Or dunk it in a bucket of water. Bei dem System der Gasbremse wird ein Teil des Gasdrucks im Lauf abgezweigt und dieser drückt so gegen den Gaskolben, damit sich der Verschluss nicht öffnet. P7 is by far by favorite pistol. Well, apparently if you’re a high-speed-low-drag Operator operating operationally — and, to be fair, that’s basically who this pistol was designed for — the noise can give away your position or give away your intentions, etc. It was the most accurate center fire handgun I have ever owned. Best pistol ever made – I am carrying my P7M8 now, just as I have for 35 years. Thanks!!! I had the same issue running cheap low octane gas (needed gas, high octane sold out) and have cheap tires put on till the Z rated tires arrived for my SL. It’s the softest shooting 9mm I own. Die Pistole P8 ist die Standard-Pistole der Bundeswehr. The P7 has been proven on thousands of occasions as the service pistol of various police forces. In the local IPSC-style shoots that I do on occasion, the stages usually require 16 to 20 shots each. Basé en partie sur le fameux modèle 1911 de COLT, il possède une conception originale et extrêmement fiable! Anyway, this comment is becoming as long as the novel of the article above!, but the main point is that heat soak IS an issue in the first version of the P7 that doesn’t have a heat shield, but it’s only an issue if you’ve purchase the gun as a range toy. It gets uncomfortable to place your index finger on if you shoot through about 4 magazines as quickly as you can. The trigger itself is flat and wide, with vertical serrations on its face. I have never had any functional issues with any of them and my only negative comments are that they do get dirtier than other pistols due to the gas aided ejection function which is so robust that they fling brass out much farther than most guns which can be an issue at some indoor ranges. I too sustained a hand/wrist injury not too long ago. decided this was not a good CCW gun for me. Exactly! I love the .45, but not as reliable. This fully cocks the striker, so the trigger is a true single action with the sole duty of releasing the striker. What is special, however, is that the Heckler & Koch P7 was the first firearm to have the 3-dot sight layout that eventually became the most common pistol sight style in the world. Trigger Guard The noise? Rare "Bw" marked Bundeswehr military police trade-in. Sie enspricht in ihrer Größe etwa einer Walther CCP, die auch heute noch eine Gasbremse verwendet. I don’t have a lot of fancy crap, but if I did I’d pose it with a gussied-up (NP3+ coated with Nill grips) HK P7 and it would look sort of like this: ^^^ that photo is also an HK “history” quiz. magazines were $45. I honestly do not recall EVER having a single failure to feed, fire, or eject. Although some folks claim the P7 action doesn’t like being suppressed, intuitively I think it seems like a good fit. The spring actually connected to the cocking lever alone is nothing in comparison. Why are the bullets in backwards..? Money well spent. Psssss appearently you have never shot a Jennings 22 nickel plated!!!! Mod. He lives outside of Austin, TX. On the downside, this whole mechanism is complicated and expensive. Bundeswehr (Federal Defence Forces) Militärischer Abschirmdienst (MAD - Military Counterintelligence Service) – P7 (PSP) Bundeswehr (Federal Defence Forces) - Heer (Army) - Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK - Special Forces Command) P7M8 There is no evidence that they really carry P7s but the P8 and specialized P8 versions, Mk23 etc. Die SFP9 verwendet nicht nur P30 Magazine, sondern mittels tauschbarer Griffrücken und Griffschalen stehen auch diesem Modell insgesamt 27 Kombinationsmöglichkeiten zur individuellen Griffgestaltung zur Verfügung. The heat ran from the piston area, down the front of the trigger guard, and onto the bottom of the trigger guard. That lever is only on the left size, and is really the P7’s only firing control that isn’t fully ambidextrous. Frankly, if I wanted to carry something that isn’t the P7 but was the same general size, I’d carry something modern with twice the capacity but probably less weight. G3 PLAQUE COUCHE Heckler & Koch Armee Allemande original BUNDESWEHR neuf jamais utilisee. Lacking protrusions, edges, and hot spots like conventional rifling and not requiring the rifling to actually cut or press into the bullet’s surface increases service life. Spoken like someone who supposed having experience long enough with that pistol… Funny… Just