Zu Beginn des Wintersemesters lizenziert die Universität Stuttgart das digitale Whiteboard „Conceptboard“. Stuttgart Area, Germany I am the CTO and one of the founders of Conceptboard, the visual collaboration company. Johannes Baeck uses Conceptboard as a digital wall for virtual sticky notes during a remote Design Thinking workshop at the University of Hildesheim . Please send your applications to: info@pqe.uni-stuttgart.de. Visuelle Zusammenarbeit mit Conceptboard. STUTTGART, Germany - May 17, 2013 - PRLog-- Conceptboard is an online whiteboard that improves collaboration, enhances the transparency of projects, accelerates process within teams, simplifies decision making, and helps organizations to save costs.The Conceptboard software has supported collaboration within teams for more than three years now, and its functionality has developed over time. Ana Ondreicsik. The University of Stuttgart is an equal opportunity employer. When it comes to remote Design Thinking workshops, a collaborative online whiteboard such as Conceptboard is an indispensable addition to your Design Thinking toolkit. Melissa! Holger. The University of Stuttgart is one of the leading technically oriented universities in Germany with global significance. Applications of women are strongly encouraged. They got dozens of unique ideas from professional designers and picked their favorite. Daniel13 created a custom logo design on 99designs. Here at Conceptboard, Melissa will lead marketing and public relations. Ana Ondreicsik loves tech, science, and art and is a Product Manager at Conceptboard. Method: We conducted a two-stage exploratory case study in a student project at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Mercedes-Benz Automotive Daimler Manufacturing +3 ... University of Stuttgart Germany Germany--1K: AX Semantics Information Technology +3 Germany: 2014-42: ... Conceptboard SaaS +2 Germany: 2010-7: STARTUP AUTOBAHN Germany Germany: 2016-11: sensalytics Germany The entire team welcomes you! First published on: 13 Mai 2013 . Results: The results in stage 1 showed that S-Scrum helps to ensure safety of each release but is less agile than the normal Scrum. 10–100 companies in Stuttgart Show all. To support teaching with visual collaboration tools, the University of Stuttgart licenses the digital whiteboard Conceptboard. Furthermore, we are offering a position as office manager (TV-L E2-E9, initially limited to 4.5 years). ... With from Stuttgart. Open Consultation Hour and Online Training Print & Scan Services We’re helping teams to collaborate better by using our instant whiteboards for feedback and discussion of visual content. Conceptboard (@ConceptboardApp) is an on-line, open-source collaboration tool that gives users the ability to share and discuss documents, provide feedback, develop ideas, and organize projects and meetings all in real-time with colleagues or students.The program, based in Stuttgart, Germany, provides users with a nearly infinite amount of space on a virtual whiteboard to add content, … ... University of Pennsylvania. Das Werkzeug unterstützt Lehrende bei der visuellen Zusammenarbeit mit den Studierenden.
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