Everybody very clearly sees what is going on. Diejenigen, die diesen Weg weiter verfolgen, müssen dazu eingeladen werden, die Schwere ihrer Handlungen zu überdenken und zu bereuen. They include respect for the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary, accountability for the rulers and the preservation of inalienable rights and freedoms of every citizen. [87][88] Auch der rheinland-pfälzische Innenminister Roger Lewentz (SPD) forderte in einem Brief an den Bundesinnenminister die intensive, landesweite Prüfung der Gülen-Bewegung durch den Verfassungsschutz und die Befassung der Innenministerkonferenz mit dem Thema. [103] Gülen had previously been tried in absentia in 2000, and acquitted of these charges in 2008 under Erdoğan's AKP government. Hayır işlemek, din ve hikmet nazarında vazife, vicdan nazarında da takdire değer bir davranıştır.Hayır işlememek ise, dinde günah, hikmet nazarında ahlâkî seviyesizlik, vicdan nazarında da lâubâliliktir. 30 oktober 2020 - Onlangs hoorde ik over de wrede moord op Samuel Patty in een Parijse wijk en raakte diep bedroefd. [29] Some participants within Gülen's movement have viewed Nursi's or Gülen's works as that of mujaddids or "renewers" of Islam within their respective times. It internally fractured in 2011, which became common knowledge by the time of the corruption investigations of highly placed members of Turkey's ruling party in 2013. Neben dem politischen Islam, wie er in weiten Teilen der arabischen Staaten besteht, gab es in der islamischen Welt jedoch stets gesellschaftliche Bewegungen, die den Menschen im Auge haben, nicht die politische Ordnung. Fethullah Gülen niye ABD’de yaşıyor ve Türkiye’ye dönmüyor? Rise Up (Colors of Peace) was a musical project to turn Gülen's poems and writings in Turkish language into songs. [69][71] He took part in Islamic education in some Erzurum madrasas[72] and he gave his first sermon as a licensed state preacher in 1958, when he was in his teens. [11] 1997 knüpfte Gülens Hizmet-Bewegung Kontakte zu Hansjörg Bitterlich, dem Sohn der Gründerin des römisch-katholischen Engelwerkes. "[93], As of 2018, Gülen resides at the Hizmet movement-affiliated Chestnut Retreat Center, a 25-acre wooded estate in the Poconos (within Ross Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, near Saylorsburg[94][95]). 368 likes. [204], Gülen was listed as one of the 500 most influential Muslims by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre in Amman, Jordan.[205][206]. [91][92], With the advent of Erdoğanist Turkey in the 2000s, structural impediments to Muslims' participation in civil life were gradually lifted. In 2017, reports identified four candidates to succeed Gulen, if necessary, in leadership of the Hizmet movement: Mehmet Ali Şengül, Cevdet Türkyolu, Osman Şimşek and Ahmet Kurucan. He writes the lead article for The Fountain, Yeni Ümit, Sızıntı, and Yağmur Islamic philosophical magazines. [124][125][126][127] On 23 July 2016, Turkey formally submitted a formal extradition request accompanied by certain documents as supporting evidence. He said, "What I saw was not pretty, it was ugly." [202], In 2015, Oklahoma City Thunder basketball player Enes Kanter said that he was excluded from the Turkish national basketball team for his public support of Gülen. März 2011 wurden Ahmet Şık und andere Journalisten im Rahmen der Ergenekon-Ermittlungen festgenommen. Başlatan MASON Kardeslerimiz. Dafür hob er hervor, dass er den laizistischen Staat respektiere, und erlangte damit das Wohlwollen führender türkischer Politiker wie z. [140] A spokesman for Flynn denied Woolsey's account, telling Business Insider that no nonjudicial removal had been discussed at the meeting. CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, corruption investigations of highly placed