wish it wasn’t a damn boat anchor! You have one of the rare guns illegally imported by RTB Corp, Miami Fl! ... Kaninchen Pistole, 6mm Flobert Smith & Wesson 686-6 .357 Magn. I just found this article and I couldn’t agree more. Objet : 7006853. Regarding holsters, please make sure that whoever is providing your holster knows whether you have a PSP or an M8. Mine is marked imported in Miami, Fl. Just came across this article, I started with a P7M10 that I purchased from a fellow officer about 20 years ago. In my opinion, it’s not as accurate as the M10, but it is better than almost any pistol made. FYI, the squeeze-lever let-off “clack” can be notably reduced by pulling back on the slide slightly, releasing the cocker, then letting the slide run forward. Though it would be prudent to keep a spare bushing, fp spring and collar, you’d likely never need them. Height: 5.0″ It ain’t no hi-point…”, In retrospect, this entire article could be replaced with that and it would probably suffice just fine . That’s extremely awkward to do and my finger is barely small enough to fit in there and trip this dingus of yours, but it does work. Leider endete seine wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit tragisch und abrupt. If by chance a small child grabbed one, there’s very little chance of them having the hand strength to squeeze it. And like the Snakes, they just keep going up in value. I think gary Oldman’s character was pretty awesome in that movie, he just didn’t last long enough to get the really great lines. Thanks! The Alessi bodyguard is probably the ideal shoulder holster for the butt-heavy P7. I highly recommend raven concealment for a good P7 hip holster. The magazine ends up farther rearwards than it would if it followed the grip’s angle, which means there’s room for a longer barrel given the same slide length. An Unofficial Web Site for the P7 series of semiauto pistols made by Heckler & Koch of Germany, by Chris. At least that was how I read the comment (rather than being about the gas system). The amount of force to hold the cocking lever is no more force than is needed to maintian a proper shooting grip. The prices of these last two have been the highest yet but I sense the value of these pieces will hold up well. Overall: * * * * * It also retained its location by force of its spring and during powerfull recoils it can be went off through inertia and turns the whole gun just into a paper weight. How about if they stack them in “one facing the front, the next one facing the rear” Sort of “classy” don’t you think? Release the cocking lever and the striker immediately and safely decocks. The polygon bore barrels are the highest quality in the firearms industry. Who cares? The P7 is nimbler than its weight would suggest and more accurate than its size should allow for. Calibre 45ACP Le pistolet HK USP (Universal Selbstlade Pistole ou P8) est le digne successeur du P7 pour la Bundeswehr . i dont see the appeal. More, I don’t know, German. May I ask seen any P7 with a pop out striker safety and made the pistol unoperable during your robotic handed experience…. Even if it’s the best pistol ever . P7s are VERY robust pistols made of VERY hard steel. I also think the squeezing mechanism reduces the chance of “limp-wristing”. Trigger pull weight is 4.5 to 5 lbs. Big Guns. I love the paddle mag release verse the button release. Everyone thinks it’s the weirdest looking pistol but once they start to shoot it, especially folks sensitive to recoil, they fall in love with it. It is XX826 on the left image, 86912 on the right image. Well, our 41 isn’t a Performance Center but either way, it was a lot less than the Wilson. Last yeat I bought a Kimber super carry pro HD, but the P7 is EDC for me. Im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch und in den Vorschriften der Bundeswehr kommt ausschließlich die Bezeichnung "Pistole P 1" zur Anwendung, auch wenn die ersten Pistolen die Beschriftung P 38 tragen. Me, not so much. Yea after about 75 rounds it’s hotter than a two dollar pistol! I carried the P7-M13 on duty for about a year when we switched to the Glock 21. Maybe you could engineer a simpler version, though, and I’d LOVE to see it. Many people — including P7 owners — don’t even realize it’s there, actually. I have since purchased a second NIB P7 M8 from the last 500 unit run in a presentation box which I have yet to fire as well as a Tripp hard chromed P7 M13 which is a near duplicate of the purported Cogan unit. It’s one of our very few special “must