Er meint, dass eine weitere Abschwächung kommen wird. Nerf dmr14. Could it be that it does 175 damage to the head at any range. Bet on it: if this barrel gets fixed you'd have to choose between a very short range RoF barrel that you'd still have to hit a headshot to make competitive against ARs and SMGs, or you'd have to pick an actual long barrel that would leave RoF at the default of like, 300, meaning if you don't hit a headshot you die no matter what and your TTK is shit. Aber leider kam der DMR 14 Nerf nur teilweise. As for why they are requesting a nerf for the DMR 14 in Warzone, it’s because the weapon is massively overpowered and is making the game â€⃜unplayable’. Apparently no one watched JGODs video on this gun, but the Titanium barrel is granting velocity instead of taking it, so you're getting a 2-for-1 RoF and "long barrel" level velocity bonus that we shouldn't be. At this point every single game I get into is dominated by the fucking dmr 14 and Mac 10. Das taktische Gewehr Typ 63 ist vergleichbar stark wie das DMR 14 und soll in seiner Leistungsfähigkeit eingeschränkt werden. Why isnt there a recoil and stability nerf option? However, the update hasn’t negatively impacted the DMR like people had hoped it would, but NICKMERCS isn’t worried about how weak the nerf is. Someone can double tap you from a longer distance, and they have a 30 clip with almost zero recoil. Getting 5 hot markers across nuketown is not rare. Whilst we're addressing the issue, I think the Diametti's need a bit of a slight nerf too. In recent weeks, the DMR 14 has dominated the metagame thanks to its extremely high damage output and minimal drop-off at longer distances. It needs to either use sniper if it’s going to do marksmen rifle damage, or mirror the fal and do less damage if it will use AR. But to balance it we're going to nerf the reserve ammo? I'm so sick of getting 2 tapped by a dmr. I say keep the accuracy and fire rate, and nerf the damage. 122 subscribers. Im Nahkampf waren die Dual Diamattis fast unschlagbar und bekommen daher einen Nerf.Die Mac 10 überragte in der Kategorie Maschinenpistole (SMG) alle anderen in Warzone und erhält daher auch eine Überarbeitung der Eigenschaften. either add damage drop off ranges and maybe increase visual recoil a little bit, or remove the headshot multiplier? To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. The prolific and extremely overpowered DMR will be receiving a nerf very soon in Call of Duty: Warzone. Sgt IScream. Die DMR 14 ist die Waffe der Stunde in Call of Duty: Warzone. Hopefully soon. I say keep the accuracy and fire rate, and nerf the damage. Treyarch und Raven Software haben mittlerweile reagiert. I dont play much but I thought I'd share that info. The never-ending updates and their lack of communication with their playerbase seems to have shot them in the fucking dick. At this point every single game I get into is dominated by the fucking dmr 14 and Mac 10. After endless complaints about the DMR being overpowered in Warzone, it was finally nerfed several days ago. That is just such a lazy method of balancing it imo. Why not address the actual problem? Perhaps add some recoil, but this game has been missing a low recoil, fast fire rate semi auto that's good at long range. I feel your pain. This got quite frustrating. Dmr is the most broken gun since warzone was released. The Best DMR 14 Loadout in Call of Duty: Warzone (Post-Nerf) Players begged for a DMR nerf. Rufe nach DMR-Nerf gehen weit über Reddit hinaus. Die Memes im Zusammenhang mit dem DMR 14 Nerf gibt es ja jetzt schon eine Weile. DMR 14 and Diamattis nerfed again in Warzone, alongside a fix for the infinite stim glitch By Sherif Saed, Thursday, 14 January 2021 10:29 GMT Share on: Facebook Twitter Reddit Seit dem Beginn von Warzone: Black Ops Cold War Season 1 sind alle Augen auf die DMR 14 gerichtet. Personally, I don't think it's fair that I have to pay for a game that I don't want to play to use a weapon that far out classes the host games weapons. Second clip is … Call of Duty: Warzone players are calling for a DMR 14 nerf in the video game because of its overpowering abilities. Something like 50 damage to … Should fix it. Its insane power, combined with an insane range and versatility, has made it one of, if not the, most overpowered weapon in the game. Wait, is the DMR14 more OP than the Type63? Closer - All of the CW guns have had recoil adjustments, but you're closer with the RoF. The SP-R 208 marksman rifle and R9-0 shotgun are just two recent examples, but it seems that every new season of the game has at least one gun that dominates the meta in a way that makes a large portion of the playerbase unhappy. Pointless imo. Despite being the best weapon to use by some margin, the majority of the Warzone community deemed the rifle as overpowered and have been pleading with developer Raven Software for it to receive a nerf. I'm so sick of getting 2 tapped by a dmr. Allein das sollte einem schon alles sagen, was man wissen muss. Recoil-wise, none of the barrels in CW give recoil control, and neither does the Agency/Gru suppressors, so basically only one attachment is useful for this, and maybe it's slightly too good, buuuut.. the real problem is the Titanium barrel, specifically. If thats the case im sure they have already lost quarter of their playerbase by ruining an amazing game for the sake of their ''new yet outdated'' piece of crap. Call of Duty: Warzone is a first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward, Treyarch, and Raven Software and published by Activision. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Could it be that it does 175 damage to the head at any range, with no recoil and a fast rate of fire? The DMR 14, a weapon carried over from Black Ops - Cold War, quickly caught fire after releasing in Warzone thanks to its easily-managed recoil, forgiving damage range, and high fire rate. That would turn the DMR into a unique and viable weapon. The gun would still be frustrating to die to, yet also frustrating to use because you'd have to constantly worry about finding ammo. The game is pretty much unplayable. Perhaps add some recoil, but this game has been missing a low recoil, fast fire rate semi auto that's good at long range. Subscribe. Why not address the actual problem? What actually makes the gun overpowered? Paired with its fire rate, 4x scope (possibly no sniper glint, needs to be tested) and bullet velocity, makes it arguably better then sniper rifles. No - the EBR and SKS both deal 165, and 60 chest, so identical STK (shots to kill) values. Getting killed by the DMR is giving me FAL flashbacks! After two nerfs of the DMR, people playing Call of Duty: Warzone can experiment with new (and … Perhaps just a little better. They could add a significant amount of recoil, but then wouldn't that just turn it into another SKS? Press J to jump to the feed. Statistically Type63 is slightly better, but DMR14 is earier to use, that's why it's being used by everyone and their mothers. The DMR 14 combined with the Mac 10 has become such an overpowered combo that nearly all players find it necessary to use it in Warzone if they wish to have a chance at getting a victory. Could it be that it does 175 damage to the head at any range , with no recoil and a fast rate of fire? The Grau had counters and limit in range. A … Warzone’s DMR Problem. The gun was added to Warzone with the integration of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, but it is not the only gun that needs a nerf. It’s amazing how a game of this magnitude can be so completely fucked. Unfortunately, the nerf came and did nothing. I think the Type 63 is in an okay place and the DMR should at least have recoil comparable to it. Warzone DMR 14 nerf. That should do the trick, ah welp, I knew I was forgetting about that (maybe a movement speed penalty for tactical rifles too? The weapon is a … Call of Duty: Warzone developer Raven Software has officially nerfed the DMR 14, Type 63, Mac 10, and Dual Pistols with a new update that is available now. It's like Treyarch deliberately made their weapons stronger to encourage players to flock to Cold War. /r/CODWarzone is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. But to balance it we're going to nerf the reserve ammo? The DMR 14 is a relatively new addition to the Warzone arsenal, making its way over from Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War with December’s season 1 patch. Call of Duty: Warzone has had problem weapons before. Der Profi Nickmercs sieht den zu schwachen Nerf aber nicht negativ. Start with the ridiculous 175 headshot damage. That’s how you nerf it, to be same as the others. PSA the new guns and DMR-14 are broken in Warzone. Shopping. So, a lot of players took to Reddit to express their concerns regarding the balancing of weapons in-game. Best Call of Duty: Warzone Guns After DMR Nerf. Warzone's DMR Needs a Nerf. First clip shows the headshot damage range, seems like you can two shot possibly any distance. idk). In Call of Duty: Warzone, that weapon is currently the DMR 14. Here is the best Loadout for the DMR in Call of Duty: Warzone. I'm hoping they fix the AUG bullet velocity and maybe buff some of the other guns when they nerf the DMR. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. If you do it that way, then we'll just have 2 categories of weapons people don't use. Viele Spieler schreien nach einem Nerf, doch der könnte nicht ausreichen. That's the main strength of the DMR14 compared to the EBR 14 the M14 is a laser. The usage of the weapon is seemingly making it impossible for the players to enjoy the battle royale as more and more users are using the weapon’s overwhelming nature to shoot down others. Info. A battlepass which you cant use for multiplayer (part of the game where you actually spent some money on), an awkward integration, 2 guns which out-class ballistic missiles, constant rain of bugs, youtubers like jackfrags calling the loadout ''perfectly balanced'' etc etc. Did the grau go over your head last season? Over the last few days, the Warzone subreddit has exploded with clips of the overpowered DMR 14 in action. Something like 50 damage to the body and 75 to the head sounds good to me. Ja, die Warzone hatte schon einige OP-Waffen in ihrem ersten Jahr erlebt. i don’t know exactly what the right answer is but it’s something needs to be done. Wir erzählen euch was passiert ist. Even making it 150 wouldn't solve this problem, because that's not the problem. maybe just do exactly what they did for the fal? The Type 63 is a semi-auto with comparable damage to the DMR-14, the Mac-10 Submachine gun fires too fast for its own good, and if anyone has duel Diamatti pistols, you might as start preparing for the Gulag. Well done, assholes. More videos. It’s just ridiculous. But they both still do way too much damage for mid-caliber ammo atm, For damage nerfs I'd start with tweaking the headshot damage first..whoever gets that shot first instantly wins. 0 comments. Is this the way they plan to promote Cold War? Rate of fire needs to be nerfed and maybe the bullet velocity. I'm 100% confident that this would be the case, and I can tell that people don't actually know that this is the problem by the way all these posts are worded. And from what we can see, a nerf is sorely needed. I don't think a sniper ammo conversion is the correct method. I seriously hope they don't switch it to sniper ammo. Der Nerf der DMR 14 ist gerade das große Thema in CoD Warzone. DMR is way worse than grau. Just joined a game where we faced a squad, loaded with Mac10 and DMR14 and i'm telling you, i don't go around and hate people for playing better than me but the fact that this clusterfuck god loadout literally makes anybody invincible pisses me the fuck off. Tap to unmute. There's no wonder that fans and critics alike a calling for a radical nerf. Warzone: DMR 14, Type 63, Mac 10 and the Diamattis have been nerfed, but players still aren’t happy By Sherif Saed, Thursday, 7 January 2021 09:45 GMT Share on: Facebook Twitter Reddit Some players speculate that Activision is pushing players to purchase Cold War, in … By Mike Colucci Published Jan 11, 2021. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Give it recoil, nerf the mag size, give it damage ranges. I'm taking this time to play CW as bad as that is. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. That's what I thought. You can't take a ranged kill on them because that one dude with DMR14 lasers the shit out of you from 300 lightyears away and if you even dare to get close you get melted by Mac10s. Warzone has a serious gun cancer right now and it's making the game unplayable for me. It’s not about the damage, it’s the fire rate, bullet velocity and range. Fans des CoD-Ablegers waren verärgert über das Taktikgewehr und wie OP es sei. Even in CW multiplayer you start with very little reserve ammo for it, and it legit takes as many shots in MP as it does in WZ because of the damage profile differences. There are some pretty fantastic loadouts for the DMR 14 in Warzone! I think they should just nerf the damage slightly & leave the gun as is. This reminds me of the SLR in pubg when it first came out, Make it so when at 150m you don't die if you get 3 hits with an ar/lmg before they see you. Every gun with no or straight up recoil needs a nerf we are only passing the torch, Its definitely a joke, alongside their terrible anti cheat. This is the new meta loadout after DMR 14 nerf. It's no secret that the DMR 14 in Call of Duty: Warzone is a complete joke. Start with the ridiculous 175 headshot damage. USE this BROKEN MAC 10 blueprint loadout (Cold War Warzone) SP-R vs DMR 14 pre nerf. Because no one, you included, seem to know what the actual problem is. Warzone has a serious gun cancer right now and it's making the game unplayable for me. It feels like people don't have armor sometimes, use these guns and you're in for a great time in Warzone. Make it fully auto, 60 round mag, and no recoil. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Jap, die DMR 14 hat endlich den Nerf bekommen, den wir uns alle schon so lange gewünscht haben. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Der schwache DMR 14 Nerf in Warzone hat viele Fans enttäuscht zurückgelassen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Lots of players want a DMR 14 nerf in Call of Duty Warzone. To get into the specifics, both the DMR and Type 63 have increased recoil with reduced headshot damage. XxOblivion77 2 months ago #1. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. What's the fucking point of this game at the moment? The DMR 14, Diamattis and Mac 10 are all getting nerfed in Call of Duty: Warzone soon By Sherif Saed, Wednesday, 6 January 2021 08:57 GMT Share on: Facebook Twitter Reddit It & the type 63 could almost be like a Cold War variant of the Modern Warfare FAL? User Info: XxOblivion77.
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