members of Turkey's ruling party in 2013, U.S. Fethullah Gülen je prozvan jednim od 100 svjetskih najutjecajnijih ljudi u 2013. g. od strane magazina TIME. G. besuchte vier Jahre die Grundschule seines Heimatortes. Die Zahl der Mitglieder der Gülen-Bewegung ist schwer zu schätzen. Gülen was listed on the Watkins' Spiritual 100 List for 2019 as one of the '100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People'. [192] While rejecting the Turkish government's desire to topple the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, Gülen supports military intervention against ISIL. [93] Mit Wirkung vom 10. MERIA: Fethullah Gülen and his Liberal "Turkish Islam" movement, ME Forum: Fethullah Gülen's Grand Ambition: Turkey's Islamist Danger, The Gülen Movement: a modern expression of Turkish Islam, The Nurcu Movement in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, "Exclusive: US-exiled cleric Gulen says he knew about Turkey's 'Flynn bribes, "Gulen admits meeting key figure in Turkey coup plot, dismisses Erdogan's 'senseless' claims", Abū Muḥrīz Jahm ibn Ṣafwān ar-Rāsibī as-Samarqāndī at-Tirmidhī, Abu’l-Hassan Muqātil ibn Sulaymān ibn Bashīr al-Azdī, Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm ibn Sayyār ibn Hāni’ an-Nazzām, Abū Alī Muḥāmmad ibn Abdi’l-Wahhāb ibn Sallām al-Jubbā'ī, Abū Uthmān Amr ibn Bhār ibn Māhbūb al-Jāhiz al-Kinānī, List of contemporary Muslim scholars of Islam, Abū Abdi’l-Lāh Ahmad ibn Abī Du'ad Faraj ibn Carīr ibn Mâlik al-Iyādī, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fethullah_Gülen&oldid=1009205600, Christian–Islamic–Jewish interfaith dialogue, People involved in the 2016 Turkish coup d'état attempt, Articles with dead external links from December 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Wikipedia extended-confirmed-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages which use embedded infobox templates with the title parameter, Pages using infobox philosopher with embed equal yes, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from March 2017, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from December 2018, CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Abū Abdirrahmān Bishr ibn Ghiyāth ibn Abī Karīma al-Marīsī al-Baghdādī (, Abū Muḥāmmad (Abū’l-Hākem) Heshām ibn Sālem al-Jawālikī al-, Abū Mūsā Isā ibn Subeyh (Sabīh) al-Murdār al-Bāsrī (Murdārīyya), Hīshām ibn Amr al-Fuwātī ash-Shaybānī (Hīshāmīyya), Abū Sahl Abbād ibn Sulaimān (Salmān) as-Sāymarī, Abū’l-Hūsayn Abdūrrāhīm ibn Muḥāmmad ibn Uthmān al-Hayyāt (Hayyātīyya), Abū Amr Ḍirār ibn Amr al-Gatafānī al-Kūfī (Ḍirārīyya), Abū ʿAbdillāh al-Husayn ibn Muḥāmmad ibn ʿAbdillāh an-Najjār ar-Rāzī, Abū ʿAbdallāh Ibnū’z-Zā‘farānī (Zā‘farānīyya), Abū ʿAbdillāh Muḥāmmad ibn Karrām ibn Arrāk ibn Huzāba ibn al-Barā’ as-Sijjī, Haisamīyya (Abū ʿAbdallāh Muhammad ibn al-Haisam), Ishāqīyya (Abū Yaʿqūb Ishāq ibn Mahmashādh), Tarā'ifīyya (Ahmad ibn ʿAbdūs at-Tarā'ifī), Abū Abdillāh Mugīre ibn Sāīd al-ʿIjlī el-Bajalī, Abū Amr (Abū Mu‘tamīr) Muāmmar ibn Abbād as-Sūlamī, Abū Sahl Bīshr ibn al-Mu‘tamīr al-Hilālī al-Baghdādī, Abū Hāshīm Abdu’s-Salām ibn Muḥāmmad ibn Abdi’l-Wahhāb al-Jubbā'ī, Abū’l-Huzayl Muḥāmmad ibn al-Huzayl ibn Abdillāh al-Allāf al-Abdī al-Bāsrī, Abū Ma‘n Sūmāma ibn Ashras an-Nūmayrī al-Bāsrī al-Baghdādī, Abū Bakr Muḥāmmad ibn Abdillāh ibn Shabīb al-Basrī, Abū’l-Kāsīm Abdullāh ibn Ahmad ibn Māhmūd al-Balhī al-Kā‘bī, This page was last edited on 27 February 2021, at 09:14. The effort includes directives to the Justice Department and FBI that officials reopen Turkey's case for his extradition, as well as a request to the Homeland Security Department for information about his legal status, the four people said", "Two Men Charged with Conspiracy and Acting as Agents of a Foreign Government", "Two ex-associates of