haves” (including a Wilson, SW41 and maybe a good revolver). But $$$$. Oh well. Pistols are not your primarily or secondary weapons. This helps the pistol accept a broader range of ammunition, whether slightly out of spec or dirty, etc. It’s the same p7m8 except for the nicest flat toned hard chrome finish to the pistol and mags. The rounds in the mag (EDC photo) are hurting my brain. Strange thing is, it's proofed as a 1985. Shot my P7M8. The Heckler & Koch P7 is the Best Pistol Ever, RETRACTION: Veronica Rutledge Held a Washington State Concealed Pistol License, Old School Cool: Smith & Wesson’s Model 645 and 745 Second Generation .45 Autos, How to Reach Those 8.4 Million New Gun Owners…and Get Them to Oppose Gun Control, http://www.gunsamerica.com/958173845/Heckler-Koch-P7-P-7-M13-9mm-NIB.htm, http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/05/08/hk-bullets-real-story/, http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_P7_pistol_series, http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Killer_Elite_(2011)#Heckler_.26_Koch_P7, https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/05/08/hk-bullets-real-story/. The Germans held pistol trials and approved 3 designs, all single-stack 9mms, as suitable for LE use: the Walther P5, the SIG P6 (commercial P225), and the H&K P7. Have had a few fixed blade ones like the Gnome pictured and the Ka-Bar LDK as well as lots of folders like the Protech Runt and the Boker Wharcom (which is their Subcom with a Wharncliffe blade). 70 Angebote zu Pistole Waffe Pistolen Waffen bei Yatego vergleichen. The P7 in various forms has been my favorite pistol since 1982. I have sustained a injury to my hand and the strong pull of the cocking lever is making it hard to cock it and hold it still on the target. Walther P5 is virtually an updated version of the well-known Walther P38, used by the German Army from 1938 to 1945 and afterward, as the P1, adopted by the Bundeswehr. 3-Gun, IDPA, USPSA, and steel matches, typically averaging 3-4 matches per month plus practice and training classes. When it comes down to it that’s everything to me. Sie gehört zur Grundausstattung an Handwaffen der Bundeswehr. Now, a “minor wear” one starts around $1,100, and one dude is even selling a NIB for $4,800 (http://www.gunsamerica.com/958173845/Heckler-Koch-P7-P-7-M13-9mm-NIB.htm)! Accuracy. Who was it that said they’d never seen a P7 malfunction? 3. H&K claims it’s gas retarded, but I think it’s pretty smart. It’s an extremely soft shooter. Thanks again Dave! AFAIK it still is the duty pistol for the New Jersey State Police. The negative Nellies who don’t like it should at least realize it was unique and ahead of its time. The P7 was just very cool and exotic. In no particular order, here are the features I know of that set it apart from other pistols…or did in 1976 when it was designed. A P7 with a 77XXX serial number was made ~1988. Another great write up by this author. I have as high a regard for this gun as Jeremy does. The P7 is an elegant all-steel pistol. To my regret, my first pistol was a SW 5906 3rd Gen. High capacity, no accuracy! The short slide and butt, along with the greater clearance needed at the trigger guard/front strap area means the holster maker needs to really understand it, and not just copy their design for a P7. This makes it a lot easier to reload under stress. The one thing I have found about all P7s is that it’s best to use the cleanest burning ammo you can find through it. I have a Galco SCL22 shoulder holster with double magazine holder for my P7 M8 that works nicely! Basically, it’s James Bond in pistol form. That sold me and its been by my bedside ever since. 06421/48075-00 - Fax 06421/48075-99 - info@vdb-waffen.de) I was able to shoot the P7 during the US military’s testing of the 9mm guns to replace the 1911. A boxy handle didn’t fit my larger hands. I have collected a number of P7 pistols over the years and have a few things to note: You mention 147gr not chambering easily, but P7 users should avoid 147gr ammo entirely. Die Pistole verfügt serienmäßig über einzigartige Charakteristika und innovative Details. Lastly, the heel release has two different versions, and you will likely come across 3 variants of the P7 magazine release (this is NOT counting the P7M8, which is entirely different). Conspiracy? Like the Heckler & Koch P7 , it was designed in response to demands from the West German police for a pistol which combined rapid response with total sadet.
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