lord as a re-doubled agent. Lucius Malfoy was a Slytherin prefect when Snape began attending Hogwarts, and the two ran in the same social circles, which included other future Death Eaters. Unknown length, wood and core When they met at school in 1996, he maliciously said "I was interested to see your new Patronus. Rogue finit néanmoins par le préciser explicitement devant les élèves en fin d'année, incitant Lupin à présenter sa démission[32]. No less discontent with her behaviour than their professors were, Severus's mistrust in Rakepick ran deeper still; she was an avid advocate for the existence of the fabled Cursed Vaults of Hogwarts. Snape did not think James was acting nobly. It's unknown how the Malfoys reacted upon learning of Snape's death and true loyalties. James's big crush on Lily, and Severus's close friendship and unrequited love for her also heightened the tension between the two. Il a le teint « cireux » et les dents jaunâtres[4],[5], et ses yeux noirs sont vides et froids « comme l'entrée d'un tunnel »[5],[6]. Throughout the year, he proceeded to teach this class, among other things, the Wiggenweld Potion[33], the Herbicide Potion[34] and how to properly concoct a Sleeping Draught. Au fil des … Dans une autre interview datant de 1999, elle a précisé que Rogue, professeur éminemment « sadique », était « vaguement basé » sur l'un des professeurs qu'elle a eu[48]. Elle s'est alors demandé ce qui avait pu la trahir dans l'écriture de ce tome[61]. As a result. Magical characteristics Severus Snape and Harry Potter had a complicated relationship throughout the entirety of the Harry Potter series. Eileen … Dans le chapitre « Le récit du Prince » du dernier tome, les souvenirs que Rogue communique à Harry juste avant de mourir éclaircissent les mystères qui l'enveloppent depuis le début de l'histoire. He was the spy responsible for informing Voldemort about the prophecy foretelling his downfall. He felt that anyone with a lower mark than that would lack the passion and the devotion to the complex and demanding subjects that would follow in the last two years of school. It is unknown if she had known about this, given how she likely severed contact with Harry after he left her house. It should be noted that Moody had been the one to kill Evan Rosier, an old friend of Snape's, and possibly others. Under the effects of Veritaserum provided by Professor Snape, Crouch described Lord Voldemort's plan to resurrect himself and Crouch Jnr's own involvement in getting Harry to the graveyard. [21], By his fourth year at Hogwarts, Scorpius Malfoy had learned all about Snape's history and motivations, allowing him to convince an alternate version of Snape — in a timeline where Voldemort won the Battle of Hogwarts and thus ruled wizarding Britain — that he came from a different timeline so that Snape could help Scorpius meet the local resistance and undo what he had unwittingly done to the past. Despite this, Snape saved their lives in 1993 when Professor Lupin had transformed into a werewolf at the full moon, and even after they had stopped being his students, continued to assist the three of them in their quest to destroy the seven Horcruxes (without them being any the wiser, of course). When Neville killed Nagini, he inadvertently avenged Snape's murder. Il était cependant contraint, de par sa promesse, de mener le plan à son terme et de ne livrer la vérité à Harry Potter qu'au tout dernier moment, c'est-à-dire une fois que les autres horcruxes auraient été détruits[3]. His extensive knowledge and abilities were rivalled by very few, if any other witches and wizards of his age. We know the birthdays of … [25] He reportedly was friends with a gang of Slytherins who later became Death Eaters, including Avery, Mulciber, Bellatrix Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, Evan Rosier and Wilkes. Lily Evans could not understand how he could be friends with them, as they had an "evil sense of humour". This could be because Snape remained in the headmaster's office most of the time or was searching for/following the trio to make sure they were safe and/or making progress. Pour Sabine Delzescaux, Rogue est la figure la plus ambiguë et énigmatique de la série, dans la mesure où il fait le choix de ne pas porter le « masque de la vertu », en œuvrant en secret sous une haine apparente[S 14]. After having accidentally put Lily's life in jeopardy by delivering a prophecy to Lord Voldemort (without knowing at the time that it was referring to her son), Snape turned to Dumbledore to keep her safe. Harry being led by a doe Patronus (Snape's Patronus) to the hiding place of the Sword of Gryffindor. Wary of her true intentions, when Albus Dumbledore invited her back to help break the curses plaging the school and its denizens, their old rivalry immediately reignited, and Snape immediately went about trying to uncover whatever ulterior motives she might have, suspecting that she wanted to use the vaults to take control of Hogwarts. Tobias Snape (father) Eileen Snape (née Prince) (mother) [7], Daily Prophet reports Snape's appointment as Headmaster. Albus also invited him for an evening visit in his office. Male[10] Ce n'est