Michael Flynn charged with trying to influence U.S. politicians", "Muslims' unique responsibility to fight terror", "Gülen: Alevi-Sunni brotherhood should not be marred by bridge controversy", "Portrait of Fethullah Gülen, A Modern Turkish-Islamic Reformist", "Berna Turam, Between Islam and the State: The Politics of Engagement (Stanford University Press 2006) p. 61", "Saritoprak, Z. and Griffith, S. Fethullah Gülen and the 'People of the Book': A Voice from Turkey for Interfaith Dialogue, The Muslim World, Vol. Fethullah Gülen haberleri ve son gelişmeleri anbean bu sayfa üzerinden takip edebilirsiniz. Eine empirische Studie. Stalin saw the influence of "Trotskyite counter-revolutionaries" everywhere, and brutally purged every element of the Soviet apparatus. Nach Gülen war demnach Unglaube ein Verbrechen: „Die Bestrafung eines Mordes, der in der Regel nicht länger als wenige Minuten oder auch nur einige Sekunden in Anspruch nahm, reicht von vielen Jahren bis hin zu lebenslänglich Gefängnis oder der Todesstrafe. [51][52][53], In a February 2019 opinion piece, Gülen said, "[I]n Turkey, a vast arrest campaign based on guilt by association is ongoing. Sobald sie aber eine andere Position einnehmen oder von der Wahrheit von Koran und Hadith wegführen, sind sie fehlerhaft. Erst nach einiger Zeit stelle sich heraus, wie das Netzwerk der Cemaat (Gemeinde) funktioniere.[99]. So zeigt sich Gülen als eine Art moderner Wanderprediger.[8]. Selbst zweifelsfrei etablierte wissenschaftliche Fakten können nicht die Säulen sein, auf denen die Wahrheiten des iman (Glaubens) ruhen.“[27] Die Demokratie solle „ihren Horizont erweitern“ und „das Leben des Menschen nach dem Tode in Betracht ziehen“. [207] The artists appearing (in order of appearance on the track list) were: The Good Morning Diary, Maher Zain, Faudel, Cristelo Duo featuring Bruno Gouveia, Ryan Shaw, Natacha Atlas, Bon Bon, KK & Reet, Mazachigno featuring Ely Bruna, Bahroma, Carmen Paris, Kobi Farhi & Ruba Shamshoum. [132], Rudy Giuliani privately urged Donald Trump in 2017 to extradite Gülen. In 1994, he participated in the founding of "Journalists and Writers Foundation"[77] and was given the title "Honorary President" by the foundation. "[121] Gülen, who denied any involvement in the coup attempt and denounced it,[122] has in turn accused Erdoğan of "turning a failed putsch into a slow-motion coup of his own against constitutional government. [66][67] Die geplante Schließung der Gülen-Schulen, um der Bewegung die Haupteinnahmequelle zu entziehen, wurde im Juni 2015 vom Verfassungsgericht gestoppt. Die Ausmaße sind erschreckend. Our friends who have positions in legislative and administrative bodies should learn its details and be vigilant all the time so that they can transform it and be more fruitful on behalf of Islam in order to carry out a nationwide restoration. Wenn sich unsere Freunde zu früh zu erkennen geben, wird die Welt ihre Köpfe zerquetschen, und die Muslime werden dann Ähnliches wie in Algerien erleben. 11 kardeşe sahip olan Gülen, kardeşlerinin en büyüğüdür. Doch Unglaube ist ein viel schwereres Verbrechen als Mord […] Niemand außer Gott weiß, ob ein Mensch ins Paradies oder in die Hölle kommen wird. [47][48] Turkey is demanding the extradition of Gülen from the United States. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. Sie begehe zudem rechtswidrige Abhöraktionen und andere illegale Tätigkeiten. The New York Times – Turkish Schools Offer Pakistan a Gentler Vision of Islam, The New York Times: Fethullah Gulen profile, Foreign Policy – Fethullah Gulen as a Top Public Intellectual, Profile on PBS show: Religion and Ethics January 21, 2011, The New Republic Magazine: The Global Imam. Die Menschen können, wann immer sie wollen, in Religionen ein- und, wann immer sie wollen, wieder austreten. [106] He has personally met with leaders of other religions, including Pope John Paul II,[105] the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, and Israeli Sephardic Head Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron.[161]. B. des laizistischen Links-Politikers Bülent Ecevit, der sich als Erz-Laizist verstand. He wrote a condemnation article in the Washington Post on 12 September 2001, one day after the September 11 attacks, and stated that "A Muslim can not be a terrorist, nor can a terrorist be a true Muslim. Die türkische Regierung ging mit Festnahmen, Massenversetzungen und Entlassungen im Justiz- und Polizeiapparat vor und ließ Gülen-Anhänger aus staatlichen Institutionen entfernen. Telling or encouraging people to vote for a party would be an insult to peoples' intellect. [1] Los teólogos le citan como moderado favorable al acercamiento entre las tres grandes religiones monoteístas, bien visto tanto por el Vaticano como en Israel. 2016'da kapatılan Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakfının kurucularından biri ve vakfın onursal başkanıydı. deskinin komunizmle mucadele dernegi baskani idi.. simdi … [141], In July 2017, one year after the anti-Erdoğan putsch, Gülen wrote: "Accusations against me related to the coup attempt are baseless, politically motivated slanders. Cihaner kritisierte den Einfluss der Bewegung mit den Worten: „Wer sich mit Gülen anlegt, wird vernichtet“. April 1941 im Dorf Korucuk im Landkreis Pasinler der Provinz Erzurum) ist ein islamischer Prediger aus der Türkei und das Oberhaupt der nach ihm benannten Bewegung, die als Nachfolger von Said i Nursi eine neo Nurcu Ideologie verficht. The number of victims of this campaign of persecution keeps increasing [...]. Speaking against oppression is a democratic right, a civic duty and for believers, a religious obligation. M. Hakan Yavuz, John L. Esposito (Hrsg. [136], In Egypt, MP Emad Mahrous called on the Egyptian government to grant asylum to Gülen. "[185][non-primary source needed], Gülen has supported Turkey's bid to join the European Union and has said that neither Turkey nor the EU have anything to fear, but have much to gain, from a future of full Turkish membership in the EU. Öğrenimi 1945'de Kur'an öğrenmeye başlayan ve kısa zamanda Kur'an'ı hatmeden Gülen, 1946 yılında ilkokula başlamıştır. Die Soziologin Helen Rose Ebaugh vermutete 2008, dass in der Türkei 10–15 % der Bevölkerung eine Nähe zur Bewegung empfinden. [80] Auch Uwe Gerrens sieht eine „reißerische Aufmachung“ von Vorwürfen, gerade gegenüber den sogenannten „Lichthäusern“, studentischen Wohngemeinschaften der Bewegung, deren Vorwürfe nicht belegbar seien. (* 27. Excerpt from Gülen-penned op-ed in the New York Times: The core tenets of a functioning democracy – the rule of law, respect for individual freedoms – are also the most basic of Islamic values bestowed upon us by God. The schools are a form of service to humanity designed to promote learning in a broader sense and to avoid explicit Islamic propaganda." [184], According to Aras and Caha, Gülen's views on women are "progressive". Das macht ihn in der Türkei zum Staatsfeind; die Berliner Publizistin Necla Kelek unterstellt ihm sogar eine ‚zutiefst reaktionäre Denkweise‘. [183], Gülen has criticized secularism in Turkey as "reductionist materialism". [2] Er lebt seit dem 21. Erdoğan warf mehrfach der Gülen-Bewegung Umsturzversuche vor und behauptete, die Bewegung betreibe einen „Tiefen Staat“. "[147], On 28 September 2017, Erdoğan requested the U.S. to extradite Gülen in exchange for American pastor Andrew Brunson, under arrest in Turkey on charges related to Brunson's alleged affiliation with "FETO" (the Gulen movement); Erdoğan said, "You have a pastor too.
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