pas un homme très agréable dans bien des domaines. Years after Snape's death, one of Petunia's great-nephews would be named after Snape. Slytherin From that moment on, it is known that Snape and Rakepick were engaging in a subtle battle of wits, and even used students to spy on one another. This is the first time that he addresses him with the title other than in his presence which shows that he has forgiven and even come to respect Snape for his courage and his sacrifices. Severus, whose father was neglectful and possibly even violent, began to identify with his mother's family and created a secret nickname from his mother's maiden name, calling himself the \"Half-Blood Prince\". To place Snape in such a position might have risked his safety, and Dumbledore would not have permitted such a risk, in case he required Snape's aid against Voldemort again. Livraison gratuite dès 25 € d'achats. House Un anti-héros, peut-être. Near the end of the school year, Snape ambushed Black as he entered the school again and attempted to apprehend him, believing him to have been the one who had betrayed Lily to Voldemort. Discover (and save!) [70], By adulthood, all of Harry's hatred of Snape seemed to have vanished and it looked as though he had never harboured it at all. Snape has a hooked nose, greasy black hair, and sallow skin. [30] Many students were under the impression that this was because Dumbledore feared Snape might return to his old ways if allowed to teach his favourite subject, but in reality it was because Dumbledore was aware by that point that the job had been jinxed by Voldemort. Rowling confirme d'ailleurs cette idée[62], tout en se penchant sur l'aspect héroïque de son personnage : « Je pense […] que c'est un héros, mais un héros imparfait. Despite the fact that Lily came from a Muggle family, he never truly saw her as being one of them because he was so smitten with her. She was the sister of Lily Evans, but Petunia was a Muggle, unlike her sister. Indeed, at the time Snape asked Voldemort to spare Lily's life, he erroneously believed that Snape's interest in her was merely physical, and callously stated that there were other women "of purer blood, worthier of him" after her death. Besides Bellatrix, it's unknown what kind of relationship he had with his old school friends as an adult. La diabolisation de Rogue atteint donc son apogée lorsque, à la fin du sixième roman, il tue Dumbledore, avant de prendre sa place en tant que directeur de Poudlard. Plus de 18 ans. Before Dumbledore's death, Snape promised to protect the students of Hogwarts from the Death Eaters, who would inevitably take control of the Ministry of Magic as well as the school. Find this Pin and more on Forever Potterby Grace VanSeters. She permitted his portrait to be hung in the Headmaster's office, at Harry's request. They did this by creating a spectacle of a diversion in his classroom, which involved a firecracker and the Swelling Solution that was being made in class. Harry Potter - Accessoires 2.0 pour figurine 1/6 Snape 1.0 pas cher : retrouvez tous les produits disponibles l'achat sur notre site. Au cours de cette période, il se surnomme le « Prince de sang-mêlé », faisant référence au nom de famille de sa mère[16]. - Lache ça sale cabot!" Most likely the two had good rapport at Hogwarts (which could also be a reason why Narcissa Malfoy trusted Severus to take care of Draco Malfoy and why he seemed to favour Draco during his later teaching years even when Draco refuses it in the task to kill Dumbledore). Although Snape was reluctant, even asking about the impact of such an action on his own soul, Dumbledore implied that this kind of coup de grâce would not damage a human's soul in the same way murder would. Snape was resentful of Moody's accusations but could not do anything about it. However, this sword was a fake. During the brief period in which Snape gave private Occlumency lessons, Snape relished in forcing Harry to relive his worst memories. In the course of the interview, Trelawney prophesied that at the end of July, a child would be born who would cause the destruction of Lord Voldemort (which prompted Dumbledore to hire her, partly for her own safety). Il est à l'origine du maléfice sectumsempra[10], destiné à creuser de profondes entailles sur le corps d'une personne (il met également au point le sortilège permettant de soigner ces blessures[11]). Karkaroff consequently fled when the Dark Lord returned, but Snape, who remained in the Dark Lord's good favour with the information he could provide on Dumbledore, had nothing to fear from him in the term of retribution. Il reste plutôt cruel, une brute remplie d’amertume – et pourtant il a aimé, il a été loyal, et, pour finir, il a sacrifié sa vie pour cet amour. Although Snape's knowledge of the Dark Arts enabled him to slow the spread of the curse, the curse would have ultimately killed Dumbledore within a year. After pretending to punish them by sending them into the Forbidden Forest with Rubeus Hagrid, Snape passed the fake sword along to Bellatrix Lestrange, who kept it in her vault at Gringotts, thinking that it was real.
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